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How Long Does Your Resume Have To Be

Resume Example And Template


This is an example of a resume with earlier jobs listed as additional experience. or see the text version below.

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTProviding confidential and diversified administrative support to C-level executivesHighly organized and personable Executive Assistant well-versed in meeting and event coordination, calendaring and appointment scheduling, reception, correspondence drafting, and travel planning.

Creative and skilled in using Microsoft Office Suite and Adobe Creative Cloud to develop dynamic corporate communications materials, newsletters, and presentations.


ABC ENTERPRISES, Tampa, FloridaEXECUTIVE ASSISTANT;Meticulously perform executive administrative functions for C-level officers of global development group. Schedule and supervise team of five administrative assistants and receptionists; make all arrangements for travel, public and stakeholder relations functions, conferences, and meetings.;Notable accomplishments:

  • Spearheaded offices transition to cloud-based corporate communications technologies.
  • Successfully negotiated cost-effective contracts with vendors, caterers, resorts, and other service providers that reduced annual costs by more than $25K.
  • Orchestrated all details for major stockholder events including annual meetings, golf tournaments, and receptions.
  • Set up and administered CEOs social media presence on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.


Sections To Include On Your Resume To Get More Interviews

Now that you know how long a resume should be, Im going to share some tips about what to put on your resume if you want to get interviews!

Writing great content on your resume is far more important than worrying about how many pages your resume should be.

And no matter how long your resume ends up being, there are some key pieces to always include if you want to get more interviews. So here they are

First, youll want a great resume summary paragraph. You can find examples here.

Next, make sure you have a GREAT work experience section overall. This is the first place I look on most resumes as a recruiter

Skills arent as important, because employers prefer to see WHERE you used each skill and did each task in your career. So focus mostly on your employment history and bullets to demonstrate your value to employers However once youve done that, a Skills section is still useful to include. It helps you add relevant keywords to your resume and show the company your top skills at-a-glance.;

And youll also want to include an Education section where you highlight any degrees and certifications you have. Those are the main pieces Id recommend including.;

We also have a detailed article going into more detail on what to put on a resume and how to structure/order everything.

So thats another resource that will help you make sure youre getting the most out of the space on your resume, whether its one page, two pages, or more.;

Play With Size And Font

When you are trying to make a one-page resume, but your information overflows onto a second page, there are many ways to shorten your resume. First, change the font of your resume . If your headings are a very large size, try making them slightly smaller. However, you probably still want them to be slightly larger than the rest of the text.

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Why Does It Take So Long To Hear Back From A Job Application

It takes a long time to hear back from a job application because employers receive many applications because hiring managers have many priorities aside from hiring in a given week.

For example, a hiring manager may also be managing their existing team, doing employee meetings, setting new goals and initiatives for the department, etc.

So while finding a job may be your top priority, hiring isnt always a managers top priority in a given week; its just one of many priorities for them.

Recruiters dont have all of these additional responsibilities, but often recruit for multiple jobs and sometimes need a couple of days or more to sort through the high number of applications received.

How Long Should A Resume Be For A College Student

How to Shorten Your Resume in 5 Steps

For the typical student or recent grad beginning their job hunt, a one-page resume is typically enough. Its almost always possible to put your relevant education, technical skills, internships and past work experience in a single page as an entry-level job seeker.

However, there are exceptions. If you held multiple jobs and internships, or if youre a PhD student who has published papers and research, then you may find yourself using a two-page resume even as an entry-level job seeker. This is acceptable and will not cost you jobs.;

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Can My Resume Be Three Pages Or Longer

ZipJob Team

5 min read

If you have an extensive work history, you might find yourself with a three-page, four-page, or even a five-page resume. Maybe you’ve held a lot of jobs, or perhaps you’ve been in the workforce for decades. You might also be adding a lot of detail to each job on your resume, trying to maximize your keywords for the ATS scan.

Resume Introduction: Objective Vs Summary

A resume objective is the traditional resume introduction used by job seekers. Resume objectives outline your ambitions, and what you seek to achieve in your career.

Resume objectives are best used by:

  • New graduates
  • Job seekers with no work experience
  • Career switchers

Heres an example resume objective:

Customer service representative looking to leverage sales and tech support experience to excel in a customer care role at your call center. My customer satisfaction rating and excellent typing skills will be an asset to your company.

While resume objectives are still acceptable resume introductions, you should instead take time to focus on your target companys needs at the start of your resume if possible. You can do this with a resume summary.

