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How To Put Publications On Resume

Choose The Most Suitable Format

Should You Include Your Publications On An Industry Resume?

Before you start writing anything, the first step is to decide on the right format for your resume. There are three basic resume formats used by job seekers today: reverse-chronological, functional, and combination. Each format has advantages and disadvantages based on how the resume sections are arranged:

Highlight Your Relevant Job Skills

Hiring managers are on the lookout for candidates who have relevant, job-specific skills. While listing a heap of skills on your resume doesnt actually prove youre skilled, incorporating your various skills into different sections will catch the eye of whoever is vetting your application.

For instance, you can showcase your hard and soft skills in your introduction and work experience section. And of course, you should also list your most valuable abilities in your resumes skills section.

How To List Publications On A Resume: A Guide For Researchers

You have written publications, but you dont know whether and how to list them in your resume?

Dont worry, you are not alone.

Publications on a resume are not among the most famous sections to include.

Its crucial to list them in an organized manner and present them according to their relevance and significance regarding the position.

Even if you are not an Academic or a Scientist, you may have suitable writing work. Including these articles could help you to be noticed among the other participants.

Stay with us, and you will learn how to include your publications on a resume and prepare for a job interview using this guide for prospective Ph.D. students.

What is more, you could build your own unique resume using our resume builder.

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How To List Publications On Your Cv Or Resume

When listing publications on a curriculum vitae, the most important details to include are the works title and where it was published. These details allow a potential employer to understand the topic quickly and find the publication if needed. Here are some accepted ways to format your list of publications on a CV:

  • Format your list.;If you only have a few publications, you can list them as bullet points under a Research and Publications heading within your CV. However, most CVs include an extra page for publications.

  • Choose a citation style and use it consistently.;You can use MLA or APA style for listing publications. However, humanities fields such as philosophy, history and language often follow MLA style, while science and engineering fields typically follow APA style.

  • Use reverse chronological order.;Start with your most recent publication, and list the rest in;descending order;until you get to the first work you had published.

  • Leave outdated publications off the list.;It is acceptable to omit publications that are no longer useful or relevant to your job or field.

  • Include pending work.;Put publications that are still being reviewed for acceptance into a journal in italics and leave out the name of the journal you have submitted them to.

  • Draw attention to your byline.;If your publication has co-authors, include their names, but place yours in bold.

  • If you want to list publications on a resume, you can take a simpler approach:

    What Publications To Include

    CV With Publications

    Include on your curriculum vitae any authoritative work you have had published or is about to be published. Publications are typically peer-reviewed, meaning experts on the topic have assessed the article before it is published to make sure it is accurate and of good quality. This can include:

    • Academic books
    • Research papers published in journals
    • Research papers waiting to be published
    • Scholarly articles
    • Conference papers

    Avoid listing blogs, websites or articles published in magazines or nonscientific publications. If your thesis was not published in a journal, list it in the Education section of your CV rather than under publications.

    Publications to list on a resume might include:

    • Trade conference presentations
    • Articles in trade association magazines
    • Publications in industry journals

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    How To List Publications On Resume

    If you’re filling out a resume but want to list a recent publication, you need a separate resume section in order to do so.

    This would most likely be a three-page resume format with a publications section to detail some of your publication titles.

    While a CV is designed to share publications and academic papers, a job application may be better suited to simply adding a separate section to your resume instead.

    If you have publications, list them on the resume.

    Here are some tips you can use as you create a publication list template for a separate section of your resume.

    Leave Off Outdated Publications

    Most resume experts would tell you that if you have written publications that are outdated or perhaps no longer relevant, you should omit them.

    You may always be proud of that work but there comes a time when it is no longer feasible to be listing publications that are irrelevant.

    Unfortunately, it’s impossible to put a number of years for publications on a resume.

    You should consider whether the content is outdated or perhaps irrelevant in the field and this may help you determine whether you should list publications that are older and potentially outdated.

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    What Are Publications On A Resume

    Publications, also called academic publishing, distribute academic research and scholarship. Most of this work is published in academic journal articles, books or thesis form. Most scientific and scholarly journals, and many academic and scholarly books, though not all, are based on some form of peer review or editorial refereeing to qualify texts for publication.

    What Publications Should You Include On A Cv

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    Since there are various publications out there, you may be uncertain about which ones to include on your CV. Any authoritative work should absolutely be included whether it has already been published or in the process of being published. These might include:

    For your CV, dont include works such as blog posts, websites, or anything published outside of scientific publications. If you have publications youre considering adding to your resume, they should fit into one or more of these categories:

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    Cv Example Listing Publications

    If you are using a CV rather than listing publications on a resume, you might find that they are organized slightly differently overall.

