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What To Title An Email When Sending A Resume

What Even Emails Have To Be Formal

How to Email a Resume

During your job search and afterward as well, once youre re-employed sending proper emails is vital for your career. All levels of an organization value communication skills. Dont be misunderstood. Make sure you convey information in ways that represent a positive image of you to others.

In the world of work, quite often, you are what you write. This is nowhere more true than when submitting your resume and cover letter for consideration. Every impression counts. Your emailed message may be the very first thing a potential employer sees from you.

Review And Review Again

Due to the limited space available, any typographical or grammatical error in your email subject line will be immediately obvious. These errors leave a negative impression on any reader, telling them that youre lazy and cant be bothered to check your work. For your applications sake, proofread your subject line along with the rest of your resume before sending it out. By ensuring your subject line is free of spelling or grammatical errors, you preserve your credibility in the eyes of the reading recruiter or hiring manager.

In addition, make sure youre sending your email resume to the right personyou certainly dont want the hiring manager to find another supposed recipient of your email resume.

Keep It Short And Simple

Remember that brevity is important when writing your subject line. Most of the text in the subject line gets cut off so ensure the first few words capture attention.

Hubspot recommends keeping the subject line under 50 characters. That way, while scanning the inbox, your receiver pretty much knows what the email is about. Itâs fine to go over this a bit, but ensure you get the important details in the first few words.

You shouldnât put anything in the subject line that sounds like youâre trying to sell something. Avoid soft skill phrases like âdedicatedâ or âpassionate.â This is a major turnoff for hiring managersâ¦and will likely earn your email a one way trip to the trash folder.

You should also be direct. Never leave the hiring manager to wonder what the email is about. If youâre following up on an interview or job application, state it directly.

Subject line examples:

  • âFollowing up on the accounting position â John Doeâ

  • âFollowing up on the interview â Tom Nashâ

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If Youre Emailing About A Specific Role List It In The Subject Line

If you are responding to a specific posting, you can email the recruiter with a subject line that includes your name and the job title, or your name and the job posting number given on the job listing.

This may seem like a boring subject line, but it will make your email easily accessible to a recruiter: They can find your email by your name or by the position, Watkins said.

If you list something that has nothing to do with your name and the position, when that recruiter closes the email and wants to refer back to it, they have no idea what theyre looking for, because they dont remember your name, Watkins said.

She also suggested keeping your subject line short, because you dont want it to be cut off by an email platform.

Mention Referrals Or Any Other Connection To The Hiring Manager When Possible

sample email to send resume to recruiter

The email subject lines above are great for a general job application to positions that you found online.

However, if you were referred to a company by a colleague or have some other backstory or relationship with the firm or hiring manager, then you can be more specific in your subject.

Use that connection to stand out and set yourself apart to hiring managers.

For example, imagine your friend named James told you, I know the hiring manager in the finance department at ABC Company. I think hes still looking for candidates. I can forward you his email address if youd like.

When you go to apply to that position, youd write directly to the email address of the hiring manager and use one of the following subject lines for your application:

  • Referred by James Anderson for Financial Analyst role
  • Financial Analyst application

Thats going to get the hiring managers attention immediately if they know James, and will set you apart from other job seekers who cant demonstrate this type of personal connection in their email subject.

As a side note, the more you can get referred to companies and jobs in general, the more interviews youll get from hiring managers. A hiring manager always trusts you a bit more if a person in their network vouches for you.

Getting referred doesnt guarantee youll get an interview, but its a great way to gain an advantage.

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Choose A Resume File Format

Be sure to read the job listing carefully for any directions on what format the employer would prefer for your resume. If there are no directions, submit the resume as either a Microsoft Word document or as a PDF document. These are the formats most commonly preferred by employers.

If you have saved your or with word processing software other than Microsoft Word, convert your resume to a Word document. You should be able to click File, then “Download” and save it as a Word document or PDF.

To save your document as a PDF, depending on your word processing software you may be able to select the menu File, then the sub-menu Save asor Save a Copyand save it as a PDF. If not, there are free programs you can use to convert a file to a PDF.

Email To Hiring Manager Example

Review this sample email to a hiring manager to help you write your own:

Dear Ms. Baxter,

My name is Felicity Parker, and I’m emailing you today to express my interest in the librarian position available at Maple Leaf Public Library. I saw the position posted on your website, and I’m excited to learn more about the opportunity.

