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HomeHow To Put Together A Great Resume

How To Put Together A Great Resume

Questions To Ask The Interviewer

How to Get a Good Job : Putting Together a Resume

Put together good inquiries to ask the interviewer in your job interview and make a constructive affect as the appropriate candidate for the job alternative.

Asking significant questions in your job interview in regards to thegroup and what it wants from the profitable candidate is yourprobability to focus on why youre the proper individual for the job.

What Is A Resume

A resume is a summary of your career, whether yours is just getting started or has been going on for years. Coming in at around one page in length , it showcases the jobs youve held and currently hold, the responsibilities youve taken on, the skills youve developed, and the qualities you bring to the table as an employee. Together, those things make it super easy for any hiring manager to see your qualifications and fit for a role.

For all the work you may put into writing one, hiring managers actually spend very little timemere seconds in many caseslooking at your resume. But despite this sad fact, its safe to say that creating a great resume still matters.

If you miss the mark, your resume may never be read. Even worse, you might be removed from the applicant pool by a computer before a human even knows you exist, says Muse career coach Heather Yurovsky, founder of Shatter & Shine. So you want to get it right because, as she explains, isnt the goal to spend less time looking for a job and more time in a role you love?

And although LinkedIn has plenty of benefits, a resume has one clear advantage: While your LinkedIn is usually a broader picture of your career trajectory, your resume gives you the opportunity to tailor your career story to a specific role or company .

Oh, and youve probably heard of something called a CV? Its slightly different from a resume, and usually more common with academics and job seekers outside the U.S.

Craft A Career Snapshot

More recently, career experts have urged job seekers to do away with the old “objective” statement and instead consider including a brief summary, called a “career snapshot,” at the top of their resumes.

“With the career snapshot, you present a branding statement that briefly explains your unique value as well as your skills and qualifications,” said Tomer Sade, founder and CEO of FACTORE. “This would then be followed by a few bullet points that highlight your experience and your accomplishments. Whatever you list here should be relevant to the position you’re applying to.”

“The top third of your resume is prime resume real estate,” added Lisa Rangel, an executive resume writer and official LinkedIn moderator at Chameleon Resumes. “Create a robust summary to capture the hiring manager’s eye.”

Think of your career snapshot as an answer to the question “how would you describe your work experience in one sentence?” The summary is an opportunity to sum up your most relevant and important skills, experience, or assets right off the bat.

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Design & Formatting Tips

The subject matter of your resume is ultimately what recruiters care about most. However, that doesnt mean you should slack off when it comes to design and formatting. A cluttered, visually confusing resume makes it more difficult to read, and therefore more likely that recruiters and hiring managers will cast it aside. On the other hand, a sleek, polished resume will have the opposite effect. Use these rules of thumb to ensure that your resume looks its best.

  • Use an easy-to-read font of no less than 11 pt.
  • Add margins of at least .7 inches.
  • Make sure theres sufficient white space between sections.
  • Dont go overboard with intricate design or decoration touches of color are fine, but avoid any clashing or visually busy details.
  • If youre going to print out copies of your resume, invest in good paper and use a high-quality printer.
  • Dont save your resume as a PDF unless the application specifically says it accepts PDF files. Some applicant tracking systems scan PDFs as if they were one big image, which fails to capture your information.
  • Keep your resume to 1-2 pages max, unless youre in a field like academia or medicine and must cite papers and publications.

Want some specific examples? You can find attractive and effective resume templates here and here.

Bring In The Prosfor Free

8 Tips For Putting Together A Winning Teacher Resume ...

It’s not the easiest thing to write a resume that highlights your skills and experience but doesn’t make your age a focal point. Looking for a simple way to increase the chances that your resume will be noticed? Get a free resume evaluation today from the experts at Monster’s Resume Writing Service. You’ll get detailed feedback in two business days, including a review of your resume’s appearance and content, and a prediction of a recruiter’s first impression. It’s a smart move no matter what stage your career is at.

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What Are Some Examples Of A Good Resume

Heres the thing: Your resume wont ever look exactly like someone elses, nor should it. How you choose to format it, organize your information, and talk about specific experiences depends not just on your career path, but on your field, the job youre applying for, the company that job is at, and more.

So there isnt a universal way to do a resume. But there are common themes. To give you some context as to how yours might turn out, here are three examples of different kinds of resumes.

Choose A Resume Layout

The next step you should take is to choose a resume layout. While many people automatically choose a chronological resume, which presents your work history starting with the most recent, this may not be the best option. If you have a gap in employment on your resume, for example, it may work better to have a functional resume, which focuses on your skills and experience. You may also want to consider a combination resume, a layout that highlights your skills while including your chronological work history.