    Remember that how you list things or cite these publications on a resume will depend on the format that you are using for citation purposes.


    Doe, John. How to Write a Resume. The Art of Writing Resumes. Volume 3 2017. Website or page numbers.

    There are some citation generators out there that you can use. Maybe you’re citing works in the Denver Nature Journal.

    You do have to be cautious when using generators though as they are not always 100% accurate.

    Using proper citation is far more important on a CV. You also need to have a full workup, which will include other sections apart from just your works.

    Resume Example Listing Publications

    Let’s take a look at an example for listing publications on a resume.

    Here is a simple example of an academic resume using generic names and titles.

    Include the following:

    • Article or journal title.
    • Appropriate journal or volume detail, dates, and page numbers.

    Publications on a resume is typically a bit more general and simple than that of a CV.

    You don’t necessarily have to worry so much about citational formatting for publications on a resume as opposed to a CV.

    Be sure to put the pertinent details there but you may not need an extravagant space for listing them.

    For example, peer-reviewed work should have its own section. If you have just one article to share, just list it in your education section.

    Use MLA or APA to the best of your ability.

    Don’t forget to list pending work as in press.

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    Example Of Researcher Resume

    In Enhancv there are thousands of different resume examples you can see.

    Now, we are on the topic of how to list publications, however, its not an absolute necessity to have peer-viewed articles for you to stand out in the crowd.

    Here you can see our guide on how to make an incredible Researcher resume, that would definitely get you the job.

    How To List Publications On A Resume

    How To Write Research Paper Publications On Resume ...

    Including publications on your resume demonstrates to prospective employers that you have writing skills, and also that you have the potential to be a thought leader in your industry. Because a resume is different than a curriculum vitae, which is used primarily for academic positions, you have a bit more flexibility about how you include your published works. You can choose to list them on a separate page, include the publications in the accomplishments section or list them in their own section.

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    Use Reverse Chronological Order

    As you create your own section for publications, you should plan to list them in reverse chronological order.

    This means you will list the most recent publications on your resume first and then work backward until you reach the oldest publications.

    It does not matter if you are listing industry journal publications, mixed with academic publishing, mixed with international journal publications on your resume.

    You should not categorize into sections but rather simply list publications from most recent to least recent in the proper citation format.

    Creating A Resume Skills Section

    The skills section is an essential part of your resume. However, there are several different ways to approach creating yours.

    Here are a few examples demonstrating the different ways you can format your resumes skills section:

    Example 1

    If you have many relevant hard and soft skills, add them to your resume skills section using separate bullet points, like this:

    If youre a student or recent graduate and have no significant job skills yet, there are still plenty of things you can list in your resume skills section. Heres an example of a skills section written by a candidate with no work experience:

    Example 2

    Another way to organize your skills section is by using bars to provide employers a rough estimate of your proficiency.

    This type of skills section is particularly popular with more creative professions, like graphic design or social media management:

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    Use A Standalone Section

    If you have only a few publications, or if some of your work was in major publications and you want it to stand out, include your publication history in its own section. Use the same format that you would on a separate page, including the title of your work, the publication name, date and URL, if applicable. Opting to include publications in their own section helps draw attention to them without upstaging the other information and accomplishments listed on your resume.

    Include Pending Published Work

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    If you have work that is pending and perhaps not yet published, you should list publications of this regard as well.

    Perhaps your publication is still in the process of being peer-reviewed or even accepted. You should still share these works.

    While they won’t guarantee job interviews, knowing that you are continuing to work and publish shows that you have a drive to continue to grow and achieve things.

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    Should I Include Publications On My Resume

    The simple answer is that if you have publications that are related to your job application, you should include them on your resume to allow the Hiring Manager to see your work first hand.

    Of course, when the type of publication is not suitable or relevant to the vacancy or the subject matter does not have any relation to the position, leave it off. You can include many more suitable things in your resume.

    Sometimes it is not appropriate to cite publications in a resume If you do not have a number of publications that warrant its own section. Then you can include the publications in other sections of the resume.

    Choose Your Writing Samples With Care

    Include a few links to your best writing samples. Alternately, you can include a list of publications where you provided editing or wrote content. Don’t overload your writing examples with excessive detail, and avoid overused and cliched words like professional, creative, driven, and detail-oriented.

