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HomeWhat Is The Best Font Style For Resume

What Is The Best Font Style For Resume

Breaking Down The 10 Best Resume Fonts


In 2020s marketplace, these are the 10 best resume fonts based on reliability, perception, and style:

  • Open Sans
  • Georgia
  • Garamond
  • For each one, well delve a bit into the fonts history and aesthetic, as well as its pros and cons and when to use each:

    Open Sans

    Open Sans, released in 2011, is one of Googles signature fonts. Its letters are tall and wide.

    Pros: Open Sans is wildly popular for web design for a reason: optimal readability. The wide-open letters are easy to read on any screen, big or small. Because its used as Mozillas default font in many cases, and for many Google pages, its familiar to the eye.

    Cons: Open Sans is widely perceived as flat or neutral, which can be a very good thing for a resume. But if you want to stand out a bit or for your resume to have a bit more personality, it might not be the best choice.

    Alternatives: Adelle Sans is similar to Open Sans and is a great substitute.


    Calibri came on the scene in the early 2000s as the Microsoft Word replacement for the classic Times New Roman.

    Pros: Calibri can be easily read on any computer and wont mess up the formatting no matter where its sent. Everyone has seen it before, so its not distracting. Its a sans serif font, so its clean and sleek. Its a good choice for a standard resume or for work at a digital-first company.


    Helvetica was designed in the 1950s and comes with a little bit of elegance and flourish. Its frequently rated as one of the more attractive typefaces.

    The Best Fonts For Your Resume

    Choosing a font is an important part of your resume. A good font choice will make your resume look professional and help it stand out to hiring managers. Furthermore, resume scanning software can better recognize most professional fonts. In this article, we give tips to help you pick a good font for your resume.

    Carefully Choose Font Size

    Font size is an important part of readability. Even the most readable font could be difficult to see if its too small. Likewise, something too large might look like an attempt to fill up space. There is no set standard for resume font size however, in general, something from 11 to 13 is good. For accessibility, the font should not be smaller than 12-point. Headings can be a bit larger or bolded so they stand out and help readers skim faster.

    Keep in mind that some fonts are visually larger than others, so one font could look great in 12-point size while another might look too large or too small. Experiment with some different possibilities. You can also tweak the font size a bit to achieve a good style for your resume. If your initial font makes your resume continue one or two lines onto a second page, a slight decrease in font size can help fit everything comfortably on a single page.

    Choosing the best font for a resume is an important early step for anyone who wants to get a job.

    Employers and hiring managers sort through resumes quickly during the first stages of hiring. Resumes that are hard to read are usually discarded right away so you need to choose a font thats easy to review.

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    Make Your Font Size 10 To 12 Points

    Another factor in making your words clear and readable is setting an appropriate font size. Generally, you should stay between 10 and 12 points. If you have a shorter resume and are trying to fill space, select a 12-point font. Anything larger might appear unprofessional. If you have a lot of information on your resume, start with a 10-point font and increase it if you have space.

    If your resume is still more than one page with a 10-point font, avoid reducing your font further. Instead, see if there is an opportunity to make your ideas more concise. You can do this by removing any irrelevant or extraneous information, combining ideas or making your ideas briefer with shorter sentences and fewer filler words.

    For example, heres a sentence in a resume that can be shortened:

    Performed inventory audits every month and discovered issues with over-ordering executed an organization solution across all teams which resulted in a 10% increase in revenue over the next two quarters.

    Make your ideas concise and remove filler words to include only the core value of your statement:

    Performed regular inventory audits, identifying and solving over-ordering issues to achieve 10% revenue increase.

    Here are a few other ways you can use to make a shorter resume:

    Related:Q& A: How Long Should a Resume Be?

    Serif And Sans Serif Font Styles

    What Fonts Should You Use For Your Resume

    Every font belongs to a family of fonts – the 2 main being serif font and sans serif font.

    Serif fonts have little “tails” or lines, called serifs, at the end of each stroke in a letter. Sans serif fonts do not have these little decorative tails and are made up of clean, simple lines that are the same throughout.

    Serif fonts are more traditional and help convey a formal and serious message. Some consider these fonts as being easier to read as the little tails on each letter can help you to compute what you’re reading a little bit faster.

    Sans serif fonts are considered more modern and contemporary-looking, providing your resume with a fresher look. They are generally less formal than serif fonts and provide a minimal and simplistic look.

    The 10 best fonts for resumes fall into both serif and sans serif categories. When selecting the right resume font the main criteria are legibility and accessibility.

    The reader experience is all important – your resume should be easy to read to survive the seven-second scan. Further considerations when selecting the best font for resume are :

    • whether your resume is going to be read in a print version, on a computer screen or on a mobile device – certain fonts read better on different devices or in print.
    • the industry you are in and the type of job you are applying for – different professions may be best reflected by different resume fonts.

