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How To List Management Skills On A Resume

Lets Start With Why Resume Skills Are Important

Resume Advice for Project Managers – How to Write a Project Manager Resume

Recruiters and hiring managers can see hundreds or even thousands of resumes each day. In their search to find the best candidates, they look first and foremost at skills and ask: Does this candidates skill set match the job requirements?

Additionally, many companies, including 99% of Fortune 500 companies, employ an applicant tracking system to streamline the hiring process. An ATS sorts and ranks resumes based on important keywords, primarily hard skills.

Thats why highlighting the right job skills on your resume is vital to getting the job. If its not immediately apparent that you have the right skills for the position, your resume could beand likely will bepassed over.

Putting It All Together

So there you have it.

The most important thing to remember is to select skills that are relevant to the position you are interviewing for, and more important than that, skills that your company puts a tremendous amount of value in.

Once you get your skills straightened out, you should make sure that the rest of your resume is congruent with the skills you just selected, namely, that your experience shows that you both used those skills in a work environment and developed the skill with on-the-job tasks.

The next thing you should do is download our action list below!

Good Luck!

Certifications: The Best Way To Validate Your Hard Skills

If you have certifications that back up your skills, list them in a separate resume section. Include the name of the certificate and the year you received it.

Heres everything you need to know about putting hard skills on a resume:

  • Hard skills are the job-specific skills that make you well suited for a particular role.
  • Always match your hard skills to those from the job ad.
  • Use skills-related keywords in the work experience section, along with real-life evidence of how you used those skills to achieve spectacular results.
  • Dont forget to list the most important abilities in a separate skills section.
  • Mention 23 most relevant skills in your resume profile.
  • Validate your skills by listing professional certifications.

Michael Tomaszewski, CPRW, is a career writer and the newsletter coordinator at Zety. Apart from sharing his own resume-writing expertise, Michael reaches out to recruitment and hiring gurus to help you learn the most effective strategies for managing your career.

This article first appeared on Zety.

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Top Soft Skills For Your Resume

There are tons of soft skills that you can include in your resume, but how do you know which ones to include? Here is a quick list of soft skills examples you should list on your resume.

Problem Solving Skills

No matter what the job is, eventually something will go wrong and employers want to know that youre capable of coming up with a quick and effective solution. In fact, there are jobs that are essentially nothing but solving problems for the company, the clients, or both.

Critical Thinking Skills

Being able to think rationally and thoughtfully is the basis of critical thinking. Employers want workers who can think through a problem or a project and determine the best steps needed. Critical thinkers come up with new and better ways to work, making it an invaluable skill to put on a resume.


Many organizations and industries covet employees who are dynamic and adaptable to every situation, or who have a natural ability to use a variety of methods and approaches in different circumstances to get the best end result.

Communication Skills

Whether its written or verbal, being able to communicate with your boss, coworkers, and clients/customers in all situations is very valuable. The better you are at it, the better results you will generate.


Most jobs will sometimes require you to work with other people at some point, and employers want to know that you can succeed in a team environment. Some jobs will prize this skill more than others.

Quantify Your Experience Bullets

Starting Successful Career from a Great Bank Manager Resume

Heres a hard truth: writing management skills and abilities on your resume without stating what you achieved means just about nothing.

Dont slip up here like many candidates, and actually prove your abilities. Describing your work history by refocusing your experience bullets to highlight accomplishments will make you look like a true pro.

This is an advanced technique called quantification, and is one of several ways to write an achievement oriented resume.

To do this, think about an issue or process at work, describe how you improved it, and state the outcome of your action using percentages, dollars, and timeframes.

Heres an example from a project manager resume:

Once you start viewing your experience through the lens of quantification, youll be able to write a more dynamic resume.

And hiring managers will take notice.

Our extensive list of action verbs contains examples helpful for quantifying your achievements.

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Include A Stunning Work History Section

The best way to prove you have time management skills is working them in to your resumes work experience section.

Talk about your previous duties and responsibilities by highlighting your achievements with the use of numbers and measurable results.

Time Management Skills in a Resume Work History Section


  • Followed a Scrum product development cycle managed via Jira and Notion, with a Postgres, Node, GraphQL , and React tech stack.
  • Supported and conducted user research in collaboration with product managers and designers evaluated weekly sales data to identify trends and capitalize on potential opportunities.
  • Instituted and enforced new quality process to improve update success rate from 10% to 80%.
  • Researched infringements and developed a marketing initiative which generated a 7% response rate.

Always remember to target your resume to fit the job description in the advertisement.

Now, the above example may not necessarily scream I HAVE GREAT TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS, but it definitely suggests that.

Someone whos successful in a position is someone who has great organizational skills and knows how to manage their most critical resource time.

What Skills To Put On A Resume: List Of Good Examples To Include

Check the best skills to put on a resume. Learn technical skills, hard skills & soft skills examples and breeze through the recruitment process.

