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How To Update My Resume In Naukri Com

Update Your Resumes Design

How to update your resume in naukri job portal & whom to get connected & follow in LinkedIn for job

One of the most powerful ways to give your resume a modern lift is to update the design. Old templates tend to be clunky and poorly laid out. Today, there are thousands of free resume templates online. Find one that provides a pleasant reading experience, looks modern, and is compatible with applicant tracking systems.

Click The Upload Button Again And Save

Some websites don’t upload files automatically after you select your resume. You must verify that the file you selected is the correct resume and then click upload again to add your resume to the online system. Some websites allow you to make changes as needed before you save your resume in their system to begin applying for jobs.

Related:How to Post a Resume on Indeed

Resume Summary Or Objective

Your resume summary or objective statement either provides a quick overview of your current skills and experiences or areas goals youre hoping to accomplish in your career .

If your current summary does not reflect your most recent, relevant and impressive qualities, update it with any new skills or experiences you have gained. Keep your summary brief by only including key achievements instead of several tasks or responsibilities from your past.

For example, if your resume summary currently states that you are a skilled and attentive teaching assistant, but you have since earned a teaching license and worked independently as a lead teacher, you may want to change your summary to state that you are a skilled and certified teacher.

Additionally, if you have an objective statement on your resume and have since gained professional experience, you might consider replacing it with a resume summary. Objectives are best for recent college graduates or those with limited work experience.

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Use A Hybrid Resume Format

We now know that recruiters spend about 6-7 seconds glancing at resumes before deciding if the applicant is a potential fit. That means that in 2021, you need to get to the good stuffprimarily your abilitiesquickly. A hybrid resume allows recruiters to see your skills at a glance and, in our opinion, is the best resume format for the modern day job search.

How Does Naukri Work

Lori johnson resume 2016 update

Naukri is a platform where recruiters and jobseekers can discover each other. Recruiters benefit from Naukri as they can advertise their jobs to millions of jobseekers. Jobseekers can discover over 5 lakh jobs posted on Naukri and apply to them.

There are two ways to get a job on Naukri.

  • Apply to jobs Once you apply to a job listing on Naukri, we automatically send your application to the recruiter. The recruiter will view your resume and the profile details that you have filled in your Naukri profile. If they find it suitable, they will contact you to schedule an interview
  • Get discovered by recruiters If you have created a profile on Naukri, your profile will be a part of the Naukri jobseeker database. Not all jobs are posted on Naukri. Many times, recruiters on Naukri search through our database to find someone who matches the criteria for a role they are hiring. If they find your profile suitable, they may contact you directly to schedule an interview.
  • Please note that Naukri is not a recruitment consultancy. Read more about

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    List Of Relevant Skills Tools And Certifications

    Your skills section should be updated to include not just any new skills or certifications you may have obtained, but also any advancement in previous skills you have listed.

    For example, if you previously stated that you have intermediate-level experience with a software application and have since increased your skill in that area, update your resume to state that you now have expert-level proficiency. You might also include the years of experience you have using the tools that are most valuable to your industry.

    When updating your resume, you should also take time to review the job description. Pay attention to keywords they include that align with skills you have and add those to your skills section. Leave off skills employers list if you do not feel comfortable expressing experience or proficiency in them.

    Want The Job Heres Why You Should Ditch The Professionally

    The post-appraisal season of job changes is here.

    And candidates, in a bid to impress the potential employer, are increasingly relying on professional resume writers.

    But if you are also planning to jump ship, dont make that mistake.

    Spending thousands of bucks on grooming the curriculum vitae may increase the chances of getting interview call, but at the cost of disappointing the employer.

    Five out of ten resumes that reach telecom company MTS are professionally written.

    To avoid confusion, we have created a format for basic and required details, so we dont need other formats, Katyal said.

    The mismatch in the quality of the resume and the candidate is a recurring concern.

    Besides at times data in the resume is misleading which only increases work for the recruiter. Crisp resume written by self is good for HR scrutiny, for the details interviews exist, she said.

    But it is imperative to set the resume apart as Kiran Yadav, director, human resource at Canara HSBC Oriental Bank of Commerce Life Insurance advises. She says professional help is acceptable but up to an extent.

    In the end, there is no one else other than you who can provide the insights into what makes you perfect for a job, Yadav said.

    The line, therefore, between a self-written and a professionally-written CV is very thin.

