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How To List Education On Resume Example

Students And New Grads


Students and new grads with little related work experience may use the education section as the centerpiece of their resumes, showcasing academic achievements, extracurricular activities, special projects, and courses. For example:

;;;;; University of AlabamaTuscaloosa, AL;;;;; B.A. in Advertising, 12/2019

  • Team Project: Completed mock advertising campaign for Coca-Cola .
  • Course Highlights: Strategic Thinking, Mechanics of Media Writing, Principles of Design, Media Management, Advertising Campaigns, Channel Planning
  • Activities: UA AdTeam , Circle K Club , Center for Service and Leadership

Education On Resumegeneral Example

New York University, New York, NY

Thats for a completed university span, but it would also work for a high school graduate resume.

Expert Hint: If youve earned more than one degree, list them separately, even if theyre from the same university.

Now, lets look at some academic resume examples which include our recommended additions.

Lets Start With Basics Of How To List Education On Resume

In terms of a layout, a resume’s education section includes:

  • Name of the institution
  • GPA when
  • When wondering how to list education on resume:

    • Start with your highest degree and work your way back in reverse-chronological order
    • Only include high school if you did not attend college, attended a prestigious private academy or recently graduated.
    • The placement of the education section of your resume depends on your graduation date, if youre a recent graduate education on your resume is more important and should be added closer to the top of your resume.

    Do employers verify education? You might think that no employer has time to check references or verify education, but no matter what the level of hire, it is actually incredibly easy to do a basic check. A quick 5-minute phone call will suffice. While this isn’t industry standard, if there is any hint at all that you are bending the truth with your educational claims, it is not hard to verify what you have listed.

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    Include Deans List Under Your Education Section

    You should always list the Deans list in your resume education section, because its part of your educational history. This is also where employers expect to see it.

    Place the Deans list next to the GPA on your resume. This line belongs beneath the name, city, and state of your university, as well as your degree title and graduation year.

    Heres a template you can use for your own resume:


    What Is A Resume


    A resume is a concise description of your unique skills and experiences, as related to professional skills. It is usually one typed sheet of paper that outlines your experiences, whether they be work or otherwise, in a career-oriented way. This includes both things you have done and skills you have learned.

    There are many different formats for resumes, and the format you use will vary more and more as you grow into certain professions or career fields. For example, in the service industry you might include a photo of yourself on your resume, whereas in a STEM field, youll include a list of specific programs youre experienced running. For a high school student, though, its fine to keep your resume brief and fairly general.

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    What Interviewers Want To See In Your Resumes Education Section

    The information each hiring manager looks for in your resume education section depends on the job requirements. Recruiters hiring for an entry-level position might look for the course you studied in college or type of degree. An employer interviewing for a managerial role in a finance company might want to see a business school degree or industry-specific certifications.

    The requirements or education section of a job description will provide the academic qualifications for the role. Read the section carefully to ensure your credentials are a good fit for the job.

    Be honest with the academic qualifications you include on your resume. It is easy for interviewers to confirm the information you provide. You can leave off information that does not support your chances of getting an interview.;

    Career Q&a: Is It Lame To Put High School Achievements On My Resume

    Q: As I start applying for internships and jobs, Im wondering how much high school experience matters to potential employers. Considering that Im a college sophomore now, how long is too long to keep listing my 10+ high school activities, honor societies and leadership positions on my resume? Does it look juvenile if I talk about high school experiences in interviews?
    A: The rule of thumb for including high school activities is that you can go back four years . So, if you are a sophomore you can include the last two years of high school stuff and the first two years of college; if you are a junior in college, you can include the last year of high school, etc.

    However, my gut response is that Id limit high school mentions to only one or two of your most impressive or unique accomplishments . In the workforce, high school seems very young. Of course, if you have anything SUPER impressive from high schoola major award, national recognition, a Grammy, an Olympic medal, etc.keep it on your resume as long as youd like!

    When filling out a job application, you want to remember two key questions: What have you done? and What have you done lately? Thus, the value of including your high school education or diploma in the education section of a job application depends on how far you have gotten in your education or career.

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    Education In Progress Resume Examples

    When you include details indicating that youâre currently pursuing a degree on your resume, itâs important to provide clarity. The last thing you want is to inadvertently leave the impression that youâre trying to pretend like youâve completed the degree. And while it might be tempting to just note that the degree is still a work-in-progress, we believe that you should be even more specific. The best way to do that is to include the anticipated graduation date.

    Now, if youâre like many students, you may not be entirely sure that youâll complete your degree by a set date. However, that shouldnât stop you from providing an anticipated date of completion. In fact, itâs essential that you provide this information so that employers know that youâre serious about your studies. This is especially true in cases where the job youâre seeking requires that degree. Fortunately, itâs a relatively easy task to accomplish.

