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How Would You Change Your Resume Using Sfia

Helps You Identify Target Jobs And Helps You Apply For Jobs

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  • Many Technology / IT jobs and vacancies are advertised using SFIA skills and levels.
  • And even for jobs not advertised using SFIA understanding the structure of SFIA skills and the skill levels will help you get a clear view of your own strengths.
  • SFIA can help you identify relevant job opportunities. It will also put you in the driving seat when you come to apply for positions. Some tools providers are using SFIA to provide the engine for a new form of competency based recruitment.

Acknowledging Use Of Sfia

If you are using SFIA within your organisation, there are no acknowledgment requirements.

If you want to incorporate SFIA into products and services you provide to others, you must acknowledge SFIA. This applies whether your products and services are for profit or not-for-profit.

The minimum acknowledgement you can use is the following, linked as shown:

  • Hyperlinked text only:;Powered by SFIA-AU;
  • Hyperlinked image:

  • Where your product does not support hyperlinks, you can use the following :’This publication contains information from the Skills Framework for the Information Age used with permission from the SFIA Foundation.’

Use Business Analysis Terminology To Demonstrate Your Capabilities

Let me let you in on another secret. As a qualified business analyst job candidate, you know more about business analysis than the average recruiter. While you know that process flows and workflow diagrams mean the same thing, the person doing the first-pass review of your resume might not. This means that youll hear back from the most opportunities if you use the right terminology to talk about your experiences in your resume. These are called transferable business analysis skills.

Heres an example from my own resume: As a QA Engineer I coordinated multiple business groups to review a particular application before it went live to our customers. At the time, we called this activity data testing. Later I learned the formal term was user acceptance testing. I now use user acceptance testing on my resume. Its accurate and honest and presents me as more qualified for certain business analysis positions.

Once you have selected your most relevant skills and the right terminology for them, youll want to craft bullet points that clearly communicate those skills and build instant credibility. And that leads us to secret #6.

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Skills Framework For The Information Age Quick Guide

I know, it actually sounds like something they used to show early in the morning when I was growing up as part of an adult learning initiative, long before childrens television schedules took off.

The first I heard of it was at the itSMF Regional Seminar in Staines, as part of the speed-dating networking sessions, as Matthew Burrows had just finished writing the pocket book.

Before chatting to him further on the subject, I took a browse through the website, where I spent a while trying to understand just what it actually means.

Which Skills To Include On Your Resume

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To determine which skills to list on your resume, carefully review the job description. This will include both the technical and soft skills the employer is looking for in their ideal candidate. It is important that you include the technical skills they list if they align with your own personal skill set. Technical skills show your potential employer that you have the necessary training or education for a particular role. Depending on the role, you might also list relevant soft skills on your resume.

You should also include any skills that you feel set you apart from other candidates. For example, you might include that you have strong relationship-building skills. While this skill might not necessarily be required for an IT job, for example, IT administrators can be even more successful with strong interpersonal skills.

Your resume should only include the most relevant skill sets for the job role you seek. Remember to consider your skills in each of the following categories:

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Jonline: Embed With Sfiasecrets From The Missing Framework

Date Published:

Why is value so hard to sustain? What is the secret to making best practices stick? How does an organisation make process improvement and good governance last when the consultants leave?

Most process consultants speak frequently about adopt and adaptthe importance of adopting best practice frameworks and then adapting them to suit the business and organisation. The problem is that when most consultants leave the building, the value leaves with them. To preserve the value in best practices, best practices need to be embedded into the organisation.

The Skills Framework for the Information Age is a people framework. It focuses on the skills and the capabilities required in supporting good governance, and it is the missing link in governance adoption.

Understand The Term Professional To Mean

Question 1. What do you understand the term professional to mean? Support your answer with at least one reference and correctly use in-text referencing in your answer. 200 words total

Question 2.You have a resume already, how do you think you would change it now that you understand the SFIA Framework? Would you use the SFIA Framework to highlight your current achievements and make them seem like a path to somewhere or would you have it simply be a record of your achievements and skills? Identify the parts of your resume that would be changed. Discuss this with your classmates and collectively come up with a summary of the parts to be changed. 250 words total

Question 3. Does your host company have in place a formal IT Governance framework? Some clues as to its existence might be that there is a Corporate Governance or IT Governance policy document; the corporate intranet might contain references to governance. Structures may exist, at higher levels that are the decision making bodies and which control activities in the company for all levels through delegated authority. Describe your findings and compare them with those of at least 2 other classmates. Write approx 250 words in your initial answer to this. Note: smaller companies may not have such evidence in which case you should describe the process that exists to ensure efficiency, control and value as well as accountability and responsibility.

