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How To Resume Cover Letter Examples

What Should I Write In My Cover Letter

How To Write A Cover Letter (Example Included)

The most important thing to keep in mind when youâre writing a cover letter is that it should answer the employerâs fundamental question, âWhy should I hire you?â

Your cover letter should be several paragraphs long, but no larger than one page in length.

The introductory paragraph explains why you are writing to the employer, as well as how you heard about the job opening.

The main body of text can be between one to three paragraphs. This text elaborates on the most relevant skills and experiences in your resume that would make you the best fit for the specific job opening youâre applying for.

For the main body of text, write about the most important qualifications that make you a standout candidate for the position. Frame this text to explain how youâd add to the employerâs company in a positive way.

In the final paragraph, thank the employer for considering your application, restate your interest in the position, and state your availability for an interview.

How To Write An Awesome Cover Letter Closing

Your cover letter closing matters. Here are some tips on how to end a cover letter and some examples highlighting what not to do.

Many job seekers focus all their attention on polishing their resume, giving less importance to writing a strong cover letter. But the cover letter isnt just a formality. Its as important as your resume. In fact, it can be even more essential because, if it doesnt capture a hiring managers attention, your resume might not get a look at all.

Your resume may spell out your skills, but its your cover letter that gives you the opportunity to convince a potential employer that you would be an asset to the company and can hit the ground running. And the final paragraph of your letter is key its what leaves the last impression of you with a hiring manager. Your conclusion should propel them to action, namely to schedule an interview.

Example Of A Cover Letter With No Work Experience

Our entry-level cover letter example shows you how to write a cover letter with no experience that highlights the qualifications you do have, so you can start getting interview calls soon.

This sample cover letter was written by a recent college graduate, who only has a minor amount of on-campus work experience.

In our example, the candidate is applying for an entry-level production assistant position at a broadcasting studio. He starts his cover letter by stating his enthusiasm for the position, and then goes on to showcase his relevant hands-on experience, demonstrating that hes qualified for the role.

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Cover Letter For A Director Of Customer Care

This is an expert from a blog post from the CEO at LiveStream, who said it was the best cover letter he has ever received. It is funny, honest, and confident. Note the applicant takes a few risks with the language and tone – but clearly understands his audience. You can read the full cover letter , at this link.

Provide Anecdotes And Evidence

9+ Sample Resume Cover Letter Template

Itâs important to follow up statements about yourself with real life examples or anecdotes. Providing evidence of your accomplishments is a quick and easy way to get an employer to pay attention to you as an outstanding candidate.

For example, employers often value leadership in candidates. Instead of writing that you have leadership skills, which employers read all the time, talk about how you organized a school rally or directed a fundraising campaign.

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Proof And Edit Your Cover Letter

A CareerBuilder survey reports that typos and grammatical errors can cost you an interview, as can not including a cover letter.

Be sure to thoroughly proofread each cover letter before sending it, looking for grammar and spelling errors. Consider asking a friend or family member, or even a career counselor, to read over your cover letter. It can be helpful to print a copy of your cover letter and edit it with a pen in hand. Reading it out loud is another good way to catch mistakes.

How To Write A Cover Letter

Just when you think your resume is polished and you’re ready to apply for a job, you realize you need a cover letter. Here’s how to write one.

If you dread writing cover letters, know you’re not the only one. You’ve put a lot of work into writing your resume, and now you need to sell yourself in a cover letter.

The task can feel daunting, but it’s an important one, so try to approach it one step at a time. Before you know it, you’ll have the perfect cover letter to pair with your perfect resume, and you’ll be ready to catch the attention of hiring managers.

Let’s start with the basics, and then we’ll walk you through each section of the cover letter and even give you an example.

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Mention A Personal Connection At The End Of The Cover Letter

The aim of the cover letter is to establish the fit with the role, so finishing by highlighting a more personal connection can serve to cement the application. It may be a person that you are acquainted with or an affinity with the company – describe how it has made a difference to you.

Why it works: When the hiring manager starts reading the cover letter, they do not know you from Adam. You are a total stranger. Then, after your story has drawn them in, ending on a personal note can make them consider that maybe you are not such a stranger after all. The more they think that you could be one of them, the more likely you are to get that elusive interview invite.

Example: When I was working with Bill Travis at Kentonhill, he was always telling me how Id make a great sales manager one day. He schooled me in the arts of social media marketing and I am confident that we would form a great team once again.

