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HomeIs It Ok For A Resume To Be 2 Pages

Is It Ok For A Resume To Be 2 Pages

Why Do You Need Two Page Resume

Is It Okay To Have A Two Page Resume?

A two page resume is sometimes a matter of choice and sometimes a matter of dignity.

Before the days of email, resumes were faxed, and further back, hand delivered. Pages got separated, particularly off a fax, but also on desktops .

That is the place from where all the “your resume should be one page long” advice ultimately comes from.

In fact, nowadays many people are not required to print the resume unless the recruit needs to take notes on it.

Pages don’t get separated in the digital domain, so 2 pages is OK – provided you aren’t just making it longer to appear more impressive. And if you’re an established professional, even a 3 page resume can be acceptable under certain circumstances .

In fact a resume should NOT be more than two pages. A CV could be more than two pages, but you’re not writing a CV, are you?

Unless your’e targetting jobs around the European continent, you do not need a CV. In fact, a 2 page resume contains almost all the information as does a CV.

Do Not Use A Bitmoji Or Other Alternative To A Photo

âIâm stumped by this trend,â says Caitlin, Zipjobâs Marketing Manager. âI love seeing creative displays of personality on a resume, but Bitmoji are cartoons. Stand out from the applicant pool in other ways that will earn you more respect.â

From a technical standpoint, as with other graphics, Bitmoji turn into jumbled nonsense to an ATS. Unlike logos or artistic headersâwhich can be appropriate for graphic designer resumes in print formâBitmoji never have a place on a resume.

Keep your cartoon self firmly in the realm of social media and informal communication: your professional resume document is neither.

How To Shorten My Resume

You might be thinking, how could I fit everything into a single page? One section of a resume might need more space than another, but then it restricts me from fitting everything into one

For example, if youre using a functional resume and have different skills such as:

  • Computer skills
  • Soft skills
  • Hard skills

Even if youre using a different resume layout , theres always that thought of wanting to include more things. Its always good to mention additional experience but it can sometimes have the opposite effect.

To learn how to shorten your resume to two pages or one page, use the following key tips:

  • Group your early career into one section
  • Focus your previous work experience with one-two bullets
  • Use a short bio in lieu of a personal resume summary or resume objective
  • Use a Most Proud Of section to intertwine achievements with culture fit
  • Choose an optimal font type Rubik, Roboto, Calibri, and Lato take up less space compared to Arial
  • Consider smaller font size 10.5 p is still great for content, while headers can be somewhere between 13 and 15 p.
  • Trim down unnecessary sections, such as references, and a lengthy address.
  • Remove any filler words, such as the, , an, a, like or that.
  • Experiment with the document margins until you optimize the use of the resumes white space. You can decrease it to a 0.5 of an inch.
  • If the answer is no, you can remove it.

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    How Long Should Your Resume Be Key Takeaways

    Truth is, theres no perfect answer. There are too many factors to be considered to allow for a simple determination. Nonetheless, the strategies and topics discussed will help you in making the decision.

    Before submitting your resume, use the following checklist summarised from everything in this guide:

    • Ive looked at the typical traits of one page, two page, and three + page resume
    • Ive answered the who, why, what, and how questions of a resume
    • Ive ensured all of my experience is specific, relevant, and measured
    • Ive determined the significance of each item included on my resume and believe removing any section would negatively affect my chances of being hired
    • Ive consulted other successful resumes to see how others have crafted their resumes for inspiration
    • Ive used Enhancvs builder to present all of this information in a sleek way and have capitalized on their unique sections to stand out

    If youve followed these steps, chances are you have the perfect resume length for you.

    As weve learned from Gals case study, sometimes rules-of-thumb do not fit your situation. Daniels story shows us that sticking to one page isnt always an advantage, and Mia shows us that in some cases, the recommended length is the best length.

    As long as youve done the research and followed this guide, there is no right or wrong answer.

    Do you agree with our tips? How long do you prefer your resume to be? Share your own insights in the comments below.

    Resumes Arent The Only Thing Anymore

    Is it OK for My Resume to Be 2 Pages?

    Your paper or digital resume document probably wont be your first introduction to recruiters and hiring decision makers. Because they search online to source and assess top talent, youre likely to be found by them online before you ever send them your paper or digital resume document.

    Your will probably be your first introduction to them. You may even send them a link to your profile, instead of your resume, to introduce yourself. If you fill all the space allowed in each LinkedIn section, as you should, your fully fleshed out LinkedIn profile could easily amount to 3 or 4 or more pages, if you dropped it into a Word or PDF document.

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    Senior Level And Science Candidates

    Executives or senior-level managers often have a long list of accomplishments and experiences that they have to include. The same is true for people in the sciences or academia who want to include their licenses, patents, or publications. These job seekers can write a resume that is three pages long or even longer.