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How To Write A Resume In 2021

For most job-seekers, a good resume is what stands between a dream job and Choice D. Get your resume right, and youll be getting replies from every other company you apply to.

If your resume game is weak, though, youll end up sitting around for weeks, maybe even months, before you even get a single response.

So youre probably wondering how you can write a resume that leads to HR managers inviting you to interviews daily.

Well, youve come to the right place!

In this guide, were going to teach you everything you need to know about how to make a resume:

How to Write a Resume – Step by step

  • Pick the Right Resume Format & Layout
  • Mention Your Personal Details & Contact Information
  • Use a Resume Summary or Objective
  • List Your Work Experience & Achievements
  • Mention Your Top Soft & Hard Skills
  • Include Additional Resume Sections – Languages, Hobbies, etc.
  • Tailor Your Information For the Job Ad
  • Craft a Convincing Cover Letter
  • Proofread Your Resume and Cover Letter
  • So, lets dive right in!

    Additional Questions Former Felons Must Answer

    Tips for putting together a great resume | CIO Career Coach Episode 1.3

    Any time you have a record, there are going to be some additional questions a hiring manager is going to need to answer in their head before they bring you in for an interview. It sucks that it is this way, but if you know what you need to do and are prepared, you can overcome the challenges.

    You have to realize that many hiring managers have little experience working with former felons and have a point of view warped by the news, TV and movies. They may have a negative viewpoint toward felons and you need to do everything you can to prove them wrong.

    Are you a safety risk?

    The first concern hiring managers have is regarding the personal safety of themselves, their employees and their customer. Even if you were not convicted of a violent crime, they may still feel like you are more likely than other applicants to be a safety risk.

    Professionalism goes a long way toward overcoming this as does avoiding, mentioning your conviction until you have had a chance to meet someone in person. A well-written resume, especially one with some experience, can get you off to the right start.

    Are you a property risk?

    Past personal safety, there is also going to be a concern about business or property safety. Again, even if you were not convicted of a property crime, they may still feel like you are a risk or riskier than the typical applicant. You can overcome this the same way as we mentioned with safety concerns.

    Will you listen?

    Will you show up?

    Don’t Miss: What Font To Use For Resume

    What Is The Best Resume Layout

    The first thing a job recruiter notices about any resume is the layout.

    Does it look organized or cluttered? Is it too short or too long? Is it boring and easy to ignore, or does it scream out Read me!?

    Here are some of the best practices when it comes to your resume layout:

    Resume Layout Must-Haves

    1. One page in length. You should only go for 2 pages if you really, really believe that itll add significant value. HR managers in big firms get around 1,000+ resumes per month. Theyre not going to spend their valuable time reading your life story!

    2. Clear section headings. Pick a heading and use it for all the section headers.

    3. Ample white-space, especially around the margins.

    4. Easy-to-read font. Wed recommend sticking to what stands out, but not too much. Do: Ubuntu, Roboto, Overpass, etc. Dont : Comic Sans

    5. Pick the right font size. As a rule of thumb, go for 11 – 12 pt for normal text, and 14 – 16 pt for section titles.

    6. As a rule of thumb, save your resume as PDF. Word is a popular alternative, but it has a good chance of messing up your resume formatting.

    One more thing you need to consider in terms of resume layout is whether youre going for a traditional-looking free resume template or something a bit more modern:

    If youre pursuing a career in a more traditional industry – legal, banking, finance, etc. – you might want to stick to the first.

    How To Put A Resume Together

    Before you can even think about embarking on a job search, you need to put together your resume. Practically every job posting asks for a resume — either to upload into an online application system or to send as an email attachment. The purpose of your resume is to convince the recruiter or hiring manager that she needs to interview you. Therefore, you must look good on paper, so to speak. It’s not your resume that gets the job it’s your presentation in the interview that gets the job. But your resume is the essential step to landing an interview.

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    Education And Professional Development

    Create a record of all your education, beginning with your most recent degree. List the institution, its location, the name of your degree, your major and minor, your graduation year, and any honors associated with the degree, such as summa or magna cum laude. Do the same for any relevant certifications you’ve obtained or additional training opportunities or workshops you’ve attended.

    Customize For The Job You Want

    What Goes Into A Resume

    Respond directly to the job description and explain exactly why you are the candidate for the role. You can do this by relating your accomplishments to the elements of the job role.

    Employers want candidates to understand the role they are applying for, and the more you can demonstrate this, the more your CV will stand out.

    It might take longer for you to write your CV, especially when applying for a large number of roles, but it if it helps you to find your perfect position then it is time well spent!