Put Together A Clear Targeted Opening Paragraph

How to Write a Great Resume and Cover Letter

Start your cover letter with an informative, direct introduction by including the following details in the first one or two sentences:

  • Job position: The title of the advertised position
  • Company name: The name of the company looking to hire
  • How you discovered the opening: Whether you saw the job on LinkedIn, a job board, or were recommended to apply by a friend
  • Intention to apply: An enthusiastic announcement that youre applying for the open role
  • Including these four pieces of information makes it clear youre a serious applicant one who isnt simply sending out a generic cover letter and hoping for a response.

    Heres an example of a cover letter opening paragraph that effectively introduces the applicant:

    You can also make your introduction even more attention-grabbing by adding a bit of personality, passion, or including a major career highlight. Dont be afraid to let some of your unique personality shine through in your cover letter.

    Just be sure to strike the right tone for your industry or field. For instance, if youre applying for a job in law, keep your writing formal.

    Here are some examples of unique cover letter openings you can try:

    Express your love for the company

    Its been a lifelong dream of mine to become a character designer for Disney, which is why Im so excited to apply for this open position.

    Highlight a past achievement

    Express passion for your work

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    Rsum & Cover Letter Examples

    Provided are some examples designed by our career counselors. Whether you are simply updating your experience or applying for positions of interest, we hope you find these samples to be helpful in designing and writing your document. Our goal is to provide a general array of samples, so please note that these are not representative of all majors and/or career fields. However, the samples provided should illustrate both relevant information and formatting typically found in résumés and cover letters within general career fields. Please feel free to browse all of the samples and generate your own preferences for headings, formatting, design, etc. Remember, the goal of your document is to best highlight your experiences and skill sets based on a job description. There is more than one way to write a resume/cover letter and the information included is unique to you! We invite you to Career Express walk-in service for additional assistance.

    Cover Letter For A Web Developer

    This cover letter shows that an effective introductory email doesn’t have to be long. It efficiently lays out the skills that Thomas has, and piques the company’s interest about what he can bring to the table. In a hot market for engineers, this is enough to get the interview. It is also from Mikael’s article.

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    Example : Administrative Assistant

    The following is a sample job description with an example of a cover letter that aims to express why the candidate is suitable for the role:

    Job Description

    We are seeking someone who can support managers and other senior-level personnel. You will be organizing their calendars, arranging travel and filing expense reports. There may be additional administrative tasks.

    The ideal candidate will have excellent interpersonal skills, attention to detail and problem-solving skills.


    • 10+ years of experience assisting high-level executives in a fast-paced environment.
    • High school diploma or equivalent work experience.
    • Excellent Microsoft Office Skills with an emphasis on Outlook and Excel.
    • Self-motivated and highly organized.
    • Team player who works well under minimal supervision.

    Cover Letter

    Dear Hiring Manager,

    I am writing to express my interest in the opening for an administrative assistant at EXPERT Administration.

    The growth opportunities that EXPERT Administration provides are very appealing to me as well. My understanding of your company culture is that there are ample opportunities for self-motivated individuals like me. A keen eye for detail and a focus on being highly organized are traits I’m eager to apply in a position with your organization.

    It would be a pleasure to share more of my experience with you. Thank you for your consideration.


    Here is another sample cover letter that is written in a less traditional style:

    Job Description


    Types Of Cover Letters

    Professional Resume Cover Letter Sample

    Two types of cover letters commonly accompany a resume: the application cover letter and the career change cover letter. These letters allow job seekers to expand on their resumes and connect their skills and experience directly to the job they are applying for.

    In addition to applying to roles, there are two other common uses for cover letters: networking and prospecting. Generally, the structure will remain the same, or at least similar, regardless of your cover letters intent. The content of the letter, however, will vary.

    Application cover letter

    This is the standard cover letter used alongside a resume during a job application. The application letter is geared toward a certain job, and it is tailored to the skills and specifications listed in the job posting.

    To emphasize: you must tailor your application cover letter to the job. A generic cover letter could do more harm than good, drawing attention to a lack of effort on your part.

    An application cover letter is a tool used to sell yourself as a job candidate. It supplements your resume and expands upon relevant parts of your work history and qualifications.

    Career change cover letter

    Changing careers can be challenging, especially if you are well entrenched in your current role. But it is definitely possible, and career change cover letters go a long way to help you communicate how your skills will translate into a new position.

