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How To Put References On A Resume

Reference Page On A Resume

Resume Writing Tips : How to Put References in a Resume Step-By-Step

This leads us to the question: should you include a separate page specifically dedicated to references? You might have deduced from the previous chapters that the answer is: no, at least in most cases.

In North America, the golden standard is a 1-page resume and the only exceptions come into play when an employer specifically requests something more. In the UK and some other countries, however, 2-page resumes are more common. This does not automatically mean that your 2nd page should be a dedicated reference page.

The same rules apply: only provide what is asked for and what is traditionally expected. Dedicated reference pages usually arent required, so youre better off using the 2nd page of your UK resume not as a reference page, but as additional real estate for job accomplishments, certifications and all the other good stuff that will make you look like a superhero employee.

When Is It Ok To Include References On A Resume

If an employer specifically asks you to include references on a resume, forget everything weve said and do it! But you will rarely if ever find this request, so this issue will not come up very often.

If an employer is seeking references, thats totally understandable, but be sure that the employer wants the references to be listed on your resume. It might be a better idea to include references in a separate attachment that is not actually part of your resume.;

Every resume needs to have five components:;

  • Header: Your contact info
  • Employmenthistory: Your professional track record
  • Education: Where did you go to school?
  • Skills: What are you actually good at?
  • Thats a lot of information to include in a one-page document, and most experts agree that a resume should be only one page. Two pages are sometimes considered OK, especially if your job history is so stellar that you were both an astronaut and a brain surgeon. But for ordinary mortals, no hiring manager has ever complained that a one-page resume is too short.

    So references will almost always present two problems: 1) Nobody was expecting them, and 2) References will usually make your resume spill over onto a second page.

    Even worse, this second reference page in a resume might be totally blank at the bottom, containing nothing but references, in just a few lines at the top. This is a sure sign that you are a bad resume designer who doesnt know how to trim your text.

    What Are References On A Resume

    References include the contact information of professionals within your network who can act as a witness to your abilities, work ethic, and character. Often, individuals ask former employers, managers, teachers, and colleagues or peers to act as their references. Employers may contact these references via email or phone to ask specific questions about your qualities. These questions usually involve credentials and qualities that the employer lists on the job posting. Some professionals include references on their resumes to prepare for the possibility that the hiring manager may need them.

    Employers value references because they can get a third-party opinion on the value you may bring to their team. Checking references may be the last step a potential employer takes before offering you a job, so preparing a list of people who can vouch for your work is crucial when looking for new opportunities.

    Related:Key Steps To Asking for a Reference

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    Create A Reference List

    To create a reference list, write down the full name and contact information of your reference. You may also want to include the professional’s job title or relation to you and the company in which they work. After listing this information, use one or two sentences to describe why this reference is relevant. For example, if you’re using your former manager as a reference, you might write:

    James GrayJames is my former supervisor at Treasure Chest, where I worked from 2018 to 2020.

    How To Ask For References


    Youve got your wish list.;What to do now?

    Of course, sometimes you dont have a choice. If sending your prospective reference an email is the only option, be sure to briefly remind them of who you are. Describe the projects you worked on together and;explain where youre heading with your career.

    Also, send them a copy of your resume as an attachment. This will help them recall the times when you were working with them and remind them of your achievements and personality.

    Give your potential references enough details about the jobs youre applying for. Be specific in what skills and qualities youd like to emphasize. Furthermore, you can even send them the job description. This will help them talk to the employer and endorse your key qualifications.

    When it comes to formulating your request, try to be a bit diplomatic. Allow people to refuse gracefully. Here are a few ideas on how to frame your question:

    • Would you feel comfortable being my reference in my upcoming job search?
    • Would you find some time in the next few weeks to meet and talk about being my reference during my job hunt?

    If you get a positive reply, youre almost finished. Take a moment to get your references current titles and contact information right. Also, ask how theyd prefer to be contacted by the recruiter usually either by phone or email.

    Heres an example of e-mail request that you can use.

    Subject:;Larry Brown Reference Request

    Dear Mr. Clark,

    Best regards,

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    How To Deal With Professional References

    Having said all that, great professional references could be the secret sauce that seals the deal. If you were a speechwriter for President Barack Obama, hopefully that would appear somewhere in your employment history, and possibly in your summary. But if your friend Barack has offered to vouch for you to future employers, think twice before you include his private email and personal cellphone on your public resume.

