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How To List Your Degree On Resume

How To Put Study Abroad On Your Resume

How to show an in-progress degree on your resume.

Adding a study abroad semester or year to your resume can show employers that youre a go-getter. This information doesnt need to take up much space and should be included in the education section as well.

The correct place to put study abroad on your resume is just below the university you graduated from. You can format it the same way as you format the other institutions attended. For example:

DePaul University, Chicago, IL, December 2009-March 2013

Bachelor of Arts, Major English Composition, Minor Journalism

Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy September 2010-December 2010

  • Completed coursework in journalism and international affairs.
  • Became fluent in the Italian language

Everything you include in your resume should relate back to the job youre applying for. Its good to mention coursework and other activities that apply to that job when including your study abroad experience.

Formatting Your Education Section

  • 1Format your resume consistently. Theres no set way to format a resume, but the biggest rule is to format consistently.XResearch source Use one font size for section headings and another for general text, and include consistent bold or italic emphases.XResearch source
  • For example, if you bold employers names in your experience section, write your college in bold, especially if its a prestigious school or one known for excellence in your field.
  • Use a standard sans-serif font, like Arial, for easy readability. Use a 10-12 point size for general text and 14-16 point for section headings. ;;
  • 2Write the institution, its location, your degree, and any honors. Always include the name of your institution, its location, and the name of your degree. You can either write out your full degree name or use its acronym ;if you need to save room.XResearch source Include honors you were awarded instead of your GPA, especially if youre not a recent grad.XResearch source
  • If youre a recent grad with a high GPA, you could opt to include your GPA. Just be sure to explain your GPA system by writing, for example, 3.92/4.0.
  • You can also include your graduation year if youre a recent grad. Otherwise, you should avoid including dates, especially if your degree is older than 15 years.XResearch source
  • An example degree listing could be:Yale University, New Haven, CT. Bachelor of Arts in English, Magna cum laude.
  • Education On Resumerelevant Coursework

    City University of New York, New York, NY

    Relevant Coursework: network & security applications, internet-of-things, cloud foundations.

    • Museum of Science Student Guild

    Some even suggest adding your thesis as an educational element. You may want to include a separate Thesis subsection under the appropriate educational degree and indicate the title of your thesis in italics,states Harvard Law School.

    Our advice is, if its relevant, go right ahead!

    Please note, of course, that two or more of the various education subsections above may be combined. Just stack them one atop the other.

    Expert Hint: Only add extracurricular activities in your education section if they are relevant and affiliated with your time at the school. Otherwise, list relevant activities in a resume hobbies and interests section.

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    What Employers Are Looking For In Your Resume Education Section

    This depends on the job requirement. If the recruiters hiring the person for an entry-level position they will basically be looking for your degree or relevant coursework. If they are looking for an executive or managerial role they prefer masters qualifications or relevant certifications to be on your resume education section.

    But in this case you should be honest. If you cheat on your resume you will not be able to prove yourself at the interview. And keep in mind that the interviewers can easily confirm whether the information provided by you is true or false.

    How Much Education Should Be Listed On Resume

    How to List Minor on Resume

    This is one of the questions that is posed to me again and againand it is a good question! Here is the answer: IT DEPENDS. I know. You would like a clear-cut answer.

    But the reality is that when you set out to prepare a favorable candidacy via your resume you will use discernment and scrutinize your resume line-by-line, outweighing, repositioning, questioning, and editing so you influence and gain an interview.

    The following question came to me via Twitter. Because Twitter limits your answer to 140 characters, you will find my reply below.

    @resumeservice Hello I have a resume question. Should I list both my Associates and Bachelor Degrees?


    You would always list your Associates Degree and your Bachelors Degree so as long as listing both is favorable to your candidacy. Now you may wonder, how can multiple degrees not be favorable to my candidacy?

    Here are a few examples of when you would opt to not include your Associates degree if you have a Bachelors degree:

    1. Your Bachelors degree major is in line with your career path but your Associates degree is not related in the very least. At this point, no need to divulge that you have taken up a different path before unless it can somehow add another favorable dimension to your candidacy. Remember, resume writing is about listing information that would be influential and about keeping content to the minimum necessary to persuade.

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    Lastly Italicize The Names Of Latin Honors

    Since cum laude, magna cum laude and summa cum laude;are Latin phrases, you should use italics when listing these honors. These phrases should also be lowercase. You may find some examples and style guides that do not require you to italicize Latin honors, but using italics is the safer option. Plus, italics will help these words stand out.

    If your school uses English instead of Latin phrases, the rules are different. English honors should not be italicized, and they should be capitalized. English honors are typically listed as with Honors, with High Honors or with Highest Honors. The word Distinction may be used instead of Honors. Always use the exact wording adopted by your university.

