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What Font To Use For Resume

What Is The Best Font To Use On A Resume

Best Fonts To Use On Your Resume

Here is a list of the best fonts for resumes:

  • Arial.

Secondly, How do you list skills on a resume?

How to List Skills on a Resume

  • Keep your resume skills relevant to the job youre targeting.
  • Include key skills in a separate skills section.
  • Add your work-related skills in the professional experience section.
  • Weave the most relevant skills into your resume profile.
  • 5. Make sure to add the most in-demand skills.
  • Also Does font matter on a resume? When youre writing your resume, your font choice does matter. Its important to opt for a basic fontchoose one that both hiring managers and applicant management systems can easily read. Your resume is no place to use difficult-to-read cursive, handwriting-style, or calligraphy fonts.

    In fact Is size 11 font too small for resume?

    No, size 11 font is not too small for a resume. In fact, size 10.5 font is even okay as long as its still easy for the hiring manager to read. Because some fonts are slightly smaller than others, always check that your font is readable no matter the size.

    Our Top 5 Fonts To Use On A Resume

    As we said before, there are more fonts available than anyone has time to try. It would take you hours just to review all of the ones that come with your document software. Add in downloadable fonts, and its even worse.

    So, we want to save you a little bit of trouble. If you arent sure what the best fonts for a resume are or, at least, where you should start looking, here are our top five fonts to use on a resume.

    Should You Use Different Colored Fonts On Your Resume

    As I’ve mentioned above, finding ways to stand out on your resume is key.

    Typefaces, font size, and general formatting are subtle ways to inject personality into your resume. Colors are a bit more direct.

    Adding a splash of color can make your resume pop! I’ve personally done it on my own resume, check it out:

    It’s easy to go overboard and end up with a resume that looks tacky or gimmicky.

    Notice how I’ve only injected color into a few areas of my resume and I kept things consistent. If want to do this yourself, I only recommend changing the colors for:

    • Your name
    • The section headers on your resume
    • Any bars/charts in your skills section
    • Any lines on your resume

    I’d recommend picking three of those four so you don’t go overboard. Also, I’d recommend keeping things to a single color. Adding multiple colors to your resume is distracting and confusing.

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    The Best Font To Use On Your Resume

    Amy Bergen

    From word choice to line spacing, there are plenty of ways to tweak a resume format for a stellar first impression. But you shouldn’t forget that your font choice can make a subtlebut powerfuldifference too.

    Good fonts make the best use of your limited first-glance window. The average recruiter or hiring manager will skim a resume for only six seconds before deciding if theyre interested, according to a study by the career site Dont let those six seconds make you nervous, though, since thats plenty of time for readers to see pertinent info and want to know more.

    How To Choose The Best Font For Your Resume

    What Fonts Should You Use For Your Resume ?

    The two most important factors when selecting a font for your resume are readability and professionalism.

    The last thing you want to do is to make a recruiter or employers life harder, so when building your resume, your font should always be straightforward and highly readable. They shouldnt have to squint to read overly light, thin fonts, or struggle to make out complex symbols or typefaces.

    Professionalism, meanwhile, is all about tone. Just as we discussed in the previous section, even silent choices like font and formatting can convey tone as easily as your word choice. The tone of your font should match the tone of your workplace personality and your level of professionalism.

    In terms of both readability and professionalism, there are a few broad font families that we commonly associate with the workplace and with professional settings. Lets go over each of the five main font families, or broad categories, from which you have to choose when youre writing your resume, cover letter, or references.

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    Breaking Down The 10 Best Resume Fonts

    In 2020s marketplace, these are the 10 best resume fonts based on reliability, perception, and style:

  • Open Sans
  • Georgia
  • Garamond
  • For each one, well delve a bit into the fonts history and aesthetic, as well as its pros and cons and when to use each:

    Open Sans

    Open Sans, released in 2011, is one of Googles signature fonts. Its letters are tall and wide.

    Pros: Open Sans is wildly popular for web design for a reason: optimal readability. The wide-open letters are easy to read on any screen, big or small. Because its used as Mozillas default font in many cases, and for many Google pages, its familiar to the eye.

    Cons: Open Sans is widely perceived as flat or neutral, which can be a very good thing for a resume. But if you want to stand out a bit or for your resume to have a bit more personality, it might not be the best choice.

    Alternatives: Adelle Sans is similar to Open Sans and is a great substitute.


    Calibri came on the scene in the early 2000s as the Microsoft Word replacement for the classic Times New Roman.

    Pros: Calibri can be easily read on any computer and wont mess up the formatting no matter where its sent. Everyone has seen it before, so its not distracting. Its a sans serif font, so its clean and sleek. Its a good choice for a standard resume or for work at a digital-first company.


    Helvetica was designed in the 1950s and comes with a little bit of elegance and flourish. Its frequently rated as one of the more attractive typefaces.

