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HomeHow To Add Maternity Leave In Resume

How To Add Maternity Leave In Resume

Dont Forget Freelance Work

Gap in Employment & Resume Gaps (How to Explain Them)

Did you do any type of work while you were on maternity leave? Freelance work, short-term projects, consulting, and similar jobs can provide great resume enhancers. They also enable you to at least partially close any resume gaps. More importantly, they reinforce the fact that youâve continued to sharpen your skills.

Time To Write A New Cv

Writing a new CV doesnt have to be as difficult and scary as it seems for mums. All you have to do is be honest, treat motherhood as a job and draw your employers attention to new skills you acquired and other work you did during your absence in the workplace. Thats it!

Choose the option that works best for you and be self-confident! Youve had a hard time but did a great job raising your children. Having that experience, finding a new job should be a piece of cake.

About the author: Emily Johnson is a blogger and a content strategist at OmniPapers. She is also a contributor to many websites about personality psychology, career advice, productivity, remote work, as well as blogging and writing. You can always find more works of hers on .

Do Some Magic With Dates

Since being a stay at home mum has a number of advantages, for example, its more economical, easier on the whole family and truly rewarding, many new mums decide to take a long career pause and focus on raising their children.

However, a number of mums cant stay at home with their kids for long. For instance, due to a difficult financial situation in the family. As a result, they spend just a few months with their little ones and then go back to the corporate life.

Now, if thats your case, you dont have to mention those few months during which you were at home with your child. In fact, you can make it look as if you didnt take a career break at all.

How come?

Training and development manager: 2013-2014


As you can see, you can easily hide months of absence from the workplace on your CV. So, use the trick with dates to your advantage!

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To Mention An Employment Gap On A Cv Or Not Thats A Good Question

The first step every mother has to make when she wants to get a job after years spent at home with her kids is to write a new CV. Everything would be all right if not for the fact that theres going to be either a small or a large employment gap to fill.

Now, some mothers decide not to address that gap on their CVs. Others clearly state the reason for taking a long career pause. What should you do? Well, you also have two choices:

  • Be honest and mention in your CV what youve been doing during your career break
  • Hide the fact that youve been a stay at home mum and so, dont address the gap in your CV
  • Now, as far as the second point is concerned, be mindful that your employer will notice the gap in your employment history and will probably ask you about it during the interview. So, either way youll have to explain what youve been doing for the past several years.

    Thus, it may actually be better to be open and honest. Be up front and write in your CV why you decided to take a career pause.

    To give you some ideas on how to address the issue, here are five ways to fill the mummy gap on your CV:

    A Quick Guide To Updating Your Resume After Maternity Leave

    CV Sample With Maternity Leave

    Having a baby and becoming a mother is a beautiful thing.

    But returning back to work or looking for a new job, even may be a real challenge.

    When you leave your job behind for a period of time to have a baby or raise a child, youll be confronted with a gap in your resume. You havent worked in a few months and prospective employers will be curious to know why.

    Theres nothing to fear, though.;

    Your skillset hasnt shrunk in fact, its expanded. Mothers are managers, doctors, marketing specialists, psychologists, therapists and storytellers. All at the same time.

    To help you burnish your experience and get your career back on track, heres a short guide on;how to update your resume after maternity leave and explain the gap in your resume during a job interview.

    Resume example included, of course.

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    How To Update Your Rsum After Maternity Leave

    What! You had time off?

    You Havent Worked for HOW Many Years?

    Have you taken a year off work to care for your little ones? Are you worried about how to fill the gap in your résumé? Read on for some practical tips to combat the gap.

    Youre ready to re-enter the grown-up world, dust off the heels and dig past your Mum clothes to find your nice office clothes at the back of the wardrobe praying that they still fit .

    But wait! You need a job first?

    Now to dust of the old résumé

    Oh no, what do I update, I havent worked the last few years. Well we all know you have worked harder than ever, tending to the needs of our offspring. Unfortunately these are not the kind of tasks your future boss will be looking for. .

    First things first! You need to get your mindset in check.

    I have so many clients come to me and they seem disheartened or concerned that they are unemployable and some even feel ashamed that they have not worked for a long time.

    If you have made the choice to stay home and care for your children in the early years of their lives, then you need to own that choice and be proud. Every family is different, and each make their own choices to suit their family needs and desires. Whether that be a stay at home mum or dad, both working full-time or part-time or a combination of those.

