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How To List Multiple Jobs At Same Company On Resume

Promotions On Resumesame Company Recurring

How to Include Multiple Jobs in the Same Company in Your Resume Resume Tips

Avoid the trite responsible for formula.

Use resume action verbs such as delivered, organized, led, managed, solved, coached or initiated to show the recruiter what youre capable of.

Quantify whats possible, and mix your responsibilities with achievements.

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Expert Hint: Regardless of your situation, you might want to single out one or two things youre really proud of and list them in a separate key achievements section on your resume.

Tips For Writing A Cover Letter For Two Jobs At A Company

When applying to two or more jobs at a company, you will typically submit separate resumes and cover letters for each job. Every resume and cover letter should be tailored to fit the specific job listing. For each job application,include keywords related to the specific job.

However, if you are allowed to only submit one job application to the company, or the two jobs are in the same department and are similar, you might consider writing one cover letter for two or more jobs.

When doing this, you need to keep a few things in mind:

How To List Multiple Positions At One Company On Resume

As you rise the ranks at your company, learn how to format a resume the right way.

Writing a resume is often a daunting challenge. It can be difficult to determine what information to include, how to organize and name each section of your resume, and the best resume format to tell your career story.

One of the most common questions professional resume writers receive is How do I list multiple jobs within the same company? It’s a perfectly understandable dilemma. If resume sections are typically separated by job and company, what do you do when there is only a foggy distinction between the two? Well, this could be done in one of two ways you could either combine the experience into one listing or separate it into multiple. Let’s take a look.

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How To List Multiple Jobs Within A Single Company On A Resume

A resume sums up your work history and gives the recruiter or hiring manager a reason to contact you for an interview. Describing your experience as succinctly as possible, yet providing the reader with enough information to deem you qualified for a face-to-face meeting can be challenging. Therefore, use your resume to illustrate both experience and aptitude by clearly listing multiple jobs and career progression with a single employer.

Advancing Through One Department

Resume Template Multiple Jobs One Company

Next to the company name, include information from your start date to the present, then list each title and the dates you held the position below it, says Dawn Reid, owner of Reid Ready Life Coaching in Clementon, New Jersey. She also suggests making the final bullet point something like promoted to X, which involved increased responsibilities and skills to show the move from one position to the next.

Listing multiple positions at an employer can establish a strong record of accomplishments that delivered a progression of internal promotions, says Hank Boyer of Boyer Management Group in Holland, Pennsylvania. List the employer and each title, then the top three accomplishments achieved and specific results under each title.

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Only List One Period Of Employment With Each Employer

  • Company Name, List Your Job Titles Itll read like XYZ Company, Office Manager / Executive Assistant / Administrative Assistant . Make note to also put a space before and after each /. The ATS may not know to search for keywords in combination of a /.
  • Company name, Present Job Title Itll read like XYZ Company, Office Manager . Include information on other positions held under the heading along with the rest of the content you highlight for the work period. For example, Earlier positions include.then include highlights from the positions. Theres no need to break down the period of employment for each of the prior positions.

How To Show Your Promotion On A Resume

The way you list your promotions will depend on the type of promotion you earned, the details of the job duties, and whether you stayed at the same company or changed organizations for the promotion. However, there is some basic information that you will need to include no matter the circumstances. Consider these steps to determine the information you should include:

  • Write the company name. This is standard information that can help a hiring manager verify your job experience.
  • Include your new job title and any old titles. Providing official titles you held is professional and gives a clear picture of your experience.
  • Outline the span of time you held each role. Especially if you held multiple positions, providing time spans for each position helps to show the scope of your experience.
  • List any notable promotions and duties. A job promotion typically means you have performed exceedingly well enough to have earned more responsibility and, usually, more authority. You may choose to note this as an advancement of skills.
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    How To Show Promotions On Resumesame Company Similar Duties

    Scenario one:

    Youve been promoted. Your responsibilities grew together with you but the nature of your job remains largely the same.

    In this case, the best way to list promotions on a resume is to

    Stack your job titles.

    Heres how to show a promotion on a resume when your duties dont change much:

    • First, list the company name, start and finish dates, and location.
    • Next, list your job titles in the reverse-chronological order.
    • Finally, add bullet points that reflect your achievements on a resume for all the positions, just like in the example below:

    How to List Promotion on ResumeExample


    It may be hard to come up with numbers for each and every experience bullet. And honestly:

    You dont have to.

    Its vital to strike the right balance, though.

    So, mix your responsibilities with achievements to create a balanced whole.

