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How To Write Problem Solving On Resume

Adding Accomplishments And Impact:

How to develop problem solving skills

Employers review resumes to understand the impact youve;had on a project, organization, or company. For instance:

  • Were the materials and publicizing efforts successful?
  • Did these actions result in reaching a new group of students?

Review each statement youve created for your resume. Can you add an accomplishment or achievement?;What happened as a result of that action? How did it benefit the organization? You dont;need to add a result to every bullet point on your resume, but its helpful to demonstrate achievements when possible.

What does this look like? In the bullet point about marketing materials and social media, this might read:

  • Create marketing materials and publicize events through social media. Increased attendance at several club programs by 75%
  • Create marketing materials and publicize events through social media. Saw increased attendance at several club programs throughout the year

These statements combine the Action and Result sections of the STAR method.

How To Describe Your Skills

Tip: If you are looking for a job in which technical skills are extremely important , you should place the lists of skills in the resume above the main work experience section. This ensures that the hiring manager can quickly and easily find the most important information about your capacities.;

Its preferable to list technical and professional skills separately, rather than just having a list of «hard skills». Not all jobs will require technical skills, but if the one youre applying for does, it will be more clear for the hiring manager to see defined lists.

How To Write A Resume Skills Section

Ran Zheng / The Balance

Whats the best way to write a skills section for your resume, and highlight your qualifications for the job? The skills section of your resume includes your abilities that are related to the jobs you are applying for. In this section, you should list skills that are relevant to the position or career field that you are interested in, such as;computer skills, software skills, and/or language skills.

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How To Show Problem Solving Skills: Resume And Work

Every resume has this phrase indicating that the person possesses the special quality called problem solving skills or problem solving abilities. Its the magic phrase that every individual is sought for when it comes to pursuing a management role or are working in that role. It is a mere indication that the person would be able to take up the issue or has the capability to solve the problem that pops up.

Now, how many are sure that they really have this attitude or capability. Even if you have them, how would you put it down in black and white? The content below would give a glimpse into the reality. In this article, we discussed how to show problem solving abilities or skills on resume and work.

Example Answers To Problem

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Once youve impressed a hiring manager with top-notch problem-solving skills on your resume and cover letter, youll need to continue selling yourself as a problem-solver in the job interview.

There are three main ways that employers can assess your problem-solving skills during an interview: by asking questions that relate to your past experiences solving problems, posing hypothetical problems for you to solve, and by administering problem-solving tests and exercises.

The third method varies wildly depending on what job youre applying for, so we wont attempt to cover all the possible problem-solving tests and exercises that may be a part of your application process.

Luckily, interview questions focused on problem-solving are pretty well-known, and most can be answered using the STAR method. STAR stands for situation, task, action, result, and its a great way to organize your answers to behavioral interview questions.

Lets take a look at how to answer some common interview questions built to assess your problem-solving capabilities:

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Key Skills To Include On Your Cv

For many employers, these soft skills for your CV will be just as important as harder, technical proficiencies when determining if youre the best candidate for the job.

Including them throughout your resume, providing examples of how youve used them in previous roles where possible, will present you as a prospective employee who understands the full scope of the role, and as one who has submitted a considered and well-executed application.

Take a look at our Hong Kong resume tips page for more advice on how to write a CV.

Resumes With Impact: Creating Strong Bullet Points

How can you make your resume stand out to an employer?

  • Use an easy-to-read format and structure that highlights your relevant education;and experience.
  • Develop bullet points or statements to show relevant skills and qualities.;Be specific about what you did and how you did it.
  • Start your bullet points or statements with strong action verbs.
  • Provide contextual details to inform the reader about the purpose of your work, the scope of the project, and what you produced or accomplished.
  • Quantify your work and achievements where possible.

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What Are Soft Skills

Soft skills are character traits that positively affect how you work and interact with others.

They are natural skills that usually cant be taught in a classroom. Soft skills are often, but not always, people skills.

Soft skills arent always the type of skills that can be listed in the skills section of your resume. Instead, you should demonstrate your soft skills with specific examples in your work experience section.

Enterprise And Entrepreneurial Skills

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Spotting gaps in the market, suggesting ways to improve processes, or coming up with new ideas are all signs of an entrepreneurial approach. You dont have to set up your own business to make use of your enterprise skills; many employers will be looking out for graduate recruits with these qualities.