    We wrote a good post here on how to include an MBA on a resume.

    For example, check out this listing from a sample resume with a masterâs degree in progress:

    MBA, Human Resources Program

    Dynamic University, Anytown, AnyState. Expected completion 2022

    If youâre closer to graduation and are more certain about the date, you can use something like this:

    Graduate Studies, Computer Engineering

    How To List Education In Progress On Your Resume

    Resume Builder Step 5: How to write your EDUCATION Section

    ZipJob Team

    6 min read

    Are you unsure about how to list your in-progress education on your resume? Many people are, including current students, students taking online classes, and people taking a break from their degree programs.

    Is it acceptable to include unfinished degrees on a resume?

    ZipJobâs career experts agree that education in progress should usually be included on a resume. A degree in progress is still important to employers, as well as a degree that was started and holds relevance to a position. However, it needs to be included in an honest way so itâs an accurate reflection of your learning and accomplishments.

    If youâre currently pursuing a degree, here is how you can include it on your resume .

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    Why You Should Include Your Education On Your Resume

    A resume is most effective when it includes a synopsis of your work experience, academic background, and explanation of your skills and competencies that help you be successful in the position you’re applying for. Including your academic achievements on your resume allows the hiring company an opportunity to assess your learned technical knowledge that qualifies you for the job. Many companies have educational requirements to qualify candidates for their open positions. This helps the company screen out less qualified applicants from candidates who have the training needed to perform the position’s duties.

    How To Write An Education Section If You Never Graduated

    If youre a college dropout, or if youre taking aleave of absence, this part is for you.

    You should always include even unfinished education on your resume. Employment gaps always make hiring managers a bit suspicious.

    Just because you dont have a degree yet, it doesnt mean you cant put it on your resume. All you have to do is emphasize that youre still working towards attaining it.

    The same holds true if you;dont plan on ever finishing;your studies. After all, you put some effort into them. Even more importantly, you paid the tuition.

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    How To List Education On A Resume

    At first glance, theres nothing profound or too complicated about listing education on your resume.

    You insert all the schools you have ever attended in chronological order, and bam, youre done.

    Easy, right?

    Well, let me ask a question:

    Do you list education before work experience if you are still in school but also have worked a bit?

    Not sure?;

    How about:

    Should you still list your GPA next to your education entry when all you did in college was skip classes, drink, and swipe right on Tinder?

    Yeah, we know youve got your stuff together now and want to get everything right.

    So read on and well answer both those questions and more!;

    In this guide, were going to teach you:

  • Where exactly to position education on your resume
  • How to list education on your resume
  • Specific real-life examples on how to list:
    • High school education

    Recent Graduate Within One To Five Years


    If you’ve recently graduated from an academic program, place your education section before or in line with your work experience. Because most of your experience is academic, putting your education in a prominent place is acceptable and expected. Remember to include your date of graduation and any honours or achievements you want to highlight. If you attended multiple schools to receive your degree or certification, list the most prominent school where you were most involved. Here is an example:

    2017-2021, Bachelor of Commerce Honour Degree in AccountingUniversity of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta3.8 GPAMember of Business Student’s Association and Network of Empowered Women

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    Structuring Your Education Section On Your Resume

    In most cases, your education section only needs to be a line or two underneath your work experience. The longer youve been in the workforce, the shorter it should be. Your education section should list what school you attended and what degree you obtained.

    If you have multiple degrees, list them in reverse chronological order with the most recent first.

    Education On A Resume Before Your Work Experience Section

    You should put your resume education section before your work experience section in the following cases:

    Just graduated:

    • You can consider putting your resume education section before your work experience section if you have just graduated from high school or college.
    • This helps you build a good resume because you will be having more educational background than work experience at that point of time.

    Starting a new education:

    • If you were a professional and recently planned to get a new degree, it is advisable to put your resume education section first.
    • Your new degree should be relevant to the job description.

    An academic resume:

    • You resume education section should be positioned above the work experience also when you are submitting an academic CV.
    • For academic posts/ fellowships, the education matters more than the outside work experience.

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    How To Handle Your Age On Your Resume

    Well, for one, career experts agree: There is no rule that you have to put your graduation year on your resume.

    While removing the year can be a smart move to deflect attention from your exact age, career experts suggest that you focus on your experience instead of worrying about your age.

    If you choose to leave your graduation date out, Ryan Kahn, 38, career coach and founder of California-based staffing agency The Hired Group, advises to keep your resume in a simple format and showcase all your relevant experience toward the top. That will stand out more so than your graduation year.

