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How To Put Board Member On Resume

Do Board Cvs Make A Difference

How To Write A Resume With Little or No Work Experience – Resume Template

They do in fact, on some occasions, they can get you appointed. This is the feedback I received from one of my clients.

With pleasure, I am informing you that as a result, I believe, of using your advice and the Board CV style and content you worked on with me, I have now received an appointment as a Non-Executive Director to an organisation with a bright future and potential for significant growth Why do I know the Board CV was a catalyst? Because I asked what attracted their attention to me, to which they responded the style, format and clearly articulated content of the CV.

How To Write A Short Resume For Nomination To A Nonprofit Board Of Directors

Nonprofit organizations often seek to build boards of directors from professionals with a wide range of skills and experience. If you’re considering a position on one of these boards, your traditional professional resume may not be the best way to present yourself. Adapt your resume to emphasize your flexibility, resourcefulness, previous nonprofit experience and any special skills you have that will benefit the specific nonprofit group you’re seeking to join.


Research the nonprofit organization to learn its priorities, focus and requirements. Consider how these correspond to your specific skills, abilities and experience.


Include your name, address and contact information at the top of your resume, typically centered like a company letterhead.


Build a simple, concise resume with no more than three or four sections. Limit the variety of type fonts used and be consistent throughout your resume in terms of tense, style and format. Emphasize skill sets and experience, rather than just providing a chronological listing of previous jobs.


Create sections about your skills and abilities, your volunteer and nonprofit experience, and your professional work experience. Each section should highlight the aspects of your experience that are most readily transferable to the nonprofit world. Focus on projects you have led, cooperative and problem-solving skills and fundraising experience.




Board Cv Writing: The 8 Elements Of An Outstanding Board Cv That Will Separate You From Your Competitors

If you regularly read or review CVs or even feel like you have a strong executive CV, writing a Board CV can be intimidating and difficult to do well. Board CV writing is a skill that I have developed over many years and today I want to take you through all the steps that will help you write an excellent Board CV that will dare them not to appoint you.

Your Board CV is a document that needs to be carefully crafted. Along with the general guidelines I gave you in the previous article, here I want to show you in some detail what you need to do to create a document that will separate you from your competitors and dare them not to appoint you. Here is what I recommend

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How To Write A Board Resume That Markets You As A ‘next

According to the U.S. Spencer Stuart Board Index, boardrooms are reshaping themselves with fresh skills, qualifications, and perspectives.

I underscore the last word in the aforementioned quote to impress upon you that to win a seat at that board table you are after, you must craft your resume through unique lenses. To revive your board profile, discard the traditional narrative, and communicate a personal, modern and mobilizing board candidacy. Make your resume serve as a vessel for your distinct leadership voice.

As an executive resume writer and career coach, I’ve seen that contrary to what many believe, a CEO or C-suite resume is not a board resume. To earn election as a vital member of a board of directors, you must stand out by marketing how your board voice is distinguished from other candidates and how you will add value. While this is true for all executive resumes, the following are the specifics you should include in your board resume to pivot it from “corporate governance” to “shareholder champion.”

Illustrate your shareholder value.

The role of the board of directors is to protect and grow shareholder value. In alignment with the boards goal of optimizing shareholder returns, you must pivot your executive resume to accentuate that you have delivered solutions, made savvy decisions, and designed strategies and executions that augmented cash flow, market share, profit, stock value, capital gains, etc.

Highlight your executive titles.

Executive Board Member Resume

Board Member Resume Samples

Headline : As an extremely dedicated, competent, compassionate individual as well as possessing an abundance of resources and which allows me to be a positive advocate for all walks of life as well as exhibiting a conscientious and meticulous work ethic with a keen eye for detail. My excellent communication and intervention skills have provided me with lasting, solid working relationships and I continue to welcome all learning opportunities presented to me.

Skills : Management, Community Outreach, Cashier, Customer Relationship Management, Marketing, New Product Development, Computer Hardware, Community Relations.

Description :

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Nonprofit Board Member Example

Here’s how a candidate who’s a director for a charitable organization might integrate this experience and other service-based activities into one section of their resume:

Community leadership

Board Member | The Kyle FundMay 2016âPresent

  • Oversaw distribution of the nonprofit’s scholarship money to underserved students
  • Interviewed and vetted candidates for leadership positions

Secretary | Collins Elementary Parent-Teacher Association

  • Recorded minutes at weekly PTA meetings
  • Drafted and distributed memos to parents across all grades

Volunteer | Feed Atlanta Kitchen

  • Coordinated volunteer shifts for daily food preparation and delivery
  • Planned fundraising events

Board & Committee Experience

Next, you must add a list of your Non-Executive & Committee Experience. Do it in descending order, starting with your most recent role. Do not limit your examples to just formal non-executive directorships you can legitimately include sub-committee or committee memberships and other formal responsibilities that had a strategic or governance perspective.

