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How To Send Your Resume Via Email

How To Email Your Resume Professionally

How to Email a Resume

You may think you know how to email a resume to a potentialemployer. But consider this, if the email with your resume is constantlyfiltered out or ignored, your chances of being considered for the job are gone.

Employers often receive hundreds of resumes in response to asingle ad. Resumes are often sorted by an Applicant TrackingSystem before they ever reach a human. Thats why its important to knowhow to email your resume in a way that gets it in front of a hiring manager.

There are steps you can take to make your resume email stand out from the rest. In this article, well explore emailing a resume for a job in depth. Well look at every aspect of the process, including what to say when emailing a resume and how to properly attach a resume to an email.

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Professional Thoughtful And Simple Ways To Get Yourresume Noticed Via Email

Hiring Managers view the effort you put into a job application to be a direct reflection of the effort youd put into the job.;;If youre lazy or skip the details when it comes to sending your resume out for consideration, what other shortcuts would you take if hired?

Here are 5 things to look out for when sending a resume via email for consideration of an open job position.

Template 6 Applying After Contacting On Social Media

With the advent of , the entire landscape of job hunting has radically changed. You can now connect with professionals working at your target company and establish a common ground to boost your chances of being hired. Many jobseekers communicate with human resources employees beforehand and then send their job applications. In that case, this email template will help you out with that.

Subject: Name of Applicant Name of Position, Job Reference Number

Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name,

I reached out to you on LinkedIn a few days ago and we had a brief conversation about job opportunities at your company. You said that I could send you a speculative application and your company will interview me and find an appropriate department for me to work in. I am interested in working at Nintendo as a games developer. I firmly believe that I can make a significant impact in your company in whatever role you deem would fit me.

;I recently graduated with a degree in Computer Engineering from the Princeton University. I minored in games development and I now want to apply my skills in one of the largest games developer on the planet. As a games developer, I can create innovative and fun designs for your video games.

I have attached a cover letter, resume, and certificates for your consideration. Please take a moment to go through them to get a better idea of who I am.

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What To Write In An E


During the course of your professional life, you may find yourself in the position of forwarding an emailed resume to a third party. Maybe youre making a job referral, complying with a request for information or trying to help a friend or colleague obtain employment. In any case, its important to provide the context in your messaging to ensure the recipient understands the purpose of the forwarded resume.

Don’t Forget Your Signature

Example of how to send a resume via email

Your signature is what you put after the sing off and your name at the bottom of an email. Itâs important because it makes it easier to get in contact with you. It can also look very professional if put together correctly.

The format is pretty simple. All you really need to do is place each bit of information directly under the last.

What information should you include?

  • Name

  • Social media profiles

  • Link to personal website/portfolio

Donât include so much information that it looks sloppy. You want a crisp signature that conveys just the right amount of information. Check out this example:


Pro Tip: notice how neat that LinkedIn URL looks? Learn how to customize your own .

So now you understand how to reply to a job listing asking for an emailed resume.

But, what if there is no job listing and you want to target a specific company? Weâre covering that in the next section.

Join more than 1 million people who have already received our complimentary resume review.

In 48 hours, you will know how your resume compares. Weâll show you whatâs working–and what you should fix.

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Include A Professional Electronic Signature

When jobseekers would send hiring managers paper letters in the past, they signed their letters just below the closing remark. You cannot do this in an email.

However, you can still add an electronic signature that is far more elaborate than a regular signature. A signature is simply a stylized version of your name or initials. An electronic signature consists of many elements that make it very similar to your address that would put in the header section of a letter.

The following should be included in any electronic signature:

Your Name

Your Email

Your Phone Number

Always include your electronic signature according to the format written above. It goes at the very end of your email. An electronic signature contains various means of contacting you. This makes it very easy for hiring managers to contact you if you have left a good impression on them. This is the de facto standard for all professional emails, especially for job application emails.

Write An Informative Subject Line

The email subject line should include your name and the position you are applying to. This is perhaps the most overlooked portion of an email, especially one for a job application. Before even opening an email, recruiters will read the subject line. If it is irrelevant, they will not open it.

Ensure that it is relevant by stating the position, mentioning your name, and expressing that it is a job application. Recruiters receive a copious amount emails daily, so make sure your subject line is informative and gets to the point. In case your job post has a reference number or code of some kind, include this in the subject line. This will make it even easier for recruiters to associate your application with a particular job post.