    Whatever your choice has been for your family, do not let society, a potential employer or anyone make you feel unemployable or unworthy of gaining work.

    Good luck.

    Set Expectations For Communication

    In the final paragraph, tell your manager the level of communication you intend to have while you’re on maternity leave. If you plan to stay away from your work email entirely while you’re gone, let them know that. If you plan to work some while on leave, set clear expectations for how frequently or how little you plan to check in.

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    Euphemisms Dont Include A Job Entry For Your Years At Home

    How to add maternity leave in resume. This has worked well for many of my clients in the same position. This can leave mums with resume gaps once they begin looking for new jobs the Pregnancy Pause website states. Leave a comment My friend and colleague Nicolle went on maternity leave with her first child this week.

    You got your doctorate you started your family now you are looking for work. The design of a resume is one of the most debated subjects among career specialists and HR representatives alike. The most important thing for jobseekers returning to the workforce after extended time at home.

    We want the eyes to be drawn straight to this experience and not leave the Mat Leave title sticking out like a sore thumb. Family planning is one of the most natural things in the world and should definitely be included. If you plan to be employed by the same company when you do that there really shouldnt be an unexplained gap.

    If the standard six to 12 weeks of maternity leave didnt feel adequate for your family causing you to leave your job behind for a period of time youre certainly not alone. Toss it in to the personal info section if you want but dont call it a maternity leave. No matter the case computer skills are now more imperative than ever and the structure of your resume is directly indicative of how technically proficient.

    If youre ready to head back to work but not. Refer to it in a cover letter if you feel it is necessary. Focus on Updated Skills.

    Pin On Maternity

    Highlight The Other Ways You Used Your Career Pause

    How to Write Leave Extension Letter | Extend your Leave | [Tips, Format]

    Lets be honest: many mums dont spend a few months or years away from the workplace only to change nappies, feed their children and take care of their homes. Some mothers use that time to improve their knowledge and various skills as well.

    Think about it. Did you attend an online course while taking care of your newborn? Or, perhaps you started a blog, a YouTube channel or did some freelance work? Remember, every type of work you did, no matter how irrelevant it seems, may draw your employers attention and get you a job.

    So, dont stop on listing mum as a job title. Write what else youve been doing as well. The more you write, the better impression youll make on your new employer.

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    How To Add Maternity Leave In Resume

    Also remember that if you completed any study or training during your maternity leave to add this to your experience – every course you complete shows your willingness to learn and develop new skills. I wouldnt put it on a resume.

    Best Refrence By Httpwaldwert Visit Details Http Httpwaldwert Org Resignation Letter From Maternity Leave Job Cover Letter Lettering Letterhead Template

    Easy Steps To Get Into Instagram Marketing

    Want to up your social media marketing game? Start better with Instagram for your business using these easy tips to quickly get established.

    When Instagram first came on the scene, it was simply a place to share pictures of your cat or a pie that you just baked. While it still is a place for that kind of content, it has also grown into a platform where one can influence others and build an empire.

    So, if youre looking to step up your social media marketing game through use of Instagram, look no further than using these 10 steps from Neil Patel.

  • Switch to a business profile: This is super easy and can be done in just a few clicks. Switching from a personal to a business profile gives a better look at your followers through Insights, allowing you to see analytics and impressions. It also adds a contact feature that takes a visitor right to an email draft to you just like it would on your website. All this and it makes it possible to publish ads.
  • Use free marketing tools: Because Facebook owns Instagram, they operate kind of similarly. As mentioned in #1, Insights allows for a deep dive into personalized analytics to see what kind of posts are clicking with your audience and which arent. That way, you know what kind of content to continue with and what to do away with.
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    Maternity Leave Off My Cv

    there always has to be one who spoils it for everyone else.. in this case a recruiter who told me to take Maternity Leave off my CV all together. . I was v.polite but will not take ML off my CV as that would be SOO ridiculous. Anyone else had similar experiences with future bosses or recruiters after becoming mothers? Or are things slowly improving – is this really a one off? lol

    genuine Q by the way! Not having a go, if people think you shouldnt, or something like that.

    I don’t put it on my CV. Don’t see the point, it won’t help me get a job.

    presumably to explain a gap in employment?During Mat leave are you not still employed? In which case, why not put that time down as being with the employer?

    I agree with Gingerbear – while you are on mat leave you are still with your employer so just count it as one continuous period of employment – doesn’t matter that you were on maternity leave, none of the interviewer’s business.But I agree it’s sad that recruiters think it will spoil your chances of getting a job. Would like to think we’re beyond that.