In a second, youll see a list of the most universal skills to put on a resume. And youll be tempted to just copy-paste it into yours. Dont. If you want your resume to land great interviews, your skills section has to fit the job opening like a glove AND differentiate you from the competition.

Spend 5 more minutes reading this article and youll learn:

  • The most universal skills to put in a resume
  • The difference between hard and soft skills.
  • Why you must absolutely nail your resume skills to get hired.
  • How to detect what skills employers look for and how to list them on your resume.
  • What job skills to put on a resume to land an interview.

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Soft Skills To Include On Your Resume

Before we dive into hard skills and ATS optimization, lets talk about soft skills. Soft skills, like communication, time management, and teamwork are more subjective in nature and easily transferable. But that doesnt mean theyre not important.

Recruiters and hiring managers want to know that your soft skills are well matched to the job. And the easiest way to communicate these abilities is to explicitly list them on your resume.

Here are 10 skills that employers love to see:

  • Adaptability
  • Work Ethic

How To List Your Team Management Skills On A Resume

Manage Skills and Resumes | Odoo Employees
  • Use active language

Passive language is one of the easiest ways to kill an otherwise great resume. When you use a phrase like, Was responsible for,you put distance between you and your role and miss an opportunity to show off your skills. Instead, try phrases like Achieved, Developed, or Managed. Active language shows that you take ownership of your role.

  • Provide examples

Tie your work section to your skills section by giving brief examples of your work in a way that displays managerial skills. For example, if you managed a team in a call center, you might say, I developed a card system that allowed call handlers to flag me for problem-solving while in a tough call. Over the next two months, formal complaints dropped by 20%.

  • Be specific

When discussing your skills, try to avoid generalities. Dont just say interpersonal skills or good communication skills. Instead say conflict resolution skills or motivational speaking skills. Better yet, give work examples of how youve used these skills.

Your resume presents an opportunity to display good communication skills, so do your best to be clear and honest about the skills you have. Showing self-awareness is as important as showing confidence.

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Organizational Skills For Your Resume

Organizational skills are crucial for many work experiences – so it’s imperative that you showcase them on your resume. From working in the kitchen at your local fast food franchise to managing a doctor’s office, your sense of organization shows that you have the focus, clarity, and strategic ability to fulfill a variety of tasks successfully. The following are important organizational skills you should list on your resume.

List Your Skills On A Functional Resume

If you are changing careers or industries and do not have extensive professional experience, you might decide to feature them at the top of your resume. This type of resume is called a

  • Any relevant professional experience

  • Education

  • To include skills on a functional resume, create a separate skill section that lists your successes with key skills relevant to the position for which youre applying. Any professional experience you do have should go below your skills section.

    Heres an example of how to list skills on a functional resume:


    Process StreamliningCreated customer service email scripts used across the company to interact with customers. Single-handedly created customer service representative training manual, reducing the onboarding process from 8 to 6 weeks. Reduced average customer representative call time by 90 seconds with intuitive online training.

    Complaint ResolutionAnswered an average 50+ calls per day from unsatisfied customers related to delays in shipment, order mistakes and lost orders. Achieved 97% average customer satisfaction rating, surpassing team goal by 12%.

    Service-Based SellingConsistently exceeded application targets by 10% with innovative upselling techniques. Pioneered development of improved system for following up with unsatisfied customers, reducing customer churn by 6%.

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    Effective Time Management Skillsexamples For Your Resume

    It seems as if our professional lives keep going faster and faster.

    For many companies, speed is key to staying competitive, meeting customer needs, and responding to market changes.

    Unfortunately, it puts enormous pressure on the employeesa heavy workload, a multitude of deadlines, and a culture that places urgency on EVERYTHING quickly turn into stress, procrastination, and demotivation.

    Poor time management can be detrimental to work efficiency, but also to your well-being. This is why you have to learn to organize yourself well and manage your stress, especially when faced with a busy schedule and never enough time in a day to do all of the things you had planned.

    Here are just some examples of the most important time management skills that are good to have:

    How To Include Leadership Skills In Your Resume

    Human Resources Manager Resume Example &  Writing Tips for 2021

    Leadership skills are important for any job. Here are some tips on how to include leadership skills in your resume:

    In the skills section: In the skills section of your resume, you can list leadership as one of your skills.

    In the experience section: In the experience section of your resume, you can describe how you used leadership skills in previous roles. For each job, you can list the skills that you used in that particular role.

    In the education section: If you have relevant skills that you acquired through your education, you can list them in the education section of your resume.

    In the interests section: You can also list skills in the interests section of your resume. This is a good place to list skills that are not directly related to your work experience or education.

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    How To Get Past The Ats: Customize Your Resume Skills For Each Job

    The best skills to include on a resume are the required skills that are present in the job description.

