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How To List Associate Degree On Resume

Include Your Academic Degrees


Accredited colleges and universities award academic degrees after a student successfully completes a program. If you have a degree, start by listing the highest degree you’ve earned immediately after your name, such as a master’s degree, bachelor’s degree or associate degree. If you have multiple degrees, you may choose to list only the highest degree you have earned since this often eclipses previous degrees. For example, if you have earned a master’s degree and a doctoral degree, you may choose to only list the Ph.D. behind your name.

This alone indicates that you have received additional degrees prior to receiving your Ph.D., so listing all of them may not be necessary. However, you may wish to list multiple degrees if they showcase unique skill sets. For example, if your highest degree is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine degree , but you also have a Master of Business Administration degree , you may choose to include both after your name to show that you are an experienced medical practitioner and a business owner. In this case, you could list your credentials as follows:

Matilda Jones, D.O.M., M.B.A.

The Degree Is Relevant To The Position

If your associate degree is related to the field of the position you are applying for, great! Write your associate degree on your resume as it shows that you are interested in the knowledge of the subject and are willing to go an extra mile to earn that diploma.

Lets say you have a bachelors or masters degree in the same field or is more job-relevant, then you could consider leaving out your associate degree to avoid redundancy. However, it is totally up to you if you want to include both to showcase your deep interests in the subject.

Functional Resume Education And Training

Use these guidelines when developing the education section of your chronological resume:

  • Always list your education in reverse chronological order . List academic degrees first, and then follow with trainings.
  • Do not list your high school diploma once you have attended college
  • If you have a bachelor’s degree and an associate’s degree, listing your associate’s is optional
  • Be sure to list the full name of your degree and the school you attended. Do not include institutions where you attended but did not complete a program.
  • Relevant coursework and highlighted projects can be used to demonstrate knowledge and experience, and enhance your academic information

Education Example:

Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice, expected 20XX University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD

  • Additional info may be bulleted underneath. It might include GPA, key courses, significant projects, or acquired areas of knowledge

Certificate Example:

Certificate, Security Management, expected 20XX University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD

Other Training or Professional Development Example:

Certificate or course name, dateSchool or training organization

  • Consider adding explanatory information such as length or training or relevance of course
  • Military training could be listed here, in its own section, or in the Experience section directly under the corresponding item.

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Your Major Is In Addition To The Degree

How to write associate degree on resume. How to ace that retail sales associate job description on a resume. Coach students in proper vocal techniques You have several options when it comes to choosing where and how you list education on your resume.

Now that weve got all of that out of the way, we can show you a general template of how to write down your education. A person would write as after the major on a resume. If you’re still pursuing a degree, your resume should make clear that your education is in progress.

Individuals who have spent the time, money, and effort into earning an associate’s degree should be proud of their work. Most associate degrees are referred to as ‘liberal arts’ degrees. Include the full name of your degree, major, minor, emphases, and certificates on your.

A perfect formula for writing a resume doesnt exist, and while your resume might require additional sections, there are four basic sections that should be included in the basic associate resume. On a resume, it’s better to spell it out. If youre a recent graduate looking for a resume for a college grad

The contents of your associate resume are directly influenced by your previous work experience, education, skills, and future career aspirations. The reward of finding a great job is well worth the effort spent creating and formatting an associate degree resume. Abbreviation degree aa associate in.

Lastly Italicize The Names Of Latin Honors

66 Best Associate Degree Resume Sample for Images

Since cum laude, magna cum laude and summa cum laude are Latin phrases, you should use italics when listing these honors. These phrases should also be lowercase. You may find some examples and style guides that do not require you to italicize Latin honors, but using italics is the safer option. Plus, italics will help these words stand out.

If your school uses English instead of Latin phrases, the rules are different. English honors should not be italicized, and they should be capitalized. English honors are typically listed as with Honors, with High Honors or with Highest Honors. The word Distinction may be used instead of Honors. Always use the exact wording adopted by your university.

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Organizing Multiple Degrees On A Resume

When organizing the different schools you attended, list them in reverse chronological order. In other words, the highest degree earned should be at the top. For example, your masters degree should be listed above your bachelors degree.

Have you attended college? If so, you dont need to list your high school degree. Your high school information should only be included if you are still attending high school or college. If youve graduated from college, the higher degree can take the place of your high school degree on your resume.