    Can My Resume Be 2 Pages

    Two-page resumes are the new norm, says Vicki Salemi, career expert at Monster. If your resume encompasses two pages, dont overthink it focus on the content on those two pages to make your skills and experiences shine. And remember that while it can help to have a longer resume, it isnt mandatory.

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    The Font Size Matters Too

    If your font is too small, hiring managers will have to squint to read your resume. If it’s too large, your resume will look bulky and end up being longer than it needs to be.

    To avoid making any mistakes when it comes to font sizes and formatting, here are my three general rules:

  • Your name : 18 to 24 points
  • Headings: 12 to 16 points
  • Body: 10 to 12 points
  • You can always utilize font sizes to manipulate the length of your resume. For example, if your resume is sitting at 1.5 pages when using 10-point font, consider increasing the font size to 12 points in order to get your resume closer to a full two pages.

    Of course, it’s ultimately your experience and skills that will win over employers. But using a clear font in a size that makes sense will boost your chances of getting your resume the time and attention it deserves.

    Peter Yang;is a career expert and the CEO of;Resume Writing Services, the parent company of;ResumeGo. Before that, he worked as a hiring manager and recruiter. Follow him on Twitter;.

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    Top 5 Situational Resume Fonts

    What’s the best and worst font to use on a resume?

    These situational fonts are recommended by some sources yet discouraged by others, so use with caution :

    Helvetica: This classic, widely used sans serif typeface is probably the worlds best-known font ” rel=”nofollow”>documentary film;of the same name). But its so common that many say its;too;common.

    Times New Roman: Formerly the default typeface for Microsoft Office, this old-school serif font is beloved by some for its familiarity yet dismissed by others for the same reason: Its old-fashioned and boring.

    Roboto, Open Sans, Ubuntu:; As we already mentioned, these are common IT fonts, popularized by Google and other tech giants. They are usually clean and legible, but may be too techy for some more traditional employers.

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    Avoid These Worst Fonts For Your Resume

    If the best fonts for a resume exist, there are also the worst. Ranking them in no particular order, below are the fonts from our not to use list if you want a higher chance of getting your dream job. These fonts may look cool, but to a resume reader, they are extremely unprofessional.

    Courier New. This one looks like you did your resume with a typewriter. If you do not want to come across as a hipster or be accused of tactically making your document look longer, do not use this. For the majority of jobs today, it does not look appropriate.

    Lucinda Console. This font has wide spacing as well as squat formatting that does not look professional for something as important as a resume. It even kind of looks like it could be used for an IT coding project. There are far more sophisticated fonts out there, perfect for selling yourself. ;

    Comic Sans. It is called comic for a reason. Unless you want to appear as a joke, avoid this. ;

    Bradley Hand ITC. For obvious reasons, this should not be used. It looks like a scribble, and something that certainly will not scream professional!. It is the font a high school student would use for a fun project, not one for the serious job-seeking person you are.

    Your resume should naturally reflect who you are and what you can possibly offer. But if you want to stand out, do it by using the right font, not one that could potentially make a recruiter shake his or her head and toss your resume away.

    What Is The Best Font Size To Use For A Resume

    Generally, a 10- to 12-point font size is recommended. A good rule of thumb to remember: Don’t decide on a font size until you’ve chosen the specific font you’ll use for your resume. This is because some fonts like Calibri and Trebuchet MS, take up less space than Times New Roman or Verdana.

    Depending on the font, you might be able to slightly reduce or slightly increase its size to have the;two-page resume that recruiters like while still ensuring it’s easy to read and the format is pleasing.

    However, going above a 12-point font in the resume body to make two pages means you probably need to add more details about your past responsibilities and achievements or include skills developed from voluntary work and hobbies.

    If you’re submitting your resume online, you also might need to use a 12-point font size throughout and eliminate any formatting, like underlining, italics, or bolding. Online programs often convert your information to an;ASCII format,;or ask you to use an ASCII format so the resume displays correctly, and a 12-point font works best.

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    Choosing The Right Font Size For Your Resume

    Apart from the using the right font styles , it is important to make sure your font size is just about right.;Choosing an appropriate size ensures that you have a good balance between words and white space.

    • If it is too small, it will be too difficult to see. If it is too big, it will look unprofessional.
    • As a rule of thumb, 10 points should be the smallest size for your resume.

    Use consistent fonts and their sizes. They can vary between headings, subheadings, and paragraphs, but there should still be a sense of consistency and cleanliness throughout. If you want to emphasize, you can choose to use bold or underline. For the body, 12 points are recommended because most readers are accustomed to reading typed text in this size. Headers can be larger; a good range is 16 to 22. Anything bigger will look distracting, ruin the graphic design, and make the whole resume look disorganized.

    How About Font Combinations & Pairs

    What Fonts Should You Use For Your Resume

    Now that you know which fonts should play best on your resume, you may be wondering if combining a few will get you even better results.