    What To Include In An Education Section

    As we’ve covered, different formats of resumes may require different information to be included within an education section.

    In general, there is some basic information that should be included within the education section of a resume:

    • The name of the school â “e.g. Georgia Institute of Technology”
    • The location of the school
    • Your degree
    • Graduation year
    • Major field or department of study
    • Minor field or department of study
    • GPA

    Here’s what that looks like for and university grad:

    Georgia Institute of Technology ⢠Atlanta, GAB.S. in Computer Engineering, 2006 – 2010GPA: 3.9/4.0

    For high-school students, you can do something like the following:

    Georgia Institute of Technology ⢠Atlanta, GAHigh School Diploma, Graduated in 2010GPA: 3.9/4.0

    Remember, including a GPA is optional. Only add it if it’s required by the job listing or it’s relatively high. If your GPA is low , it’s better to just leave it out.

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    Be Transparent About What You Studied

    You shouldnt list Bachelor of Arts in English on your resume, for example, if you did not earn the degree.

    Recruiters perceive such an approach to be misleading, which could significantly harm your chances of landing a job.

    However, there is an easy way to approach this situation by adding coursework toward in front of the degree you were pursuing.

    Where To List Your Education On A Resume

    Write Your Degree on a Resume

    Usually the resume education section will be placed either after your work experience or before work experience. If the applicant is a recent graduate it is better to list this section before the work experience section as it is better to highlight your educational qualifications at the top of your resume.

    If an applicant has more work experience to describe, keep your resume education section after the work experience.

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    Chronological Resume Education And Training

    Use these guidelines when developing the education section of your chronological resume:

    • Always list your education in reverse chronological order . List academic degrees first, and then follow with trainings.
    • Do not list your high school diploma once you have attended college
    • If you have a bachelor’s degree and an associate’s degree, listing your associate’s is optional
    • Be sure to list the full name of your degree and the school you attended. Do not include institutions where you attended but did not complete a program.
    • Relevant coursework and highlighted projects can be used to demonstrate knowledge and experience, and enhance your academic information

    Education Example:

    Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice, expected 20XX University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD

    • Additional info may be bulleted underneath. It might include GPA, key courses, significant projects, or acquired areas of knowledge

    Certificate Example:

    Certificate, Security Management, expected 20XX University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, MD

    Other Training or Professional Development Example:

    Certificate or course name, dateSchool or training organization

    • Consider adding explanatory information such as length or training or relevance of course
    • Military training could be listed here, in its own section, or in the Experience section directly under the corresponding item.

    How To List Coursework On A Resume

    Listing coursework on your resume is most effective when you are applying for a job and you dont have a lot of experience, or if you are applying for a job that requires specific course completion. If you recently graduated from high school, college or a trade school, you may not have a lot of work-related experience. This article will show you how to include coursework on your resume to highlight your knowledge as a primary qualification.;

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    Kicks Two Cents: How To Make Your Education Section Stand Out

  • Consider adding subsections. If you have a lot of information to include in the education section, consider dividing it into subsections. You can divide it into Basic information , Awards and Honours, Certifications, School Organizations or Volunteer Work.
  • Keep ATS in mind. ATS normally uses school rankings to assess candidates. If youre still at school and have your;university email address, use it to associate yourself with the schools reputation. Make sure to include the full name of the school together with its abbreviation, e.g.;Massachusetts Institute of Technology .
  • Get certificates. If your academic background is not something you can be really proud of,;get an online certificate;from one of the top universities like Harvard or Yale. Then youll be able to use the schools name to your advantage.
  • Tell the truth. Its very easy for hiring managers to confirm whether your education is true or not. Also be honest about your grades. If youre not happy with your GPA, instead of making it up, rather leave it completely out of your resume.
  • If Youre Currently Employed In A Related Field

    How to List Education on a Resume [13+ Real

    If you currently work or are applying for a job in the same field, listing an unfinished degree can help illustrate relevant technical skills. This is especially true if you completed any noteworthy research, projects, or volunteer work as part of your degree and are still in the early stages of your career.

    List the unfinished degree in your education section to give context for your achievements. The accomplishments themselves should be listed in the relevant section of your resume ;for example, the experience section for paid or volunteer experience, or a projects or additional section for research or publications.


    Internships and other work experience should be listed in your work experience section.If youre including accomplishments from university projects or other activities, list these in their own section and include your unfinished degree in the education section.If you picked up relevant technical skills or certifications as part of your unfinished degree, list these in your skills section and include the degree for context.

