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HomeHow To Make An Academic Resume

How To Make An Academic Resume

Find Out Everything You Can About Your Target Role And Company

ACADEMIC CV’s/RESUMES + A TEMPLATE! | Grad School Applications | How to Write an Academic CV/Resume

Before crafting your resume, think about the needs of the employer. Hiring managers have real life problems to solve and they are looking for a candidate with the skills to help. To persuade them to grant you an interview, find out what problems the target company has that you could help solve with your skill set.

The job description is your ticket in, so read it carefully. Annotate the job description and read between the lines. Highlight the keywords, particularly the action verbs. What skills, tasks, and qualities is the employer seeking? Hiring managers reading your resume want to see the right language in your document. Use keywords taken from the job description.

Gather the notes you took during informational interviews if you were able to speak with an employee working at this company.

Research the company by reading their website carefully. Write down their mission statement. Sift through their social media posts on LinkedIn and on Twitter. What are they sharing or liking? Include relevant information in your resume.

Where To Place Your Education Section

Either before or after your work experience section. It depends on your resume format and where you are in your career.

As with the rest of your resume, the rule of thumb is: always put the most important information first.

Are you a student or fresh graduate? Then remember: your education is still one of your biggest strengths. Naturally, you should play to your strengths and put your education section in a place where recruiters can immediately see it.

Place it near to the top of your resume just below your resume objective/profile section.

Are you an experienced professional? Then you can place your education section anywhere on the page .

Just remember: you should always put the most important information first. At this point in your life, your education isnt nearly as important as it used to be. Because of that, it should probably find its place near the bottom of your resume.

How To Write An Education Section If You Never Graduated

If youre a college dropout, or if youre taking aleave of absence, this part is for you.

You should always include even unfinished education on your resume. Employment gaps always make hiring managers a bit suspicious.

Just because you dont have a degree yet, it doesnt mean you cant put it on your resume. All you have to do is emphasize that youre still working towards attaining it.

The same holds true if you dont plan on ever finishing your studies. After all, you put some effort into them. Even more importantly, you paid the tuition.

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How To Build An Academic Resume

An academic resume is a resume created for a specific purpose and goal. Most of the time, your academic resume will be used for scholarship applications or even university employment. Like a professional career resume, an academic resume should have a focus and personality behind it to present your academic and work history as accurately as possible.

List your personal information, including your name, email address, physical address, phone number and birth date/age. This information should be current and up-to-date. Make your name slightly larger than the rest of the text so that it stands out.

Include your educational information and be as detailed as possible. Include important details such as the name and location of the school, GPA, academic standing, and test scores. ie. GPA: 3.5 Academic Standing: Top 15%

Mention any awards or honors that you have received. State the type of award, the reason it was awarded, and the year the award was received. ie. State Art Competition 2000 3rd Place – Still Life Oil Painting

List previous activities. List the clubs, organizations, volunteer opportunities and religious groups you are associated with. Create a list and put each activity in chronological order starting with the most recent. Include information such as participation dates, positions held and awards given. ie. National Honors Society Active Member Volunteer and tutor opportunities



Formatting And Organization Tips For A Strong Academic Cv

how to write a cv for students

Remember that no matter how compelling the content of your CV is, if it isnt well organized and easy for faculty members to read, they probably wont bother reading through all of your notable achievements and skills. Keep these formatting and organization tips in mind when composing and revising your CV:

  • Whatever formatting choices you make , keep it consistent throughout the document.
  • Use bolding, italics, underlining, and capitalized words to highlight key information.
  • Use reverse chronological order to list your experiences within the sections.
  • Include the most important information to the top and left of each entry and place associated dates to the right.
  • Include page numbers on each page followed by your last name as a header or footer.

Also Check: Resume Relevant Coursework

How To Write An Academic Resume

If you can write an 80,000-word dissertation about muons and quarks, writing a one-page academic resume might seem like a pesky chore. But good luck getting a job without one!

Some definitions are in order here, as the term academic CV refers to something more elaborate than an ordinary resume. The upshot is that the words resume and CV usually mean the exact same thing a short, usually one-page document highlighting a job candidates experience, education and skills. The word resume is favored in the U.S. and Canada, while the word CV is more common in other countries.

However, whats known as an academic CV is a much longer document used in academia, medicine and some scientific fields. An academic CV goes into far more detail on a candidates educational credentials, publications and awards. In an academic CV, you might list every paper youve ever published, cite all of your honors, awards, grants and fellowships, and leave no stone unturned in describing your scholarly qualifications.