    When it comes to leveraging combinations or pairs of multiple fonts, my recommendation is to avoid it completely. The rule of thumb should be one font per resume.


    It comes down to efficiency and improving our odds. Using a single font will ensure that things are consistent and that they look good. As soon as we introduce multiple fonts, we have to consider how they pair with one another and, if we’re being honest, the average person doesn’t always have the best eye for design .

    You don’t want to end up in a situation where you’re distracting the read with weird font choices. Keep it simple and pick one. You can always personalize it using font weights and formatting.

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    Use A Professional And Easy

    Complex fonts can make your resume difficult to read, which could encourage employers to overlook it. Instead, choose a clean, simple resume font that makes your words clear to the employer.

    There are two general buckets fonts fall into: Serif and Sans Serif. These mean with and without intricacies like tails, respectively. Sans Serif fonts are generally good fonts for resumes due to their high readability. There are a few Serif fonts, however, that are still accepted among employers as simple and professionalCambria, Garamond, Times New Roman and Didot.

    Resume Fonts & Sizes:

    • The most common font to use is Times New Roman, in black and size 12;points.
    • Other serif fonts to consider that are easy to read include: Georgie, Bell MT, Goudy Old Style, Garamond.
    • Popular sans serif fonts include Arial, Tahoma, Century Gothic, and Lucida Sans.
    • Any of the above;fonts would be reasonable for a resume as long as you consistently use one font only.
    • Make your headings and name stand out, think of your resume like a blog post or newspaper article.
    • Make headlines bold, Italicise, CAPITALISE, or underline. And feel free to increase the font size to 14-16 points.
    • Try and keep your resume to one page,;leave the reader wanting to know more.

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    Best Font For A Resume

    Most recruiters take about seven seconds to scan over a resume, so font type and size are important considerations for readability and professional appearance. Whichever font style you choose, it should be easy on the eyes and have enough white space to read well on desktop, mobile screens, and in print.

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    Best Resume Fonts Explained


    A font refers to the representation of text in a document. Most often, fonts are used in Microsoft Office programs, particularly in Microsoft Word. MS Word is the predominant word processor used in writing resumes.

    Resumes often play an essential role in a persons life. It is a summary of the persons characterInterpersonal IntelligenceInterpersonal intelligence refers to the ability of a person to relate well with people and manage relationships. It enables people to understand the needs and motivations of those around them, which helps strengthen their overall;influence. People with interpersonal intelligence, as well as their experience and capabilities. A good resume is a pathway to the next job opportunity. You need to present it officially and respectfully in order to make a good impression.

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    Resume Fonts: The Bottom Line

    Weve gone through every aspect of resume fonts, from why they matter in the first place to how to choose the best one to fit your professional goals.

    Remember to keep readability and professionalism in mind when you choose a font for your cover letter and CV. When in doubt, select a contemporary sans serif typeface and a 12-14-pt. font size. Use bold and italics consistently but sparingly, and remember that white space is your friend.

    In addition, the way weve thought about resume fonts in this article is a good model for how you should approach all of your introductory materials during the job application process.

    Every aspect of your cover letter and CV or resume should be carefully curated to highlight relevant experience and traits. And because your potential employer doesnt have anything to go on other than what you provide them with, its important to make every letter and every typeface count.

    Takeaways Best Font And Size For Your Resume

    Your best choice for resume font is to use one of the fonts weve listed, and to stick to a font size between 10.5 and 12 points.

    Now you know what a good font for your resume is , youre ready to start writing your own.

    For more information on how to present your resume on a page, our resume margins page will give you the full lowdown on margins and colors.

    And for inspiration on the actual content, take a look at some of our resume samples, which cater to all industries. Or just use our resume builder to create your own resume in minutes, the choice is yours. Happy job hunting!

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    Before You Submit Another Resume Make Sure Youre Using One Of These Recruiter

    A professional font will improve your odds of getting seen.

    Would you ever sign a lease that was handwritten in crayon? How about a contract that was put together ransom-note style? Unless you enjoy playing with fire, were going to guess your answers are no and no. In fact, well bet you wouldnt even bother to read them. That’s why it’s important to determine the best font for resume readability. This goes for resume font size too.

    Think about it. When it comes to official paperwork, appearancespecifically, the fontcan go a long way in projecting significance. Had crayons been invented in 1776, do you think Thomas Jefferson wouldve considered using them to write the Declaration of Independence? Probably not. Among the many likely reasons he used a quill and ink, Jefferson knew that when people evaluate a documents authority, they look at the design as well as the content itself.

    Your resume, which communicates your skills, assets, and hire-ability, also needs to project professionalism. Recruiters take six seconds to decide whether or not to toss your resume, so the right resume font and resume font size make;a big difference. If a recruiter cant read your words, or is put off by a funky font, you wont even get a second look.

    So whats a surefire way you can hold a recruiters attention for those six precious and precarious seconds?


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