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    Pick The Resum Type That Is Right For You

    The type of resumé you use will depend on your work history and the kind of work you are applying for. Use the resumé type that highlights your best and most relevant skills and training. The following describes each type of resumé and provides links to an example of each:

    • A chronological resumé is a good choice if the job you want is similar to the one you have now. It highlights your work, education, and training history in chronological order from most recent to oldest.
    • A functional resumé may be best if you have gaps in your work history. For example, if youve stepped out of the workforce to travel, raise a child, or deal with an illness, this format will focus on your skills. It focuses on your skills and capabilities not work experience.
    • A combination resumé works well if you want to change careers. It highlights your skills by organizing your information in skill categories then briefly outlines your work history.

    Now that youve picked the type, you can custom-build your resumé. Doing this lets potential employers know that you understand what they are looking for.

    Proofread Your Resume And Finish Strong

    Once youve written your resume and cover letter, youre in pretty good shape to send out that first application. However, youre not quite done yet.

    The most important step before sending out any resume is to read it over and make sure that there are no issues that could get your application discarded.

    To help make that process easier, heres a checklist you can go through to make sure your resume is looking spotless:

    The Resume Genius Resume Checklist

    Is your contact information accurate?

    Does your resume NOT include details like headshots or sensitive personal information?

    Does your resume fit on one page ?

    Is your information easy to read ?

    Is the design of your resume appropriate for the position youre applying for?

    Did you include all relevant sections on your resume?

    Did you include quantified achievements in your work experience section?

    Does your resume address the requirements stated in the job ad?

    Is your resume free of typos and grammatical errors?

    Is all of your information clearly formatted and professional?

    Feel free to use our on-page checklist, or and begin reviewing your resume.

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    Highlight Your Accomplishments Rather Than Your Responsibilities

    When you build a resume, youll provide a few bullet points under each job title. But dont use this space to simply describe your responsibilities. Instead, focus on your achievements.

    Dont just rewrite the job description for your previous jobs, I promise you it wont make an impression, said Eleni Cotsis, a hiring manager for AllTheRooms and freelance recruiter for New York-based startups. Explain what you accomplished and why you did the job better than someone else would have in that same position.

    For example, consider these two statements for someone in account management:

    • Handled accounts for public relations firm.
    • Managed 10 accounts in excess of $5 million annually and came in under budget by 10 percent.

    The second statement is a lot better than the first because it focuses on an accomplishment. The first merely describes a duty it doesnt say whether the applicant was successful or not.

    Plus, it quantifies the achievement, thereby making it more concrete. By providing data, youll leave a stronger impression than you would with a vague statement.

    Think of the mark you left on each company, Cotsis advised. What specific, measurable results were accomplished because you were in that position and not somebody else?

    Remember, past performance indicates future performance. By highlighting past areas of success, youll show the recruiter youll be similarly successful in the future.

    Pick The Ideal Resume Layout

    How to Make Your Resume Stand Out From the Rest

    The hard part is over. Youve written your resume, and are feeling confident about getting that interview. Now its time to take a moment and consider your resumes design.

    Depending on the industry you work in or the job you want, you may need to adjust your resume layout to fit the expectations of the hiring manager.

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    How To Build Your Resume

    Before delving into writing a resume, ask yourself some basic questions that will shape your direction.

    • Are you seeking an entry-level job?
    • Changing careers?
    • Are you re-entering the workforce after a lengthy time off?
    • Do you need to refresh and update your current resume?

    The first step to writing an eye-catching resume is determining what you’re trying to accomplish. While you might not include an “Objective” section on your resume, write one just for yourself to serve as a guiding principle for your overall resume.

    Build your own professional resume quickly and easily with this step-by-step guide. It will help you through every step of the resume writing process.

    What You Will Learn About Creating A Resume For Felons

    Over the course of this video series, there are five key things that youll learn. First, well talk about what the true purpose of a resume is. This is very important because a lot of people dont really understand what they should be trying to accomplish with a great resume.

    Second, well cover how to put your resume together in a fashion that puts your best self first and minimizes the impact of your record has on your ability to get a job as much as possible. When you have a record, doing everything you can to keep that from being obvious on your resume can greatly increase the number of interviews you get.

    Third, well really get into how companies and hiring managers think, as well as how the hiring process works at many companies work. The more you understand about the hiring process and what many hiring managers are looking for, the more successful you will be in securing a job.

    Fourth, and this is what we spend the most time on, well take you step-by-step through the full process of creating a resume. Well guide you through the complete process and provide you with a great resume template that we created and that is proven to be successful for former felons.

    Lastly, well talk about what you should be doing once you have completed your initial draft of your resume to be more successful.

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