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HomeHow To Add Certifications To Resume

How To Add Certifications To Resume

Add An Objective Statement

Where to Put Training and Certificates on Your Resume

You might include an objective statement under your contact information to affirm the purpose of your resume, but this is optional. An objective statement can help a hiring manager understand your specific career goals. You may state your intentions to become a Pega developer or to continue your career as one and list some of your most important experiences or skills.

Where To Put Certifications

Depending on your resume format, certifications could be listed in varying places. The most common resume format is the chronological resume, rather than the functional resume.

The chronological resume lists your sections in the following order:

  • Contact information.
  • Certifications.

You don’t just have to list your certifications in their own section.

There are many other places you can reference your certifications and certification courses that have gotten completed.

You have the option to list your resume certifications in the following sections:

  • In your cover letter.
  • As part of your education section.
  • In its own section.

As Part Of Your Headline

Do you want to get the Recruiters attention?

You can stand out fast with a certificate on our resume header.

You can do it two ways.

Include it next to your name could be certificates such as CFA, CPA, etc.

This way the Hiring Manager can see the first couple of seconds that youre qualified enough. A study from Ladders showed that recruiters spend an average of only 7 seconds scanning a resume.

Even if youre in the process of taking the certificate, consider adding it.

You can also write the certificate in your resume title. It will grab the attention of the Recruiter immediately.

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What Types Of Certifications Should Be Included On A Resume

The first and most important step is to thoroughly read the job description. If you haven’t looked at any job listings yet, search for jobs in your industry to find some. Letâs go over the various types of certifications you may find in the job description before figuring out where to put them on your resume.

It Certifications On A Resume:

Licenses &  Certifications on a Resume (Sample &  Easy Tips)

There is no IT certification that will guarantee with certainty youll get an IT job. However, according to a survey by Global Knowledge, if you have one of these 5 certifications can significantly increase your chances.

IT Resume Certifications:

  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert : Server Infrastructure
  • CRISC Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control
  • CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional
  • CompTIA Security/Network+
  • Cisco Certified Networking Professional Routing and Switching
  • This of course is accurate if you want to work mostly in IT Security or Networks.

    However, there are many courses from trusted organizations on any IT topic, so if you want to boost your knowledge, this is a perfect way.

    And if you want a full guide for your IT resume, check our article.

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    How To Add Certification In Resume Sample

    Many professional certifications may go after your name. However, if not a professional one or does not require a license, ask yourself if that belongs there.The below uses an IT professional obtaining a Scrum certification to demonstrate how to put certifications on a resume:

    • After your name , CSM
    • Summary as an example, Certified ScrumMaster with over five years of experience working in an Agile environment. You have worked in your certification, years of experience, and stressed the needed IT framework. Then, proceed with the rest of your summary.
    • Resume certification section Certified ScrumMaster |Scrum Alliance|Issued: April 2019|Expires April 2021|Badge ID:|Denver, Colorado

    Resumesbot Advice:

    How To List Licenses On Resume

    Resume certification may include obtaining a license. Some places may call a license or licensure a certification. The how to include certifications in demonstrates that.

    Where you list a license remains the same as a certification. You may include it by your name, in your summary, objective, under a blended heading, or a separate license one.

    A registered nurse cannot practice without schooling and passing an exam. Below you will find how to document this:

    • , RN you do not need to spell this out by your name. You have the chance to spell it out later in your resume. Besides, everyone in the medical field knows the meaning. Most people bold their name on a resume, so add the designation after it.
    • Summary to start this, Registered nurse with over five years of experience. You then go on to list the rest of your summary.
    • Objective Registered nurse seeking to transfer skills from an ER setting into private practice. While seasoned professionals do not typically use a , you may do so when you want to change your work environment. You may also use this to start the summary section.
    • Licenses and Certification section with medical professionals, the education section comes first. Use this rule when you cannot obtain a license without completing a degree. Examples of how to document this include:

    License to practice as a Registered Nurse in the state of Illinois

    Registered Nurse in New Jersey, license number



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    When You Haven’t Completed Multiple Certifications

    If you’re currently completing a certification, it’s okay to list that on your resume.

    Though, when the certification hasn’t begun yet, then it becomes a white lie on your resume.

    It’s best to leave this section to the side.

    Lying on your resume is never a great idea. Since many employers will want to validate your certifications. Especially in circumstances where the certification is a requirement of the position. Like a registered nurse of a certified public accountant .

    How To List Your Certifications

    6- In-Demand & Easy Certifications you can add to your Resume

    There are a couple of different ways you can call attention to your certifications. But it’s always important to call attention to a certification early on. A 2012 study estimated that recruiters spent an average of six seconds per resume when making that critical first sort.