I’m currently pursuing my degree in early childhood education, and I also work as a part-time sales associate for a local bookstore. I believe my combined experience makes me an excellent candidate for this position. Similarly, I have strong organizational skills with excellent attention to detail.

I’ve attached my resume for you to review. If you have any questions or need anything else from me, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Also, I’m available to discuss my qualifications further at your convenience.

Thank you for reading my email. Again, I’m sincerely excited about the opportunity to become a librarian at Maple Leaf Public Library.

Best regards,

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Why Subject Line Is Important

The subject line is the first few words people see when scanning their inboxes. People are rarely willing to open all their emails because they contain viruses or irrelevant information.

Most people decide whether to open or delete an email based on the subject line and sender. If you leave the subject line blank, your email may be classified as spam or will be deleted.

Since recruiters and hiring managers may not know your name, the subject line is also your chance to introduce yourself. This is critical to making a great first impression so your resume is opened and read.

Include The Pertinent Details

How To Email A Resume In A Professional Way?

If instructions on how to apply are not outlined in the job post and you don’t have a referral, then the best email subject lines will include:

  • The reason for your email

  • Position title

Job inquiry John Smith, 10+ years of experience in IT

Inquiry Jane Doe, PR Specialist Open to New Opportunities

HR Operations Manager Looking for Next Position

Job Inquiry Referred by Jane Doe Joe Smith, HR Specialist

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Tips For Writing An Effective Job Application Subject Line

It can be tricky to send emails to prospective employers or clients , as theres no universal subject line that guarantees a 100% response.

Nevertheless, here are a few ideas on how to come up with good and effective subject lines:

1. Make sure to keep it professional

When applying for a job, use a professional email address. Avoid using email addresses that are informal, offensive, or sexual in nature. The same applies to your subject line.

Example of professional email address:



When you receive an email, you usually glance at the subject line and the first sentence. These are the first things you check in an email before opening it.

Your email subject line is your chance to grab the readers attention and entice them to open your email. Good subject lines are catchy and convincing leaving the recipient curious and persuading them to read the email.

Moreover, consider your intention when writing your email. In order for your email to be read, you need to make sure that the subject line is compelling. Include keywords relevant to your purpose for writing.

Write your reason in your subject line, its critical to let the person know why youre contacting them.


Applying for Marketing Manager, NY, Job ID 11, Cris Parks Referred by Jane Dennis

Job application Sales Associate, Baltimore, Job ID 22 Shane Reynolds

2. Include the job title

You can use Thank You before the job title in follow-up correspondence



Start By Following Any Given Instructions

The first thing you should do before sending your resume is to carefully read the job posting for any instructions on how the employer would like you to apply. If the job description asks you to email a resume, the employer may also include information about the email address you should send to, the subject line formatting, questions they want you to answer in the body of the email, file name and more.

Follow these instructions carefullyif you dont, you could risk having your application overlooked. Often, employers may ask you to follow instructions so they can see and respond to the email, others may be testing that you will read and complete the instructions properly.

If they dont have any instructions, keep your email professional, simple and easy to find with the following steps:

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When Should You Email A Recruiter

There are a variety of situations where its appropriate to email a recruiter, and we looked at many of them above with sample emails you can send. To recap, heres a list of scenarios where you should email a recruiter:

  • You saw them post about a job that interests you
  • You saw that they recruit in your industry/city and youd like to talk about possible opportunities
  • They contacted you about an opportunity and it sounds interesting
  • Youve already spoken with them and youre waiting for feedback about a job
  • You sent them your resume and youre waiting to hear if they have any opportunities that fit your skillset
  • You spoke to the recruiter in the past, it didnt work out at the time, but youd like to reconnect to see what opportunities theyre working on

These are far from the only situations where you should send an email to a recruiter, though. So if in doubt, send that email! Theres no harm in trying, and its far worse to sit at home worrying and second-guessing yourself.

As for the best time of day to email a recruiter, its not worth stressing over. Morning or lunchtime might be best, in my experience, but many recruiters check their email throughout the evening, too. And if not, theyll see your email first thing in the morning.

So the best time of day to email a recruiter is whenever youre ready to send your message.

Include A Brief Email Message

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Write a simple message in the body of the email to let the hiring manager know youve attached your cover letter. Never leave the email message blank, since it can confuse whoever opens it. Your short email message might look like:

Dear Ms. Garcia,

Please see my attached resume and cover letter for the position.

