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HomeMust ReadHow To Write Additional Skills In Resume

How To Write Additional Skills In Resume

Statistical Analysis And Data Mining

How to Write a Skill-Based Resume

According to statistics, by the end of 2017, there were 2.7 zettabytes of data in the digital universe. And by the end of 2020, 1.7 megabytes of data will be created per second per person on the planet.

Just to put things in perspective, there are 31,536,000 seconds in a year, and more than 7.5 billion people on the Earth.

The amount of data is gigantic, and there arent enough skilled people on the planet to take advantage of it.

Modern techniques like data mining, text mining, sentiment analysis, and statistical analysis are becoming popular to make use of the enormous amount of data available.

You can use data mining and statistics for so many essential things, including:

  • Analyze data and current trends
  • Study customer mindset
  • Take the right decisions for the business

Most Common Skills To Include In Your Resume

Here are some importan skills to include in the resume:

That list above? Solid. But, again, its not about spraying random skills over your resume and hoping for the best. If you want results, show recruiters actual relevant skills. Read on to learn how to make the most of your abilities on your resume.

Be Prepared To Answer Interview Questions About The Skills Youve Listed

If you say youre an expert in Phone Sales, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Customer Service, or any other hard skill you need to be ready to defend this in an interview.

If you say youve done a lot of time management, be prepared with examples. If you say problem solving is one of your strengths, be ready to back it up with a success story!

Theyre going to want to know where you used that skill and details about how you used it and what results you got in recent jobs. And if you say youre an expert at something, they might ask what makes you an expert.

So if youre not expert or not highly-proficient, dont say you are. You can still list the skill, but dont exaggerate and go overboard by saying expert.

I made this mistake early in my career and it cost me the job! I said the word expert when describing my Microsoft Excel skills, and they asked me about it in an interview and I completely crumbled. I wasnt an expert and I wasnt ready to defend why I had said that on my skills list.

Also, dont list skills youve never used. Even if they do hire you, you could immediately be fired if they discover you lied about your skills in your interview. Lying in your job search is usually not a good tactic.

So be honest when listing skills on your resume, and review your own resume as you prepare for the interview so youre not caught off-guard by the interview questions they ask.

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How To Write A Resume Skills Section

Ran Zheng / The Balance

What’s the best way to write a skills section for your resume, and highlight your qualifications for the job? The skills section of your resume includes your abilities that are related to the jobs you are applying for. In this section, you should list skills that are relevant to the position or career field that you are interested in, such as;computer skills, software skills, and/or language skills.

Create A Dedicated Resume Skills Section

How to List Skills on a Resume Skills Section [3 Easy Steps]

Your job description is full of job-related skills and keywords. But you can still give your best skills more prominence.

If you extract the essence from the job description above, youll end up with the following list of skills:

These are the best skills to put on this particular resume.


Because theyre relevant to the position youre applying for. They are your best skills. And theyre exactly what employers look for.


Revisit the job posting to make sure you didnt miss any important skills the employer expects.

Double-check if youre using the right skills and experience keywords.

After all, collaboration and teamwork are synonyms. But if the job posting calls this skill teamwork, stick to it.

Remember: the ATS is smart. But not too smart.

If the list of skills on your resume seems longish , you can split it into two categories: soft skills list and hard skills list.

Youll find more information on different types of skills for a resume in the last section.

Expert Hint: Employers start to pay more attention to candidates soft skills than hard skills. Mainly because soft skills cannot be easily taught. Its part of the so-called hiring for attitude approach.

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Applicable Certificates Or Degrees

If you earned a certificate or degree, that hard skill has earned a place on your resume. Even if your degree is in a different field from the one you currently work in, your education shows that you are hard-working and committed. You should put these types of hard skills in a section titled âEducationâ or âEducation and Certifications.â

When the job posting description includes certifications or degrees as a requirement, be sure to include them on your resume. If you donât meet these requirements, you may want to hold off applying for this type of job until you have earned them.

Notice that this item says âapplicable,â though: there are cases when your education might not help your resume, such as in these examples:

  • An expired realtorâs license from 15 years ago is not going to help you become the next technical writer for toaster ovens. You can safely leave that out of your skills section.

  • Your high school diploma is implied if you hold an associate, bachelor, or other higher degree. Save the space for another skill.

  • Multiple certifications on similar topics might make your resume look cluttered. Pick your top three based on issuing entity, recency, or preference and add the other ones to your LinkedIn.

