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How To Word Customer Service On A Resume

Top 20 Customer Service Resume Summary Examples You Can Use

How To Make a Customer Service Resume (2021) | Microsoft Word

A good summary statement for your customer service resume can boost its impact on employers.

Top 20 Customer Service Resume Summary Examples You Can Use

If you are writing a resume or CV for a customer service job, the quality of its summary statement can boost its ability to win you an interview.

The career summary statement, being the first thing the recruiter will read in your resume, is an important part of the document that you can apply in making a great impression of your suitability for the customer service job.

This post will help you learn how to make really effective resume summary statements that increase your chances of being invited to an interview for the customer service position that you are seeking.

How To Correctly Display Your Contact Information

You should treat your contact section with the same care that you treat your customers.

Failure to do so could result in misspellings and wrong numbers, which makes it impossible for the recruiter to offer you an interview!;

  • Professional Title Align this to the role youre applying for, so Customer Service Assistant
  • Phone Number Check each number carefully
  • Email Address Keep your email professional , unlike that one from your childhood .
  • Location City+Country

Incorrect Example:

Write Strong Professional Experience Bullet Points

Use the bullet points under your professional experience section to show the scope of your work with examples of impact youve driven in the past. When possible, include quantifiable data within each bullet point to measure the result of your contributions. For customer service roles, this can include information like your customer satisfaction rating, the percentage of a sales goal you met or exceeded and the number of inbound conversations you replied to via messaging software.


Customer Service Specialist I April 2018 – March 2020ABC Company I Austin, TXProvided daily high volume customer support through live chat and email communication, maintaining an average happiness score of 99%Coached clients through weekly live webinars to improve their understanding of the products capability and provide real-world examples of how other clients leverage the product to reach and exceed company goals with an average webinar NPS of 75.Partnered with the client support team to conduct an audit of Enterprise clients activity to prevent churnpersonally added an additional $55,000 in value to a marquee client in Q1, which resulted in retaining the company on the platform

Read more: How to Write Strong Bullet Points for Your Resume

Also Check: How Many Pages Should A Resume Be 2020

The 21 Essential Customer Service Skills For Every Employee

Its easy to fall down the rabbit hole of customer-acquisition.;

This is especially true when it comes to marketers, financial teams, and other c-suite leaders who want to show business growth.

We want new customers, and thats okay. In fact, thats a good thing.

However, in your request to reach new markets and acquire new clients, it is imperative you dont ignore the ones you already have.

Customer acquisition costs are high; it is six-to-seven times more costly to acquire a new customer than retain the ones you already have.

The benefits of these 21 critical skills include increased:

  • Customer retention rates
  • Brand advocates

And guess what? All of these have a positive impact on your bottom line.

Executing your requires a mindset of dedication by both B2B and B2C businesses. Some of the most common roles that require these skills include customer service agents, customer support representatives, customer relationship managers, and implementation specialists.

However, the need for these skills go past your typical customer service roles. Every employee at your company needs a mindset that puts customers first. Even if an individual isnt having a face-to-face conversation with clients, every team, from product to marketing to finance, makes decisions that affect the customer.

Once you find employees who have these customer service skills, make sure they feel enabled to use them. This applies to both B2C and and customer success teams.

Social Media Specialist Resume

Customer Service Resume: Examples and Writing Tips

The work of a social media specialist includes coordinating a companys activity on social networks. You should be able to represent your company on social media since your role doubles as an online public relations officer. Working in this position requires you to be updated with information and trending topics, while at the same time you have to know the company and your products to the core. Your resume should also reflect your qualifications as well as writing and content editing skills, paying attention to details, good customer service orientation, and teamwork.

  • A degree in marketing or communication is often required for this position. Other key skills you should include in your resume when applying for this position are:
  • Ability to run social media campaigns and Google analytics
  • Strategic planning and Community management skills
  • ;Ability to prepare and schedule updates,
  • Sharing relevant content or information about the company,
  • Ability to keep in touch with fans and followers in real-time,
  • Being able to encourage conversations with good communication skills,
  • Ability to solve customer queries and resolve conflict
  • Graphic design and photography skills

Picture 6. Social media buttons

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Why Is A Strong Customer Service Resume Objective Important

Customer service jobs can be competitive, and dozens of people may send in applications for the same position. A strong resume objective that shows an employer how useful you can be to the company can help you distinguish yourself from applicants who are responding to the same customer service position.

Generally, you should include your relevant qualifications, skills, experience and most notable past successes in your resume objective. Be sure to condense all the relevant information into an attention-grabbing statement. A good customer service objective should be no more than two or three sentences. This way, the employer can quickly and easily see how youre qualified for the job.

