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How To Add Self Employment To A Resume

How To Create A Self

How Do I Show My Consulting Or Freelance Work On My Resume And LinkedIn Profile
  • Top 5 best appropriate resume templates
  • Self employed resume. Frequently asked question: does a resume for the self-employed need to be done? Some say that resumes are outdated, especially when it comes to freelance work. The argument is that your website, portfolio, and social media accounts contain enough information to get you hired.

    But without a self-employment resume, you may miss out on some profitable offers and lose the opportunity to get a better job. Even if you do not use a self-employment resume, you should have a resume ready in case it is needed. Most resume formats are designed for traditional use. As a result, it can be difficult to fit a freelance career into a traditional resume format.

    In this post, you will find the answers to all your questions about the self-employment resume.

    List The Timeline Of Your Experience

    Make sure that you reveal the exact timeline when you started and finished your last tutoring position. You can still list your experience as present on your resume if you’re still a tutor, but you want to arrange your experience based on the timeline of when you held certain jobs. If you’re working in more than one job, list your tutoring experience at the top just below your other job as it’ll depend on the importance of these roles related to the position that you’re vying for.

    You can also list this job as a volunteer experience, especially if it’s an unpaid position that you do in your spare time. Therefore, this can be stated under the volunteer experience section of your resume, which you’ll have if you’re applying for an internship or an entry-level position. However, you should list your volunteer experience on your professional networking website, so it can be seen by recruiters when they look at your experience.

    How To List Freelance Work On A Resume

    Self-employers usually dont create resumes because it can be difficult to figure out how to include freelance work in a CV. Here are some common questions that freelancers have when creating a CV:

    • What position to indicate?
    • Should a list of freelance customers be specified by name or as a separate work place?
    • How many details about freelance projects should be provided?
    • Should a link to a website or an online portfolio be provided?
    • How to list freelance experience if it is combined with the main job? Should both jobs be included?
    • How should a CV be formatted?

    Lets dig deeper into all these questions so that you have an idea of a freelance resume sample to a job description.

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    Composing A Resume With The Freelance Work Examples Also Requires Knowing Some Basic Aspects

    • Create an understandable introduction.

    If previously youve worked as a freelancer and now you are looking for a full-time job it is not necessary to indicate that you are a freelancer in the job title. Just write the job position that reflects your duties. But in the introduction section, it is better to explain to the recruiters about your freelance work experience and describe the work you performed.

    • Provide your best work examples

    If you wonder how to list freelance work on a resume, choose the most significant long-term projects and indicate them as normal jobs.

    • Indicate big organizations names

    Preferably highlight large companies for which you have worked. Most recruiters will be impressed by big names right away. Important business indicates that you know how to do your job well.

    • Avoid irrelevant information

    The biggest mistake freelancers often do is including irrelevant job experience in their resumes. During freelancing people often work with a wide range of big and small projects. Describing your large experience it is easy to get carried away and include the examples that are not relevant to the chosen job position. Recruiters are busy and therefore, they dont want to read a huge list of small projects, so choose only the most important and appropriate ones.

    • Dont forget about skills that youve developed as a freelancer

    Including Your Startup On A Resume

    How to Add Self

    ZipJob Team

    6 min read

    So you worked on a startup or your own small business for a while and it either didn’t go well..or, it got acquired.

    Either way, you’re looking to update your resume and get back in the job hunt. If you approach including a startup in your resume the right way, it could be very effective. There are certain situations where you should not mention your startup which we’ll go through later on.

    We’ve got you covered! We’ll show you exactly how to include your startup on your resume the right way.

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    Take Pains With Title Selection

    When it comes to catching a hiring managers eye, selecting the right title for your self-employment position can make all the difference. Instead of listing your job title as freelancer, create a label that explains your role more clearly. For example, you can call yourself a writer, graphic designer, website developer, or consultant.

    Additionally, you should let managers know that you ran your own company. By labeling your employment status Company Owner instead of just Self-Employed, you show potential employers that you possess leadership and management skills that other candidates might not. The ability to manage other employees or build relationships with clients and vendors can go a long way toward landing you that full-time position.

    Resume Skills For Freelance Work

    Its easy to get carried away while listing your skills on your resume as a freelancer or a self-employed professional.

    You have probably been involved in a variety of projects and have performed a wide variety of duties while running your business. Listing all those skills would turn your resume into a 20-page spreadsheet!

    Pick 10 to 15 of the most relevant and impressive skills for the job you are applying for.