Under each example, as a board member, you should provide a list of:

  • The sub-committee positions you have held for example, audit, governance, remuneration or nominations committees.
  • The key responsibilities you held as part of the board. Here, answer the question why were you appointed to the board?
  • Include some demonstrable evidence of success at board level.

I understand that you are, as a board member, part of a group where decisions are not made by you alone. You need to evidence what success your impact has had on the board and the organisation. If you find this hard to do, then think about referencing the success of the organisation during your tenure on the board.

When providing evidence of success, be specific and try not to make statements that you cannot support with evidence.

Remember, stating that you were a board member alone does not demonstrate that you were a good board member only your success does this!

If you havent had any board or committee experience, you should not include this section. Once you have gained your first appointment, you can insert it.

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What To Include In Your Board Resume

Becoming a board member within your own company, a new company, a nonprofit, or a leading industry organization can be very beneficial, both personally and professionally. Board experience shows that you have leadership experience and industry knowledge, which can both be leveraged as you move up in your career. In terms of your own personal branding, board experience is a huge plus, as it increases your value, ensures you are perceived as an asset by hiring managers, and establishes your credibility in your industry.

If youre an executive who aspires to serve on a Board of Directors within a company or nonprofit organization, its important to make sure your resume is tailored for that specific position. No matter how polished your executive resume is, or how accomplished and experienced you may be, its easy for your board level experience and knowledge to be lost in the mix among everything else highlighted on your resume. Nominating committees are looking for specific criteria, so its important to make sure your resume focuses on exactly what they require, in a clear and concise manner.

Board resumes are all about value proposition and showcasing the candidates individual approach to leadership. Your board resume should be different from your executive resume, as it puts things in a different context, will have a different purpose, and needs to be tailored for a more specific audience. When crafting your board level resume, ask yourself the following questions:

Always Include Your Board Profile How to Build Your Resume Page

Next, you need to include your board profile. If you havent yet you need to write this immediately. In essence, this section briefly summarises your board or committee experience and how long you have been working with or on boards. I like to write it in the first person on balance it is marginally better received I think.

Dont forget to include examples of success , the companies and sectors you have worked with and the scope and scale of your experience. Dont make any aspirational statements. Also, make sure to add any relevant qualifications or extra-professional successes you have had particularly ones focused on governance.

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Including Personal Affiliations Or Memberships

Remember that your resume should contain information that is relevant to the position or industry. Itâs okay to throw in a few affiliations to professional organizations that may not be directly related to the industry, but keep it to a minimum. A hiring manager isnât going to hire for an accounting position at their company because youâre affiliated with a softball organization.

Instead, you want to include highly relevant affiliations and memberships that add value. For example, an accountant listing the following affiliations would be effective.

  • The Institute of Internal Auditors

  • Young CPA Network

  • Professional Association of Small Business Accountants

It’s fine to throw in a few personal affiliations or memberships but ensure you lead with some highly relevant ones first.

Tailor It To The Organisation

Do your research on the organisation and industry for which you are applying to join, and customise your cv to meet their unique needs and environment. Particularly if you are being approached by, or approaching, a board based on your specific skill-set.

Use the insights from your research to demonstrate your relevant leadership skills, knowledge, skills, and networks in a context that makes sense and is relevant to the directors receiving your cv.

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Don’t Jump Just For The Sake Of It

Being a “board member” can sound glamorous, but, in reality, its a ton of work, much of which can be rudimentary, mentally unchallenging, and uninspiring. Regardless of how much you want to land your first board seat, remember that you will likely only hold a few board positions in your lifetime. Make sure that its a position where can make real impact, that you feel aligned and comfortable with the other team members, and that you make your decision with as much care as you would when evaluating a potential employer. If you choose wisely , board membership can be an extremely rewarding experience.As longtime board member Emily Green, who currently sits on the board of Casella Waste Systems, says, “Your best bet for another board gig is to be able to point to things that you specifically contributed to this board, so roll up your sleeves, join or form a committee, and tackle something useful.” And whatever you do, Emily adds, “Don’t. Miss. The. Meetings. You spent a lot of time getting on the board its not the end, it’s the beginning.”

How To Write A Board Member Cv

Board Member

Every organisation has clear roles set aside. As in common knowledge, board members are at the top of the pile with responsibilities to the organisations shareholders. To be considered for a board member position, one has to accrue several years of industry experience.