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    Where To Place Education In Progress On Your Resume

    The second issue you need to address is placement. Where should you place these details when youâre trying to figure out how to list education in progress on a resume? There are two main possibilities, depending upon whether the degree is needed for the job youâre seeking.

  • If the job requirements include the degree that youâre pursuing, then you should try to emphasize that information in your resume. Position it near the beginning of your resume, after the summary section. That way, the employer will see that youâre close to completing that requirement before he or she delves any further into the document. This placement helps to showcase your interest and suitability right away.

  • On the other hand, you should place this detail later in the resume if the degree isnât needed for the position. In that instance, you can place your work history and skills higher up in the resume and leave your education for the end.

  • If Youre In College Or Just Graduated

    At this stage, you probably have more credentials related toyour target job as a student, than as a working professional.

    So if you havent had a job, project, or volunteer workrelated to the position youre applying for, put education before workexperience on your resume.

    You might argue that its better to list the odd andpart-time jobs you did first. Maybe you think these job entries show thatyoure employable and at least know what its like to work for a living.

    Perhaps some hiring managers might consider that fact.

    But what if they dont read past your job title as Waitress, Cashier, or Barista? Allthe qualities and achievements you list below the job title will be ignored,too. Even if those skills are related to the job at hand.

    For now, list education before your work experience first. Justconsider it your first step in convincing employers that you have thequalifications they need.;

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    Employed With Unfinished Degree

    For those who choose to go in the field, instead of pursuing a complete education, the unfinished degree can be leveraged to showcase the gained skills.;

    But how do you style this? Well, you have several options.;

    First, you can write a functional resume and can include all the skills youve gained in college to the Skill Set portion of your resume. In that case, your entry might look like this:

    Skill Set

    BS: Software Engineering Completed 18 hoursWork-Study Employee: Software Design

    Second Add Internships To Your Resume

    How to list in-progress Education on Your Resume | Resume Tips

    Many courses require you to complete summer internships that might not pay but offer experience in your field. For example, if you are applying for a law firm job, include your internship working as a file clerk or transcriptionist. During these internships, you probably learned to answer phones, talk with clients and specific legal terminology. Listing this on your resume shows you have a knowledgeable background working with attorneys, even if you might not have paid employment experience.;

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    If Youre A Current Student

    You can still include your degree on your resume if you havent graduated yet in fact, if youre applying for jobs in a related field, you definitely should. You should put your education section at the top of your resume, since thats likely to be your most relevant experience, and list an expected graduation date. Its okay if this changes employers understand that things dont always go exactly to plan.

    If youre currently on hiatus, you dont need to change the way you list your degree unless its been over a year. Within this timeframe, you can still legitimately consider yourself a current student.

    If youre a current student or have been on hiatus for less than a year, list your education section first and include an expected date of graduation.

    For more tips on what to include in your education section, check out our guide on how to list education on your resume.

    Does An Employer Care About A Double Major

    Employers care about a regular major, so they certainly care a lot about a double. Majoring in a subject in university means that you are an expert in that field, having spent thousands of hours researching, studying, and taking exams.

    This expertise is extremely valuable to an employer, who will not want to train a new employee from the ground-up.;

    Double majoring means that you are an expert in two fields, which is doubly impressive.

    This is especially in cases where the majors complement each other well, such as finance and economics. An employer gets someone who is well-rounded, and flexible in their expertise.

    Having a multi-faceted employee is better than having an employee who specializes in only one area, so highlight this fact well on your resume!

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    What To Include In Your Education Section

    When reviewing a job posting or job description, be sure to look for educational requirements usually listed under “requirements” or “qualifications.” This information can provide insight into what the organization is looking for in potential candidates regarding training or certifications. You can then use this information to customize your resume for each application process.

    There are specific details a hiring manager is looking for in your educational section that include:

    • Your most recent degree, or education in progress
    • The name of the school
    • The location of the school
    • Your field of study or degree major
    • Graduation year, or expected graduation date
    • Your GPA, if above 3.5
    • Any academic honours or accolades

    Your educational section is often the smallest part of your resume. Based on the job description, you want to provide varying amounts of detail, but an education section is typically 15-30 words. Customize your education section to reflect the requirements of the position. Ensure that your education section is truthful and accurate, as employers who complete background checks may also confirm your schooling.

    How To Include A Degree In Progress On Your Resume

    Listing future degree on resume

    When you include work toward a degree you have not yet received on your resume, it pays to be precise. As to how you present the information formally, you have a couple of options. Your resume includes a degree section where you can list the unfinished degree.


    Bachelor of Arts : University of California, Berkeley, 2001-2005

    Graduate studies in Education: University of San Diego, 2007-2008

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