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How To Make Resume Visible On Linkedin

Linkedin Personal Brand Element #: Tone Of Voice And Storytelling

How to add a Resume to your LinkedIn profile

Another aspect to consider is that your LinkedIn public profile should NOT read exactly like a one-page resume.;The resume;should compliment your LinkedIn profile, and neither should replace the other. You have a lot more freedom in style, tone and storytelling on your profile page. But its also not custom-tailored to a specific job or employer, so it lacks that razor-edge. Job seekers tend to focus on immediate concerns, but if you want a long and happy career – you should play the long game. Invest into your brand by caring about it, first and foremost. Caring about how it looks AND how it reads. ;

A big part of this is correctly setting up your LinkedIn Summary, which you can read about in the chapter on section content and formatting. Same goes for the importance of the LinkedIn headline, which we covered in the first chapter dealing with LinkedIn account personalization.

However, an important aspect of your professional brand is the Tone of Voice you use in its writing. This is a term often used by marketers and PR specialists, but its intuitively easy to understand: it’s the vocabulary and phrases you employ in LinkedIn profile descriptions, it’s how formal or informal you “sound”, how clipped and laconic your language is and so on.

The best way to establish a correct Tone of Voice is to think about the prospective employer you are targeting.

Can I Hide My Linkedin Profile From Everyone

Heres how to hide your public profile according to LinkedIn: Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. Click View Profile, and then Edit public profile & URL on the right side of your profile. Under the Edit Visibility section on the right side, toggle Your profiles public visibility to Off

Focus On Your Strongest Set Of Skills And Experiences

When posting your resume, you may be tempted to cover your bases by detailing all of your work experience and applicable skills. However, prospective employers prefer to see more focused and detailed information about you that is relevant to the position they have available. Therefore, when compiling your resume, develop a focused list of several jobs and skills that will be most attractive to the hiring companies in your desired field.

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Add A Key Skills Section To Your Summary

You get up to 2,000 characters in your Summary section, so optimize it with keywords in a Key Skills section. To avoid keyword-stuffing your profile and being flagged by LinkedIn, limit this section to your top 10-12 job-related and technical skills.

While you should have keywords naturally integrated throughout your LinkedIn profile, a Key Skills section in your Summary is similar in purpose to your Skills section on your resume. It should be short so its easy to skim, and it optimizes your content with a few more keywords .

Why Is My Resume Blurry On Linkedin

How To Make Your LinkedIn Profile More Visible In Search ...

Sometimes, resumes uploaded as PDFs to LinkedIn appear blurry due to image quality or compression issues. However, you can often work around this issue by hosting your resume on another site. Upload your PDF to your own website, then navigate to the featured section and add the URL instead of the document.

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Converting Your Resume Into A Linkedin Profile

First, you need to create your master resume, the one you use as a foundation for making a target resume each time you apply for a particular job. Because your master resume presents a broad picture of who you are as a professional, and the value you offer to your professional community, its content will be excellent for your LinkedIn profile.

  • Click on to learn how to create your master resume.
  • With your completed master resume document open, go to your LinkedIn account.
  • In the toolbar, hover your cursor over Profile, and click Edit Profile from the pull-down menu. The page displays your current profile.
  • Lets go section-by-section to see how to use your master resume to create your LinkedIn profile.

    Dont: Phrase Your Professional Experience In The First Person

    After phrasing your summary in the first person, you should not do the same for the professional experience section. Under each role, the information should remain the same as it appears on your resume. However, this is where it gets tricky.

    LinkedIn maintains character limits for each role; therefore you may not be able to include all of the information that is present on your resume. It is important to focus on your achievements and contributions and cut down the information that focuses on daily tasks.

    Also, keep in mind any confidentiality or bad practices.

    If you have disclosed certain numbers regarding annual revenues or targets in your resume that your previous/current employer would not want published online remove them from your profile. This also goes for any information regarding failures in certain processes with previous/current employers do not include this information.

    You most likely have connections that are still employed with the company, and if senior management were to see information on your profile that they are unhappy with, you may lose a good reference and ruin a relationship.

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    The Next Step: A Linkedin Secret

    If youve taken all this advice and you are still not fending off calls from headhunters, its time to take additional action and the best thing about this part is that YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER WONT SEE IT.

    Many people worry about making it too obvious on LinkedIn that theyre looking for a new position, in case they jeopardise the job they already have. LinkedIn has now got around this problem by enabling you to add a special flag to your profile, which will only be visible to users who have subscribed to LinkedIn Recruiter.

    LinkedIn Recruiter is a subscription-based different platform version of LinkedIn – specifically for headhunters and talent scouts. Adding this flag to your profile will boost your visibility to these top recruiters for 90 days you dont have to pay anything, just follow a few simple steps.