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    Paid Services Are A Big No No Highly Disappointed

    I enrolled for the naukri paid services to rebuild my resume and get my resume highlighted for the jobs on the app. The executive just gave one test copy of my resume and nothing was changed in the resume. She just added some boxes and nothing more. Then she left naukri and my resume was never updated after I told her to make changes. Then her manager Pooja called me after so many emails that I sent to naukri saying Meenakshi does not work anymore in naukri and she would personally work on my resume. It been more than a month but I have not received and further communication or changes in my website. When these naukri people call to sell their services they act as they would get the resume build in a week and state that I would not face any issue during this. I paid more than rs 3000/- and its been almost 2 months they are not responding. I would say its better you give my money back and you guys are the most irresponsible type of people I have ever seen. You guys do not have any work ethics or commitment to your work. I gave one star as there was no option to give you guys a big zero. Highly disappointed with the naukri paid services.

    Impactful Ways To Update Your Resume For 2021

    How to Update Your Resume

    Resume trends come and go, and that was especially true with 2020. Last year, so much changed, and the job search process was no exception. Because of that, you could be hurting your chances of getting an interview if youre submitting old resumes in 2021.

    Even if your work experience and skills have stayed the same, there are still ways to write your resume for the modern recruiting process and job landscape. Read on to discover eleven impactful ways to update your resume.

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    Why Should I Create A Profile On Naukri If I Already Have A Resume

    When you create your profile on Naukri, you become part of the Naukri jobseeker database, which is accessed by over 3 lakh recruiters. Recruiters search through this database for candidates who meet certain criteria such as skills, education, years of experience and employment. If your profile meets these criteria, it will appear in the search result. Recruiters who find your profile suitable may contact you to schedule an interview. Many recruiters prefer to find candidates in this way rather than posting a job listing.

    Your profile will be displayed like this in the search result –

    If the recruiter clicks on your profile, they will see a more detailed profile like this

    Check And Update The Contact Information

    When working on your resume update, do not forget to check the contact information cited in your professional resume.

    Make sure to update your email id or phone number if it has changed. This even applies to your list of references. Check if there are changes in their contact information, if yes, ask them once before updating your professional resume.

    Relevant read:How to list references on a resume.

    Don’t Miss: What To Say When Emailing A Resume

    Responsible For : : : : : :

    Reading this term, the recruiter can almost picture the C-average, uninspired employee mechanically fulfilling his job requirementsno more, no less. Having been responsible for something isnt something you didits something that happened to you. Turn phrases like responsible for into managed,led or other decisive, strong verbs.

    How To Update Your Indeed Resume

    My updated resume 02

    To update your Indeed resume, do the following:

  • Go to and click on Sign in.
  • Next, click on Resume.
  • Now, click on the pencil symbol for each section that you want to edit.
  • When youre done editing each section of your resume, click on the Save button.
  • Keep your resume updated as you gain new experiences, increase your skills and advance in your career. An updated resume will help potential employers accurately assess your strengths. To increase your chances of a successful interview and potential job offers, always update your resume with the most recent and relevant information that best reflects your current skills and experiences.

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    How To Update / Edit Naukri Profile Online is an Indian website for job seekers and employers. You can upload your Resume / CV to and search for job vacancies across top companies in India. Once you have registered with, you can log into it using either your registered Email ID or Naukri username and password.

    Once you have logged in to your account, you are taken to the page that shows the summary of your active Profile. To edit the same, click on the Preview and Update Profile link given on the same page. This lets you make the necessary changes in your Profile by editing the relevant sections. It is recommended that you update your Profile regularly. This will ensure that you have greater chances of getting headhunted as an updated profile is what recruiters prefer.

    Should I Put My Race On My Resume

    If your resume contains personal information unrelated to your job target your race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Personal Information: In the majority of cases, personal information such as date of birth, marital status and nationality should not be included on the resume.

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    Resume Headlines Vs Resume Profiles

    Resume headlines are similar to resume profiles in that both provide a brief summary of an applicants qualifications. However, a resume headline is one brief phrase, whereas a resume profile is a small paragraph or series of bulleted points.

    Remember that resume profiles are different than resume objectives. In an objective, you write about the position you are seeking, not your skills.

    A profile is typically not capitalized like a headline is. For these reasons, headlines are even more eye-catching than profiles. Some applicants may include both a headline and a resume profile, using the headline to attract the reader, and then a profile to provide further information.

    Don’t Let Your Resume Fall Victim To Clichs And Trendy Buzzwords

    How to upload Resume to Naukri mobile app

    10 Words and Terms That Ruin a Resume

    Your resume needs an updatethat is, if your resume is like that of most people, its not as good as it could be. The problem is language: Most resumes are a thicket of deadwood words and phrasesempty cliches, annoying jargon and recycled buzzwords. Recruiters, HR folks and hiring managers see these terms over and over again, and it makes them sad.