    You should always customize your resume for each individual job you apply to. This means that the skill section should be tailored to each job accordingly.

    Heres an example of the skills section from a freelance project manager resume:

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    Client List And Accolades

    If you can gain permission from some or all of the clients that you worked for, do so-as it shows an employer that you are legitimate and professional. Moreover, if you choose to list clients by name and need, include this information on a separate document. If you are sending in a resume, it is advised to offer the employer this information at their request, and do this in your cover letter so as not to give too much information for an employer to sift through too early. Secondly, if you can get a comment or two from previous clients about their experience with your work and service to your credit, to list in your resume and/or cover letter-this could also be more than helpful in showing how credible your self employment was.

    How To Write A Business Owner Resume

    What to Include in Your Résumé (as a Self-Taught Programmer)

    Although it can be frightening to make the leap from freelance to in-house employment, you can boost your odds of getting hired by building a strong resume that reflects your experiences as a self-employed individual. Instead of being flustered by your business owner experience and freelance jobs, use a proper business owner resume to showcase your experience in a way that allows potential employers to see your skills and know youre up to the task.

    Here are a few best practices for listing self-employment and contract work on your resume.

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    List Self Employment On Resume

    When we switch careers, finish colege, or start our path with a part-time job at school, we need to work on a resume. It is a challenging and time-consuming process and has multiple requirements to follow. Your resume should consist of many elements, neglecting which you risk of losing the interest of potential employers.

    One of such elements is self-employment. It is a great addition to your regular job experience or even the main source of your career life. Freelance jobs are becoming more and more popular, so we decided to explain how to add them to your resume and to benefit if you have experienced employment gaps.

    Listing Freelance Is Unwanted When

    Apart from the rules on how to list freelance work, there are multiple mistakes you need to avoid. Here are the most important of them:

  • Dont include your experience working for a friend or relative. Even if it helped you to acquire necessary skills, hiring managers most likely wouldnt take such experience seriously
  • There is no need to list freelance jobs that didnt last long and havent add any valuable skills to your arsenal
  • If the results of the project were worse than you expected. Such a project will only show you in a bad light
  • If you worked for a company that didnt want to give out its name and preferred to stay incognito
  • In case you are not aware of what your clients are doing and what niche they are occupying.
  • In any other cases, the freelance job listing is a good idea, especially if the projects were really good and significantly improved your skills.

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    How To List Self Employment On Your Resume

    A detailed guide from a senior recruiter on how to list self-employment on your resume with specific examples.

    4 months ago 7 min read

    But self-employment isnt a real job

    Okay, so times are changing, and nobody really believes this anymore ! But there are still employers out there who dont fully get self-employment. Was it a hidden employment gap? A glorified hobby? How much work did you really do, and for who? The best way to assuage those doubts isnt to give in to them its to counter them with a resume that explicitly answers all those questions.

    The first rule of self-employment is that it 100% belongs on your resume. The second rule is to treat it like you would any other kind of employment.

    Ways To Classify Self

    Self Employed

    Self-employment includes activities such as running a small business, freelance work, independent consulting or contract work. Another word for “self-employed” on a resume is “owner” or “sole proprietor,” assuming youre the sole owner of the business. If youre a freelance writer, for example, you can easily establish a sole proprietorship by registering as a business with the state, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration . In many states, even the registration step isn’t necessary, but formalizing a proprietorship shows potential employers that you have business acumen and take your career seriously.


    Owner/Sole Proprietor, 2020 to 2021Taylor’s Graphic Design

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    Discuss The Quality Of Interactions With Students

    Discuss the types of interactions with your students by going over the subjects you taught and the grading system you used to grade their academic performance. The knowledge of academic performance processes and working with them can be suitable for a full-time teaching position or work in a separate industry developing processes that enhance the profitability of their company.

    Emphasize Accomplishments Over Tasks

    After choosing a self-employed resume format, populate each work entry with relevant accomplishments, not simply tasks. For example, instead of listing that you “,” give a sense of the scope, volume and impact of these work products. Did your work allow your client to boost their digital presence or lead to increased online sales? If so, express these accomplishments in your resume with available data to back your claims.

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    Resume Summary For Freelancers

    The resume summary is the first thing on your resume after your contact information and title.

    Your professional summary will decide whether the hiring manager will keep reading or not.

    This section of your resume as a self-employed professional or a freelancer is not really different from a 9-5 professional.

    You should write it the same as anyone else.

    Craft a high-level summary of your career consisting of your most prominent contracts, projects, accomplishments, and skills that are related to the role the resume is for.