    Create Separate Entries: Showcasing Very Different Positions On Your Resume


    If you have been promoted or transferred to a new role that is very different from your old one, it is important that your resume reflects the distinct achievements and responsibilities in each position. To do this, create separate entries for each position.

    Use a single heading for the name of the company, with a subheading and bullet points for each position below it. Arrange the roles in reverse-chronological order, and focus on the distinct accomplishments you achieved in each role in the descriptions. This will show that you are multi-talented and have been successful in different contexts at the company.

    If you were promoted, be sure to note the promotion in the description of the more recent position. Promotions show that the company appreciated your work and trusted you with greater responsibilities.

    Flemish Informatics, Los Angeles, CAProject Manager | January 2019 – Present

    • Accomplishment 1

    IT Director | Mar 2016 – Dec 2018

    • Accomplishment 1
    • Accomplishment 3

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    Create A Separate Section To List Several Positions From A Previous Company

    If you worked at the same company for several years, receiving promotions and working your way up the company ladder, you can show this by creating a distinct section on your resume for that company alone. This method is best for mature professionals with decades of experience, with work experience from a company that dates back several years.

    To do this, create a section separate from the rest of your work history. You can title the section with the name of the company, or give it a heading like Previous Experience. Then, within the section, list all of your job titles at that company in reverse-chronological order. You can add descriptions to each job if necessary, but if these roles are from years in the past and you have more current roles to highlight, you can leave those out. This efficiently showcases all of your previous roles and tells a clear story of how you worked your way through the company, while leaving room on your resume for more details when you describe more recent positions.

    Prior Professional ExperienceFlemish Informatics, Los Angeles, CAIT Director | Jun 1998 – Feb 2002Senior IT officer | Jan 1994 – Jun 1998IT officer | Mar 1990 – Jan 1994

    Multiple Positions In A Resume

    There are different ways to highlight in your resume the different positions that you have held or are holding in a company.

    Doing so can make the recruiters get an insight into all the roles and responsibilities that define you as a professional.

    In your resume multiple positions can be highlighted to make the recruiters see your dynamic expertise and capabilities.

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    Option Three: Prior Experience Section

    The above two options work fine if you have a relatively short history with a company and only held a few different positions. However, for someone who has a long career with multiple job title changes within the same organization, it may be more concise and straightforward to create a altogether for prior experience.

    Heres what that would look like:

    Starbucks, Seattle, Washington | May 2003-Present

    President of Sales | June 2013-Present

    • Bullet 1

    Sales Manager | September 2005-May 2007

    Sales Coordinator | September 2004-September 2005

    Sales Representative | May 2003-September 2004

    Formatting your resume this way saves a lot of space and focuses on your most important roles and responsibilities. It also allows the hiring manager to see how long youve worked for the same company without overloading them with irrelevant information about your former roles. Clearly, you did well enough to become president, so who cares what you did back in your days as a sales rep?

    ATS may not differentiate between experience and prior experience sections, but they will pick up the dates and assign you the correct amount of experience for each position.

    Approach : Create Separate Position Descriptions

    Resume Multiple Positions Same Company

    If each of your positions is strong and relevant, separate the job titles and provide individual position descriptions. This approach is a great way to reveal your achievement history according to position and time frame. Pay attention to how you format these jobs so that you don’t appear to be job-hopping. By keeping the overall date range next to the employer’s name and indenting the job titles, the reader will easily see that you moved around within one organization. For example:

    COMPANY NAME – City, State, 2/01 to present

    • Store Manager, 8/03 to presentDescribe responsibilities and achievements
    • Assistant Manager, 5/02 to 8/03Describe responsibilities and achievements

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    Option Four: Worked For The Same Company At Different Times

    While less common than the above examples, there may be a situation where you left a company and then returned after working somewhere else. In this case, formatting your resumes work experience section is intuitive just go with the reverse-chronological format, and youll be fine. Heres what that looks like:

    Toast Inc., Boston, MA | March 2019-Present

    Sales Manager

    • Bullet 2

    • Bullet 3

    Obviously, this option only applies if theres a gap in your employment at a particular company. An ATS will have no problem parsing the information in a resume formatted like this because its the standard resume format.

    Example Of Separate Listings For Positions:

    COMPANY NAME, City, State | â

    Position 1 â

    Job Description

    COMPANY NAME, City, State | â

    Position 2 â

    Job Description


    In this instance, the company name for both position listings would be the same. Try to limit your usage of the separate listing option to promotions that involved a major change in job duties or focus – or if you were away from the company for a time.

