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HomeHow To Add Freelance Experience In Resume

How To Add Freelance Experience In Resume

Include A Separate Section For Skills

How Do I Show My Consulting Or Freelance Work On My Resume And LinkedIn Profile

The main thing you’re trying to express is what you can do for the client or employer. It makes sense to include a . If you know an in-demand software program or programming language, have a prized certification in the field, or years of experience doing something that takes time to learn how to do, this is the section in which to brag a little.

The usual caveats apply: don’t claim knowledge that just about everyone has, like internet literacy or Microsoft Office, and don’t claim expert-level familiarity with something you don’t know how to do.

Example Of Self Employment Experience In A Resume

Below you will find a part of a resume example, where freelance work is mentioned. Note that the names of the clients were excluded on purpose. Although it is beneficial to include names of the companies and brands you have worked with if they can render your experience and can show your expertise in this type of work.

Management and PR Consulting , New York, NY | 2015 Present days

Providing support with public relations and communications to clients in the entertainment sector. Meeting demands of the customers, starting with creating brand logos and reaching the media and finishing with long-time planning.

Handled relations in media, organized meetings and conferences on the development of the industry across the world. Key projects:

  • Creating and promoting a YouTube channel that reached 500,000 subscribers in 6 months. The quickest result in companys work history;
  • Interviewed and hired managers for a completely new office in Europe.

As you see, even though it was a part-time freelance job, results are impressive and should definitely be included in a resume!

You Dont Have To Include Every Single Contract/freelance Gig

Potential employers dont need to see every single contract gig youve had. Look at your contract jobs list to find significant roles, comparable companies, and any roles that will catch a hiring managers eye. Your freelance work doesnt have to be an exhaustive list. Keep in mind your contract works timing, so you dont leave any work gaps you cant explain.;

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Use Action Words Keywords And Dollar Signs

Return to elementary school and embrace those verbs. Action words, from absorb and arbitrate to utilize, yield, and won, show that you’re a person who gets things done. Resume keywords are also important, especially if you’re applying online.

Many companies rely on an Applicant Tracking System to sort and screen resumes before they ever get to a human; using keywords will help you get past the robots and on to an actual person. Analyzing the job listing will help you figure out which keywords to target.

Finally, remember that it all comes down to money, even if you’re a creative who never even speaks to the sales folks or accounting department. If you can demonstrate that you boosted a client’s or employer’s earnings, even indirectly, you’re more likely to get that first call.

Make Your Achievements Clear

Freelance Consultant

Clarity is the key! Add the accomplishments to your resume with bullet points and use Hemingway level simple wordings. If you are doing a job based on data, show the numbers related to your past achievements. Make sure you use a simple resume format with a simple font such as Arial, Helvetica, or Trebuchet. Download and save your resume as a PDF. You can always use platforms that can provide you freelance resume templates.

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List Your Freelancing As A Position Of Employment

Whether your most recent role can be considered self-employed or your side-hustle is freelancing, list this experience as a position of employment the same way as any other in-house role.

Include the dates of your self-employment and your title. Choosing ‘consultant’, ‘contractor’ or ‘freelancer’ combined with your niche or skill is the most appropriate way to structure your title. For example: ‘Freelancer Writer’ or ‘SEO Consultant’.;Then write a short blurb under the dates and title that explains the type of work that you do. This helps set the scene for the recruiter.

If you have turned your self-employment into a limited business, you can also add your business name to your CV.;

Tailor Your Resume To The Prospective Client Or Job

Writing a freelance resume can be liberating because the focus is on what you’ve done and what you can do, not on where you went to school or whether your career has proceeded in an orderly fashion. Your clients or employers will be hiring you to make something happen; your goal is to show them that you can do that, preferably as quickly as possible.

According to an eye-tracking study by The Ladders, hiring managers spend approximately six seconds looking at a resume before moving it to the “yes” or “no” pile; you want to make those six seconds count. This means tailoring your resume to the client or company you’re hoping to impress, and taking out anything that doesn’t relate to the job at hand.

Is it a pain to make multiple resumes for multiple jobs? Absolutely. But it’s worth it. Producing a targeted resume shows the hiring manager only what you want them to see. You’ll make a much better impression if you take the time to create a version that speaks to their needs.

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Open Virtual Work Experiences

What are they?Open virtual work experience programs mimic entry-level work done at top companies. Through platforms like InsideSherpa, you can sign up for a project where you are given a hypothetical set of tasks that an employee would expect to complete on a given work day.;

Where do they go on your resume?These programs are learning experiences. Therefore, you add the programs you complete under sections like academic or extracurricular activities. Do not represent these programs as employment. Doing so would be a misrepresentation of the experience, which could have consequences for your job search and your access to opportunities within InsideSherpa.