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    Choose The Resume Type That Highlights Your Experience

    You may want to use a;summary section;to describe your career or day-to-day work. You can also use this section to display qualifications that make you a good for the role. Its a good idea to familiarize yourself with the;different resume formats, so that you can choose the one that makes the most sense for the situation:

    Examples For Listing Publications On A Cv

    Resume and Publications: Short Resume

    Weâve already established thatâ¦

    Your CV, or curriculum vitae, is what you use instead of a resume in the world of academia.

    Rather than picking out the best bits of your publication history for your resume, on your CV you get to show absolutely everything youâve had published during your career, except obsolete one.

    There are a few different things to consider when youâre formatting your publications to go on to your CV:

    Hereâs a guide to the different styles that you may be expected to use:

    Journal publications in APA style Last name, First initial. Middle initial. . Article title. Journal title, Volume , Page range.
    Journal publications in MLA style
    Last name, First initial. Middle initial. . Book title: Subtitle. Location: Publisher. , rather than title case).

    To give you some examples of what your listed publications would look like based on the type of work and the style you decide to use:

    APA style journal publicationMLA style journal publicationAPA style bookMLA style book

    Pro-Tip Make sure you keep your list up to date as your career progresses and you get more articles, books, or presentations published. Each time something new goes live, add it to the top of your CVâs Publication and Research section.

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    What Should You Include In A Cv

    Key Takeaway. Heres what to include in a CV: Every CV should include the following sections: Contact Information, CV Profile, Work Experience, Education, Skills. Good additional sections to put on a CV are: Certifications, Associations, Languages, Extra Training and Courses, Conferences, Publications, or Awards.

    How To List Publications On A Resume Or Cv

    When applying for a job in a scientific or an academic field, it is important to show examples of your knowledge and accomplishments. One way to do this is by listing your publications on your resume or curriculum vitae . This list allows a potential employer to easily find a record of your published research.

    In this article, we describe how to clearly list publications on a resume or CV.

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    Write A Matching Cover Letter

    Now that you know how to write your dream resume, you might be wondering: is a cover letter necessary? The answer is yes, always include a cover letter if you have the option.

    Knowing how to write a good cover letter helps you round out every application you ever send out, and boosts your chances of landing an interview.

    Cover letters are a valuable tool in your job-hunting arsenal because they give you an opportunity to provide context to your resume, show off your personality, and express enthusiasm for the job youre applying for.

    Heres an example of what a resume paired with a matching cover letter might look like :

    Write A Winning Resume Introduction

    Resume Writing Tips : How to Write a CV

    Placed at the top of your resume, a well-written resume introduction briefly introduces your key qualifications and skills, and convinces employers to continue reading your application.

    There are many different types of resume introductions used by job seekers today, including the:

  • Resume objective
  • Resume summary
  • However, the two most commonly used introduction styles are the resume objective and the resume summary.

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    Examples Of Publications On A Resume

    Use these examples as a model for including publications on your resume:

    List format publication section example:

    Relevant Publications

    • Kafer, Julien. Microbiology and medicine. Undergraduate Biology Journal.;Volume 15: pages 23-30. 2018.
    • Kafer, Julien and Walker, Marcella. Native fungi of Colorado. Denver Nature Journal. Volume 3: pages 5-8. 2019.

    Summary format publication section example:


    During my college education, I made several contributions to Modern Business Magazine about the use of innovative marketing techniques online. After my first article, published in 2016, I began writing a quarterly column for Modern Business Magazine that highlighted unique marketing projects in an informative and entertaining way.

    When adding publications to your resume, include a separate header, decide on a format and organize list items clearly by date or title.

    How To Cite Oneself As Co

    My questions regards the format of citation. For the context: I am a student, presenting my work and referring to the publications in which I am co-author .

    It would be nice for my name to explicitely appear, as I also refer to other publications in which I did not take part.However I do not want to list all the authors .

    Should I use :

    A.Smith, M.Myselfet al. “Marvelous publication”

    A.Smith et al. , “Marvelous publication”

    My concern is not to appear as being the second author, which would feel like a lie, while keeping a compact formatting.

    Is there a common way of doing this ?

    Thank you.

    • 5Jun 12 ’18 at 18:41
    • 1I hope you presented this choice to your advisor and your reasons for not preferring option A. If he/she still thinks it is advisable for your field it probably is, unless your advisor is relatively inexperienced.

    For a resume you’ve four options as I see it:

    • List all the authors .
    • List the first x authors then put et al . Choose x so your name always appears
    • List all the authors up to and including your name, and then put et al.
    • List just the first author. As the papers will probably appear in a publications section on your resume, its fairly clear that you are going to be an author.

    Which ever you choose, it might be worth including a very short sentence that described your role in the work.

    I was recently facing the same struggle. For the purpose of a resume, I decided to write the full list of authors.

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