Tr: What Items Should Be Included In An Academic Resume

TP: An academic CV should include some of the core items you’d find on a standard resume or curriculum vitae: professional work history, education, certifications, licenses, training, languages in which you’re fluent or competent, and relevant technical skills you possess. However, there are many pieces of information an employer expects to find in an academic resume that are not included in a standard resume or CV. These critical elements include, but are not limited to: a list of dissertations to accompany your education section residencies or fellowships you’ve completed and research accomplishments, such as presentations you’ve given or publications you’ve written or been featured in. You should also highlight patents, grants, and industry-related awards you’ve received as well as any editorial boards, community service projects, and relevant professional associations of which you’ve been a member or officer. Finally, your academic CV should detail specific research skills you’ve honed throughout your career.

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If Its Relevant To The Position

If your unfinished degree is relevant to the job youre applying for, include details that show your hiring manager the experience and knowledge youve gained from your education.

Include any relevant coursework or the number of credits completed in your education section. You should also include any academic achievements that demonstrate excellence in your field of study.

Heres an example of how to list unfinished college on your resume if its highly relevant to the job:

UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Ann Arbor, Michigan2018-2020, GPA: 3.8/4.0Completed 75 credits towards a B.A. in Environmental Studies with a specialization in Urban Planning

  • Awarded the Abrams Family Internship Scholarship for my internship at Ann Arbor City Government Planning and Development Department.

Put Your Academic Resume On The Honor Roll

Resume Writing Tips : How to Write an Academic CV

Now that you’ve got an academic resume template to get you started, you’ll want to make sure your job search makes the grade. Need some help? When you upload your resume to Monster for free, we can connect you with recruiters in your field. Find your next academic job with Monster sooner rather than later.

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Professional And Institutional Service

List the professional and institutional offices you have held, student groups you have led or managed, committees you have been involved with, or extra academic projects you have participated in.

  • Tip: Showing your involvement in the life of the school can greatly strengthen your CV, as it shows the faculty that you not only contribute to the academic integrity of the institution but that you also enrich the life of the campus and community.

Use This Resume Template To Create Your Own Academic Resume

Academic resume

An academic resume that highlights your professional experience, as well as your achievements in education and publishing, is a must-have in order to be considered for top teaching positions in higher ed, says resume expert Kim Isaacs. To see how you can arrange your own, check out this sample academic resume that Isaacs created below, or .

The demand for postsecondary teachers will grow by 9% over the next decade, which is much faster than the average occupation, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The states with the highest levels of employment for this job vary according to the subject you teach, but often include:

Monster data shows that the median salary for a college professor is $58,097 and ranges from around $40,000 to almost $96,000. To find out what you’d earn in your location, check the Monster Salary Tool.

Additionally, you can search for higher-ed jobs on Monster.

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Converting A Curriculum Vitae To Resume

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Converting a Curriculum Vitae to Resume
  • View short informational videos on cover letter and resume writing, internship and job search, interviewing, and networking. Check back periodically for new content.

    Workshop Recording: Converting a CV to a Resume

    A curriculum vitae or CV is used for academic positions or sometimes for senior research positions outside of academia . For the majority of positions in the private sector, a resume is the document most often required by employers. Note, in Europe a CV actually means resume. If you are unsure which the employer wants, it is best to ask.

    Relevant to both resumes and CVs

    • Used to get an interview
    • Tailored for the specific position you are applying for
    • Format is consistent
    • Grammar and spelling has been checked

    Differences Between a Resume and CV

    How do I Convert my CV to a Resume?

    Begin by studying the job description and considering exactly what skills and qualifications are relevant to the position. Evaluate your CV and determine what information you will be highlighting based upon the skills and requirements for the job.

    Review an example of a resume and CV for the same individual.

    Re-format your CV into a resume by including the following sections and headings:

  • Objective – use this only if you are seeking a very specific position or to indicate a particular time frame, for example, “Seeking summer internship position, part-time programmer at Intel Corp.”
  • Summary of Qualifications and Skills .
  • If Youre Currently Pursuing A Degree

    Business Student Resume Sample

    If youre still enrolled in school and plan on graduating, list your expected graduation date alongside the name of the school and its location in the education section of your resume.

    Heres an example of how to list an expected graduation date on a resume:

    UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT DENVER Denver, COExpected graduation: June 2024

    One way you can strengthen this section is by including any additional details that will demonstrate your relevant skills and qualifications to a hiring manager, such as academic achievements or relevant coursework.

    Some examples of additions to include are:

    • Major/specialization/certification
    • Academic awards
    • Scholarships

    Including these will show a potential employer that youre disciplined and making the most out of your ongoing education.