  • Assignment status: Already Solved By Our Experts

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Create A Specific Summary So Your Resume Isnt Quickly Sent To The No Pile

Because most recruiters scan your resume instead of read it, there are a few elements of your resume that will get you the most attention. The first one of these is your objective or summary statement. ;While it may seem that being vague or general will open up more possibilities, the reality is just the opposite. Highlight your business analysis accomplishments and make it crystal clear that you are qualified for the types of BA jobs to which you are applying.

This can also be a great place to include the phrase certified business analyst, whether thats a certification from IIBA like the CBAP, or the Applied Certification in Business Analysis that we offer through Bridging the Gap.

Because many recruiters skip right past the objective on your resume, you need to make sure that other parts of your resume draw them in too. Lets move on to those other parts.

Actions To Write A Sfia Based Cv

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Work methodically through your experience and identify where you can match your experience to the SFIA descriptions.

e.g. for a SFIA Level 4 vacancy describe when have you

  • Exercised substantial personal responsibility and autonomy
  • Planned your own work to meet given objectives
  • Influenced customers, suppliers and partners
  • Had responsibility for the work of others and for the allocation of resources; e.g. involved in planning the teams work not just your own
  • Participated in external activities related to you own specialism e.g. provided advice outside of the team with respect to your knowledge of applications. Taken part in process improvement working groups.
  • Made decisions which influence the success of projects and team objectives e.g. made design decisions, re-planned work
  • Investigated, defined and resolved complex issues
  • Selected applicable standards, methods, tools and applications
  • Communicated fluently, orally and in writing
  • Presented complex information to both technical and non-technical audiences
  • Planned, scheduled and monitor your work to meet time and quality targets
  • Maintained awareness of developing technologies and their application
  • Taken responsibility for driving your own professional development.

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Mapping Every It Role Using The Sfia Framework

After bringing together the various IT functions under the one team, the next step was to define everyones role. We were seeking to create an organisation that has skills agility and to do that the organisation needed more knowledge and information about the skills that it actually had to hand. It needed some kind of benchmarks and tools and yardsticks to do that, Elliott says.

Like most organisations, it could really only refer to its org chart and maybe its job descriptions to understand, and that only tells you what youd like to have rather than what youve got in terms of the incumbents within the organisation. So, we knew we wanted some form of competency framework that gave us a plain-language and consistent way of looking at the skills themselves. And we also knew that if we had that then it would give us the basis and the opportunity to do scenario plans against potentially different futures with different skills being needed to address different demands.

Elliott points out that there are medium- to long-term horizons in technology that CIOs and IT managers ignore at their peril. If you dont have the capability ready to scale in a particular area, you are in danger of being left behind. Elliott points out the university looks to the IT function to deliver the kind of technology that will help ensure its continuing reputation as a world-class learning, teaching and research institution.

Matching And Tracking Roles With Training Opportunities

Elliott describes the process as creating an inventory of skills that highlights gaps in capability which can either be filled through recruitment or training. The emphasis is clearly on the latter, as Elliott says its important to be to grow the skills and expertise of their current staff.

What we wanted to achieve firstly through SFIA and then through the Skillsoft’s Percipio platform was being more mobile with our staff, exposing them to more experiences, allowing them to try out new skills and work in different teams, Elliott says.

Its part of a holistic approach to development which is centred around everybody becoming more cross-skilled. Our desire is to see all of our teams adopt a major and a minor approach to their specialism so that we remove key person dependencies around specific skills. This can sometimes create critical bottlenecks or limit our ability to be agile with a small a.

The Skillsoft investment enabled the creation of a learning academy named ConnectEd, which Elliott describes as a rich digital learning portal. It contains structured learning courses, boot camps and labs, as well as hundreds of audio and ebooks.

This is the paradigm shift that is occurring around learning generally, particularly on-the-job learning, which is that you want it to be a just-in-time type basis. The longer you have to wait from the point where youve learned something in abstract before you can apply it in practice, you get a diminishing return.

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Map Your Path To Career Success

ACS members can take advantage of advanced self-assessments against competencies in SFIA.;By meeting the standards of the international SFIA framework, you can confidently demonstrate your abilities to employers around the world.

Given the rapid rate of digital transformation, the paramount challenge for ICT professionals is to maintain skills while preparing for career roles that may eventually be superseded.

mySFIA helps you navigate constant technological change and map your career path. Based on the SFIA framework, mySFIA enables you to pinpoint your current skills profile, identify potential career roles and recognise areas for development to help achieve your goals.