Resume Employment History Example: Focused And Descriptive

Customer service representative positions may be perceived as entry-level. But theres room for growth. And theres also room to demonstrate your life/professional experience in other fields. Craft a career history to impress employers. Theres some great news for people making a career changefrom other areas: this is one of the most universal professional fields, with a variety of industries requiring specialists in;CS. When it comes to employment history,;reverse;chronological;order is your best bet to make use of limited recruiter;eye time.;So showcase your most important past jobs first.;

U.S. Census Bureau data shows that the most common;CS;positions are in the business support, restaurant and food, retail, bankingand financial areas. If you have worked in similar fields before and are applying for related jobs, it makes sense to prioritize this relevant years of;experience on your resume. The next thing you want to do to surpass your competition is to provide resume bullet pointsor notes on your achievements, milestones and noteworthy duties in previous jobs.;

Adapt this sample to your own experience for a;highly effective;work history section.

Also Check: How To Write Basic Knowledge In Resume

Work Experience In The Customer Service Resume

Experience is something no recruiter can neglect, as with time an employee develops skills and a sense of work that always works as an asset. In a customer service job, having work experience gives them a fair advantage as the job entails polite behavior, long phone calls, handling impatient clients, etc. And an experienced candidate already knows how to deal with all this, hence giving them a better chance to get their dream job.

But the trick does not lie in having a lot of work history but rather how to present it as a lot of people do not know how to write their actual job roles effectively and end up confusing the recruiters.

Listing Customer Service Skills In Your Work Experience Section

Resumes & Job Applications : How to Write a Resume for Customer Service Positions


Customer Service Representative, Whole Foods· Good communication skills· Worked closely with customers· Learned better closing tactics

Why Itâs Wrong: In this example, the bullet points are too vague and provide little information about the personâs responsibilities.

Adding in skills to your work experience section should add extra value, not detract from the descriptive nature of the section.


Customer Service Representative, Whole Foods· Communicated daily with customers through the call center· Fostered loyal customer relationships through an empathetic approach· Developed a strong closing ability and increased sales by 15 percent

In this corrected example, the skills clearly tie into the personâs qualifications.

The information given is much more insightful into the applicantâs work ethic and skill set.

ProTip: When describing skills in your work experience section, make sure to use active language. For help in doing so, take a look at our list of 350+ Action Verbs to Make Your Resume More Effective in 2021.

· Helping customers with returns· Using Microsoft Excel and other programs

Why Itâs Wrong: This example fails to use strong skill keywords.

Additionally, it is not inherently bad to include extra words in a skills section.

However, these extra words should add value, not just take up space in your word count.


In this corrected example, the extra words being used give the skill greater detail and specificity.

Also Check: How Many Years Of Experience On Resume

Why Are Customer Service Skills Important

For many businesses, people working in customer service roles or using customer service skills are the human face of the company. These businesses rely on employees who can create a positive dialogue with customers, helping to foster loyalty and a good reputation.

If you are in a customer service role, common in industries like food and beverage or retail, a large part of your success might be attributed to your ability to provide positive experiences to customers. Learning and developing traits that make a strong customer service worker paired with on-the-job experience can help you advance in your role.

Related: 9 Tips for Improving Your Customer Service Skills

How To Correctly List Your Education

After showcasing your experiences, you should delve into your education to date.;

Theres no magic tricks with this section, just enter your education history in this format:

  • Degree Type & Major
  • GPA, Honours, Courses, and anything else you might want to add


Still concerned about your education section?

The answers below may help you:

What if I havent finished my current education yet?

  • No problem. Just mention your education to date

Should I include my high school education?

  • Its recommended to only include your highest form of education. If thats your high school diploma, then list it

What do I put first, my education or experience?

  • For a bartender role, your experiences always come first;

Need more advice? Check out our guide on how to list education on a resume.

Recommended Reading: How Do You Format A Cover Letter For A Resume

Resume Summary Example: The Winning Formula

For many people, a customer service representative position is one of the best entry-level opportunities. With all that competition, your resume summary should be a short but engaging story. For many recruiters and HR professionals, your summary may be the most important part of your resume. If your basic qualifications are in place, the summary is what makes you stand out. Its your first introduction, and its often your only chance to be creative on your resume.;

Your customer service representative resume summary should be a description of yourself with a premium on interpersonal skills, but with a dash of technological aptitude. As for personal qualities, two are king: dependability and empathy. Customer service is time-sensitive, so its important to show youll be there when needed. Empathy ensures you connect with the clients on a human level.;

According to AE research, 68% of customers consider a polite representative to be the key to great customer service. This shows that soft skills and social impressions define the quality of your work. This is what your employer is likely to emphasize.;

In closing, what the employer and recruiter want to see in your resume summary is an image of a customer service representative wholl make clients happy. A person who will promote trust in the brand and provide positive experiences. A person who will always reliably be there to take a customer request.;

The Ability To Respond Quickly

Free Customer Service Resume Template with Minimalist and ...