    How To Optimize A Two Page Resume

    While keeping your resume to one page is easy enough if you have very little work experience, as you gain experience a single-page resume may not do the job of demonstrating the benefits you offer a potential employer. You want to be sure that your two-page resume doesn’t prove a hindrance in the hands of a tired hiring manager.

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    Include Your Contact Information On The Second Page

    While the header on your first page should be larger, your contact information should also be placed at the top of the second page of your resume so an employer can easily find this information while reading. Use a font size thats only one size larger than the rest of the page, and limit this information to your name, phone number and email address. This should be a smaller version of the main header on the first page.

    Sample One Page Resume

    Resume Writing: How many pages should my resume be?

    This is an example of a one page resume. or see below for more examples.

    Career Summary

    Seasoned and meticulous Financial Analyst offering 10 years expertise providing decision support to executives of global manufacturing companies. Highly skilled in clear-cut and concise storytelling through financials. Core Competencies:

    • Financial Analysis and Reporting
    • Quantitative Methods and Forecast Modeling
    • Revenue and Expense Variance Analysis
    • Data Mining and Visualization

    ABC MANUFACTURING CORPORATION, Oklahoma City, OKFinancial Analyst, 02/2013-PresentPartner across all functional business units to deliver quantitative analyses and forecasts of expenditures, sales revenues, and capital improvements.

    • Implemented and trained executives in use of new management reporting system that increased timeliness and accuracy of financial reporting
    • Pinpointed and reconciled discrepancies in business unit financial reports, averting risk exposure by creating stringent new due diligence processes.

    XYZ GROUP, Norman, OK, 06/2008-02/2013

    Skillfully researched and prepared business cases, performed cost benefit analyses, and structured quarterly forecasts to optimize business planning processes.

    • Played instrumental role in creating a business case and performing due diligence key to a $4.5M merger and acquisition.
    • Formulated recommendations for long-term planning that ultimately produced a 17% increase in business growth.

    Education and Credentials

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    When Should Your Resume Be Three Pages

    Your resume should rarely be three pages or more. Most of the information for a three-page resume is better suited for a LinkedIn profile or a comprehensive CV.

    âThough we generally advise against a resume length beyond two pages, sometimes itâs necessary,â says Jennifer. âSome professions and industries have a different set of standards when it comes to resumes and therefore require more information.â

    Change Your Resumes Formatting

    If your resume has wide margins and a large font, youâre going to have a hard time fitting all the information you need on two pages. After clarifying the content, read our advice on resume margins and font size, as well as the top 10 resume fonts. This will help your resume appear balanced, relevant, and easy to read.

    Many people opt to use templates they find online. The templates you find on Etsy, Canva, or other sites are often very visually appealing and use a lot of white space; however, multiple columns can confuse ATS scans so proceed with caution.

    âIf your resume includes more than a square inch of white space at any point, adjust your settings. Thatâs valuable real estate! Play with the margins, tabs, and justification settings,â advises Caitlin.

    Note: white space refers to spaces without content, no matter what color youâve opted to use or any lines youâve incorporated into your resume.

    Finally, be wary of any site or resume builder that offers a subscription service for resume templatesâtheyâre notorious for charging unknowing job seekers month after month. When in doubt, DIY your resume or hire a reputable service.

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    Tips For Deciding When To Use A Two Page Resume Format

    Here are some instances when you should use a two page resume format:

    • You are targeting a senior or management position
    • You have multiple relevant projects, certifications or technological skills to detail
    • You have many extracurricular achievements
    • Youve held more than a few positions in a relevant industry
    • Youre applying for a job in the federal government

    You can decide whether a two page resume is right for you by first writing down everything you could include on your resume. Then, remove any information not related to the position you want to apply for. If what you have left is still one and a half pages or longer, a two page resume will probably be beneficial to your application.

    What Is The Format For Personal Statement

    2 Page Resume: Will It Crush Your Chances? (Format & Tips)

    Format Your Personal Statement Correctly Single-space your personal statement with standard cover letter spacing. Write 5 to 8 paragraphs and 700 to 1,000 words. Choose a respected cover letter font like Arial, Helvetica, or Cambria. Put your name and contact info in a cover letter heading at the top.

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    Youre Hoping To Attract The Attention Of A Recruiter

    Many senior managers and executive-level professionals work with recruiters to source coveted positions. The same is true for companies that are looking for very specific candidates to fill critical roles. This makes it important for job-seekers to find effective recruiters to land them dream gigs. And in a competitive market, you need to stand out more than ever.

    According to Amanda Augustine, a career expert for TopResume, a 2018 study revealed that recruiters typically prefer two-page resumes over one page, regardless of their job level. Though this doesnt mean you should automatically try to fill two pages if you dont have content, it should alleviate some of the stress you feel when going from a single to a double-sided. Many believe since recruiters spend only a hot second blazing through resumes, it should be as short as possible. The opposite is actually true, Augustine says. You want your resume to cover the important details that support your candidacy as succinctly as possible, she continues. However, the last thing you want to do is cram valuable information into a single page with a tiny font size and narrow margins. Given that recruiters skim over resumes in such a short amount of time, you need to make it as easy as possible for them to quickly pull out the details that matter most to themwithout going cross-eyed in the process. A two-page resume will often allow you to create the necessary white space to strike this visual balance.