To remain relevant in an ever-changing digital world, SFIA is regularly updated. SFIA 6 is the current version with a review underway for v7.;;

A corporate edition of mySFIA is available to Professional Partner Program members.; With enhanced functions of skills profiling and reporting, skills across teams or an entire enterprise are easily identified so planning workforce development and training is effortless.

Talk to ACS and discover how mySFIA can help your organisation.;

How It Helps Professionals & Organisations

The Functional Resume: Template, Examples & Writing Guide
  • Recruitment/CV Development

Recruiters these days find the few, rather than attract the many, and you might be more likely to see jobs advertised that use the same language.

Matthew said:

I saw one the other day which mentioned the specific skill and specific level, right in the headline of the job.

The more recruitment consultants use SFIA, the more intelligent their matching becomes because if they can educate their customer , or if the customer is already aware of SFIA, they can list a couple of core skills

Using the specific descriptions, matched with the skill level in CVs could help professionals become one of the few.

  • Continual Professional Development & Mentoring

The progression through the levels of responsibility can be charted within disciplines (for example Project Management starting with leading a single project and progressing to managing a number of projects, or managing project managers.

Training companies have started using SFIA to describe their training offerings, showing where the course is designed to provide which skill and which level.

Mentoring works in exactly in the same way if you want to get to a certain level, use the SFIA framework to find a mentor with a skill at a particular level.

  • Organisational Skills Planning and Design

From a company point of view, they can baseline their current skills, and forecast what skills are going to be required, and do a gap analysis between the two, using that to define training and recruitment plans.

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Its Written In A Language And Style You Will Understand

  • SFIA describes the skills you need in a language which you will understand. The language has been kept simple and jargon free. It does not come from HR or academia. It is written and maintained by practitioners in the Technology / IT industry. The guiding principle is that the framework should be easily understood by IT practitioners.
  • It aims to be both simple enough to use, but with enough detail to be useful.

Helps Technology / It Career Paths Upwards Horizontal Or Climbing Frame

  • The levels and the range of skills make it easy to clarify your interests and strengths. It then highlights the relevant experiences you might need to move upwards, sideways or downwards.
  • An analogy I use with SFIA is the front wheel and rear wheel of a bicycle. The rear wheel is attached to the pedals and gives you power. ;In SFIA the levels 1-7 are the engine of your career they give you the power to get where you want to go.
  • The front wheel of the bicycle is for steering and pointing you in the direction in which you want to go. Think of the 97 skills as the front wheel of your career like a bicycle you can choose which of these skills you wish to develop and point your career path towards those.

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Helps You Find Relevant Training And Qualifications And Helps You Distinguish What Qualifications Provide And What They Assess

  • There are a wide range of Technology / IT related training, certifications and qualifications. Some are more valuable than others. You can use the SFIA structure, levels and capability model to choose which is best for you.
  • SFIA will also help you understand whether the training is based on the acquisition of knowledge or the application of knowledge .
  • Demonstrating the application of knowledge is most valuable in improving your performance and developing your career.

Address Any Employment Gaps Clearly

Formatting your resume in MS Word

Some of the resume gurus will tell you to hide an employment gap in your resume by reorganizing it in a functional resume format. In all the work Ive done with new business analysts and transitioning professionals, Ive never seen this approach work. Assume the person reading your resume is a relatively intelligent human being who is not going to miss a gap because youve reorganized your work history in a confusing way. Assume instead, they will doubt your transparency .

Giving others the opportunity to make false assumptions about you and your work, will only get your resume into the no pile. Proactively address your employment gap on your resume. Tell an honest story that shows you are ready, able, and willing to do the work of a business analyst.

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Access To The Materials

As with many things, there are no two ways about it, you have to register, but it is free to do so.

Once you register you are taken immediately to all the materials, without having to wait for a confirmation email.

  • A3 Size Summary Chart
  • PDF detailing the changes between V4/4G and V5
  • Skills Reminder Card
  • Skills in a spreadsheet form

The skills and descriptions in the Reference Guide are the most valuable resource the generic description of the skills, and the specific descriptions for the various levels.

Your Business Analyst Resume Does Not Need To Catalog Your Work History

Many professionals fall into the trap of thinking they need to include a complete catalog of their work experiences and skills in their resume.;The first secret you need to be in on when putting together your resume is that your resume is not a catalog, its a sales document.

This means you can be selectively honest about the skills and experience you include and emphasize in your resume, and you should organize your resume so that it presents your qualifications in the best possible way.

Provided you are applying to business analyst jobs you are reasonably well qualified for, something we talk about in our business analyst job search process, the next 7 secrets will help you create a resume that sells your qualifications in a way that doesnt make you uncomfortable.

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