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How To Say Quick Learner On Resume

Make Sure Your Resume Matches What The Employer Is Seeking Based On The Job Description

As a Fresher, learn how to avoid Common Mistakes while making your Resume

Make sure your resume matches what the employer is seeking based on the qualifications in the job description the company has declared most important.

If you dont align your resume with the job description, that shows youre not interested, detailed, and have not studied what is most valuable to the company. In addition, this could perhaps indicate youre not a quick learner or serious about the job to the employer.

Remember, most recruiters take less than ten seconds to look through resumes.

Say That Youre A Fast Learner In Your Skills Section And Provide An Example In The Qualifications Listing

Being a quick learner is something employers, and recruiters will look for in applicants and new hires. So the ability to learn quickly on the job is a very good thing!

Now, as far as your resume goes, there are different ways to show this. One is with a bulleted statement that goes with your overall listing of qualifications that says youre a quick or fast learner. Another way to go is to provide one or more examples of your being a quick learner.

Here are some examples to illustrate these two strategies:

You can also have this listed with your various other skills. So being a fast learner is considered a skill.

Here are three examples to illustrate how a job seeker might list it:

One question you might have is whether you can use both of these on your resume. And the answer here is yes!

There is nothing wrong with repeating something in different places either for emphasis or to capture readers attention wherever they might happen to be looking.

If you want, you could say that youre a fast learner in your skills section and provide an example in the qualifications listing. These would complement each other rather than merely repeat things.

Patti Naiser

Senior Placement Specialist | CEO, Senior Home Transitions

What Skills Activities And Accomplishments Help You Highlight Your Fast

Being a fast learner is sort of an umbrella term that combines many skills. To make a positive impression, outline what fast-learning means to you. Here are some examples that may come in handy:

  • Perception & Adaptability: being adept and sensitive towards your surroundings is a good sign that you quickly perceive when things need to change and respond accordingly.
  • Versatility & Flexibility: versatile employees are appreciated for their ability to do many things at the same time, prioritize their tasks, and jump from one task to another if the situation requires it.
  • Attention to detail and resourcefulness: paying attention to detail communicates that you like to get to the bottom of things, while being resourceful is all about your proactivity and willingness to improve and educate yourself.

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Other Ways To Say You Are A Quick Learner In An

Posted: Mar 19, 2021 · If youre preparing for an interview and want other ways to say youre flexible, you need to find other ways to say quick learner. Saying youre a quick learner would not make you look like a liability, but it is important to use more specific language because Im a quick learner as a phrase doesnt really say very much about what you mean by that.

How To Add Quick Learner To Resume

13 Quick Learner Resume Example Examples


You can also use phrases as ways to say fast learner. Consider active statements like Able to grasp new concepts quickly, Excellent capacity to retain new things, or I can assimilate new ideas efficiently.

Also, should I put fast learner on my resume? The truth is, recruiters dont want to read youre a fast learner any more than they want to read that youre a great leader or a proactive self-starter. The key to expressing these soft skills on your resume is to show, not tell.

Similarly, how do you put self learner on resume? Where to put self-taught skills on a resume? Self-taught skills can be placed in the Education section. They can also be placed in the Skills section if you would like to just list them. Put them in the Work Experience section if you want to give details of professional goals achieved using these skills.

Best answer for this question, what can I say instead of quicklearner?

  • Active listener.
  • Resourceful.
  • Versatile.
  • As many you asked, are fast learners more intelligent? Being a fast learner is typically a sign that a child is pretty intelligent. Another sign that a child is a quick learner is if they tend to learn lessons much faster than other children do. Some of them are also pretty good at working on projects alone.

  • Understand your learning style.
  • Have a clear learning goal.
  • Focus on one specific thing.
  • Create and follow a strict learning plan.
  • Also Check: How To Put A Master’s Degree On Resume

    How Can You Be An Effective Learner

    Here are 10 practical tips to help you become a more effective learner.Seek Knowledge. If there is one thing you take away from this blog post, it should be this one. Ask Questions. Be a Voracious Reader. Be an Attentive Listener. Embrace Discomfort. Have an Open Mind. Find Your Preferred Learning Style. Do Not Memorize.

    How To Say You’re A Quick Learner In Your Cover Letter

    Your cover letter, if you have one, give you a chance to expand a little on how being a quick learner is relevant to the position youre applying for. That means you should:

    • Focus on how it relates to the job. You want the hiring manager to understand how your ability to learn quickly will benefit them.
    • Use concrete examples, similar to how you should list accomplishments in your experience section.
    • Use synonyms so you arent just saying quick learner over and over. Try adept, capable, receptive, retain information, and able to quickly grasp new concepts.

