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HomeExclusiveHow To Write An Effective Resume And Cover Letter

How To Write An Effective Resume And Cover Letter

Dont Apologize For Your Missing Experience

How To Write A Cover Letter (Example Included)

When you dont meet all of the job requirements, its tempting to use lines like, Despite my limited experience as a manager or While I may not have direct experience in marketing But why apologize? Instead of drawing attention to your weaknesses, emphasize the strengths and transferable skills you do have.

Heres what that might look like: Im excited to translate my experience in to a position thats more .

How To Write A Cover Letter In 2021

After weeks of heavy job search, youre almost there!

Youve perfected your resume.;

Youve short-listed the coolest jobs you want to apply for.

Youve even had a friend train you for every single interview question out there.

But then, before you can send your application and call it a day, you remember that the job ad requires a cover letter.

Now youre stuck wondering how to write a cover letter

Dont panic! Weve got you covered. Writing a cover letter is a lot simpler than you might think.;

In this guide, were going to teach you how to write a cover letter that gets you the job you deserve.

We’ll cover:

  • Whats a cover letter & why its important for your job search
  • How to write a convincing cover letter that gets you the job
  • How to perfect your cover letter with the Novoresume free checklist
  • What excellent cover letter examples look like
  • So, lets get started with the basics!

    Throw In A Few Numbers

    Hiring managers love to see statsthey show youve had a measurable impact on an organization or company youve worked for. That doesnt mean you have to have doubled revenue at your last job. Did you bring in more clients than any of your peers? Put together an impressive number of events? Made a process at work 30% more efficient? Those numbers speak volumes about what you could bring to your next position, and make your cover letter stand out.

    You dont even have to have worked with numbers at all! Check out a few more tips for adding stats to those resume bullets, even if your previous jobs involved dealing with people, not figures.

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    Keep It Short And To The Point

    Unless specified in the job description, there is no required length for a cover letter. When determining how long a cover letter should be, focus on the details that are most important for the job. Read the job description closely to identify the best opportunities to illustrate your qualifications.

    What professional achievements are you the proudest of? Choose one or two and map them directly to the desired experience or qualifications the hiring manager is looking for, using just a few detailed but concise sentences. What attributes is the job description calling for in a candidate? Consider using the cover letter itself as a way of demonstrating those traits.

    Dont reiterate everything thats on your resume. You want to focus on one or two anecdotes, expanding on how you achieved something specific.

    Related: 15 Cover Letter Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

    When To Use A Curriculum Vitae

    50 How to Write A Good Cover Letter Iv0b di 2020

    If you are considering positions in academia , you are generally asked to provide a curriculum vitae instead of a resume. Your CV will highlight your scholarly and professional experiences when applying for academic , research positions, academic postdoctoral research opportunities, grants, and fellowships. Keep in mind the purpose is also to have the hiring committee interested in interviewing you. Therefore, be selective in your accomplishments to show you are a strong candidate for the job, department, and institution.

    CVs vary from discipline to discipline. It is recommended to reference the CVsof others in your field and have your advisor review them as well. The CV is focused on expertise and provides a complete summary of your academic achievements. The typical CV length is 2-3 pages, with additional pages added to further your career and academic successes.

    Standard CV sections include: Education, Teaching Experience, Research Experience, Honors and Awards, Professional/Volunteer Experience, Publications, Presentations, Scholarly/Professional Affiliations, Research Interests, Extracurricular Activities, Licensing/Registration/Certifications, Grants/Fellowships, University Service, Technical Skills, and References.

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    Follow With A Second Paragraph

    Your second paragraph should be a brief overview of your background as is relevant to the position. Here, you should include key achievements, skills and specialties that make you particularly suited to perform well in the position. Focus on one or two and provide specific details about your success including measurable impacts you made.

    Pay close attention to keywords listed in the job description and include those that you identify with in the body of your cover letter. You should only include information about your most recent one or two professional experiences.

    Example:As the Director of Human Resources at Wes Morgan Philips, I was a key senior leader in the organization and was responsible for improving the efficiency and performance of the company’s 540 employees. Before that, I worked in human resources, equal employment opportunity and diversity for Jenkins Technology Solutions, Inc. At Jenkins Technology Solutions Inc., I developed an employee retention plan that involved the creation of a wellness program, an internal training program and a promotions selection process, which led to a 50% reduction in the overall employee turnover rate.