Here are a few examples of how to represent the experience:

ACTIVITIESLeo Cussen Human Rights Law Virtual ProgramSummer 2020, 40 Hours-Completed all four modules of virtual program through the InsideSherpa platform.-Reviewed client communications. Summarised and synthesised relevant case information for supervisor.-Helped to provide legal advice to a hypothetical employee who appeared to have been dismissed and/or discriminated against.

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIESGeneral Electric Digital Technology Enterprise Program -Completed virtual program through the InsideSherpa platform.-Built a L1 Process Map.-Evaluated ERP system capability and proposed a solution to business problem.

Work Experience Description Section

How To Write A Resume With Little or No Work Experience – Resume Template

Consider the following tips while describing your work.Try making a skills-focused resume rather than creating a chronological resumeCustomize your resume to fit the job you want, prioritizing projects relevant to the job.Quantify your achievements as much as possible.

In VisualCV, you can create a Master resume with all your projects and then make copies of that resume. Customize each copy for the specific job you are applying for.

An example for a skill-focused work description for a writer would be as follows:


  • A regular contributor to Forbes, Yourstory, TechinAsia
  • Evolution of Internet Marketplaces published in Wired at 10/8/18


  • Chargebee

  • Project: Increasing Top Funnel Acquisition for Professional Designers , Canva, Blog, Reached 100K+

Proofreading and Editing

  • The Fourth Age by Byron Reese, 2018

  • Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products Book by Nir Eyal, 2013

You can use the above method for other services such as design, web development etc.

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How To Show Remote Work Experience On Your Resume

With the pandemic forcing the layoffs and furloughs of millions of people to date, many qualified and dedicated professionals are on the hunt for a new job. While some grocery stores and big box chains are hiring, you may decide to pursue a work-from-home job until the economy returns to normal. Or, you may decide that its the best permanent fit for you moving forward.

Either way, the ability to work remotely is a skill in and of itself. Showcasing a track record of success and remote work skills boosts employment prospects for work-from-home employment opportunities. Of course, not everyone has worked a remote job before. But, that doesnt mean you wont be a productive and successful remote employee. You just have to know what skills companies want for remote jobs and how to point them out to potential employers.

So, how do you properly show your remote work experience on a resume? Here are some tips to help you showcase this information.

Best Components Of A Freelancer Resume:

  • Experience relevant to the job youâre applying for
  • The right skills for the job
  • Quantifiable achievements
  • Examples of what makes you unique
  • What youâre most proud of

Freelancer resume experience section best practices

Be Specific!
Not just logical, but chronological too!

What’s the average experience on resumes VS job description fora Freelancer?

Average Experience On Resumes vs Job Offers


Cause and Effect – Tell them how you made a difference!

Unique content ideas for a Freelancer resume

Tell them what youâre proud of!

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Benefits Of Optimizing Your Freelance Developer Resume

Just like optimizing your code makes it work better, optimizing your resume will help you land more job opportunities to advance your career in freelance development.

According to surveys,;70% of US small businesses;have worked with freelancers at least once, with 81% planning to do so again. So, whether youre a;, a senior programmer, or a UI expert, optimizing your resume is important in order to stand out from the competition.

Here are some of the direct and practical benefits of optimizing your developers resume for the freelance market:

  • It gives you the opportunity to reflect on your past professional experience
  • You can clearly outline your strengths and competencies to employers
  • It gives you the ability to optimize and fine-tune your resume for each company that you apply to
  • You will be able to present your writing and communication skills to employers

Choosing A Professional Title

How to List Freelance Jobs on a Resume

A professional title is ideal for most freelancers. The title should show what you do. If you run a registered company, you can call yourself a CEO or President. However, it is not descriptive enough.

So, what you can do is highlight your primary niche or area of expertise for example, a freelance developer, freelance writer, or something else.

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Skip These Unnecessary Space Wasters

In fact, there are some traditional resume components that you can almost always skip completely, including:

  • Objective. Usually taking up a line or two of space at the top of your resume or CV, this is redundant after your targeted cover letter and costs precious seconds that potential clients could be using to take in your skills and experience.;
  • References available upon request. You should definitely have professional references, ready to gobut you don’t need to tell people that. They’ll assume that you’ll be willing to furnish them with contact information for happy clients and previous employers.

Give It A Personal Touch

At least 60% of all jobs are acquired through networking, and freelancing is no exception. It’s always better if you can have a mutual acquaintance pass along your materials, including your cover letter.

If you can’t dig up a connection through colleagues, friends, family, or social media, take the time to find an actual name to include in your salutation. Avoid “to whom it may concern” if all possible. Generic addresses let the hiring manager off the hook. Think of how responsive you are to email solicitations from companies that can’t even be bothered to figure out your name.

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Why Your Freelance Resume Is Still Important

You’re doing great as a freelancer. You’re getting lots of gigs and working regularly. So far, no one has asked for your resume.