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    How To Choose The Right Font For Your Resume

    Choosing what font to use for a resume can be a bit tricky. While all of the best resume fonts will offer a solid dose of readability, they can also do much more.

    Think of it this way your resume is essentially a marketing document. If you make the content of your resume and your stylistic choices align, your overall message is stronger.

    Different fonts for resumes may be interpreted different ways. Some are seen as classic and mature, while others feel modern and sleek. By capturing the right feeling with your font style, youre taking your resume up a notch.

    So, before you default to using a good resume font, why not go for greatness? Really dial into fonts that convey the right message. That way, your resume has that extra little bit of oomph.

    But how do you do that? Well, start with deciding between serif and sans serif. Generally, serif feels a bit more formal and traditional due to those extra flourishes. Sans serif tends to lean toward modern and sleek since its fairly unembellished.

    After that, consider how much space you have. Some of the easiest to read fonts are relatively wide, while others are surprisingly narrow. If you need to cram a lot into your resume without crossing over the two-page mark and going with a small font size, then youll want to opt for a narrower option thats still easy on the eyes.


    Why Is Font Important

    Your resume is used to present your skills and qualifications for a job opening that you want to get, so it needs to project an air of professionalism. You do not want a recruiter to be put off from reading your resume because they would need to spend an hour deciphering it.

    There are five types of fonts that each have their characteristics, but the best and most legible types for resume use are:

    • Serif .
    • Sans serif .

    Serif fonts may be easier to read, as the little lines help the brain to compute what it is reading a little faster, but sans serif fonts are more modern which suits today’s more minimalist, limited-character-driven style.

    While you do want your font to be easily read, you should still have your resume stand out in some way. The most common font style for resumes is Times New Roman, 12 points. However, it can get quite boring for recruiters to see the same style all the time. So, instead of just using the default font on your laptop or PC, here are some alternative fonts that look great on resumes.

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    Resume Format : Functional Resumes

    Functional resumes focus more on relevant skills than work history. While the chronological format highlights work experience with detailed summaries of the achievements within each position, the functional format focuses on the applicants skill set relevant to the role you are applying for.

    • Additional information

    Does Your Resume Font Really Matter

    The Top 8 Resume Fonts for 2019

    Imagine an ad for a sleek, ultra-thin cell phone. What kind of design and font do you picture in the marketing materials?

    You probably dreamed up something as slender and condensed as the phone itself. You wouldnt expect a marketing team to use anything flowery, ornate, or thick and bold if theyre trying to get customers to think thin:

    Image courtesy of

    Now imagine an ad for a fantasy novel. How would the words pop on the page?

    You probably didnt imagine something traditional and straightforward, right? If youre going to dive into a fairy tale universe packed with dragon-slayers and towering castles, youll probably expect to see a font with a few flourishes and curlicues.

    When you craft your resume, think of yourself as a marketing team of one. Youre designing for the recruiters or employers first impression of you with your cover letter and resume. Youre selling yourself in every aspect of your self-branding, from content to timeliness and format.

    When your name lands on an employers desk or in their inbox, you want them to come away with a great impression of you! They arent seeing you in person, and there are no other context clues to give them any other ideas than what you present them witheven something as seemingly small as format or font. Because everything they see about you will be written in your chosen font, it will make a much bigger difference than you might imagine!

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    Whats The Big Deal About Resume Fonts

    So, why does a small thing like font choice make such a big impact on your ability to get hired?

    Our brains make connections every second, working overtime to flesh out the meaning of everything we read and see. We connect certain aesthetics and words with emotions, character traits, and moods.

    Think about it: Youd probably feel confused if you went to a fresh fruit smoothie shop and saw grungy, gritty, dark décor. Thats because, due to your past experiences, you probably already associate smoothie shops with breezy, tropical environments and bright, cheery colors.

    As typeface designer and author Cyrus Highsmith told The Week, Typography is the detail and the presentation of a story. It represents the voice of an atmosphere, or historical setting of some kind. It can do a lot of things.

    Think of the typography as the mood-setter for your resume instead of lighting a candle, youre creating an atmosphere with the aesthetic of your font and other design choices.

    We bring our past experiences and myriad associations to everything we do. Your resume font should activate those connections in your recruiters and potential employers minds, causing them to connect you with traits like professionalism, honesty, and skill.

    The Best Font For Resume

    What is the best font for resume and most importantly, for your specific resume? We look at the best font types for resumes and how to select the right one for you.

    Your resume will have about 7 seconds to make the right impression and convince the hiring manager or recruiter to continue reading. Your resume font should be appealing, easy to quickly scan and accessible. The wrong font could see your resume get passed by.