    Here is a sample of a freelancers resume summary targeting a corporate role:

    This freelancer is targeting additional project work:

    Be sure your title states the role you are applying for like Senior Project Manager and Freelance Data Scientist above.

    If you have a website or digital portfolio that showcases your work like GitHub above, add the link to your contact information.

    How To Create A Resume If You Are Self Employed

    How to Add PERSONALITY to Any Resume

    As a self-employed worker, you have developed skills and a business savvy that many salaried workers do not possess. The key to creating a resume if you are self-employed is to call attention to your most impressive accomplishments and point out how you can put what you learned to use in a way that will positively benefit the company where you are interested in working.


    Create a list with all of your job titles and duties, including freelance projects and contracted work. Write the dates of employment, a list of specific skills associated with each position and at least one accomplishment for each job. You may have more material than you need for your resume, which is fine the idea is to compile all of your information to use as a reference as you create your resume.



    Type a header for your resume that includes your name, current job title, address, phone number and a professional email address. Do not include self-employed in the header. Include a website URL if you have an online portfolio.



    Write an Education section no matter which format you chose and include your degrees and certifications with the names of the educational institutions and your dates of graduation.


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    How To Structure Your Cv In The Best Way

    A CV is a detailed description of your working life. It is a descriptive document, which means you can include as many details as you like. For example, in the Additional Education section, you can mention all the courses, conferences, and other professional development activities that you have attended. You can also mention online seminars and webinars. That is, the list can be quite long, and for a CV this is normal.

    When you are asked to send a CV, it means that your candidacy is interested in general: where you studied, worked, what you did in different periods of your life, how your biography developed. You do not need to focus on something specific in a resume for self-employed.

    The most important aspect of your CV is its structure. It has to be very clear, logical, and practical. How can you achieve such a structure?

    Here is an example of what a high-quality CV should look like in terms of structure.

    The key points for a self-employment resume include these:

  • Name and surname.
  • Phone number and email. It must be written in an international format, starting with the country code. And of course, you must specify your email. It must be neutral, containing your personal information. Avoid any abbreviated words. Also, note the selection of the mail service. Gmail, as an international service, is best suited for a resume in English. In addition to email, please specify additional contact details for example, Skype.
  • Start With Contact Information

    Begin by listing your contact information at the top of your resume. Include your full legal name, mailing address, phone number, email address and professional website if applicable. Check to make sure that your contact information is updated and accurate so any potential employers can contact you easily.

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    Example Of Self Employment Experience In A Resume

    Below you will find a part of a resume example, where freelance work is mentioned. Note that the names of the clients were excluded on purpose. Although it is beneficial to include names of the companies and brands you have worked with if they can render your experience and can show your expertise in this type of work.

    Management and PR Consulting , New York, NY | 2015 Present days

    Providing support with public relations and communications to clients in the entertainment sector. Meeting demands of the customers, starting with creating brand logos and reaching the media and finishing with long-time planning.

    Handled relations in media, organized meetings and conferences on the development of the industry across the world. Key projects:

    • Creating and promoting a YouTube channel that reached 500,000 subscribers in 6 months. The quickest result in companys work history
    • Interviewed and hired managers for a completely new office in Europe.

    As you see, even though it was a part-time freelance job, results are impressive and should definitely be included in a resume!

    How To Write A Cv When You’re Self

    Self Employed Cv Template

    Adding gig work to your CV can play to your creativity and strengths.

    Just because you’re self-employed, it doesn’t mean you can’t add this valuable experience to your CV. Whether your freelance work is your primary job or a side gig, it deserves to be documented on your CV, not only because it’s a fundamental component of your employment history, but also because it plays to your strengths.

    Understandably, it can seem a little tricky adding self-employed work to your CV because it’s somewhat untraditional. But CVs are relatively flexible in structure and formatting they can be tweaked and tailored to display your winning traits in the best possible way and impress a prospective employer.

    With that in mind, here’s what to consider when including self-employed work on your CV. This article gives answers to all of the questions you may have on how to list self-employment and freelance work.

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    Give Yourself A Job Title

    You may think you dont need an official title since you are your own boss. But theres a reason this is important on any freelancer resume. Assigning a job title makes it easier to reflect the nature of your work.

    Be clear with what you do. Are you doing consulting work? Do you own a small business? Are you a contractor? Once youve made this clear, give yourself a title in line with what you do. You may note that you work as a freelance consultant or entrepreneur.


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