Some more tips on writing an email where you get a fast response.

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How To Email Your Resume In The Body Of Email

Write your brief introduction and paste your cover letter below that . Justify everything to the left. Paste your resume a couple of spaces beneath the cover letter. You may be required to reformat your resume so as to paste it in the body of the message. Take care to justify everything to the left. It is advisable to first check by sending the email to yourself and a friend before you send it to the employer.

When Casual Causes Concerns

How To Email A Resume In A Professional Way?

A hastily written, informal message like the one in the example atop this page, may cause employers to see you as amateurish or lazy. If you dont even take time to present yourself in your best light within your job application, they might mutter to themselves, and you force us to do extra work by having to guess about which job youre even applying for, they say with clenched teeth, then what can we realistically expect once we bring you aboard?

Luckily it doesnt take much to submit a better version of your message.

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Write Something Useful For The Body Of The Email

Youâve taken care of all the technicalities, now itâs time to write the body of the email.

Itâs easy to shrug off this part of the process. After all, you already attached a cover letter. What more do you have to write?

Well, you want to stand out. Your email will NOT stand out even if the rest of your email is formatted perfectly and the body says something like:

Do not write this:

My resume and cover letter are attached for your review. Looking forward to your reply.


John Smith

The above email body is way too generic. It will not make your email pop or help the hiring manager remember you. More likely, it will put you in the same pile as the rest of the candidates with bland emails.

Remember, communication skills are highly valued across all industries. You want to demonstrate your adeptness at communication at every given chance.You can keep it short and simple, just donât forgo formal language.

Here is a great example of a formal resume email body from Monster:

Instead, try this:

Dear Employer,

I am very interested in applying for the Graphic Designer position. My qualifications and experience match your specifications almost exactly.

Please take a moment to review my attached Application Documents:

â Up-To-Date Resume

â Customized Cover Letter

It would be a sincere pleasure to hear back from you soon to discuss this exciting opportunity.


John Smith212-555-5567

CsuiteAssistants provided a very good example:

How To Send A Resume Via Email An Extensive Guide

Through an email, you can address a hiring manager by name.;

If you are unaware of the recruiters name, do your best to research and find it. LinkedIn is a great place to start!

You also get the opportunity to give a brief introduction about yourself or write a cover letter in the body of the email, if asked.;

Another major plus point of sending your resume via email is that you might get lucky and avoid an Applicant Tracking System altogether as you are sending it directly to a human being.;

Sending this email with your resume may be confusing and it certainly does not help that a potential job is at stake depending on how well you write it.;

This is what this extensive guide is for!

It will cover all aspects of how to send a resume via email including the format, attachments, subject lines, the closing formula, and many other useful tips.;

Lets begin with the first few details to keep in mind.

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What To Write In An Email When Sending A Resume

Kerri Twigg what you should write in the body of the email

  • Its likely read by a human, so you dont have to worry about using an ATS-friendly format
  • In general, companies that encourage email applications expect fewer applications
  • If youre sending a resume through email, it might be because someone asked for it thats a great position to be in
  • You can be a bit more casual if you know the person or have a common connection

S To Take Before Emailing Your Resume To A Prospective Employer

14 Ways On How To Get The Most From This Sending Resume ...
  • Read the instructions carefully . Before you begin, remember to read the job post carefully. Sometimes, when people are using a job search board, they will quickly opt to click on the apply now button instead of reading the companys instructions.

    Many companies will ask you to contact them via email directly, and because you clicked on the button, it can become a missed opportunity. The reason being that many of these job searches use an algorithm that will pick up the keywords in a resume.

  • Use a professional email. Try to avoid using your old high school or college email. Though it may be tempting, using the email is not very professional. Creating a professional email speaks volumes the person you are and show that you are someone to take seriously. If you can, create an email that includes both your first name and your surname or your initialfor example:

  • Choose the proper file format . It is essential that you do not copy and paste your resume onto the email directly. Some of the most common file formats to send a resume are saving the document as a PDF or Microsoft Word document. Remember that you use a professional name when creating the document, such as:

    John Smith Resume or John Smith Cover Letter.