If you donât have the training or experience an employer wants, you can always learn a new hard skill! Unlike soft skills, which are mostly innate, hard skills can be acquired and improved all the time.

How Many Resume Skills Should You Put

The number of skills to include on your resume will depend on the job youre applying for, your industry, and your experience level. For example, an experienced software engineer may list 20 skills. However, for an entry-level job seeker, 8-10 skills are sufficient, and any more than that will be unlikely to be read by a hiring manager or recruiter.

Also, someone in a less technical field might only need 8-10 skills on their resume, even if they have a few years of experience.

Overall, my recommendation as a recruiter is that you should have somewhere between 8 and 20 skills on your resume.;You should list both hard and soft skills, but its more important to include hard skills. These are the skills that hiring managers look for first and foremost on your resume; soft skills are secondary.

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+ Essential Skills To Put On A Resume

Listing skills on your resume is fairly easy.;

Listing the right skills in the right way is a little bit trickier.;;

Are you mentioning the right skills for the job, or are you boring the HR manager with irrelevant information?;

Heres a hint: the hiring manager for the Software Development team couldnt care less about your expertise in Marketing.

What theyre dying to know, though, is your skill level in Python.

In this guide, were going to walk you through the process of putting skills on your resume. Well explain how to identify the right skills, and how, exactly, to list them.

Among others, you will learn:;

  • How and why should you list your skills on a resume?
  • What are hard skills, soft skills, and what is the difference?
  • How can you list skills on your resume to help you stand out?
  • What are the top 120+ skills to put on a resume? For 10+ fields!

Which Skills To Include In A Resume

8 Tips for Writing a Winning Resume

There are mainly two types of skills sets on a resume, i.e. hard skills and soft skills. These skills are used to encompass various types of social and technical abilities necessary for the job. So, it is important for you to understand the difference between the two.

Hard skills are measurable or quantifiable skills like technical abilities that you can easily develop through training. For example, computer programming, typing, SEO, graphics designing, copy-writing, accounting, bookkeeping, data analysis, project management, foreign languages, etc.

Soft skills are interpersonal or social abilities that cannot be quantified, but are transferable. These skills show how you will interact, engage and cope with the new work environment. For example, if you are a receptionist, effective communication, and relationship building skills would fit this bill. Additional soft skills could be: decision-making, time management, organizational, adaptability and flexibility, self-motivated, problem solving, critical thinking, leadership, etc.

So which skills are the best to choose?

You don’t need to get confused as to which one of the skill set is the best. The common solution recommended by various resume experts in this case is to use a balanced approach. This means that the key to attract potential employers towards your resume is to make sure that you use both of these skills equally.

What skills to include in resume and how to include them?

How many skills to put on a resume?

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What Is A Resume Skills Section

Your skill set is one of your biggest selling points on your resume for two reasons:

  • Obtaining a skill that the employer needs shows perseverance and a good work ethic.
  • Proving that thisskill benefitted your last company shows that you can be a team player and a valuable asset.
  • The skills section, often referred to as Additional Skills, is the place in your resume where you list all of the useful abilities that cant be easily seen in the bullet points of your Work History / Professional Experience section.

    Take a look at the following two examples of resumes with additional skills sections:

    When potential employers read through your resume, the employer will ask themselves these questions about the skills you list.

    Common Questions:

    • How did you learn the skill?
    • What benefits did the skill bring to your company?
    • What examples prove your proficiency of the skill?

    Your skills section provides a window into how much capability you can bring to the company. Its important to not only be honest, but to go even further and prove youve used them competently before. You should only:

  • Include abilities that you have experience with
  • Have concrete examples you can refer to
  • This is not the place to show what skills you hope to have or are currently learning. If an employer sees a skill listed on your resume, they will expect you to be able to deliver on that promise.

    Tailor Your Skills To The Company/position

    As you may have read in our other blog articles, it is always very important to tailor your job interview to the company and position you are interviewing with/for (for a more in depth look at our Tailoring Method article. ;This includes your resume and the skills you include on your resume as well!

    As we mentioned before, the company will have a specific set of skills that they will require the successful candidate to have in order to do the job to their standard.

    So as you might have guessed, it is absolutely essential that these skills make an appearance on your resume.

    You need to spend some more time researching the company, and this means going through all of their various web properties including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.