    You could include this info in a separate attachment, or even in the P.S. of your cover letter . But does it belong in your public resume? Most experts would say no, and Barack Obama would probably agree.

    Applying For Your Dream Job

    If so, you may also want to check out my article on what kinds of Hobbies Interests to Put on Resumes.

    But we have more than just great resources for writing the perfect resume! We can also assist with all the details involved in the application processes of various US-based companies. Including everything from Popeyes Chicken Application to the ABF Freight System Application process to Cintas Application. Just type your desired employer into our search box; youll probably find we have it!

    Finally, here are some recommended resources for interviewing like a pro if youre just starting out in the job market: How to Create Positive Impressions and Answering Tough Interview Questions For Dummies.

    Back to todays topic

    Don’t Miss: Who To Put As A Reference

    What Do References Do On A Resume

    The references section on your resume contains a list of people who can vouch for you and provide your future employer with more information about your abilities.

    These can include your teachers, advisors, coaches, colleagues, employers or your direct supervisors. They know how you used your skills in the past, can confirm any qualifications that you stated on your resume or vouch for your character.

    References help your future employer find out how you performed in your previous jobs or throughout your academic career. They can get an idea about your professional attitude and competency before hiring you.

    Employers usually only contact your references once they get to the last stage of the hiring process. Or sometimes, in case youre a freelancer, they may ask you to provide references in advance.

    Reasons To Exclude References Available Upon Request

    How to write References for Resume in Free Resume Maker App #10

    There are so many reasons to include references and references available upon request on your resume. But we said not to include it in our introduction. Have we thoroughly confused you? That was not our objective.

    We still stand by the advice not to include anything about references on your resume. Its just important to know that there might be a couple of instances where including them could be beneficial.

    The reasons not to include references or any mention of them on your resume far outweigh the reasons to include it for the majority of people.

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    Including References On A Resume Is Simply A Waste Of Space

    You only get a small number of pages, usually 12 pages in the private sector, to share your career narrative and convince employers that you are qualified for the job they’re filling. Don’t waste any of this precious resume space to include references something an employer won’t need to look at until you’re much further along in the candidate selection process.

    Instead, focus on providing the details that will convince a recruiter or hiring manager to contact you for an interview. Remember, your resume is designed to get you the interview. The details you highlight on the resume should support this goal.

    While it varies from company to company, most employers won’t ask for your references until they’re ready to reach out to them. This typically doesn’t happen until you’ve made it through the initial interview rounds and are among the final candidates for a job. If, for any reason, an employer wants your references earlier in the process, rest assured they’ll give you a chance to provide them. There’s no need to place references on your resume when they won’t be used;until you’re one of the final candidates.

    That said, you should brainstorm a list of potential references as soon as you start submitting job applications so you’re ready when an employer requests your references.

    How Do You Format A List Of References

    What to Include on a Reference List

  • Your name at the top of the page.
  • List your references, including their name, job title, company, and contact information, with a space in between each reference.
  • Include at least three professional references who can attest to your ability to perform the job you are applying for.
  • Besides, How do you mention references in an email?

    Include the individual by name and describe your connection with them as well. Explain how you know the person. Give a brief account of how you know the person, and explain how they came to be familiar with your work qualifications and skills. Describe why they are recommending you.

    As well as How do I put references in APA format? When using APA format, follow the author-date method of in-text citation. This means that the authors last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example, , and a complete reference should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper.

    Furthermore How do you write references?

    Ensure you use the correct date depending on the version of the book you have read and are citing in your work.

  • Title
  • Tell them you are looking forward to hearing from them.
  • Sign off.
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    How To Request References

    All right, so youve got your list of potential references, but youre not done yet! Contact these people to make sure they know youre planning on using them as a reference. This is also your way of checking that the contact information you have is correct and up-to-date.

    Not only is it polite to reach out to your references before including their names on your list, but it has the added advantage of giving them time to prepare. That means when they get a phone call or email from your prospective employer, theyll be ready with the best examples of your professional excellence.

    Depending on how distant your working relationship with the potential reference is, consider sending them a copy of your resume, so they can brush up on what experiences and qualities youre trying to highlight.

    If theyre really invested in your success, consider sending the job description as well. The more information your reference has, the better chance they have to provide you with a top-quality recommendation.

    Always follow up with references who agree to be on your list by sending a thank-you email. Its not just about being nice; it also serves as a reminder that they should expect a call or email from your prospective employer soon.