    Heres an example of how you can list achievements in your education section:

    UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT DENVER Denver, COB.A. in CommunicationsGPA: 3.7/4.0, Deans List for 3 semesters

    • Awarded the Sarah Parker Scholarship for academic excellence, 2019

    Additionally, heres how to list coursework on your resume:

    UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT DENVER Denver, COB.A. in Communications

    Relevant coursework: Media Writing Skills, New Media Production and Management, Social Media for Social Change

    Don’t Miss: How To Add Relevant Coursework On Resume

    Academic Curriculum Vitae Example And Writing Tips

    A curriculum vitae written for academia should highlight research and teaching experience, publications, grants and fellowships, professional associations and licenses, awards, and any other details in your experience that show youre the best candidate for a faculty or research position advertised by a college or university.

    When writing an academic CV, make sure you know what sections to include and how to structure your document.

    How To Write An Education Section If Youre Changing Careers

    True, your education is important. But its not as big of a selling point as your skills or professional experience. Because of that, you should probably put your skills and experience first. Its okay if you position your education section near the end of your resume.

    If you feel like your education isnt related to the job youre applying to at all, write the name of the institution first. By doing so, you can first draw attention to the fact that you attended a prestigious university. It is only then that recruiters notice your somewhat unrelated degree.

    But you need to impress the hiring manager with your education section anyway. Besides listing key information such as name of the institution, degree and dates, you should also consider including related accomplishments.

    Think of any coursework related to your new career, student clubs and organizations where you gained transferable skills. You can also mention academic awards, even those that arent related to your new job. They can help you impress the hiring manager.

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    What Is An Academic Achievement

    An academic achievement is any accomplishment youve made during your time in school, whether thats in high school, college, university, post-secondary certification, or beyond.

    This could include anything from your test scores to awards to scholarships to being asked to lead a research study. It could literally be any experience or accomplishment that youre proud of thats associated with school or your education.

    However, your resume shouldnt just be a list of everything youve ever achieved during your time at school.

    When youre narrowing down what types of achievements to put on a resume, remember that they should be relevant to your professional life.

    That is, the academic achievements you choose to list on your resume should work towards convincing the hiring manager that youre worth hiring.

    Sends A Message About Who You Are

    How to Make a Resume for College Applications | Coach Hall Writes

    The academic achievements on a resume should also work coherently with the rest of the skills, abilities, qualifications, and work experiences listed on your resume to send a straightforward message about who you are as an employee to a hiring manager.

    Ask yourself what kind of employee you are, as well as what kind of employee the employer is describing in their job posting.

    • Do you want to look responsible?
    • Do you want to look creative?
    • Do you want to look like a multi-tasker?

    Narrow down the most important characteristics that will get you hired and then integrate them into the academic achievements on your resume.


    If youre applying for a camp counsellor position, you probably want to seem responsible and mature. You need to ask yourself what extracurriculars and scholastic accomplishments youve achieved help represent these characteristics.

    The academic achievements on your resume should reflect the traits you want to show off, such as volunteering as a props manager for the school theatre, working as the timekeeper for the school basketball team, or being awarded with an honor roll award.

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    How To Write A Resume Education Section If You’re A Student

    As a student, you should place your education section at the beginning of your resume. Whether you already have some experience or not, employers will be interested to know that youre still a student.

    Include information about your extracurricular activities, relevant coursework or studying abroad.

    Is your final thesis related to the job youre pursuing? Then you should mention it! Explain how it pertains to the job opening.

    Internships. Paid or unpaid, it doesnt matter. The most important thing is that you can show youre motivated and willing to work.

    If you havent done any internships yet, its high time you applied. In most cases you dont need any previous experience to get one and it can help you acquire many valuable skills. Moreover, its something that will distinguish you from your peers once you start looking for a job after graduation.

    Finally, if youve already got your first degree, you can leave your high school degree out.

    Academic Curriculum Vitae Format

    This CV format will give you a sense of what you might include in your academic CV. When writing your own curriculum vitae, tailor your sections to your field, and to the job that you want.

    Some of these sections might not be applicable to your field, so remove any that dont make sense for you.


    List your employment history in reverse chronological order, including position details and dates. You might break this into multiple sections based on your field. For example, you might have a section called Teaching Experience and another section called Administrative Experience.

    POSTDOCTORAL TRAININGList your postdoctoral, research, and/or clinical experiences, if applicable.

    FELLOWSHIPS / GRANTSList internships and fellowships, including organization, title, and dates. Also include any grants you have been given. Depending on your field, you might include the amount of money awarded for each grant.

    HONORS / AWARDSInclude any awards you have received that are related to your work.

    CONFERENCES / TALKSList any presentations or invited talks that you have given. Also list any conferences or panels that you have organized.

    SERVICEInclude any service you have done for your department, such as serving as an advisor to students, acting as chair of a department, or providing any other administrative assistance.

    LICENSES / CERTIFICATIONList type of license, certification, or accreditation, and date received.

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