    Removing your graduation year is truly a personal choice, says Holly Berry, 33, managing partner at Vaco, a consulting and specialized recruiting firm, in Louisville, Kentucky. Im sure, in some cases, companies choose to hire more experienced individuals. But most companies will be excited to hire new college graduates.

    So youre wondering: Is a missing graduation date a deal breaker for getting past the resume screening stage? Not if the rest of your resume is impressive and your overall qualifications are strong, says Pamela Skillings, chief interview coach and co-founder of job coaching program Big Interview in New York.

    Kicks Two Cents: How To Make Your Education Section Stand Out

    Choosing the Right Resume Format
  • Consider adding subsections. If you have a lot of information to include in the education section, consider dividing it into subsections. You can divide it into Basic information , Awards and Honours, Certifications, School Organizations or Volunteer Work.
  • Keep ATS in mind. ATS normally uses school rankings to assess candidates. If youre still at school and have your;university email address, use it to associate yourself with the schools reputation. Make sure to include the full name of the school together with its abbreviation, e.g.;Massachusetts Institute of Technology .
  • Get certificates. If your academic background is not something you can be really proud of,;get an online certificate;from one of the top universities like Harvard or Yale. Then youll be able to use the schools name to your advantage.
  • Tell the truth. Its very easy for hiring managers to confirm whether your education is true or not. Also be honest about your grades. If youre not happy with your GPA, instead of making it up, rather leave it completely out of your resume.
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    How To List College Education On Your Resume

    How you include education on your resume depends on when or if you have graduated. If you’re a college student or recent graduate, your college education is typically listed at the top of your resume. When you have work experience,;the;education section of your resume;is listed below your;employment history.;

    If Your Profession Mandates Specific Academic Training Or Certifications

    If your profession requires specific educational training or certifications to practice, such as the case with registered nurses, chartered professional accountants, or law attorneys, consider moving your educational section above your work experience history. This way, the hiring manager or recruiter can easily see that you have the necessary qualifications to be considered.

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    Option : List College Location And Details

    There are a few different;ways to include the fact that you attended college.

    You can simply list the college and location:

    Macanster CollegeCleveland, OH

    You can also provide more detail.;Include the years attended, the number of credits completed, and your GPA if it is very strong :

    Unionville University,;2015;- 2017Completed 42 credits, GPA 3.8

    You can mention the focus of your studies, if it is related to your employment objective, and the number of credits completed in that discipline:

    Hannaford College, 2016 – 2018Completed 36 credits, including 16 credits in business.

    How To List Education On Resume: Educational Information

    Education Resume Template

    Choosing the correct resume education template is also very important!Professionals at Hiration tell you how to write education on resume. Check out out coolest templates here.

    Follow the cool tips below to write a very effective resume education section:

    • Put your highest degree first.
    • Follow reverse-chronological order for other degrees.

    If you are a distinguished professional with tons of experience, it is not recommended to add your high school information.

    The information that must be added on your resume education section is:

    • Degree you received
    • Location of your institution
    • Graduation Year

    Hiration Pro tip: Stating your CGPA is optional. Add it only if you have a decent score.

    Following are the resume education examples:

    • BA in English LiteratureCambridge University | Cambridge, US | 20173.8 CGPA
    • Stanford University | Chicago, US | 2013Masters in Computer Science4.0 GPA

    In case you’re lost, here is a quick resume education checklist:

    • Spell out your degree as Master of Science or just use initials MSc.
    • Use periods to separate initials B.A. or leave it like BA.
    • Write the name of your major as MA in Business Administration or separate your degree with a comma from your major as MA, Business Administration.
    • Arrange the information based on importance. If your degree is not directly related to the job description, focus on university rather than the course.
    • Make sure your format remains consistent for all the entries in your resume education section.

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    What Employers Look For In An Education Section

    Employers can gather a variety of information about a job candidate from an education section, including:

    • A job applicantâs work ethic, reflected through GPAs or other grade-related information
    • Relevant skills or training an applicant has received through their schooling
    • Name recognition of specific universities, such as ivy leagues, that may give a candidate a leg up on the competition
    • Insight into a candidateâs interests or talents based on academic-related extracurricular activities included

    Understanding what employers are looking for in an education section included on a resume is key to understand how much or how little information to include.

    What an employer is looking for will vary depending on the nature of the job being offered.

    For instance, an entry-level communications job at a corporation is likely to require a bachelorâs degree in communications or a related field.

    Comparatively, a job in the welding industry may require the completion of a trade school program but not require a four-year degree.

    It is of the utmost importance when you are applying to various jobs that you read the job descriptions provided carefully, as this is where you will find the necessary information regarding what educational credentials are required of eligible candidates.

    This will also help you to tailor your education section according to what credentials or qualifications you have that meet the requirements of the job.


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