    In your cover letter, you can use sentences like the following to show you’re a fast learner:

    • “I’m someone who hits the ground running at , I implemented a new process to reduce customer complains by 20% in my first 3 months.”
    • “Although I hadn’t formally learned or programmed in Python, I was able to quickly learn and use my existing programming knowledge to start fixing bugs in just the first two months after joining”
    • “At my last role, I quickly got up to speed with …”

    You can also discuss how you joined a new role that was very different to my last role increased and varied responsibility is always effective at showing you’re a quick learner.

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    Give Concrete Examples Of How You Have Quickly Developed New Proficiencies

    To spotlight yourself as a quick learner on your resume, dont just write fast learner under a general skills list. Instead, give concrete examples of how you have quickly developed new proficiencies. Usually, the best place to do this is when describing your accomplishments for each of your prior positions.

    If youre not already providing summaries of ways that you added value to a company when in a position, that should be your first step. Dont just copy and paste the job description.

    Heres an example: If you joined a company as a social media manager and later got promoted to a digital marketing director, you could provide a timeline of how you learned the skills it took to move up in the company.

    Instead of saying Promoted after a year, you could say:

    Learned Google Analytics, Semrush, and Mailchimp in two months started leading campaigns on these platforms four months after joining the company promoted after a year in the original role.

    Christian Velitchkov

    Co-Founder, Twiz LLC

    How To Show You’re Willing To Learn On A Resume

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    Employers value employees who are coachable, willing to learn new skills and who are motivated to grow in their careers. Showing your willingness to learn can be effective for proving to employers that you are motivated to take on new challenges and develop in your role. Highlighting your self-taught experience, describing additional training and providing examples of how learning new skills helped you achieve success in past jobs are all effective approaches for conveying your willingness to learn on your resume.

    In this article, we discuss when it’s appropriate to include your willingness to learn on a resume, how to demonstrate it and several tips to guide you when you write your resume to showcase your learning abilities.

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    Assess Your Learning Style

    First off, you need to analyze your learning style to understand what type of learner you are. Usually, a fast learner is a strategic thinker and a good listener.

    A strategic thinker is someone who comes up with numerous solutions to determine the best course of action and solve a problem. Meanwhile, a good listener is someone who gets things done once they learn how to do them.

    First learning skills cover a broad set of experiences, including quick adaptability to new environments, the capability to track new industry trends, and the ability to pick up new technical skills.

    For example, if youre able to capture and memorize sounds, you could fall in the category of auditory learners.

    Being a fast learner embodies several hard skills that may make your resume stand out from the crowd, including:

    · Communication

    · Planning & organizing

    · Project management, etc.

    When emphasizing being a fast learner on your resume, remember to tailor your statements to your particular industry. That will help make your career path a success.

    You can say something like:

    I was trained in Information Technology and can do this job in days. Ive been lucky to catch up and operate with minimum supervision in most of my jobs.

    As you can see, this statement is more like bragging. But, for the most part, its mostly fact-reporting and shows that, indeed, youre quick to learn and perform.

    Ways To Prove You Are A Fast Learner

    Posted: Aug 03, 2012 · If you are a fast learner, prove it on your resume with your accomplishments. To be honest, being a FAST learner is less important than being a steady learner. If you pick up new skills and apply them regularly, you can get farther than someone who is occasionally brilliant but lazy. Employers respect someone who is a consistent learner and worker.

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    Show That Youve Done Something Faster Better More Efficiently Or Effectively

    Actions speak louder than words. Its easy to put down on a resume that youre flexible, resourceful, and a quick learner, but do your accomplishments verify that claim?

    For example, did you take on extra coursework? Did you complete your studies in less time? Did you perhaps become a top salesperson within a year of joining your previous employer?

    Such accomplishments truly back up your words and prove that you have what it takes to hit the ground running.

    Specifically, the above strongly implies that youre ambitious, arent afraid to get your hands dirty, are willing to learn on the fly, and are constantly hungry for more.

    This is music to the ears of any hiring manager, as the less time they have to spend training you and showing you the ropes, the earlier you can start contributing to the company.

    Essentially, any time you can show that youve done something faster, better, more efficiently, or effectively, youll have a huge leg up on the competition.

    So, always be sure to highlight that as it speaks volumes about your character and demonstrates many desirable qualities employers search for.

    James Sun

    Managing Partner | Founder, BeautyTap

    What Do You Call Someone Who Is A Fast Learner

    Pin on Resume

    Someone who is able to learn a variety of things easily and quickly could be called a person whose learning capabilities are facile, the word being an adjective that means that someone easily accomplishes something. My personal favorite is the word nimble-witted or sharp, but thats my preference of word choice.

