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How To Make Resume In Html And Css

Ceevee Responsive Website Template

Create Professional Resume/CV Using HTML & CSS | 2020

The Ceevee Resume Free Responsive Website Template is the perfect template for showcasing your online resume. Built in the minimal design style, this website is trendy and will allow the viewer to focus on whats importantyour skills, experience and assets. This template is fully responsive so it will look great on every type of design.

Use Fonts That Are Easy To Read

Cursive and calligraphy fonts are cool and stylish. But refrain from using them on your personal website. Limit your fonts to no more than two. Also, make sure your content can be easily read no matter the screen size. Consider a template like ProResume, which includes gorgeous typography right off the bat.

Right Resume Bootstrap 5 Resume Template

Right Resume is sleek and elegantly designed responsive and free resume website template. It has been built by TemplateFlip with Bootstrap 5. This template allows you showcase your skills, work experience as well as education. It has subtle animations as well as timeline view to display your profile. You can easily edit the template as per your needs. Whats more, you also get a print stylesheet included in the template that allows you to take PDF or physical prints using your web browser.

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Should My Resume In Html Be One Page

Typically, it’s suggested that your print resume sticks to one page in length. But when it comes to an HTML resume, you’ve got the freedom to choose. It’s really a layout and usability choice. Does your CV HTML template allow for multiple pages? Would navigating a long one-pager be easy for a hiring manager on a time crunch? Consider questions like these before you get started and adapt your design accordingly.

Should I Tailor My Resume Website To Each Job Posting

Resumes in HTML, CSS, and JS  Thomas Barrasso  Medium

This is another common recommendation for print resumes that’s tricky for online ones. It’s easier to create many versions from a single PDF CV than it is to create many personal websites.

Don’t think about tailoring your website for each opening you apply for. Think about ways to adjust your design and content to multiple job postings. This lets hiring managers find the skills, education, and information relevant to them.

Here are some resume writing tips that can help you nail key sections of your HTML CV:

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Editable Html Resume Template By Thomas Barrasso

This resume template works a little differently than all the rest. It allows you to edit and automatically save your contact details, work experience, and education directly in the browser. Make the edits you need, download the HTML file, and then play around with the CSS file to truly make this simple resume your own.

It Business Analyst / Database Developer / Html Developer / It Reporting Analyst

Constituent & Clinical Technology Services – Member of the Health Solutions Group IT Business Services overseeing Journyx / Planview Transition and Time Tracking of more than 1300 IT resources.

  • Integrate transition from Journyx to Planview Database Time Tracking System.
  • Liaison for HSG IT Business Services and SCS OptumHealth IT PMO for requirements gathering analysis to integrate transition from Journyx to Planview Time Tracking System.
  • Developed Historical Journyx Access database, to streamline manual look up actions in order to find historical data from previous years, thereby eliminating the need to maintain multiple Excel spreadsheets when transitioning to Planview.
  • Journyx Database / Planview Subject Matter Expert for HSG IT Business Services responsible for training and managing resources, resource managers, project managers and release managers with any issues or questions they had regarding the use the tools.
  • OptumHealth Intranet Manager / HTML Developer utilizing FrontPage and HomeSite to Manage OptumHealth Care Solutions Intranet Site Updates and Development.

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Ethos Free Resume Html Website Template

Ethos is a free HTML template you can use to setup a creative resume website. It features a stylish dark color theme with lots of sections for promoting your work.

Since its a free template, you will have to keep the author attribution and link to the authors website.

Kross is another free resume HTML template that comes with a creative layout. Its filled with colorful elements and shapes. And its perfect for creative professionals.

Both the PSD version and the HTML versions of this template are free to download.

Cvio Cv Resume Html Template

How to create a Resume || HTML and CSS Mini Project (Part-1)

Cvio is another resume HTML template that comes with a beautiful homepage layout. There are actually 6 homepage designs to choose from, including a one-page layout and one with a video background.

You can also choose from 3 different resume designs and 6 portfolio designs to showcase your skills and experience.

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Who This Course Is For:

  • Anyone Who Wants To Learn To Build Websites With HTML and CSS Frameworks
  • 154,072 Students
  • 58 Courses

John Elder is a pioneer in Web Development who created one of the first Internet advertising networks back in 1997. He sold it to a publicly traded company at the height of the dot com boom and then went on to create the best-selling Submission-Spider search engine submission software that’s been used by over 3 million individuals and small businesses in over 45 countries.

Today he teaches Web Development courses at Codemy the online code school he founded.

John graduated with honors with a degree in Economics from Washington University in St. Louis where he was an ArtSci Scholar.