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Next Learn To Isolate The Variables

Learning to isolate different variables of a problem will help you build troubleshooting skills to identify what caused a problem and test possible solutions. You will want to consider all the components of a problem and test each one individually to determine which is the source of the problem. When testing possible solutions, you will want to test and check one variable at a time to know exactly which one resolves the problem.;

Showing Your Problem Solving Skills On Your Cv:

Unfortunately it isnt good enough to just say you are a good problem solver on your CV, youve got to to show your skills and wear them like a badge of honour.

You need to think of examples of when you have seen a problem and put in a fix that has made it better. Think about different situations you have been in : in school, college, university, in work experience, in team sports or clubs, volunteering or in your personal life. There will no doubt have been a number of problems you have overcome and many ways you have made a situation better.

You might have:

  • joined the school council or a society or club or college and university and noticed a new way to encourage people to join and implemented a new recruitment strategy which means 20 more people joined
  • worked on a volunteering project that had a problem meeting its fundraising target and you helped by giving ideas or putting more time in to collect donations.
  • suggested a new way of dealing with complaints in your job that has saved time and made customers happier in the process
  • given more time, support, leadership skills to a group project where members werent pulling their weight.

Examples can include you finding better ways to manage a process, overcoming challenges, achieving difficult deadlines and spotting the cause of errors or problems in a process.

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Cater To Applicant Tracking Systems

In todays world, the odds of an actual human being reading your job application are less than they were ten years ago. This is largely due to the introduction of Applicant Tracking Systems , which scan a candidates application, looking for certain keywords. If those keywords arent there, then the system rejects the application.

Therefore, the best way to ensure that your application receives a phone call back is to try as best you can to match the problem-solving skills in your resume and cover letter to the exact qualifications listed within the job posting. The more your skills match what the company is looking for, the more likely you are to receive a phone call for an interview, rather than a bot-issued rejection.

If, for example, youre looking for a secretarial job, you may see time management listed among a job postings required skills. You should therefore include the keyword time management in your resume and briefly describe your experience with that skill.

Why Are Critical Thinking And Problem Solving Important In College Hires


In todays fast-paced world, businesses encounter complex new challenges every day. Theres also a huge amount of information available to everyoneand not all of it is accurate. Interns and employees who can actively work through issues on their own to arrive at sound solutions make life easier for their supervisors and colleagues.

Most people can make a decision when needed. But when someone thinks through a problem critically and works through it step by step, theyre more likely to reach the best decision. Thats because they ask questions, look at evidence, analyze their own biases, and consult with others. When you add all that up, its far more likely that a person with strong critical-thinking skills will take effective action that yields a successful outcome. And thats good for the business and the bottom line.

In addition, critical thinkers and problem solvers tend to be inspiring and enjoyable to work alongside. Because they examine their own biases and take into account differing opinions, theyre usually open-minded, respectful, and reasonable.

These competencies are particularly important for college hires. Interns and entry-level workers who can think critically and solve problems need less hand-holding, and they can offer fresh opinions and ideas. At the same time, theyre flexible and willing to listen.

Problem solving and critical thinking are useful in any role, but theyre frequently listed as key skills for the following categories:

  • Data science

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State Why This Skill Is Hard To Find:

In addition to highlighting the skill, you must mention how this is a skill that no other people have and even if they have it they do not put it to use correctly. When you appear for your interview, you should mention the ideas which you have for the companys development and exactly where you think this skill of yours will be most handy.

If you speak making use of facts and figures then that is going to show the recruiters that you have come prepared and that you are someone who dares to dream big. All companies like to hire people like this on board since they will be the future of the company.

The Difference Between Hard Skills Vs Soft Skills

Soft skills relate to your emotional intelligence and natural ability to interact well with others. They are useful across all industries and job types. Hard skills are technical skills or other job-specific expertise that are learned through education or training.

Here are some of the basic differences between hard skills and soft skills:

Key Traits of Soft Skills Key Traits of Hard Skills
Useful across all industries
Based on technical knowledge

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Look For Daily Opportunities

If youre looking for a practical approach, youre in luck. You can also look at the various challenges you face during the day and think about how to overcome them.

For example, if you always experience a mid-day energy slump that hurts your productivity, take a deep dive into that problem. Define whats happening, think about why it occurs, consider various solutions, pick one to try, and analyze the results.

Why Do Employers Value Problem

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Businesses encounter problems every day. A sales department may be struggling to reach its goals, and wonder how it can catch up. An office supplies delivery may have been missed, which leaves some workers without paper supply.;

As a result, employers value people who are able to solve problems. Employers want to hire people who can come up with solutions to the types of problems that are likely to come up in their job. You should be able to understand the nature of a problem, how it affects a business, and work either independently or as part of a team to come up with a solution.