    Provide Key Information On Page One

    Start your first page with a resume introduction. For experienced job seekers, a resume summary is the best option because you can highlight four or five of your biggest career-related achievements.

    However, there are other ways to start a resume, and the best choice for you depends on your professional background.

    After your introduction, list your work experience. On a chronological resume, list your most recent job first, and then work backward. You can use your second page to continue your work experience section if necessary, but make sure the listed experience is still relevant to the role youre applying for.

    Your resumes skills section should also appear on your first page.

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    Why Are There So Many Opinions About Resume Length

    Unfortunately, theres no best answer.

    The hiring landscape has changed considerably in recent years. Not even 20 years ago, keeping your resume down to one page was both a strategic and cost-effective move .

    Going even further back in time youll read that keeping your resume to a single page is your best option.

    Two pages are also acceptable.

    But, anything longer makes it too difficult for employers to go through.

    Today, these worries are less pronounced. In fact, theres a growing trend of recruiters preferring two-page resumes over single-page ones.

    According to a study by ResumeGo, its found that hiring managers are 2.3 times more prone to select a two-page resume format over the one-page resumes. No matter what the candidates professional level is, it doesnt make a big difference.

    So why do people still argue for a one-page resume?

    In one word: relevance.

    Every resume has an audience. But, not everyone will have the same opinion.

    And, thats why its difficult to assume what the ideal resume length is.

    Some recruiters and hiring managers will follow the one-page rule to the letter while others will think the rule is useless. To help overcome this difficulty, its best to research the hiring practices of the organization youre applying to and see the common traits associated with page lengths.

    You Made A Career Pivot

    How To Write A Resume That Stands Out – 5 BEST Resume Writing Tips

    Before you decided to head to business school, you were a marketing manager. Or, you thought you wanted a career in investment banking, but then decided to go to law school. You started on the veterinarian path, but then you decided it was financially smarter to pursue software development. Whatever the case, Weiner says those who have made a significant career pivot may need a two-page resume to explain their journey.;

    The key is to consider if it fits into what you do now and how you can leverage it to highlight your value and overall story, she shares. If you are making a career pivot into a new industry, you will want to showcase those transferrable skills, which may require increased length and deference of that experience. Your earlier career experience can be highly relevantso do not rule it out.

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    Why Your Resume Should Be Two Pages

    Your resume will most likely need two pages to show your career progression. If you have more than 10 years of experience, youâll also want to include a professional summary and possibly a career highlights section. These are both excellent opportunities to fit in more keywords.

    For highly skilled applicants, a two-page resume will also fit all your relevant experience, education, certifications, and additional training.

    Can My Resume Be 2 Pages

    Yes, your resume can be 2 pages or longer if you have a lot of relevant information to put on your resume like work experience, certifications, educational details, and skills.

    Its not bad to have a 2 page resume if making it one page would hurt your chances of landing an interview. In that case, instead of struggling to fit everything on one page, add a second page to your resume.

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    Whats The Ideal Resume Length For The Hiring Manager

    CV length is the difference between an experienced candidate and an irrelevant candidate. If your resume is too long, its a complete waste of time to go through.

    On the other hand, if a resume is too short they wont get an overview of your suitability for the position. Its good practice to scope out the hiring preferences of the company you are applying to. This will allow you to tailor your resume to the known preferences of your hiring manager to give you the best chance of getting noticed and called for an interview.

    Lets take a look at this a bit further by breaking down an entry-level resume and an executive-level resume.

    Case Study: Mias Three Page Research Assistant Resume

    Two Page Resume Template Innovative Two Page Resume format ...

    Mia has been working in immunology for many years.

    From her undergraduate work to her current postdoctoral work Her drive to make a difference in the world has produced publications, presentations, and awards.

    In her pursuit of postdoctoral research, demonstrating her expertise in the field is an absolute must. There are also expectations of an academic resume to put simply, having the correct style and streamlining your design.

    To produce a resume to satisfy these conditions as well as discussing her previous work, a three-page resume was needed.

    So far with all the case studies, have you noticed any similarities?

    Firstly, theyre modern resumes which stand out. Above all, its the resume design and the way it highlights key information such as your certifications and different types of skills by using appropriate visual aspects. This is what makes them so compelling for the hiring manager.

    Chances are, the recruiters at your company arent used to seeing a modern resume like this. So, making an impression and getting your foot in the door isnt difficult.

    If youre unsure what to write and trying to cope with writers block, Enhancv makes the entire resume building process easier for you.

    When youre using any of these proven examples, you have a resume in front of you thats gotten someone hired in the most competitive spaces. More importantly, they could just be like you.

    These resume templates are free.

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