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    List Achievements And Promotions

    For each position, you should list your achievements and experience, and highlight those that are most relevant to the position you are applying for. If the move was a promotion, make sure that you explain it clearly. However, even lateral moves can show that you possess a wide range of skills.

    Getting promoted at a company shows that you are not only a high performer but also a dedicated and loyal employee. You should make sure that your resume tells this story.

    Let your prospective employers know that your previous bosses valued your work.

    Stack Your Job Titles When Showing Similar Jobs On Your Resume


    Sometimes, taking a new position doesnt mean taking on new obligations. Instead, you may have been transferred to a different branch office for the same role, or promoted to a position with more authority but the same day-to-day responsibilities.

    If this is the case, it may be unnecessary to create a separate entry for each role. Instead, you can stack the job titles together and add your experience and achievements at that company in a single entry. This entry will then account for your entire history at the company.

    To do this, add a single heading with the company title followed by all of your job titles in reverse-chronological order. Beneath that you can include the bullet points describing your responsibilities. This allows you to efficiently show that you have held different roles without repeating yourself in different job descriptions.

    Please note that this method is not ideal when applying through an applicant tracking system. When an ATS parses your resume, it may have difficulty discerning which role the description applies to. If you are applying via an ATS, consider writing your multiple positions in separate entries.

    Flemish Informatics, Los Angeles, CAIT Director | January 2019 – PresentIT officer | Jan 2014 – Dec 2018

    • Accomplishment 1
    • Accomplishment 2
    • Accomplishment 3

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    Option One: Stack Your Entries

    The first option well cover is the most intuitive and works well if you had very similar responsibilities in each position. For example, if you were a Sales Representative and got promoted to Sales Coordinator.

    In this case, stacking the job titles under one company header is a good option. Heres what that would look like:

    Toast Inc., Boston, MA | March 2016-Present

    Sales Coordinator | May 2018-Present

    • Bullet 2

    • Bullet 3

    As with any resume, start by stating the company name, location, and dates worked at the company. You should list your total time at the company next to the company name, and then put the date range for each position beside the job title. Always list your experience within a company in reverse-chronological order, starting with your most recent experience.

    For each bullet, use your most significant accomplishments from the higher position first. However, if you have achievements from your earlier title you want to show off, definitely add those as well.

    Its also a good idea to include your promotion and the reason for it in one of the bullets. For example: Promoted for outstanding client relations and demonstrated leadership ability. That way, your promotion doesnt get lost in the cards, and the hiring manager can clearly see how you added enough value to your former employer to earn a bump in responsibility.

    Toast Inc., Boston, MA | March 2016-Present

    Sales Coordinator | May 2018-Present

    • Bullet 2

    • Bullet 3

    What Is The Best Time Of Day To Apply For A Job

    Applying on a Monday increases your hiring chances by 46 percent, according to an analysis of more than 4,000 applications by TalentWorks. Delivering your résumé and application between early Tuesday morning and Thursday before noon local time is even better, noted Mark Babbitt, CEO & founder of YouTern.

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    Adding The Same Company Twice

    There may be situations when its appropriate to list the same company twice. For example, if you left an organization and returned after a period of time with a promotion, you should separate those experiences.

    As always, start with your current company first. List the job, dates you held the job and bullets of responsibilities and achievements. Next, list your previous jobs in reverse chronological order. When you get back to the company you originally left, list it again with the information about that position.

    Heres an example of how to list a promotion on a resume when you need to add the same company twice:

    This format will clearly show your change in companies and your promotions. Its also the only time you should list the same company twice.

    Related: When to Ask for a Promotion

    Option : Stacking The Two

    Resume Quandaries

    Stacking the positions into one description is the most common resume format for organizing more than one position at a single company. This method is used to draw attention to lateral moves or progressive responsibilities, achievements, and dedication to the company. There are a few simple rules to this resume format:

    • Include the overall date range at the top

    • List dates for each position next to the job title

    • Place job descriptions and bulleted key achievements directly below each position.

    The sample resume format looks like this:

    COMPANY NAME, City, State Company Start Date to Company End Date

    Position #2 Date to Date

    Job Description

    Position #1 Date to Date

    Job Description

    • Key Achievement 2

    • Key Achievement 3

    Place the most recent position at the top, and start each description with Promoted within from store manager to __ and describe your new position. Use action verbs to show your accomplishments, not just your job duties. Also be sure to include bullet points of achievements, which reflect your contributions.

    Here is an example of a description using action verbs and “achieving” language:

    Incorrect: Responsible for managing operations at 50 stores in the state.

    Correct: Coordinated team leadership for 50 stores statewide.

    Related:How to Make Your Resume Stand Out With Action Verbs

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