Html Resumes: Web Designers Best Apply With An Online Application

A few weeks ago, we posted a list of creative high-end brand-new and absolutely free resume templates made either in PSD, AI or PDF formats, only one of the examples was in HTML. Artists give you hints how to spice up your CV by presenting their vision of creative realization starting from clean minimal mockups and ending up with vibrant illustration-based templates. Each sample serves as an ideal starting point whether you want to introduce yourself personally by handing a paper-based copy or send it file-based via email.

However, if you want to go a bit further, amaze your potential employer and instantly be called for an interview you should acquire a HTML-based resume template. It has lots of advantages over text-based and image-based interpretations. The key feature of such a CV is an ability to add some dynamic effects as well as provide backlinks to your clients and previous employments. Moreover, you can diversify it with brisk elements. For example, leverage animated charts, graphs and bars in order to show your level of expertise and skills. A small contact form that let your potential employer quickly connect with you will do no harm either. Generally speaking, HTML and CSS allow you to enormously improve and enrich your job application.

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Showcase Your Html And Css Skills By Making Your Own Resume

Though a resume alone cant get you your desired job, having a good resume can make a significant difference. Your resume is your first impression. So if you spend some time perfecting your resume, the effort will be well worth it.

A simple black and white format is still the most professional way to write a good resume. But having a nice-looking online version of it can add a nice touch to your portfolio. You can add it to your personal website and share it with potential recruiters.

Especially if you are applying for a front-end developer role, this way you can show off your HTML and CSS knowledge.

So recently I made a resume template that I plan to use myself. In this article, I am sharing this template with you. You can build your own resume from it. You can personalize the resume by making even some small changes.

Professional Html & Css Resume Templates For Free Download

how to create cv in html css &  javascript

Professionally designed HTML Resume Templates which are available for free download are hard to find as most of the templates are either outdated or lack the class. But in this post we present to you some of the mostly elegantly designed, clean and modern resume/CV HTML & CSS templates which are completely free and will help you establish a professional resume/portfolio site.

Previously we rounded up free minimal & creative resume Templates in PSD, Word & AI format. In this post we will be looking at HTML & CSS based resume templates. Whether you are fresh out of college or an experienced professional, these resume templates would surely make your portfolio impressive. At the end of this post, we have included some tutorials for you to build your own professional resume or CV website in HTML5 and CSS3.

You will also find premium HTML resume templates in this post, which we included to give you a glance of some of the paid options available. After all this is your career we are talking about and you should have all the choices available to make a perfect impression with your portfolio. Let us begin!

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Describe Your Professional Experience In Your Html Resume

Most people make the mistake of taking their resumes for granted and hence end up losing the chance of landing their dream jobs despite having all the required skills and credentials.

Here is your chance to avoid making such avoidable mistakes and get closer to your dream job.

The following factors can help you curate a flawless resume if followed and applied while framing your HTML fresher resume.

  • STAR Format
  • Grouping & Highlighting


Always write action-oriented points that help you describe your work experience and highlight your roles and responsibilities while also mentioning your achievements and contributions.

The STAR format can help you describe your professional experience in the most effective manner.

STAR stands for the following points:

  • S: The situation, backdrop, or context of work assigned to you.
  • T: The actual task assigned to you.
  • A: action or strategy you used to execute the assigned task.
  • R: The result or outcome of your action in the form of achievement figures.


To understand the importance of framing your HTML resume points, let us compare the two HTML resume examples that have been given below:



  • Wrote 100% efficient, well designed, and testable codes via Photoshop and Dreamweaver
  • Cooperated with 10 web designers to match visual design intent for 20+ websites
  • Identified problems and corrected them to ensure 100% customer satisfaction

Framing Points: Analysis



Creative Cv Resume Template Built With Bootstrap

Creative CV is a professionally designed responsive and free resume HTML template. It has been built by TemplateFlip with Bootstrap and Now UI Kit. This modern design template is perfect to showcase your Bio, skills, portfolio, work experience, education and references. You can easily to edit, customize and extend the template as per your needs and create your very own website featuring your resume/portfolio.

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Html Resume: Personal Information

The personal information section is an important feature of your html5 resume because this is where you can list down your details of contact without which the recruiters cannot reach you for any likely shortlist.

Here is what an ideal personal information section should contain:

  • Contact Number

Hiration Protip: In the Mideast, including details like gender, passport details, date of birth, etc. are required, but not in the US. So make sure to read through the hiring norms for the country you are targeting before you include such details.

Contact Number

It is also possible that some recruiters may want to interview you over the phone or confirm with you before scheduling any face-to-face interviews.

Hence you must provide only the correct details of your contact number which is active and functional.