    Wouldnt you rather make them happy? Its time to start raking out your resume, starting with these terms.

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    Resume Headline Sample #3

    Sales Executive with Experience in Insurance and Healthcare Management

    Dedicated Special Education Teacher with 8 Years Success Supporting Students K-12

    • Well-versed in tailoring IEPs to enhance students skill attainment and emotional development.
    • Easily build collaborative rapport with students, parents, teachers, and other staff.
    • Trained and certified in Crisis Prevention Institute protocols, first aid, and CPR.

    What Does Your Profile Is X% Complete Mean / Why Should My Profile Be 100% Complete

    It is important to have a complete profile on Naukri as it increases your chance of recruiters noticing and your profile and contacting you. For example, recruiters are 40% more likely to contact profiles with a photo than profiles without a photo. Each field in your Naukri profile has been assigned a certain % weight and completing these fields would increase your overall profile completion percentage. If your profile completion score is less than 100%, it means that some important fields are incomplete in your profile and you need to fill them.

    We recommend you to have a profile completion score close to 100% so that it gives you the best chance to find a job and get the best results at Naukri. Moreover, keep updating your Naukri profile so that recruiters can see your latest accomplishments. This would ensure that you always maintain your edge on Naukri and do not miss opportunities.

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    What Should Be Included In Your Work Experience

    There are some basic things that you cannot leave when writing your resume. These include:

    • Names of the organizations
    • Positions/Titles you were employed for
    • Employment periods
    • Bullet description about the role

    Mention your promotions briefly not making the resume too long. Compounding information unnecessarily is a major turn-off for the employer.

    A Guide To Uploading A Resume In Five Easy Steps

    How To Update My Resume

    Employers often require applicants to upload their resumes online in a job search engine profile or directly to their website when they apply for jobs. If you are beginning your job search and you need some help uploading your resume online, reviewing information about uploading a resume online may help you do so successfully.

    In this article, we provide a step-by-step guide to uploading your resume, instructions for attaching your resume to emails and tips about what you should name your resume before you upload it online.

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    Job Boards And Career Sites

    Recruiters often rely upon sites such as Career Builder, Monster, Dice, and Indeed to find candidates who arent in their internal applicant tracking system. Unlike a company ATS, which only contains the resumes of candidates who have applied to jobs at their company, job board and career site databases contain millions of resumes that span different industries, experience levels, and geographical locations. They are a gold mine for recruiters trying to find the perfect candidate for a role.

    Large career sites such as Career Builder facilitate a passive approach to landing jobs by asking you, the user, to upload your resume into their database. Resumes stored into their database are then available to recruiters and companies who pay for access to search their bank of resumes.

    Uploading your resume to career boards is particularly good if youre a candidate who prefers a passive job search. If youre in no rush to leave your current role but would move companies for the right opportunity, this is way to keep that possibility open. Having your resume in these databases means recruiters can find you if theres an opportunity that might be a good match for your qualifications. Take the time to craft an outstanding resume that recruiters wont pass up once theyve got it in their hands.

    How Can I Control Who Views My Profile On Naukri

    Once you create a profile on Naukri, any recruiter registered with Naukri can view it. However, you can choose to block recruiters from certain companies from viewing your profile. You can also change the privacy settings to make your profile completely private so that no recruiters can view it.

    To block specific companies:

  • Login to
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    Best File Format To Use For Uploading Your Resume

    Most online job websites provide a list of acceptable file formats for uploading your resume, but you must decide which file format keeps your layout the same. You may do this by testing a couple of acceptable file formats before you upload your resume.

    Here are some of the best file formats to use for uploading your resume:

    • Word document or .docx: Word processors are popular for writing resumes. Documents written in Word are .doc or .docx files. Some job ads request this format over another format since this word processor is standard in most organizations.
    • PDF: PDF files ensure that the employer you send to or upload your resume for sees your resume the way you formatted it and designed it. PDFs cannot be edited or altered, which means your original copy is preserved. This file format is also compatible with Macs and PCs.
    • HTML: HTML files open in a browser, similar to a web page. This format retains its formatting and layout when you send it as an email attachment and it does not need to be downloaded for the recipient to view.
    • Plain text: Plain text resumes often contain plain text characters that have no bolding, italics or centering. This format is usually best for ATS or applicant tracking systems to sort through and decipher. Employers that use an applicant tracking system may require you to copy and paste your resume into their text box which may strip your resume into plain text formatting.

    Read more: Resume Format Guide


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