Resume summaries allow you to emphasize your achievements, and how these accomplishments tie into what the company is looking for from their ideal candidate. Heres an example:

  • Caregiving: Provide quality health care in a 20-patient ward, including daily monitoring, recording, and evaluation
  • Knowledgeable:;Graduated Sacramento State Nursing program with 3.9 GPA
  • Communication skills: Interface daily with 47 team members concerning patients treatments
  • Empathetic: Commended 3 times for ability to deliver bad news to patients and their family members

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Can You Leave A Previous Job Off Your Resume

If a previous short-term job helps you to make your case for the new position in question, then you should probably include it on your resume. However, if you werent successful in the previous job and dont wish to draw attention to it, then you might prefer to leave the position off.

How Far Back Should Your Resume Go

How To Write A Resume With Little or No Work Experience – Resume Template

Whether you are well into your career, or have a gap in your employment, it can be tough to decide what to include on a resume. This is especially true when you reach a point where you question whether your work experience happened too long ago to include on your resume.

Most people are looking for a straightforward answer or rule that tells them exactly how many years is too far back to include on their resume. However, career experts and coaches say there’s no hard-and-fast, right answer.

We spoke with Michelle Aikman, NCRW, co-founder and Director of Adventure Learning of Cerno, to discuss just how far back your resume should go.;

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Graduates Have More Opportunities

First, unlike the graduates of 10 or more years ago, today’s young professionals are entering the real working world with more experience to boost their resumes and impress employers. From internships to co-ops to freelance gigs and even contract work, students are encouraged to secure opportunities throughout their collegiate journey to help explore potential career paths, build their skills, and meet the one to three years’ experience requirements that many entry-level jobs now demand. They’re also more likely to have personal blogs or online portfolios, group projects, volunteer work, leadership programs, and relevant campus activities to boost their resumes without adding any unnecessary fluff.;

Remove A References Section

References are assumed and donât deserve to be mentioned on your resume . Donât list them out, and donât include the line âreferences available upon request

Instead, make a separate reference document to provide when asked. A hiring manager doesnât need this early on in the application process. Your resumeâs goal is to get you a phone call, and then to schedule an interview. Keep it focused on you and the value you would bring to this company.

Pro tip: bring a printed copy to your interview, and keep an email draft with names, contact information, current job titles, and your relationship to the person.

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How Long Should You Be In A Role To Include It On Your Resume

Sometimes jobs dont turn out the way you hoped they would, and you can find yourself questioning whether you should move on to a new role. But this can quickly lead to another question: how long should you be in a job before you include it on your resume?

Eliza Kirkby, Regional Director of Hays, says theres no set amount of time. It depends on the circumstances of each job. For instance, if they were temporary roles, say so. Employers understand such assignments are of a short-term nature and are more interested in the skills you used and value you added in these temp jobs than the duration of the assignment.

Most recruiters are probably more pragmatic about short-term stints than some employers, but with the spread of the gig economy, people are more relaxed about short-term stints,;says Harrison.

And if they were permanent roles? One or two instances of short tenure is also understandable, says Kirkby, since there are times when the reality of working for an organisation is not like you were expecting. Just be honest and explain why you left, whether thats because it wasnt the right culture fit or you craved a different environment.

How To Format Your Name On Your Resume

Australian Resume

Your name is the first part of your resume that a recruiter will see, which presents the perfect opportunity to strike a powerful first impression. This is your chance to announce yourself in grand style and set the tone for the entire rest of your resume.

The font size you use for your name should be larger than any other font on your resume by at least two points, preferably more. If you use 12 point font for your resume bullets, dont be afraid to take your name up to a 20+ point font. You can also add bold emphasis to pack even more of a punch. See below for an example:

Your name should send the signal that Im confident in who I am and the value I bring to the table, and I cant wait to show you what I can offer. This is no place for timiditywhen youre up against some serious competition, you need every edge you can get. It may seem like a minor detail, but its an important oneremember, this is your very identity and brand youre talking about, and if youre not willing to promote it, then who will?

Of course, make sure not to take this too far. You dont want to come across as condescending or arrogant with a name that takes up the entire first half of your resume. Use your best judgement.

Because in the end, no matter how you spell it out, thats all that really matters.

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Change Your Resumes Formatting

If your resume has wide margins and a large font, youâre going to have a hard time fitting all the information you need on two pages. After clarifying the content, read our advice on resume margins and font size, as well as the top 10 resume fonts. This will help your resume appear balanced, relevant, and easy to read.

Many people opt to use templates they find online. The templates you find on Etsy, Canva, or other sites are often very visually appealing and use a lot of white space; however, multiple columns can confuse ATS scans so proceed with caution.