    Resume References: When To Include Or Exclude

    resume references

    For the majority of job applications you will not need to include any references with your resume.

    If you decide to do so and they have not been requested this could be detrimental to your application, simply because you are prioritizing references over other relevant skills or qualifications which could be included in this space and add value to your resume.

    The most likely scenario for your jobsearch will be that the employer requests references from you after a preliminary interview or in any case near the end of the application process.

    This is because hiring managers will only want to contact references of those few applicants who are shortlisted after the interview stage in order to save time and effort. It is time-consuming for employers to call or send messages to your referees and doing so can become counterproductive and inefficient due to the time spent unless you are in the running for a job.

    The only time it is acceptable to include references with the resume in a job application is when they are requested directly in the job vacancy description. When this is the case, we recommend only including them on a separate piece of paper as a reference page.

    TOP TIP: For those job applications that do not specifically request professional references from the jobseeker, it is not advisable to include them but it is always wise to be prepared!

    For other resume resources, you could use an online resume builder to help you create a winning resume from the very beginning.

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    Get Recommendations On Linkedin

    Whilst this is not strictly a CV tip, its a great alternative to adding references to your CV.

    During my time working in recruitment, every recruiter I worked with used extensively and the vast majority still do.

    In fact, a recent survey carried out by Jobvite found that 87% of all recruiters used LinkedIn to find or screen candidates.

    This means that there is a very strong chance that recruiters will look you up on LinkedIn if you apply for one of their roles.

    So, what are looking for?

    • They are making sure that your public profile matches up with the details on your CV
    • They are looking for social proof of your claims in the form of recommendations

    Writing something impressive about yourself is great, but its much more powerful if somebody else writes something impressive about you especially if that person is a senior figure in your industry. So, getting plenty of recommendations on your LinkedIn profile gives it a serious boost.

    Reach out to as many of your ex-managers or stakeholders as possible and ask them for a recommendation.

    Send them a simple message on LinkedIn like this one.

    Hi Steve

    Hope youre well and still enjoying your time at Company X

    I was wondering if you might do me a huge favour and leave me a gleaming LinkedIn recommendation for the time we worked together?

    It would be greatly appreciated and Id be happy to return the favour or perhaps get you a coffee some time soon

    Kind regards


    Professional CV templatesCover letters

    Job References Format References For Resume

    Formatting your;resume references; is a relatively simple task. All you need are the names and contact information for at least three to four of your best job references.; Below youll find a sample reference list.

    To begin putting your references on a resume, youll want to format your page as follows: ; see free resume reference page below.

    Professional References for Susan Smith

    I would even suggest putting it in a 12-14 point bold font.

    Then very simply list your references using this format and keep them left justified.

    Reference NameCompany where they work, their positionCity, StatePhone or Cell Phone number: 216-555-1212

    Then proceed to the next reference.

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    Space On Your Resume Is Valuable Real Estate

    Typically, a resume should be limited to one page unless you have an extensive work history. Because resumes are short and concise, the information you choose to include must be relevant and essential to the position you are applying for. References on resumes are a waste of space. You would be much wiser to include a little extra job history or an additional skill set. List out previous experiences including specific responsibilities and results.

    Who To Use As A Reference

    Should You Include References On Your Resume?

    Many people struggle to decide who to list as their references on their resume.

    To help break it down, here are the best people to include on your reference page in order of importance:

  • Bosses
  • Professors
  • Advisors
  • If possible, list your current or former boss at the top of your references list. Most employers view supervisors or bosses as the most valuable references, because they have the greatest insight into your work ethic, skills, and professional strengths.

    Additionally, consider the following details when choosing the other references on your resume:

    • Which of my references are most relevant to the job Im applying for?
    • Do I have references that work in the industry Im applying to?
    • Which potential reference would best highlight my relevant skills?
    • Who is not suited to give me a reference for this particular job?

    Can you use a friend as a personal reference?

    Generally, you shouldnt include friends as a reference on your resume. The exception is if theyre former colleagues, are currently employed at the company youre applying to, or are a former supervisor. In these cases, listing your friend as a reference is acceptable.

    Who to use as a reference if its your first job

    For a student or recent graduate, finding an appropriate set of professional references is difficult. So if you lack work experience and have no references, you can list a:

    • Teacher
    • Guidance counselor
    • Family member or friend youve done work for

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