    Evaluate Your Linkedin Profile

    How To Add Resume To LinkedIn

    Is it complete? Profiles that are considered complete by LinkedIns standards receive 40 times more opportunities than incomplete profiles.

    ?; Is it engaging?; Now is a good time to update your profile or perhaps even scrap it and start over.; Youll set a new baseline for your online persona and subsequent changes/updates wont seem out of the ordinary.; Things to consider:

    • Dont just state your name and title.; If the first words you write about yourself arent interesting, they may be the only words recruiters read.
    • Make sure your summary isnt stale.
    • Update your skills list so that it accurately details what your actual skills are.
    • Buzzwords have no buzz.; Results-driven, detail-oriented, etc.; We know what they mean, yet they really dont mean anything; they are not, therefore, useful.

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    How To Write A Linkedin Profile

    9 steps to getting noticed on the worlds biggest online candidate marketplace

    In 2009, LinkedIn reported that they were attracting over one million new users every 2 weeks. But I had to wonder how many of those new users actually ever set up a full profile, or used the system effectively. I cant count the number of times I check a clients profile, only to find a scant few lines of text and very little else.

    This is insane! LinkedIn is not only a great way to network, its also increasingly used by recruiters to post vacancies and, more importantly, to search for candidates. You cannot afford to ignore this amazing job search tool.

    If you do have a profile, you might think youre done. Not so! Most of you havent set up your page for maximum impact and visibility. So if you have a profile already, use my nine steps to make it better. If you dont, use them as a guide to create your first profile.

    How To Upload Aresume To Linkedin

    1st Step: Log in To Your LinkedIn Profile with id and Password.

    2nd Step: leaving the LinkedIn home page, go to your profile page.

    3rd Step: Look for the About Section. It will appear below your profile picture with a general description.

    4Th Step: Click on the Pencil icon on the About Section.

    5th Step: After Clicking the Pencil Button, you can edit your About section and below that in the media section you will see a blue Upload Button.

    6th Step: Once you click on the Upload button you will be taken to the storage. You need to select your resume file and click Ok.

    7th Step: Once it gets uploaded you need to click Save to finish the process.

    For your information you can upload your resume in almost all the popular files formats like .pdf, .txt, .doc, .docx etc. So, you need not worry about that. But make sure that your resume or you can say bio-data is of great quality.

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    How To Upload Your Resume To Your Linkedin Profile

    Although we dont recommend doing this, heres how:

    1. Get into your LinkedIn profile.

    2. Move your cursor over the section you want to add your resume and click the Add Media icon in the upper right-hand corner. I suggest your summary section or your most current experience.

    3. Select Upload a file if youd like to display your resume on your profile OR type in a website to link to your resume if it exists on another site.

    4. If you chose to upload your resume, select the file from your desktop. A picture of your content will display with pre-filled Title and Description fields.

    5. Click Save. An update may appear on the homepages of your network, letting others know you added a media file or link.

    And there you have it! Uploading your resume to your LinkedIn profile is a cinch but you really must think long and hard as to whether you want this information public.


    How To Create A Custom Linkedin Url

    Een cv met LinkedIn maken in Word met de LinkedIn ...

    Hereâs how to customize your LinkedIn profile URL:

    • When you are logged in to LinkedIn, click on your own profile page. Then, click on the âEdit public profile & URLâ link on the upper right corner of the page.
    • On the;right side of your;public profile;page, you will see your current URL. Immediately underneath it, you will see a link to âEdit public profile URL.â Click on the pencil icon, and you will see a box where you can fill in your new custom URL.
    • Type in a new URL composed of 3-100 letters or numbers, with no spaces, symbols, or special characters allowed.

    Once you have created a customized URL, itâs a good idea to;add it to your resume;and to your;social networking profiles.

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    Build A Strong Network Of Connections

    LinkedIns search results dont work quite the way a regular search engine does. Instead, when you search their system, they serve up the names of people who are immediately connected to you first, and then go on to 2nd degree connections – those people who know someone that you know – and then third-degree connections and so on and so on.

    This means that the more connections you have, the more likely it is that recruiters will find you.

    Theres long been a debate about whether you should only connect with people you know and can personally vouch for or whether you should be what is called an open networker and connect with anyone who asks.

    To some extent, it probably depends on your goals for LinkedIn and your own personal philosophy, but if you want to be found in the maximum number of searches, theres no debate. Open networking is the way to go.

    If you decide that open networking is not for you, and that you really do want to limit your connections to people you know, then at least make sure to add as many of them as possible using the various features LinkedIn makes available.

    Add Your Linkedin Resume On A Post

    As we have seen earlier, posting your resume on LinkedIn gives you this virality effect thanks to your links.