    Where your resume has an initial summary, increasingly common with today’s detailed resumes, put it there, right after your highest degree .

    In the body of the resume, list the certification again wherever you list your academic degrees, immediately following the last degree listed.

    And then, for good measure, in your brief narrative section, say something about what you learned through the certification process in only one or a few sentences. You may want to briefly add an instance where you have used that knowledge on the job.


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    How To List Certifications

    Some industries have standard formats for the order in which credentials should be listed on a resume. Consult governing or primary organizations in your specific field for best practices. In the absence of such a structure, applicants usually list the certification most relevant to the desired job first, followed by others that support candidacy. Reverse chronological order could also be an option. Leave outdated or irrelevant certifications off the document.

    When writing out certifications, Wang suggests using full, official names along with any abbreviations in parentheses. Such a strategy clears up unfamiliar acronyms, and it also ensures applicant tracking systems detect your certification in whichever manner it has been set to search .

    Some people choose to include the granting institution or organization along with the certification name.

    Sample entries might look like the following:

    • Microsoft Certified IT Professional
    • ServSafe Certification, National Restaurant Association
    • Certified Associate in Project Management , Project Management Institute

    Stating the year obtained is a possibility, especially if a certification requires renewal. Add the year you were certified to the end of your entry, like so:

    • Cisco Certified Network Associate , 2017
    • CPR/First Aid Certification, American Red Cross, 2018

    Where To Put Certification On Resume

    Adding certifications on resume can be tricky you need to understand the job description well and highlight the certification on resume accordingly. Here are the most effective ways how to list certifications on resume:

    1. Certifications in the Resume Objective

    The resume summary, or resume objective, section is excellent to include the required and recommended certifications on resume. However, mention only one certification in the resume objective section leaving much space for the content.

    How To Add Certification In Resume Sample – With Objective

    2. A Dedicated Section For Certifications On Resume

    We recommend adding a separate section for certifications on resume if you have more than two certificates. This resume style works well to include all relevant certificates on the resume, whether mandatory, suggested, optional, or online.

    Make sure your certificates are listed in reverse chronological order.

    Tip: To improve chances of appearing after an ATS scan, place the dedicated sections for certifications on resume right underneath the experiences section.

    How To List Certifications On Resume Sample – Dedicated Section

    3. Certifications In A Minor Section On Your Resume

    Another certification on resume format that works great is a small dedicated certificates section. This smart resume space-saving tactic is especially effective when you have more work experience to highlight.

    Putting certifications in a side section is highly recommended for optional certificates.

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    Required Certifications On A Resume

    Many professions require its employees to hold certain licenses or certifications. According to the BLS, over 65% of people employed in legal occupations hold licenses and certificates. 76% of Healthcare practitioners hold licenses and certifications.

    Some professions may require more than one certificate. For examples, lawyers that have passed the bar need to indicate membership of a stateâs bar. The job description will usually make required certifications clear. These certifications need to be listed on your resume.

    Do you work in Nursing, Accounting, or Finance? These industries typically require licenses and certifications.

    Include The Date The Certification Was Earned

    How to List Certifications on a Resume with 21 Examples ...

    Always include the date that your certification was earned as well as its expiration date (if applicable.

    Example: If you received an accredited financial counselor certificate:

    • Incorrect: Accredited Financial Counselor

    • Correct: Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education Accredited Financial Counselor , 2019

    Image courtesy of EasyResume

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    Volunteer For Work Experience

    If you dont think you have any transferable skills, then volunteer to gain those skills. Because the more you think of it, the more you realize that volunteering is a win-win situation.

    Its a win for volunteering organizations because they can fill in the gap with a capable teacher like you. Literacy groups, churches and community clubs are always accepting ESL teachers. Just ask around.

    Its a win for you because you gain valuable work experience for your resume. And not only do you volunteer your time to help a cause, but you get a preview of the teacher setting youre seeking.

    Dont forget that volunteering has different levels of commitment so go at your own pace. Most importantly, its an opportunity for you to get your foot in the door.

    When And How To Write About Online Certifications

    Online certifications that are related to your field of work must be included in your resume. In the current business landscape, employers look for candidates who are always ready to improve their skills and learn new trends in their professional fields. Therefore, you should always include any online certifications that pertain to the position you are applying for.

    Certifications should always be listed in reverse-chronological order, i.e. the latest first. The name of the institute from where you gained the certificate must be included as well. Also, with every certification, be sure to include a summary of the licenses and knowledge that you gained during the course of the certification.

    When writing about the certifications on your resume, you have to know the difference between online courses and certifications. Online courses may offer college credit and are good for learning purposes. But they dont always result in certifications.

    Professional certification courses, however, require you to pass a test administered by a third party. Once you pass the test, this is considered proof that you are skilled in the particular domain that the certification caters to.