    For example, if youre applying for a job in Customer Support, the job description might include skills like IT, Stripe, Zendesk, troubleshooting, etc. These hard skills and software then become the top skills for your resume.

    I know what youre thinking, and yes, that means each job you apply for requires its own unique set of resume skills. You should update your resume for every job you apply to after reviewing the job description. A one-size-fits-all resume does not work in the world of online job applications and ATS.

    Want to see if youve included the most important resume skills for the job youre applying to? Scan your resume and the job description side-by-side in Jobscan.

    How To Say You Manage Employees On A Resume

    If youre applying for jobs that involve managing others, hiring managers will be looking for examples of leadership experience on your resume. Heres how to impress.

    8 months ago 4 min read

    Whether youre applying for high-level roles, are looking to move into a management position, or just want to take the next step up in your career, experience managing others is often vital.

    On top of showing that you have the experience recruiters are looking for, managing a team is also a great way to showcase soft skills like leadership, communication, teamwork, and organization.

    Heres how to get the most out of listing management experience on your resume:

  • Use action verbs emphasizing that you managed employees, like Managed, Directed, Supervised, Assigned or Mentored.
  • Highlight accomplishments that focus on your managerial experience through your bullet points.
  • which give context to your accomplishments and emphasize your seniority.
  • Highlight your managerial experience throughout other parts of your resume, like your resume summary.
  • Let’s dive into these, with detailed examples of bullet points you can use.

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    Include Them In Your Resume Skills Section

    Your resumes skills section is the main place to list your skills and the easiest place because you only need to list the relevant skill and dont need to provide any context.

    Depending on your skill-set, you should add an additional skills section or a technical skills section.

    When to use an additional skills section

    If you have several job-relevant hard and soft skills but dont have a highly developed technical skillset, then an additional skills section is the ideal way to highlight skills on your resume.

    Just make sure the skills you choose to include in your additional skills section are related to the specific job youre applying for.

    Heres what an additional skills section looks like:

    When to use a technical skills section

    You should use a technical skills section when you have a wide range of hard skills that are highly important to the job youre applying for. This format is especially useful in tech, where candidates are judged on their mastery of job-specific technical skills.

    If you think this is the case for you, a dedicated technical skills section is the best way to feature your skills and abilities prominently on your resume.

    Heres an example of a technical skills section on a resume:

    Because software development work demands a special skillset, this Java developer resume begins with a technical skills section.

    Some industries where a technical skills section works well are:

    • Information technology
    • Executive level positions, like CEO

    Ways To Write A Resume Skills Section

    Product Manager Resume Tips With No Prior Experience ???

    Whether youre trying to catch a recruiters eye or rise to the top of an applicant tracking systems rankings, seeding your resume with relevant resume keywords should be a top priority. One simple way to do this is through a resume skills section.

    A designated skills list is an optional resume section and not part of a traditional resume format. Find a good hybrid/combination or functional resume template if you want a skills section on your resume.

    Here are four ways to show off what you can do with a resume skills section:

    1. Create a simple bullet list resume skills section

    The most straight-forward way is to make a list immediately following your contact information and summary statement. For example, a Customer Success Managers bullet points might look like this:

    • Account Management
    • On-boarding
    • Customer Engagement

    Hitting all the top job requirements with your skills list will make a recruiters ears perk up. It will also help you rank highly for a keyword search within an applicant tracking system. Its an attention-getter, but dont stop there. Just because you list these job skills on your resume doesnt mean a corporate recruiter will believe you.

    If you use this type of resume skills section, be sure to add context for every skill elsewhere in your work experience. If a recruiter is excited by Product Adoption in your skills section, the first thing theyll do is skim your work experience to figure out when, how, and how much you used that skill.

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    Examples Of Time Management Skills

    Time management is not a singular activity. Rather, its a collection of habits and processes that fit together as a cohesive whole.

    Here are 4 essential elements of effective time management:

  • Prioritization. In order to allocate your time appropriately, you need to assess the relative importance of each action item on your list. Doing so will help you establish a task hierarchy, which can then guide your activity scheduling.
  • Sometimes, its very clear which of your tasks are high-priority and need to take precedence. But often, your action items may appear to carry similar levels of importance. In such cases, youll need to be decisive otherwise, youll lose time deliberating.
  • Scheduling. A clearly-defined schedule is the cornerstone of successful time management. Fortunately, technology has equipped us with a wide array of apps and software to aid our scheduling and appointment setting efforts.
  • Problem-Solving. If youre a busy person, youve definitely encountered this problem before: schedule conflicts. Overlapping tasks and appointments can pose a significant challenge and youll need to combine prioritization, decision-making, and strategic thinking to resolve the issue.
  • So far, weve covered what time management entails and why its important. Now, lets review how you should communicate this valuable skill on your resume


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