The correct format for writing your mobile number is documented below:

  • Provide the ISD code of your country as a prefix before your phone number
  • Add a plus sign right before the ISD code
  • Eg: +1 238 2151

Email Address

One of the most convenient means for the recruiters to get in touch with you is via email.

Give out your official email IDs that have your real name and not the ones that have fancy or made-up names to maintain a professional approach in your html programmer resume.

The right way to frame your email address is: or

Current Location

There are two important points you need to keep in mind while framing your current location in a resume:

Optional: Change The Fonts

Create Online CV Website Using HTML And CSS | Make Resume Website In HTML & CSS

So you’ve made it this far, but the default font choice is really not working with your vision. Lets do something about that

Head over to and find 2 fonts. One for your headers and a second for body text . Make sure to choose a readable body text font the header font can be anything under the sun.

Scroll through, and if you see any you like, click Add to Collection .When you have a few that you like, Review them . Narrow it down to your 2 favorites, and click Use.

For your body font, we need fonts of weight 300, 400, and 700. If the font you pick doesn’t have that, dont worry about it. For the header, we only need the 300.

Scroll down to part 3, where it says Add this code to your website and copy that code.

Now to replace the old fonts. Open up index.html and find the line where the old fonts were linked. It should look like this:

< link href="> 

It is at the top between the < head> tags. Replace this line with the code you just copied.

One last thing: we have to update our stylesheet to use the new fonts we’ve imported. So head over to main.css and go up to the top. Inside the body rule, change Lato to the name of the font you chose for the body .

body { 

and then switch Raleway to your header font.

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {  font-family: Raleway 

Save both of these files and check out your new fonts!

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Responsive Resume Template Source Code

Before sharing source code, lets talk about it. First I have created the main div named resume-wrapper and placed all the items inside it. Inside the main div, I have placed many elements for multiple elements like name, skills, contact info, etc. There I have created SVG shapes to for the image background, later it will animate by JS. There I have used the HTML list for showing skills with progress bars.

Now using CSS I have placed all the items in the right place, as you can see in the preview. With CSS first I gave basic values like size, position, margin, padding, etc to the elements. There I have used table display command display:table to create the layout. I have used CSS query to create responsive elements and increased-reduced size for multiple screen sizes.

The JavaScript file only for animate the shapes which are around the circular image. JS codes are placed according to the librarys pre-built functions. There the shapes moving randomly using for loop and if-else statements. Left all other things you will understand after getting the codes, I cant explain all in writing. For creating this program you have to create 3 files. First file for HTML, second for CSS, and the third file for JavaScript.

Follow the steps to creating this program without any error.


Create an HTML file named index.html and put these codes given below.


Now create a CSS file named style.css and put these codes given here.


Free Html Templates For Creating Resumes

There are quite literally thousands of free CV or resume templates readily available to download online, in every conceivable format, and covering every possible profession. Those templates are fine, they are professional enough, but there are two things that they lack: originality and creativity.

All of the HTML resume templates in this collection look fantastic as is. But with a little bit of creative CSS styling, you can design something truly unique and personal. You will be able to present your work and education history to potential employers in a manner that is not only professional but will allow your creative flair to shine through.

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Cv & Resume Templates

A thoughtfully designed CV or resume can help you stand out from other candidates, and make a memorable first impression. It isn’t enough to use the standard template in MS Wordyou need to be thinking more creatively! In this series, we’re sharing tips, advice and templates for creating the perfect CV or resume!

How To Create A Resume Using Html And Css

HTML/CSS Resume template

So how to create resume?

Creating strong CV is necessary part of the get hired. Here are the you can make your resume yourself using only the html and CSS.

A personal website is one of the greatest assets you can have so using this code also can make personal resume website template and it will lead to increase your visibility. This is the easiest way to employers and clients to find you in online.

Why resume is important ??

  • Present your skills to the employer properly.
  • This will allow you to move forward.
  • Creative resume can grab the attention.
  • Using this simple html and CSS resume help to edit the colors and other features as your preferences.
  • Follow below steps to complete your own resume properly.
  • Fist step is creating the resume profile item with name and position.
  • < div class=resume> < div class=resume_left> < div class=resume_profile> < img src= alt=profile_pic> < /div> < div class=resume_content> < div class=resume_item resume_info> < div class=title> < p class=bold> Viraj Sameera< /p> < p class=regular> Designer< /p> < /div> 

    2.Second step is adding contact details to the resume.


    3.Next step is adding skills details to the resume.

    4. Now adding social details to the resume the relevant icon.


    5.Next step is adding work experience and educational details.

    6.Finally, we should add hobbies details to the CV if needed.

    this way you will learn how to create resume

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