    Because they will leave clues about the types of people they hire, which will give you a better idea of the skills that you need to include in your resume. This especially applies to soft skills.

    Ask yourself this. ;Do I have a similar skill-set to the types of employees they hire?

    If the answer is yes, great!

    If the answer is no read on!

    And as we said before,;REALLY dig into the job description to make sure you have a strong understanding of the skills that are required for the job, and make darn sure you put those skills in the skill section of your resume.

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    What If You Don’t Have The Required Skills

    If the core competencies of doing a job require a particular set of skills that you do not have, be honest with yourself as well as the recruiter. This is the moment to really consider if you are capable of doing the job. However, if your skillset might match those of the job description, you can get creative with your resume.

    Use examples from your past work experiences to demonstrate your capability to do the job but ensure that any growth you need to achieve can be done alongside performing the core components of the job.

    This does not mean you should lie and say you have the skills when you don’t. If you are asked to an interview, the interviewer will ask you about your skills.

    For more guidelines on how to write your skills section, have a look at our guide to writing a resume.

    Recap: Putting The Right Skills In A Resume

    Additional Skill Resume
  • Choose 8-20 skills, depending on your industry and level of experience
  • Put mostly hard skills and skills that relate directly to the employers job
  • Avoid putting too many soft skills; employers will judge this primarily in the interview and arent looking for soft skills as much on your resume
  • Whenever listing a hard skill, make sure to also mention it on your work experience; employers want to see where you used each skill, too, and this is how to show them
  • Use the job description to identify important skills for this position
  • Include exact phrases from the job description to improve your chances of getting past automated job application systems
  • If you need more ideas for which skills to put, review past jobs youve held and/or look at peers on LinkedIn to see skills theyve chosen
  • Use one or two columns, and simple formatting to make your Skills section easy to read
  • Never put your Skills section before your Employment History section on your resume
  • If youre an entry-level job seeker, never put your Skills section before your Education section
  • Be prepared to answer interview questions about any and all skills youve listed on your resume
  • If you read the tips above, you now know how to write a great skills section of a resume, including examples of what it should look like.

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    Example Skills To Put On A Resume

    While you can often easily determine hard skills to list based on details in the job description, selecting relevant soft skills is not always as clear. To help narrow down which soft skills to put on a resume, review the various duties of the position and determine which of your personal strengths will help you successfully complete those tasks.

    Here are several examples of popular soft and hard skills employers may be seeking:

    Back Up Your Skills With Other Resume Sections

    If you mention Food Prepping – Advanced as one of your skills, you should have food prepping roles or other organizations described throughout your work experience to back that up. Put your money where your mouth is.;

    You can check out our guide on how to write a resume to have a clearer idea of how to connect your resume sections with one another.

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    What Should I Do If My Skills Dont Match The Job Description

    During your job search, youâre probably going to come across a job that looks perfect for your goals. Unfortunately, the employer asks for skills that you donât have. What should you do?

    First, determine whether the skills are hard skills or soft skills. If a job requires specific technical skills to be successful and you donât have them, you likely shouldnât apply. You wouldnât do well in this position, and this is exactly the type of qualification that ATS scans are designed to filter out. You should spend your time on other job applications or learning those skills instead.

    When youâre lacking soft skills, you can try to leverage similar experiences or transferable skills. You might not have experience managing a department, but you may have managed a project. Include that on your resume instead. If youâre not experienced at public speaking, mention your experience leading a meeting or being interviewed for a podcast instead. Do your best to relate the soft skills you have to the work experience you lack.

    Keep in mind that some jobs have requirements that an employer wonât budge on. It is important to include every single one of these requirements in your resumeâs skills section. Identify these skills in the job description with the markers ârequirementsâ or âbasic qualifications.â In shorter job descriptions, you may have to infer which desired skills are the core requirements of the job.

    Create A Master List Of Your Computer Skills

    Resume Tips: How to Write a Resume that Stands Out

    Go through each category and create a master list of each and every computer skill you have in your toolbox. When creating your master list, write every skill, no matter how obvious it may seem. Although some computer skills might seem obvious given your profession, many hiring managers still want to see these skills listed.

    The important thing is to never write a computer skill that you arent comfortable with. If you include it, hiring managers will expect you can deliver. If you are ever worried about a hiring manager over or underestimating your level of proficiency, add fundamental, basic, intermediate, or advanced in parentheses next to the skill listed.

    Job post example :

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