    Prospecting cover letter

    Networking cover letter

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    Beware Of These Pitfalls

    Here are a few mistakes to avoid when writing a cover letter:

    • Making jokes. Avoid doing this, because humor is highly subjective, and can be easily misunderstood.
    • Mentioning your current salary, or salary expectation. Don’t do this unless the job advertisement asks for it. This type of information is best left until you are able to negotiate a job offer .
    • Using generic cover letters or templates downloaded from the web. Recruiters read numerous applications, and it won’t reflect well on you if they’ve seen your letter before.

    Key Points

    Your cover letter needs to show the recruiting manager that you’re the right person for the job, and that you will be a good fit for the team. Research the role carefully, and pay attention to the tone and language that you use.

    Your letter should fit on one page, and be presented in a way that’s easy to read. It should follow this structure:

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Prove You Are The Candidate The Company Is Looking For

    Now that you have the hiring managers attention, you need to convince them that youre the best candidate out there.

    Use the exact same phrases to talk about your experience and skills.

    Just like you did in your psychology resume.

    Include a few of your most impressive professional achievements as proof of your abilities.

    Expert Hint: Dont write a generic cover letter that you can attach to multiple applications. Try to target it to each job you apply for to show that you really care.

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    A Few Other Cover Letter Essentials

    First offplease, I beg you, address your cover letter to a person. No To Whom It May Concern or Dear Sir or Madam. People dont talk that way, so why would they want to read it?

    Secondly, keep the applicant tracking system, or ATS, in mind. This robot will be sifting through your cover letter much in the way it does with your resume, so youll want to scatter relevant keywords from the job description throughout your cover letter where it makes sense.

    Third of all, get your contact information on there, including your name, phone number, and email and on every page, if yours goes over one.

    Imagine you come across a cover letter and you print it out with a bunch of applications to review and it doesnt have the persons contact information on it, states Godfred. You never want to put yourself in a situation where youre the right person and they cant find you.

    And know that the ATS cant read crazy formatting, so keep your font and layout simple.

    Designer Cover Letter Examples

    How to Write a Cover Letter!

    Design cover letters should focus on the things that matter most when it comes to design. Namely, the designs. However, a good designer needs to communicate well as they will be working with different members of company teams, or external clients. Design cover letters should also of course link to an online portfolio or project that shows their skill. Here are some great examples of design cover letters.

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    The Purpose Of Cover Letters

    Do I really need to submit a cover letter?

    This is a common question that has left many job seekers second-guessing the purpose of a cover letter in meeting their end goal. Though not all employers require applicants to send a cover letter along with their resume, it wouldnt hurt to create one. This can help you grab a persons attention before making a personal appearance, and it serves as a great way to depict your enthusiasm for the job position and the company. You may also see email cover letter examples.

    Apart from telling an employer who you are and why they need you, a cover letter showcases your writing ability as well. Your writing skills say a lot about your personality and your ability to communicate effectively. It shows how serious you are about the opportunity given, and that its something that youre aiming for and willing to strive for from the get-go. If you feel as if your resume isnt enough, a cover letter can certainly make up for it. This will also take control of the follow-up process to ensure you get a callback sometime soon.

    However, there may be job listings that explicitly say not to send one at all. In this type of situation, it would be best to obey the instructions given than to go above them.

    Guide To Cover Letters

    A cover letter is an opportunity to explain how your experience, education, skills, and accomplishments uniquely connect to the position you are applying for. Your letter should communicate your personal narrative, why you will be a great fit for the position, and the contributions you can make to the organization.

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    End With A Professional Signoff

    You should end your cover letter with a paragraph that summarizes the reasons you are applying for the role and why you would be a great fit. Keep the cover letter conclusion brief and explain that you look forward to hearing from the employer with the next steps. End with your signature at the bottom.

    Example:Thank you for your time and consideration. I’m looking forward to learning more details about the Sales position and about TradeLot. Growth is essential to my continued success, and I’m excited for the chance to be a part of TradeLot’s industry-leading team. My proven track record and TradeLot’s quality products are a winning combination for increasing the company’s market share.


    Malik Rabb

    Tailor Your Cover Letter To The Job

    30+ Resume Cover Letter Examples

    Do a little research to match your cover letter to the employerâs brand voice. Employers hire for corporate culture. They want new hires to fit in right away, so you should aim to write like youâre already a part of their team.

    For example, if the employerâs brand voice is extremely formal, write very professionally. On the other hand, if they have a hyper-modern tone of voice, you can write more informally.

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