    I’ve never put mine down. and, because of changing jobs after dd1 there is, on close examination, a 7 month “gap”, but have never even been asked about it. with dd2 my mat leave is just part of my continuous employment, like others here have said

    Why Send A Maternity Leave Letter

    CV Example With Maternity Leave

    It’s important to document in writing the details of your maternity leave so your manager can make arrangements for managing your workload in your absence. It’s generally a good idea to share this information as soon as you determine how long your maternity leave will be and when you’ll be taking it. Share this letter with your direct supervisor as well as any other relevant people, such as the HR manager.

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    Example Of How To Address Maternity Leave

    Thereâs no one-size-fits-all way to address resume gaps caused by maternity leave.

    We wrote a good post here on how to deal with employment gaps on a resume. However, the following example can serve as a rough template to help you shape that narrative. In this instance, this example text could be placed under your Relevant Skills or Additional Skills section:

    During my maternity leave after the birth of my youngest child, I focused on maintaining and enhancing my skill set. That involved several online courses, leadership activities, and continuing education to ensure that I remained up-to-date on industry happenings.

    Digital Media Basics â Online Study

    Studied website management, server basics, and other business-related digital media topics

    Dynamic Business Writing â Online Course

    Coursework focused on developing business writing skills, effective written communication

    AnyTown Leadership Summit 2016

    Served on the Leadership Council for the 2016 Summit. Led in the creation of leadership training program, workshops, and labs. Helped institute the Young Leaders Award, given out to worthy youth leaders in our cityâs schools.

    Tell A Different Story

    If you dont want your future employer to know that you have children and have been working as a mother for the past few years, you dont have to mention it in your CV. However, you should replace it with something else.

    Now, this option is not for everyone. If you have been a mother and focused entirely on raising your children, dont lie that you were doing something else. Remember, lies have short legs. So, its better to tell the truth.

    However, if you actually worked on a private project during the time away from the workplace, feel free to mention it in your CV.

    For example, if, during parental leave, you tried to turn your hobby into business, wrote a book or worked as a part-time freelance writer, go ahead and write it in your CV. Also, say whether your project was a success, what you learnt and how you can use that new experience and knowledge in the workplace.

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    Focus On Updated Skills

    One of the best ways to deal with the maternity leave issue is to concentrate on making your presentation about your skills. Make a list of skills that you learned or updated during your time out of the workforce and describe the most relevant ones under your resume skills section. When you do that, you can also mention your time away, and how it provided you with an opportunity to add new skills to your skill set.

    That option for explaining your maternity leave resume gap enables you to show that you used your time away to enhance your potential value as an employee. Of course, you will want to ensure that the skills you list are ones that you actually possess. But their addition to your resume will help the employer to focus on the contribution you can make. It will also demonstrate that you are still committed to your career.

    How To Put Maternity Leave On Resume


    ZipJob Team

    6 min read

    Women who took time off to raise children in a previous job often struggle to figure out how to explain the gap in their resume. Obviously, prospective employers want to know why you werenât working during certain periods of your life. They need to know that youâre a reliable candidate who will be there when they need you. So, how should you deal with your maternity leave when youâre creating your resume? We have the answers youâve been looking for!

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    Volunteer Activities And The Likes

    Nows the time to focus on your non-professional activities and let them speak of your determination and a spirit of goodwill.

    Make sure to mention any relevant community service or voluntary work that you engaged in during your time away. Any freelancing projects or short-term gigs work as great resume enhancers.

    Also, try to draw a conclusion on what you gained in terms of professional insights and technical skills from the volunteer activities. Employers will like seeing youre an active person using their skills and free time in a useful way:

    Add Mother As A New Job Title

    The first possibility is to treat motherhood as a real job. Remember, parents gain a number of valuable skills that can be relevant in the corporate world. Thus, telling your employer that youve been a mother for the past several years can be an advantage.

    Of course, it all depends on whether you add some description to your job title or not. One of the best ideas is to write mum as a job title and then, list the new skills you acquired. Highlight the most relevant ones for each position you apply for.

    Here are several variations to writing a job title for mums:

    • Stay at home mum to X children
    • Full-time mother
    • Domestic engineer
    • Full-time carer and household manager

    If you dont know what skills you can mention below your job title, here are a few that can be useful in the corporate world:

    • Problem-solving skills
    • Project management skills

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