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    Use Phrases Like Eager To Take On New Projects

    Being a quick learner in a time where there are countless resources and educational tools available on the internet can be both a detriment and a blessing to an individuals resume.

    It can be difficult to showcase yourself as anything but a quick learner with so many tools in access. A nifty little mnemonic that helps to showcase your capabilities as a swift and ever-eager student is A.B.L.E.

    • Actively taking on new projects stale minds never really leave the comfort zone. Using phrases like eager to take on new projects can show a willingness to expand ones skill set while flexing their creative chops.
    • Broadcasting strengths this can mean highlighting past projects that entailed a lot of research, applying key learnings from seminars or workshops, or implementing coordination or management skills. Breaking down the idea of being a quick learner into real-life experiences can help flesh out and be more specific about an individuals capabilities.
    • Learning never stops applicants that show they are currently upskilling and are always trying to improve existing skills will be able to make a stronger case about the extent and ability to learn on the job.
    • Expanding on educational accomplishments while most people say an applicants education section should be limited to the year they graduate, adding accolades from school verifying ones commitment to learning can go a long way!

    Daniel Carter

    Financial Management Specialist | Debt Advisor, IVA Advice

    Convey Fast Learning Skills Using A Resume Builder

    I cant stress this enough: its very important to customize your resume to each specific job youre applying to.

    One way to organize your resume is by using a professional resume builder, such asResumeBuilderPro. This online resume builder helps you edit your resume to make it more relevant to a job.

    Remember, how the skills section of your resume looks will vary depending upon the format of your resume. Youll want to add a brief bulleted list at the end of your resume to highlight any skills that show youre a fast learner.

    Because many recruiters use a keyword scanner, ResumeBuilderPro picks the correct synonyms to increase your chances of having your resume noticed. With ResumeBuilderPro, you can tailor your skills section to look something like this:

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    How To Show That You Are A Fast Learner On Your Resume

    Posted: A fast learner is someone who is highly receptive to training, open to constructive feedback, and who can get things done only told once. Why is being a fast learner important on your resume. Every day, companies are introduced with new technologies and innovation is changing business processes. Customer preferences change, and companies merge.

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    How To Put Quick Learner On Resume 2021

    Posted: Aug 29, 2021 · For a quick learner resume, highlight your learning abilities in the skills, education, and experience sections. For some reason many people dont think what they learned is important.For some reason many people dont think what they learned is important.Founder, author, speaker, career growth advocate.

    Include Fast Learning Skills In Your Cover Letter

    In your cover letter, you can use skill keywords to make yourself appear like a more desirable candidate. Choosing a few skill words from your list that speak to your ability to learn quickly is a nuanced way to emphasize the point without stating something that may seem otherwise broad to employers.

    When writing a cover letter, follow all the typical formatting conventions like starting with an introduction that is captivating, using a standard greeting, including skills that provide context to how you will excel in the role and ending with a signature.

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    Get Comfortable With Ways To Say Fast Learner

    There are several ways to convey the skills implied by the term fast learner. One practice includes using words that are practically synonymous to the term. Another requires you to break down what it means to be a fast learner into actionable skills for your resume.

    First, analyze what it means to be a fast learner and make a list of similar terms you can use so you dont repeat yourself on your resume and cover letter:

    • Adept: This term implies being quickly and efficiently able to gain knowledge in a skill category.

    • Capable: Instead of saying fast learner you can call yourself a capable employee and convey the same message as adept people.

    • Receptive: If someone is receptive to training, the term suggests a strong ability to take in directions and learn.

    • Versatile: People who are versatile can do a lot of things, so if youre a fast learner thats often synonymous with being a versatile employee.

    You can also use phrases as ways to say “fast learner.” Consider active statements like Able to grasp new concepts quickly, Excellent capacity to retain new things, or I can assimilate new ideas efficiently.

    • Being resourceful

    • Strong listening and communication skills

    • Strategic planner

    • Knowledge of project management tools

    • Proficient in grammaror any subject matter where you tend to gain skills more quickly

    Candidates Can Use Their Portfolio Projects To Articulate Their Skills


    Quick learning is whats considered a soft skill in the job market. Not to be confused as a term of debasement, soft skills are incredibly valuable to recruitment teams. Theyre just harder to demonstrate.

    When applying for a job, candidates can use their portfolio projects to really articulate the skills theyre claiming on the resume. If youre a quick learner, use one of your example projects to show how.

    • What new skill did that project require you to learn?
    • How were you able to come up with the learning curve, and what did your ability to do so contribute to the group?

    These descriptions can be brief and shouldnt add too much time for someone whos browsing your portfolio.

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