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    How To Email Cover Letter And Resume Attachments

    Depending on the job for which you’re applying, you may need to email your;resume;and;cover letter;to the hiring manager. Networking contacts who are helping you job search may also ask you to email your application materials so they can review them and share your resume;with prospective employers.

    When you apply for jobs via email, the employer may require you;to send your resume and cover letter as an attachment to an email message. It’s important to send your attachments correctly, to include all the information you need so your email message is read, and to let the receiver know how they can contact you to schedule an interview. Here’s how.

    Find A Mutual Contact

    Before introducing yourself in an email, first check if you have any common acquaintances with the recipient. If you know someone who works at the same company or who attended college with them, try asking your mutual contact if they would be willing to introduce you or allow you to mention their name in your email.

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    Sending A Resume Via E

    This week, I had a client pose a question that Im sure many people have, but few ask: What should I include in the body of an e-mail when sending a resume to a prospective employer? Now, obviously he knew that he needed to have SOMETHING in the text area, and that is a great start. However, he also did not want to repeat his cover letter and/or resume information when sending this introductory e-mail.

    When in the hiring position, I receive many e-mailed cover letters and resumes. Some people simply put nothing in the e-mail, which I believe is unacceptable. As an alternative, some people tend to repeat EVERYTHING from their documents, which leads me to not bother opening them. There has to be something in the middle.

    Here is what I told my client: You have to give them enough information to spark their interest, but not enough so that they know everything about you. Leave a little mystery that encourages them to open the attached documents and learn about you even further. I provided him with an example that I am sharing with you:

    Dear Human Resource Manager:

    Please accept the attached cover letter and resume as my application for the _______ position within your company.

    As you will note from my resume, I have a great deal of experience that is applicable to the opening at your facility. My motivated attitude, hard-working nature, and creative abilities could be well-utilized in this position. I look forward to your positive response.

    Thank you,

    John Smith

    Template 3 Having An Internal Contact

    Sending The Perfect Resume by Email

    Sometimes, the best way to get a job is to be referred by your friend who works at a company or by someone else you may have met who also works there. In these scenarios, it is best to include this information in your email. This will make your application stand out.

    Subject: Name of Applicant Name of Position, Job Reference Number

    Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name,

    My friend Sandra Cooper, who is a Chemical Engineer at your company, recommended me to apply to this company for the position of Junior Chemical Engineer . I have a deep interest in chemistry and I want to take Bio Corp to next level with my diligence and resilience in the lab. Since I studied alongside Sandra in school, she knows my potential very well so when you hire when, you will be getting a great professional who can deliver results.

    ;I recently graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Sydney. I now want to apply my skills in a world-renowned chemical engineering firm like Bio Corp. I enjoy conducting tests in a laboratory and I am very familiar with the chemicals you are working with.

    I have attached a cover letter, resume, and certificates for your consideration. Please take a moment to go through them to get a better picture of who I am.

    I would like to have the chance to personally talk to you regarding this amazing opportunity at your company. I hope to hear back from you regarding my application.

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    How To Attach A Resume To Email

    Now that you’ve created a professional resume, you’re readyto submit it to a company. If you’re responding to a job posting, follow theinstructions carefully. If you’re sending the resume to an individual, you’lllikely be using email.

    Be careful about the time you choose to send your resumeemail. An email sent on a Friday, or late in the day isless likely to be read.

    Most email services make it easy to attach a document.Here’s how to attach a resume to email using two common email serviceproviders:

    How Do You Impress The Hiring Manager

    You can impress the hiring manager by crafting a great resume and adhering to all the job posting’s requirements. Be polite and courteous in all your correspondence with the hiring manager, and go the extra mile when you complete your job application. Passion, insight, and an excellent work ethic usually makes a good impression.

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    Word Vs Pdf Resume Format For Your Resume

    You may be wondering: Do recruiters prefer job seekers send a resume in Word or PDF format? They almost always prefer Word format, and you may have been asked specifically for this format in the past, especially when talking to recruiters from a staffing firm or recruitment agency.

    The reason recruiters prefer Word format is: Its easier to edit/change. If theres a change they recommend, they can quickly call you or email you, get your permission to change it, and adjust it themselves.

    And, recruiters often put a stamp at the top of your resume before submitting it to the various clients . That way, the hiring manager knows who referred you, so they know who to pay the commission to if youre hired!


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