âIf your resume includes more than a square inch of white space at any point, adjust your settings. Thatâs valuable real estate! Play with the margins, tabs, and justification settings,â advises Caitlin.

Note: white space refers to spaces without content, no matter what color youâve opted to use or any lines youâve incorporated into your resume.

Finally, be wary of any site or resume builder that offers a subscription service for resume templatesâtheyâre notorious for charging unknowing job seekers month after month. When in doubt, DIY your resume or hire a reputable service.

When It’s Acceptable To Have A Three

There are some fields that require a long resume due to the inclusion of research, publications, and detailed projects. Those often involve people in science, medicine, academia, and engineering.

Even then, itâs advisable to keep your resume at two pages unless you have relevant information the hiring manager would want to see. You can include additional information on your LinkedIn profile, online portfolio, or a personal website.

Note: this advice is specifically for people writing a resume. If you’re not applying for a corporate job in the US or Canada, you may want to brush up on when to use a CV instead.

So how can you cut your resume down to two pages? You need to remove irrelevant and outdated information. Here are some tips to trim your resume down to be more effective.

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Keep It Clear And Easy To Read

Your priority should be to keep your resume clear and easy to read. Be sure to leave enough white space on each page, use a 10- or 12-point font, and use a font that is easy to read .

That being said, dont leave too much white space. The key is to fill all, or at least three-quarters, of each page with relevant and helpful information so that the recruiter’s attention is not drawn to the blank space on the second page.

Match The Name On Your Resume With Your Social Media Profiles

What should you do to your resume when you have been long-term unemployed?

Another aspect of your name that you should pay attention to is how consistent it is across your social media profiles such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Roughly 94% of recruiters use social media in their recruitment efforts, so its important to make things as easy on them as possible. Assume that recruiters will stalk you on social media and adjust your name accordingly. I display Dan Clay on my resume, and that matches all of my social media profiles.

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How Long Should A Resume Be Its Up To You

Your resume should be exactly as long as it needs to be and no longer, while also being as brief as possible without selling yourself short.

Resume length is a tricky one. If youre having trouble figuring out how long your resume should be, try focusing more on highlighting your top traits in the most reader-friendly way possible regardless of page count. If youre frustrated trying to smoosh all your experience into a single page, try a two page resume.

Most importantly, dont keep doing the same thing if its not working. Seek out new advice, try different techniques, and use all the tools at your disposal.


What Is A Career Summary On A Resume

A career summary, is located at the very top of a resume and is a short introduction with a purpose to convey a candidates set of skills. It has grown to be one of the most important parts of a resume since most hiring managers focus on this part.

It tells them how a candidate can help their company grow and thrive, what a candidate has to offer. If they are not impressed while reading the career summary, they go no further. This is a part where a candidate must persuade a hiring manager that he/she is the best among all other applicants.

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Remove A Hobbies And Interests Section

âSometimes listing your hobbies and interests can help you stand out from the job-seeker crowd,â says Jennifer. âBut tread carefully: Some hobbies/interests can have a negative effect based on the personal biases of your audience.â

If you feel strongly about your hobbies or interests, include them in your summary section as opposed to their own section, and stick to the main one or two that make you stand out as an applicant and a co-worker.

Safe hobbies or interests that can set you apart from other applicants:

  • Musical talent: if you play an instrument, sing in a band, or write music

  • Physical activities: If you hike, swim, or kayak

  • Community-focused work: if youâre involved with charity work, Eagle Scouts, or local theater

Steer clear of anything with a religious or political affiliation.

A better way of including hobbies or interests is to join LinkedIn groups related to the topic, or posting about your passions on LinkedIn or another blogging forum. You can also establish yourself as an expert or thought leader on Reddit and Quora, which will likely come up when an interested hiring manager looks you up online before calling you in for an interview.

Example: Including interests/hobbies in a resume summary:

How To Decide How Long Your Resume Should Be

One Page Or Two...How Long Should Your Resume Be?
  • Your resume is a tool for you to market yourself to employers. Keep it concise and focused on your main selling points. Eliminate unnecessary details that dont market you for your current career goals.

  • Every part of your resume should sell your strengths and qualifications to potential employers.

  • Hiring managers see hundreds, even thousands, of resumes theyre probably not going to thoroughly read yours before throwing you into the maybe pile or the trash pile. Try to make sure that your strongest selling points can be seen by skimming through your resume.

  • Make sure everything on your resume is relevant to the job youre applying for. Dont brag about your career as soccer captain for your high school team if youre applying for an accounting position. Carefully read through the requirements for the job youre applying for, and adjust your resume to that specific job listing.

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