What Employers Look For In An Education Section

Employers can gather a variety of information about a job candidate from an education section, including:

  • A job applicantâs work ethic, reflected through GPAs or other grade-related information
  • Relevant skills or training an applicant has received through their schooling
  • Name recognition of specific universities, such as ivy leagues, that may give a candidate a leg up on the competition
  • Insight into a candidateâs interests or talents based on academic-related extracurricular activities included

Understanding what employers are looking for in an education section included on a resume is key to understand how much or how little information to include.

What an employer is looking for will vary depending on the nature of the job being offered.

For instance, an entry-level communications job at a corporation is likely to require a bachelorâs degree in communications or a related field.

Comparatively, a job in the welding industry may require the completion of a trade school program but not require a four-year degree.

It is of the utmost importance when you are applying to various jobs that you read the job descriptions provided carefully, as this is where you will find the necessary information regarding what educational credentials are required of eligible candidates.

This will also help you to tailor your education section according to what credentials or qualifications you have that meet the requirements of the job.

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Include Your National Certifications

If you hold any national certifications, list them next. An accredited organization related to a specific industry or profession typically awards national certifications. These professional certifications show that you have the knowledge, skills and abilities to practice a particular profession. For example, if you work in the medical field, you might include that you are registered nurse-board certified .

Related: The 20 Most-Requested Certifications by Employers in 2020

Information To Include In Your Resume Education Section

Career and Employment Services- The Basics of Building an Excellent Resume

Hiring managers are looking for a few basic pieces of information when they scan your education section, including:

  • The name of your school

  • Location of your school

  • The degree you obtained

  • Your field of study

  • Graduation year

  • Your GPA

  • Any relevant honors or academic recognition, coursework, activities or other achievements obtained during your education

Though varying levels of detail are required for different jobs, the education section is often the shortest portion of the resumetry keeping it around 1530 words.

Its important to format your educational experience to match the requirements of the job youre applying for. For example, a recent graduate will want to include more detail and place the education section in a prominent position on their resume because this is the bulk of their experience. Alternatively, a person who has been in the workforce for several years will move their education section below their professional experience and keep this section short because their interviewers will be more interested in the work theyve done at previous employers.

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How To Order Your Credentials After Your Name

To showcase which credentials are the most significant, professionals may list permanent credentials first. An example of a permanent credential is a degree. After you have listed your permanent credentials, you can list any non-permanent credentials you hold. Credentials that have renewal requirements through your state or an advisory board are examples of non-permanent credentials. To list your credentials after your name correctly, follow the order listed below:

How To Put Study Abroad On Your Resume

Adding a study abroad semester or year to your resume can show employers that youre a go-getter. This information doesnt need to take up much space and should be included in the education section as well.

The correct place to put study abroad on your resume is just below the university you graduated from. You can format it the same way as you format the other institutions attended. For example:

DePaul University, Chicago, IL, December 2009-March 2013

Bachelor of Arts, Major English Composition, Minor Journalism

Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy September 2010-December 2010

  • Completed coursework in journalism and international affairs.
  • Became fluent in the Italian language

Everything you include in your resume should relate back to the job youre applying for. Its good to mention coursework and other activities that apply to that job when including your study abroad experience.

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How To Put Expected Graduation Date On Resume

Include any degree even when in process when deciding how to put education on resume. The previous section explained what to include, and this section translates that into more concrete examples. Samples of how to list education in progress on resume include:

University of Wisconsin-Madison coursework completed toward B.S. in Economics

70 credits completed toward B.S. Economics University of Wisconsin-Madison Aug. 2017 May 2019

Bachelor of Science in Economics University of Wisconsin-Madison Anticipated graduation date May 2020

B.S. in Economics University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, Wisconsin Aug. 2016 May 2020

Resumesbot Advice:

What To Include In An Education Section

Sample Resume Associate

As we’ve covered, different formats of resumes may require different information to be included within an education section.

In general, there is some basic information that should be included within the education section of a resume:

  • The name of the school â “e.g. Georgia Institute of Technology”
  • The location of the school
  • Your degree
  • Graduation year
  • Major field or department of study
  • Minor field or department of study
  • GPA

Here’s what that looks like for and university grad:

Georgia Institute of Technology ⢠Atlanta, GAB.S. in Computer Engineering, 2006 – 2010GPA: 3.9/4.0

For high-school students, you can do something like the following:

Georgia Institute of Technology ⢠Atlanta, GAHigh School Diploma, Graduated in 2010GPA: 3.9/4.0

Remember, including a GPA is optional. Only add it if it’s required by the job listing or it’s relatively high. If your GPA is low , it’s better to just leave it out.