Let me know if you would like any more information.

Thank you for your consideration!

Jacob Kurtz

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Your Emails Subject Line Should Be The Job Title

Keep your emails subject line short and to the point. To make sure the employer knows exactly why youre emailing, make sure the job title is in the subject line. Here are some example subject lines:

  • Computer Technician Position Advertised on
  • Computer Technician Application
  • Replying to Your Computer Technician Job Application

Review The Job Posting

It might seem obvious, but you need to review the posting to ensure you prepare everything the hiring manager requests. For example, you may take note of essential skills or keywords they’re looking for and include them in your email. Some postings may also provide the hiring manager’s contact information so you can reach them directly. But perhaps they want to be reached by phone after all, not emailwhich is why it’s important to review this information beforehand.

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Resume Via Email Template

Need to apply for a job by email? Follow this email template as a starting point and be sure to tailor it to suit the job you are applying for, while also following any specific instructions in the job ad.

Email subject:

Email body: Dear ,

Please find attached a copy of my resume and a cover letter for the position at , as advertised on .

With years experience in and a proven record of , my goal is to leverage my expertise to help succeed in achieving .

I look forward to hearing from you to discuss this exciting opportunity further.

If you need any additional details from me, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Yours sincerely,

Effective Job Inquiry Emails Samples

Emailing Resumes, Sending Resumes and Resume Follow Up – Video 10

In this article, we discuss the appropriate email format for sending a resume and why it’s important to consider.

We also provide job application email templates you can use in your search.

Many roles you apply for will only require you to submit your resume online, especially if your search is primarily through LinkedIn and other job boards.

However, research based on over 13 million applications shows that while most job applications come through company career sites and job boards, only 1.4% and 0.7% of these applicants, respectively, were actually hired.

You’re much more likely to be successful in landing an offer if you go through a hiring manager , recruiter , or a referral .

As you realign your job search strategy toward these more effective methods, you’ll find that the process entails significantly more direct human contact.

Instead of passively submitting your resume through a portal and hoping for a response, you’ll likely email it to someone who works at the company, a recruiter, or a hiring manager.

Even if your internal contact is a close friend, we encourage you to pay special attention to any job-related communication.

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Whats Wrong With This Message As Its Currently Written

The substance of the above email is OK. You are, after all, attaching your resume. Possibly a cover letter too. This should give the reader a much better idea of who you are.

But whats lacking here is a degree of formality and detail. You wrote the message in casual language. And it makes the reader guess about which job youre applying. Professionalize the style and content to a greater extent than you ordinarily would.

Responding Directly To A Job Application: Email Sample

If youre emailing in direct response to a job posted online, then use the template below .

Dear NAME,

Im writing in response to the Senior Support Technician job posting. With X years in customer support in the technology industry, Im confident Id be a great fit in this role and could help < Company Name> do < main thing they appear to want, based on the job description> .

Heres a link to my LinkedIn profile so you can learn more about me:

Ive also attached my resume to this email. Im looking forward to hearing your thoughts after youve had a chance to look.

Best regards,

Your Name

This sample email for a job application can be used whether its going to recruiters, hiring managers, or a general company email. Use this when you see a posting online and want to reply directly to the posting to submit your resume for the job.

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Keep It Short And Straight To The Point

No one has enough time, especially the HR manager, to battle a wall of text on your email. Thats the reason why you should be straightforward right from your opening. So no fancy narratives, and no jokes, either.

First and foremost, mention how you find the offer through someone. For example:

My dear friend Michael Frank mentioned that you have an opening in your marketing department, and he thought Id be a good match.

After that, show your interest in the position. Just because you get the job offer through someones reference doesnt mean you are the recruiters first choice. But who is the good match is the thing that matters. Prove you are!

How To Write A Subject Line For A Job Application

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Key takeaways:

  • If youre emailing a job application, your subject line should make it easy for employers to find.
  • Include your full name, the job title and ID for example, Job applicationFrontend Developer, #84728Juan Rivera
  • Send your application from a professional-looking email that includes some variation of your name.

An appropriate subject line for a job application can increase the chances for your email to be opened and read. It is important to take time to consider your subject line, as it’s your first opportunity to catch the recruiter’s attention. If you are currently applying for jobs, you might want to know what subject lines make a good impression. In this article, we explain how to write a good subject line with examples.

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