No customer wants to be kept waiting. This is true for in-person interactions, as well as chatbox software and phone calls. Good customer service skills require being able to not only adapt, but do so quickly.

If you leave someone waiting too long for a response on that chat box, theres a good chance their frustration levels will increase, making it even harder to get their satisfaction levels up.

Help your employees show off their ability to respond quickly by ensuring you have enough staff. This skill is intertwined with product knowledge and confidence. Arm your customer service representatives with everything they need and help them help customers avoid that dreaded elevator music!

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Key Customer Service Skills

It doesnât matter how great your product is: If your customer service is poor, people will complain about it, and youâll lose customers.

The good news: Itâs not impossible to turn things around. Transforming your customer service from mediocre to great wonât happen overnight, though. It requires a serious commitment to meaningful change, a team of rockstar support professionals, and work across the entire organization.

Soft Skills For Customer Service

Here are our top 10 soft skills for customer service to consider adding to your resume:

  • âConflict Management: Being a customer service representative means dealing with conflict. The ability to calmly and effectively manage customer conflicts is essential.
  • âCommunication: Communication skills are arguably the most important soft skill for customer service. You need to be able to communicate clearly and easily with all types of customers.â
  • Empathy: Customers want to feel like you relate to them. A strong sense of empathy comes in handy when working in the customer service realm.
  • âCompassion: You never know whatâs going on in a customerâs head or life. Treating each situation with compassion towards the customer is highly necessary.
  • âProblem Solving: During customer conflicts, being able to think of a solution quickly is key.
  • âPatience: Miscommunications can occur when interactions are rushed or not given proper attention. Having patience is crucial when working in customer service.
  • âAttention to Detail: Many technicalities can affect customer service. The ability to pay close attention to a customerâs issues and the solutions given is a core component of good customer service.
  • âIntuitive: Making customers feel as though all their problems have been solved is very beneficial. Acting intuitively and proactively to address potential customer issues makes for great customer service.
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    Common Mistakes When Writing A Customer Service Resume Objective

    If you talk to some people and mention you put an objective statement on your resume, youre going to get inundated with eye rolls.


    Because, not long ago, all people did in their objectives was state the obvious: that they wanted the job. That was a huge mistake.

    You know why that was so ridiculous. Because everyone knows you want the job. If you didnt, then you wouldnt have submitted an application. But, you did, so you must want the position, right? Yeah, its pretty obvious that you do.

    But that wasnt the only misstep people make. Another doozy?

    Vague resume objectives.

    While brevity can be your friend, ambiguity isnt. If you think creating a generic statement is a good idea mainly because you can use the same one every time you apply you couldnt be more wrong. Not only is that approach boring, but it also reduces relevancy. If your objective doesnt speak to a specific position, youre just wasting space.

    Ultimately, whatever you do, avoid saying you want the job. Instead, you want to focus on your desire to use specific skills in ways that allow you to provide value in the role. Thats a much better approach.

    Plus, make it specific. Look at the job description and tailor your objective. That way, it provides meaning, increasing the odds that the hiring manager will appreciate this resume addition.

    Examples Of Demonstrating Empathy

    Key Skills of Customer Service Representative and Resume Example

    Empathy is the ability to understand the feelings of othersâso itâs a critical skill for a customer service position. Empathy doesnât mean youâre agreeing with someone, just that youâre hearing and acknowledging their perspective. Being empathetic helps you notice whatâs been left unsaid in a conversation, so you can address it and move the conflict toward resolution. It also helps you build a relationship with the customer and earn their trust. Being empathetic might sound like this:

    • âIf I were in your shoes, Iâd be frustrated too.â
    • âHereâs what Iâm going to do to get you an answer.â
    • âIf Iâm understanding, youâre saying â¦â
    • âIâm really sorry to hear that.â

    You can build rapport with and a better customer experience by expressing genuine empathy. Smiling when youâre talking to a customer can make a big difference, tooâtheyâll hear it in your voice. Empathy can go a long way in turning a negative experience into a positive one, so itâs key to cultivating customer loyalty.

    Recommended Reading: How Do You Write A Summary For A Resume

    Additional Information About Customer Service Representative

    A customer service representative on average earns an annual salary of around

    $39,000 with an average base hourly rate of $12.

    Still, remember that the hourly pay deviation depends upon the experience of a candidate.

    As being a customer service representative does not require much educational qualification, mostly a high school diploma or sometimes a college degree, the pay range varies based on experience and skills.

    Some popular employers that you should know of:

    • United Health Group
    • High-energy attitude


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