    For example, if 15 people respond , then a certain percentage of the people connected with those people will see your post in their feed.

    So make sure you create the best LinkedIn post possible with great text, and especially with a killer resume to maximize reactions.

    Here is the step-by-step process to add your LinkedIn resume in a post :

    • Go to your personal profile.
    • Add your resume in PDF format.

    Next, you should write one or several text paragraphs to complement your file.

    To catch peoples attention, we recommend that you make your post instantly stop the vertical feed sweeping. You can do this by creating a text catchphrase such as For Recruiters/X with a different typography to attract attention.

    You can also inject emotion into your post, which is a very powerful virality driver. To do this, use storytelling with your moments of success, failure and learning.

    Finally, engage others . For example, by asking them to comment.

    Here is now a very effective technique to deliver your resume on LinkedIn in a totally innovative way and enhance this viral effect

    It is to create a .

    To do this, follow the tutorial in the article through the link above.

    With this technique so rarely used to promote your resume on LinkedIn, you will stand out from the rest thanks to a very pleasant snackable content.

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    Use Your Summary Wisely

    Your summary or About section is where you can really show your personality and share your story, Hallow says. And it doesnt need to be complicated.

    Heres how you might structure it:

    • Introduce yourself. Who are you as a professional and what do you do? What value do you bring to the organizations you work for?
    • Highlight your key skills, experiences, and achievements in paragraph form or a bulleted list.
    • Talk about who you are outside of work. This is optional, but you never know which of your interests might resonate with a recruiter, future employer, or professional connection.
    • by asking them to connect with you to discuss growth marketing, contact you about job or speaking opportunities, or do whatever youre currently looking to get from your LinkedIn profile.

    Even if you follow this structure, there are infinite ways to write your summary. The About section is very personal, Wasserman says. Use the first person, and dont be afraid to talk about what really matters to you in your career.

    Why You Shouldnt Upload Your Resume Your Linkedin Profile

    How to Create a Resume from LinkedIn

    Your intention may be to make your resume available in as many places as possible, but it isnt particularly helpful to upload your resume to LinkedIn. Its redundant and could communicate to recruiters that you dont really get the platform. After all, LinkedIn allows you to dive into your past experiences much more than you can with a standard resume.

    Focus on building out your LinkedIn profile content rather than simply using it as a home for your resume. Try Jobscans;;for personalized tips and ideas.

    Additionally, LinkedIn already allows users to download a resume-style .pdf of your LinkedIn profile.

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    Follow Companies Of Interest And Engage With Their Content

    As a savvy job seeker, you should have already in your job search. Follow those company pages.;LinkedIn allows users to set up job alerts on a Company Page. Once youve set up a job alert, youll be notified of new jobs that match your skills through the Notifications tab.;You can also share your interests with recruiters of companies you are targeting. Your details will only be shared with recruiters who want to contact members who have created job alerts specifically for their company.

    LinkedIns artificial intelligence tracks when you are on LinkedIn and what you are doing. Company recruiters can actually see which candidates have taken an interest in their company not only creating Job Alerts, but also by who is following their company, what content they are viewing and sharing, and the number of connections they have within the company. Engage, engage, engage.

    How To Put Linkedin On Your Resume

    I remember when I first made a LinkedIn profile.

    I felt so professional and wanted to boast about the number of connections, references, all that jazz.

    And, naturally, one of the questions that sprang to mind was, Should I put my LinkedIn on my resume? Surely, it wouldnt hurt, right?

    If youve found yourself asking the same question, you might want to give it some more thought.

    If you want to put LinkedIn on your resume, the good news is, you absolutely can! However, you need to make sure you do it properly so that it doesnt backfire. Because it can.

    But wait!

    Before we get into it, wouldnt you want a resume that screams I am the best candidate for the job? Well, youre in luck!

    With the Enhancv resume builder, you can craft a resume that blows all other applicants out of the water. From design options to bullet and section suggestions and content writing tips, were here to help you land your dream job!

    Now, back to the question on everyones minds

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    How To Keep Your Linkedin Connections More Private

    Who you are connected with can be valuable information. Beyond snoopy bosses, there are also snoopy recruiters, and maybe you dont want someone mining your network for potential hires without going through you first. If you want to keep your connections private for either reason, go to your LinkedIn account:

  • Select: How others see your LinkedIn activity.
  • Choose who can see your list of connections and select Only you.
  • Maybe you dont want your current employer to know youve been polishing up your LinkedIn bio. If you want to keep your activity notifications more private from curious employers on LinkedIn:

  • Under Settings & Privacy, select: How others see your LinkedIn activity.
  • Select Share job changes, education changes, and work anniversaries from profile.
  • Choose no when it asks if you want your network to be notified about activity.

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