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    Other Resume Font And Formatting Dos And Donts

    Dont use more than two fonts on your resume

    Be sparing with the use of a secondary font. A good use of two fonts would be a serif typeface for your name, then a sans serif typeface for the body of the resume. Using more than two fonts starts to make your resume look aimless, or even worse, like a ransom note!

    Dont try to use line spacing adjustments to get more space

    This will also make your resume look crowded and be difficult to read by ATS robots and recruiters. You can play with margins, but be careful not to overcrowd the page.

    Dont bother with color for a digital resume

    It just isnt worth the effort. Certain colors or shades sometimes appear as invisible to an ATS and others can be challenging for hiring managers or recruiters to read. Save graphics, colors, and headshots for your CV or in-depth resume that you take with you to an interview.

    Do get fresh eyes to look over your resume

    A good time for this is after youve redone your typeface, font, and formatting. A friend or family member looking over your resume can give you feedback about its readability and appearance. They can also help point out any typos or problems you might have missed its easy to overlook errors when youve been looking at the same document for ages!

    Find Out If Your Resume Font And Formatting Are Ats

    Best Resume Fonts

    Scan your resume with the Jobscan resume checker below. Youll receive a report with optimization tips for any job.

    & amp lt span data-mce-type=bookmark style=display: inline-block width: 0px overflow: hidden line-height: 0 class=mce_SELRES_start& amp gt & amp lt /span& amp gt & amp lt span data-mce-type=bookmark style=display: inline-block width: 0px overflow: hidden line-height: 0 class=mce_SELRES_start& amp gt & amp lt /span& amp gt & amp lt span data-mce-type=bookmark style=display: inline-block width: 0px overflow: hidden line-height: 0 class=mce_SELRES_start& amp gt & amp lt /span& amp gt & amp lt span data-mce-type=bookmark style=display: inline-block width: 0px overflow: hidden line-height: 0 class=mce_SELRES_start& amp gt & amp lt span data-mce-type=bookmark style=display: inline-block width: 0px overflow: hidden line-height: 0 class=mce_SELRES_start& amp gt & amp lt /span& amp gt & amp lt /span& amp gt

    Once youve got your resume curated for the specific role youre applying for, itll be much easier to fit your text in at the optimal resume font size.

    For even more help, take a look at our free resume templates.

    Recommended Reading: How To Add Professional Development To Resume

    The Best Fonts For Your Resume In 2021

    What makes a great resume font? Readability and ATS-friendliness. Of course your resumes content counts for much more than your font choice, but choosing a clean font thats easy to read on any screen is a great way to make your resume more accessible to recruiters and hiring managers.

    Choosing a font thats easy to read on any screen is a great way to make your resume more accessible to recruiters and hiring managers. Of course, the content counts for much more than your font choice, but this is still something you should think about when writing your resume.

    So, what is the best font to use for a resume?

  • Garamond
  • Tahoma
  • Verdana
  • Below, well dive in deeper with why these 10 fonts are safe choices for your resume and friendly to applicant tracking systems.

    Lets get started!

    What Is A Resume And Why Is It Important

    Alright, weve taken a deep dive into resumes before, including how to make a resume thats designed to impress as well as proper resume format. But just to make sure were all on the same page, heres a quick overview of what a resume is and why they are so ridiculously important.

    In the simplest sense, a resume is a document that showcases your professional skills, traits, and achievements. Its not unlike a written handshake, serving as an introduction to what you have to offer a hiring manager. Youre hoping the hiring manager is so intrigued that they want to continue this introduction in person with an interview.

    Generally, resumes have very specific features. Along with your contact information, youll go over your work history, educations, and other relevant details. The trick is, more than the content of your resume matters. The formatting you go with has an impact. So does your font choice.

    The resume font you use has a significant impact on your resume, particularly when it comes to readability. Some fonts are easy on the eyes and highly skimmable. Others, well, they just arent.

    Since 40 percent look at a resume for less than one minute before deciding whether the candidate moves forward , readability matters.

    Additionally, certain fonts exude professionalism, while others may seem immature or sloppy. Thats why choosing the right one is so vital. Without a great font, your resume isnt as magnificent as it would be otherwise.

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    What Are The Best Fonts For A Resume

    The right font makes your resume stand out in all the right ways.

    The experts say it takes 10 seconds for a hiring manager to decide if your resume is a keeper and the font size and style you choose will have a major impact on that decision.

    A font that in any way makes your resume hard to read or look unprofessional will land it quickly in the trash pile. You could be the most competent candidate, but you’ll be out of the running from the beginning if your resume can’t be read properly.

    To help ensure that your qualifications are the main focus and not your font choice, here are some reliable resume font rules that you should know and follow.


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