    So the crux of the matter is this: training gives knowledge, but may or may not end in certifications. Certifications, on the other hand, are proof that you are skilled in a particular domain.

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    Gain A Competitive Advantage

    If you’re applying for a new job or hoping to land a promotion, the right certification can help you stand out among other competitors. Employers want to hire and promote employees who have demonstrated knowledge in their field. A certification is a great way to show your abilities and excellence in your chosen profession while giving you a competitive edge among competitors.

    Even if you have a similar background to those vying for the same position, having a certification on your resume may end up being the determining factor as to whether or not you’re hired or promoted over another candidate.

    Format To Use For Listing Certifications

    Certificates and Certifications on Your Resume

    There are certain conventions that you should keep in mind when listing certifications.

    • Chronology:List your certifications in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent certification or any that are underway.
    • Validity: Dont list certifications that have expired or lapsed. Be vigilant about your certification renewals so theyre always current.
    • Acronyms: Write the full forms of any certification acronyms at least once, so that even recruiters, unfamiliar with your area of expertise will not miss them.
    • Format: Here is an efficient format for presenting the details of any certification:
    • Name of Certification

    Cisco Certified Network Professional Cisco Systems2008

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    How To Format Certifications On Your Resume

    How you format a certification on your resume is key to making sure the hiring manager can find the most important pieces of information in the first few seconds of scanning your resume.

    In general, each certification should include:

    • The name of the certification, along with the most common abbreviation
    • The issuing body or location where the training was completed
    • The date issued
    • The expiration and/or renewal date

    Each of these pieces of information helps a hiring manager learn more about your career story and interest in the profession. It also gives them practical information about how far back you might have learned the relevant skills. By adding the date completed, you allow the hiring manager to verify your certification with the governing body.

    Can I list a certification in progress on my resume?

    Not only can you, you probably should! Certifications in progress show employers that youve invested your time into the field because youre passionate about the possibilities. If the certification is part of a larger education program, then you may want to include it underneath your degree in progress. If not, it can go in a separate certification section with all the usual identifying information plus your anticipated completion date.

    Let Hiring Managers Know You’ve Got Coveted Industry

    Stand out from the competition with certifications on your resume.

    Virtually every career field has at least one association, trade organization, school, or business offering a certification program. Whether you earned a tough certification after completing an intensive qualification process or receiving additional formal training in your field, you may be wondering where and how to include certifications on a resume. Follow these tips to optimize their placement.

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    Coursera Ibm Data Science Professional Certificate

    Coursera is an online learning platform that pairs professionals up with a number of top-ranked schools, including Yale, Duke, and Stanford, and big-name companies, like Google and IBM. You can join the website for free, and tap into thousands of courses and more than 13 professional certificate programs, including its professional certificate in data science from IBM.

    This course has more than 112,000 ratings and averages 4.6 stars. You’ll learn how to create and access a database instance on cloud and write basic SQL statements, as well as pick up additional data science, machine learning, Python programming, and data visualization skills.

    According to Coursera, 46 percent of professionals who completed this specialization started a new career while 19 percent got a promotion or raise. If you spend about four hours a week with this course, you can complete it in 10 months.

    Although you can join Coursera for free with a seven-day trial, after that you’ll have to pay a subscription fee, which usually runs from $39 a month to $79 a month. This will give you unlimited access to all the site’s courses and certifications. If you’re hesitant about making the commitment, you can cancel before the end of your trial.

    Using Expired Certifications On A Resume

    Where Do I Get Certificate In Resume

    It is not acceptable to list old or expired certifications on a resume. If you have a certain certificate from a course or license from a degree etc. that has a possible expiry date, it is vital that you renew your certification before this date in order to include it on your resume.

    In the case youre taking a course or have not yet completed the necessary requirements to be licensed in a specific area, you can include these certifications, simply by adding in progress to the description and stipulating the anticipated completion date.

    Finally, it is very important to not include any certifications that you do not possess, that is to say it is strongly advised not to lie on a resume!

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    Certifications On A Resume Examples

    As it can be challenging to know how to list certifications on a resume, weve created some samples for you to use as a guide:

  • Professional Secretarial Certificate, Detroit City College, Detroit, MI
  • Notary Public, NYS Division of Licensing Services, New York
  • Safe ChildCare Certification, Boecker Public Health Academy & Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
  • Food Handler Certificate, ServSafe Online
  • First Aid, American Red Cross
  • QuickBooks Desktop Certificate, Intuit Quickbooks & Certiport
  • These resume certification examples can help candidates find the best way to include their relevant certificates but to facilitate the task, its also possible to use a resume builder that will have a ready-made certifications section to complete step-by-step.


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