Career Karma entered my life when I needed it most and quickly helped me match with a bootcamp. Two months after graduating, I found my dream job that aligned with my values and goals in life!

Venus, Software Engineer at Rockbot

Career Karma entered my life when I needed it most and quickly helped me match with a bootcamp. Two months after graduating, I found my dream job that aligned with my values and goals in life!

Venus, Software Engineer at Rockbot

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How To Improve Your Interpersonal Skills

Once you know where you stand, its time to start planning out how to improve your interpersonal skills.; Some of the best ways to improve are:

  • Monitor your body language and ensure youre not doing things that make people think youre disengaged or aggressive
  • Practice active listening with family, friends, and coworkers; repeat what theyve said back to them to ensure youre accurately listening
  • Try being friendly and chatty with colleagues
  • Practice leading a meeting or presentation
  • Be enthusiastic and engaged when interacting with people
  • Project an image of being confident and approachable

Hard Skills Vs Personal Skills

In comparison to personal skills, hard skills are measurable abilities you gain through training, education or certification. They are specific to the job you do. Examples of hard skills could be:

  • Computer programming
  • Coding
  • Equipment use

A person applying for a job should show in every capacity that they have the required hard and soft skills, as listed by the employer. Employers always seek the right mix between both skill types. When comparing soft skills to hard skills, employers will typically choose to hire for soft skills and train for hard skills.

The choice to train for hard skills depends on the role they are hiring for, however. If the role requires the new employee to start immediately without time for training, an employer may search for someone who has the hard skills necessary for the job.

In comparison, if there is time for on-the-job training, employers will often look for applicants with personal skills because they will be a more positive impact on the company. These individuals will usually be more reliable and complete their tasks quickly and efficiently. They are also more passionate, positive and motivated about their work.

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What Are Some Examples Of Problem

While you could list able to solve problems on your resume, this is not a very accurate description of all the skills that make up the problem solving process. Any worker that a business will hire should be capable of solving problemsthat doesnt set you apart from the crowd.

Here are a few skills that you can list on your resume to showcase your problem-solving skills:

List Down The Challenges:

CV or resume sample.

While reviewing the assignments you would probably be aware of the aspect that was challenging to you. It might be small but would have brought a great impact. It could be the various type of people you had to handle or handle a difficult customer who was not compromising or getting to synchronize all the documents from various sites.

Whatever be the intensity, never miss out on them. Nevertheless, write down whatever your memory takes you and draft them. Making a list of them will make your work easier.

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What Are The Most Common Questions & Answers In An Interview About Problem Solving Skills

Here a few interview questions that relate to your problem-solving skills:

  • Describe a situation where you had to solve a problem.
  • Provide an example where you saw an opportunity in a potential problem.
  • What are the steps you take before making a problem-solving decision?
  • What is the biggest work-related problem you have ever faced? How did you handle it?
  • Outline an occasion where you became aware of a potential issue and resolved it before it became a problem.

Regardless of the situation, you must remember that solving a problem involves identifying it, analysing the situation, and implementing a solution. A good answer to any of the questions above shows that you took the initiative but didnt act without intense thought. It also illustrates your ability to work as part of a team, not to mention your willingness to ask questions before taking action.

Example Resume Bullets That Highlight Critical Thinking And Problem Solving

If a job description emphasizes critical thinking, problem solving, or any related terms, you want to include keywords related to these areas in your resume. But you cant just list problem solving as a skill; it means nothing. Instead, you need to include specific examples of when you demonstrated these competencies in the past. To get past the ATS and impress the hiring manager, try to incorporate the keywords themselves as well as specific past examples.

Consider situations in which youve thought outside of the box or worked long and hard to increase efficiencies. Maybe you successfully navigated a tricky situation with a customer. Maybe you used your creativity to make something work despite a limited budget. These are all examples of critical thinking and problem solving that you can include on your resume. You want to prove that you have a history of carefully and creatively thinking through issues to arrive at the best solution.

Example 1: Software engineer intern

Software Engineer Intern, Velcor Computer DesignsBoise, ID

  • Partnered with QC team to perform experimental software runs, ending the need for outside assistance and saving the company over $20,000 in past six months.
  • Instituted new coding verification protocols , which led to a 12% reduction in reported coding errors.
  • Write SQL queries and statements to analyze, investigate, and resolve application errors.

Example 2: Resume summary

Example 3: Demonstrating problem solving through awards

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