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How Much Education Should Be Listed On Resume

This is one of the questions that is posed to me again and againand it is a good question! Here is the answer: IT DEPENDS. I know. You would like a clear-cut answer.

But the reality is that when you set out to prepare a favorable candidacy via your resume you will use discernment and scrutinize your resume line-by-line, outweighing, repositioning, questioning, and editing so you influence and gain an interview.

The following question came to me via Twitter. Because Twitter limits your answer to 140 characters, you will find my reply below.

@resumeservice Hello I have a resume question. Should I list both my Associates and Bachelor Degrees?


You would always list your Associates Degree and your Bachelors Degree so as long as listing both is favorable to your candidacy. Now you may wonder, how can multiple degrees not be favorable to my candidacy?

Here are a few examples of when you would opt to not include your Associates degree if you have a Bachelors degree:

1. Your Bachelors degree major is in line with your career path but your Associates degree is not related in the very least. At this point, no need to divulge that you have taken up a different path before unless it can somehow add another favorable dimension to your candidacy. Remember, resume writing is about listing information that would be influential and about keeping content to the minimum necessary to persuade.

Firstly Place Them In The Education Section

If you graduated with honors, you should include that detail in the education section of your resume. Do this even if your resume has a section for honors and awards. Your Latin honors should be listed under the relevant degree so that it is obvious when and where you earned them. This is especially important if you have multiple degrees listed in your education section. You dont want to mislead employers in any way. For instance, if you have completed both an undergraduate and graduate degree, it should be clear which degree the Latin honors are associated with.

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Cases When You May Want To Omit An Unfinished Degree

There are cases where its best to leave an incomplete degree off your resume.

For example, if an incomplete degree is irrelevant to the work you want to do and doesnt add value to your resume, simply leave it off your resume.

Another case is when including the degree has the potential to do more harm than good.

For example, if you didnt complete your degree for reasons that dont reflect well on you , then you may want to leave it off your resume.

On the contrary, if youve successfully completed your degree, then youll want to take full advantage of your hard work by learning how to properly list a degree on a resume.

Not Recommended Items For Education In Resume

Associate’s Degree Everything to Know – InterCoast Colleges
  • High school information if youve completed a university degree
  • GPA on resume, especially if it is too low
  • Graduation year or dates in school, especially if it is more than a decade in the past.

Here is how to list education on resume:

  • Start with your most recent academic experience.
  • Add the degree earned if you completed it.
  • Include the school name, city, and state.
  • List the program or major if the schooling is yet unfinished.
  • Add extras to make the education section soar, such as honors, awards, relevant coursework, and minors.
  • Use a second educational entry if the first one is unfinished.
  • Here is a no-frills basic sample of education listed on a resume:

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    How To List Certifications

    Relevant certifications are another piece of information to include in the education section of your resume.

    In situations where someone is looking to change fields, obtaining a certificate or certification in another field may provide enough education to support the career change. This saves the time necessary to obtain an additional college degree.For many employers, certificates and certifications make an applicant stand out. Additionally, continuing education credits often help an individual seek leadership positions within their current company. For these reasons, pursuing a certificate or a certification is worth considering.

    Heres a simple way to add a certificate or certification to your resume:

    West Seneca State College | West Seneca, NY | May 2016Bachelor of Science, Accounting

    Crafting An Aa Degree Emphasis On Your Resume

    Some people wonder whether they should include their Associate of Arts degree on their resumes, and if so, how they should go about including these degrees in order to emphasize their usefulness. As a general rule, AA degrees should, in fact, be included, since they reflect intellectual curiosity and advanced education. What follows are some tips for maximizing the effectiveness of these degrees on the resume itself.

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    Resume Examples & Samples

  • Mention Awards
  • Education is tough. You spend four years in college, stressing about exams and living off of gummy bears and ramen, often curled up on the library floor. Thats the best case scenario. Reward your efforts by expertly putting your education on a resume.

    Its crucial to know how to list your education on a resume at every stage. Applicants get confused by all the possible scenarios. What if you never finished high school? What if you only completed high school? What if you dropped out of college? Don’t worry.

    We will teach you how to:

    • List your high school experience even if you never graduated
    • Include your education if youre still in college
    • Present your education on a resume if you never graduated college
    • Mention your college education once its completed
    • Leverage skills and extracurriculars to complement your education

    VelvetJobs Expert Tip

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