In other words, occupational expertise combined with greater visibility is the key to landing one of these prestigious positions. However, without a board member CV written by a professional, your search for that first position might be a little more difficult than usual.

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How To Write A Winning Board Cv

Leadership Resources, Career Articles, Career Resources

Perhaps in response to the growing media and community focus on the topic of women on Australian boards, a growing number of corporate women are seeking board positions.

Some have their sights firmly set on a full-time career as a non-executive director, others wish to contribute to their community by serving on a non-profit board, others to obtain professional experience they are not able to gain from their current job and yet others to follow their passion in a particular field of endeavour.

Whatever their reason for applying a board role and whatever the level or sector of their board of interest, from the largest multinational to the smallest management committee, there is one marketing tool that every aspiring board or committee member needs to underpin their application a quality Board CV.

Board CVs differ from the standard jobseeking resume in many ways. Because a board CV is a showpiece for the way an applicant can add value at the highest level, it needs to be pitched at a more strategic level than a standard resume, more focused and succinct and can be abbreviated in ways that would be considered inappropriate on a resume.

Board CVs should be strongly targeted to highlight an applicants leadership skills, knowledge of, networks in and commitment to the community or industry in which the board is involved, and should ideally be no longer than 2 3 pages.

Founding Member Executive Board Member

Conducted chapter meetings to discuss fiscal and organizational matters regarding planning and implementation of calendar events.

  • Chairman of the Discipline Committee in which member conduct, attitude, and initiative were all under personal supervision.
  • Formed and managed own committee that reviewed member conducts and enforced organizational bylaws.
  • Made executive decisions in forming the structure of the fraternity’s internal organization, finances, public relations, etc.
  • Managed a budget of over $75,000 that allocated funds for various philanthropic, brotherhood, networking, and social events.
  • Planned an annual campus wide philanthropic event that raised $3,000 for the Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Association.

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How To List Board Of Directors Membership On Your Resume

Highly successful resumes feature qualifications that entice employers to learn more about a candidate. Being a member of a board of directors shows you have the expertise and leadership skills to make significant contributions to an organization. If you serve on the board of a for-profit company or a nonprofit, such as a charitable organization, you might benefit from reviewing the best way to highlight your experience when applying for jobs. In this article, we explain the importance of mentioning board memberships on your resume, provide steps for doing so and offer relevant tips and examples.

Related:Board of Directors: Definition, Roles, Functions

Vice President/board Member Resume

Executive Resume Tip – Your Unique Selling Proposition

Headline : Over four years of successful outside sales experience with the proven ability to develop and achieve new business, build repeat business and establish long-term positive customer relationships at all levels. I have achieved many goals in my career now and would like to expand my career outlook.

Skills : Journeymen Cement Mason, California Insurance Broker.

Description :

  • Assisted in overall evaluations and oversight of various schools to ensure academic implementation as well as quality of educational standards.
  • Met with various Principals and Teachers to assess needs and provide necessary support.
  • Met with Superintendent to ensure standards as well as positive working environments were met, and also to make sure policies and procedures were promoted and enforced.
  • Attended various conventions workshops and trainings.
  • Attended fundraisers and assisted in raising funds to support academic services.
  • Presently serving as Foundation Board President serving as a member since 2007.
  • To raise funds to assist teachers in projects that is not funded by the school board.

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Provide Details About Your Role

Regardless of how you integrate your board position into your resume, be sure to provide a few key details about it. Specify the organization you served, your exact title, the dates of your membership and your responsibilities. You can write a single sentence that captures the significance of your role, or you can use a few bullet points to detail your contributions. Consider incorporating major achievements or exceptional results you helped the organization accomplish.

Board Member Dramaturge House Manager

Presented theatrical productions to the University community as well the surrounding communities of Hartford, West Hartford, and Bloomfield

  • Conducted research to maintain the historical accuracy of a production
  • Edited scripts as instructed by the production director
  • Collected money and distribute tickets to patrons attending campus productions
  • Monitored front of house operations
  • Monitored the functioning of restroom facilities and reports any issues to the appropriate departments
  • Assisted in crowd control and flow
  • Provided general directions to restroom and exits
  • Provided pertinent information regarding run times and house openings to ushering staff
  • Performed house check to ensure that facilities are appropriate for patron use
  • All other duties assigned by the production director and stage manager

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Why Do Boards Need Women Like You

Research shows that having women on boards is good for the bottom line.* Fortune 500 companies with higher percentages of female board members outperform competitors in return on equity, invested capital, and sales. Having female board members also helps organizations attract and retain top female talent. The top 20 largest companies in the world all have at least one woman on their boards.** But, tokenism is not enough.

  • 20

    of board seats in the S& P 500 are held by women **


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