That’s great. Now is the perfect time to update your resume to include your freelance workbefore someone asks for it.;

When someone does asks for your resume, you want to have one nearly ready to go. You don’t want to have to spend a few days creating your freelancer resume under time pressure. It’s best to tackle this early and be prepared.

Here are some common scenarios when you might need a resume as a freelancer:

Note that a resume does not replace a portfolio for a freelance creative. Rather, it supplements it. Be sure to include a link to your portfolio on your resume.

It’s also important to tweak your resume each time you submit it. Use it to emphasize how your experience and skills meet that specific client’s need. There’s no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” freelancer resume.

How To Highlight Freelance Work On Your Resume

How to create portfolio/Resume with NO Experience (Hindi) | How to create Portfolio for Freelancer

If you freelance do you need a resume?

Some experts would argue that resumes are outdated when it comes to freelancing. The argument is that your website, portfolio, and social media presence contain enough information for a client to hire you.;

While it’s true that it’s possible to get freelance gigs without a resume, if you don’t have one you may be missing out on some lucrative opportunities. Even if you don’t use your freelance resume for every potential client, it’s better to be prepared and have one ready for when you need it.

One reason freelancers avoid making resumes is that creating a resume as a freelancer can be challenging. Most resume formats were designed with traditional employment in mind. It can be hard to fit a freelance career into a traditional resume structure.

In this article, I outline why your freelance resume is important. I’ll also show you how to overcome resume obstacles that freelancers face. How best to include freelance work on your resume. Finally, I’ll share some template resources that work well for designing your freelance resume quickly.

To learn more about creating a resume, study our resume guide, and if you’re a freelancer then let’s get started.

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Why You Should Definitely List Freelance Work On Your Resume

Freelance work is work, right? You may have been self employed, but that doesnt mean the work youve done is any less valuable, freelancing full time is not easy and its just as important to include your freelance work on your resume.

Plus, if youve been freelancing in-between jobs, listing your freelance work can show you didnt have an actual gap in employment. Taking on freelance work in-between jobs shows employers the you

  • Have other marketable skills/talents
  • Continued to apply your skills to make an income
  • Are not the type of person who just waits around for the next opportunity, you create your own
  • Work hard to continue to provide value to the world around you
  • Know how to run your own business

Your resume should show chronological employment, and freelance work can help fill in those spaces on your resume.

If youve been freelancing on the side of your day job, listing freelance work shows that you take opportunities to grow outside of your position and that you put in extra work to gain more experience. You use your time both in and out of the office to excel professionally.

Now, all of these reasons probably resonate with you if youve been doing freelance jobs that are clearly relevant to your desired position.

But what if the freelance work youve been doing doesnt necessarily fall in line with the work youre hoping to obtain?

There is still immense value in the freelance work youve done regardless of the industry.

How To Make Your Resume Stand Out

At some point, your resume will be reviewed by real people. This is why it’s important to make your resume stand out. Appearance counts.

Templates can help you create an attractive, professional-looking resume. It’s not too difficult to use a template. For step-by-step instructions on how to use a Word resume template, review:

You can find even more great resume templates at Envato Market , with numerous trending new designs to choose from.

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Cv & Resume Templates

A thoughtfully designed CV or resume can help you stand out from other candidates, and make a memorable first impression. It isn’t enough to use the standard template in MS Wordyou need to be thinking more creatively! In this series, we’re sharing tips, advice and templates for creating the perfect CV or resume!

How To Include Freelance Work On Resume

Freelance Writer Resume Examples and Skills You Need to ...

In case you were always working 9/5, creating a top-notch resume from scratch might not be problematic. Those whove tried freelancing a bit find it tough to enlist all that experience correctly. The situation with project-based employment is different since it can relate to a dazzling array of competencies and skillsets.

The same goes for the approach of enlisting that experience in a resume. If you have substantial work experience, mentioning all of it is a must. In case you want to know how to list freelance work on resume, our hand-picked recommendations would be handy. Take a closer look at how to make your CV with freelance experience to look top-notch, alongside boosting your employment chances considerably.

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Dos And Donts Of Resume Building

Crafting a resume is the first step of the process of landing good freelance jobs. A clear and well-formatted resume can straightforwardly highlight your experiences and knowledge and helps you to land your dream freelance job.

Although it seems simple, creating a proper resume isn’t an easy task. There are things to consider, things to include or leave out. You can create your resume in Word format, or you can use resume building platforms.

The good part is you can implement the same resume crafting techniques on LinkedIn. The answer to how to list freelance work on LinkedIn and how to list freelance work on a resume is pretty similar. After crafting your resume, you can update your LinkedIn profile and social media accounts too.

Here in the following chart, you can find a list of dos and don’ts that will help you through your freelance job search experience.


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