    How To Write An Effective Resume And Cover Letter

    • What should your resume look like when applying for jobs in Canada?
    • How to make your resume easier to follow and more attractive to recruiters.
    • Lean the basics of a cover letter & how to highlight your qualifications in the cover letter.

    Join Erica Dunlap, the Lead Career Consultant at In-TAC to learn;how to create a professional resume to get your screened in for an interview. Learn the format and what to include in your resume. We will be discussing;keywords;from job descriptions and how to use them in your resume. You will learn how to write a summary of your skills- which is the first thing an employer reads on your resume** along with much more! There will be various examples so that you have the best help in writing your resume and cover letter. There will also be time to ask questions at the end.;;

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    Example : Administrative Assistant

    The following is a sample job description with an example of a cover letter that aims to express why the candidate is suitable for the role:

    Job Description

    We are seeking someone who can support managers and other senior-level personnel. You will be organizing their calendars, arranging travel and filing expense reports. There may be additional administrative tasks.

    The ideal candidate will have excellent interpersonal skills, attention to detail and problem-solving skills.


    • 10+ years of experience assisting high-level executives in a fast-paced environment.
    • High school diploma or equivalent work experience.
    • Excellent Microsoft Office Skills with an emphasis on Outlook and Excel.
    • Self-motivated and highly organized.
    • Team player who works well under minimal supervision.

    Cover Letter

    Dear Hiring Manager,

    I am writing to express my interest in the opening for an administrative assistant at EXPERT Administration.

    The growth opportunities that EXPERT Administration provides are very appealing to me as well. My understanding of your company culture is that there are ample opportunities for self-motivated individuals like me. A keen eye for detail and a focus on being highly organized are traits I’m eager to apply in a position with your organization.

    It would be a pleasure to share more of my experience with you. Thank you for your consideration.


    Here is another sample cover letter that is written in a less traditional style:

    Job Description


    State What You Can Bring To Their Team

    How To Write A Cover Letter For A Resume – Top 5 Cover Letter Strategies

    This is where it gets fun. When youve found a job that combines what you do best with what you love to do most, youll be producing results that matter.

    Talk about the core motivation that helps you wake up every morning. Tell the hiring manager how you will contribute those skills and passions you already mentioned to help move the company forward.

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    What Is The Best Way To Layout My Resume

    Your resume must look clean, clear and well structured, with enough white space to enhance readability. ;Use a simple font like Arial 10 or 12 point, and keep formatting, such as italics and underlining, to a minimum. Bullet points are extremely useful as they allow you to highlight key points succinctly and keep the document tidy. Start each one with an action verb if you can , rather than I.

    Spelling and punctuation must be perfect, so after you proofread and spell check your resume, give it to a friend to do the same. Hiring organisations are inundated with so many applications that unnecessary mistakes can see yours rejected.

    As for the document layout, most organisations will upload your resume into their database so make sure it is in a commonly accepted format that follows the below structure. We recommend a cleanly formatted Microsoft Word document or PDF with no graphics, images, no fancy formatting or fonts. While a creative CV may look good, graphics and special fonts can be difficult for an ATS to process.

    Why Executives Need A Strong Cover Letter

    A strong cover letter is so important for an executive because you simply cannot convey everything you need or want to in a two-page resume or even a three-page resume. As an executive, you have plenty of professional experience to discuss, and will probably need to leave things off your resume even after youve culled down your skills and accomplishments to the most relevant for the targeted position.

    When you write a cover letter, you can address accomplishments or work experiences that arent directly mentioned in your resume, or expand on the information provided in your resume.

    However, a strong cover letter should never just act as an extension of your resume. Instead, a strong executive cover letter should accomplish the goals of telling a prospective employer why you are a good fit for their company, what you can do for them, and why they should pay closer attention to your resume than they might pay to the resume of another applicant. Remember, a recruiter or hiring manager will only spend a few seconds skimming your resumebut a strong executive cover letter will help compel them to spend more time with yours.

    Action verbs and high-impact phrases are equally important in your resume and cover letter. If you need a reference list download this free PDF with 178 action verbs and high-impact phrases that will improve your resume and cover letter.

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    What Are The Parts Of A Cover Letter

    While cover letters can vary when it comes to content, all cover letters need a few key elements to serve their purpose effectively and showcase the top reasons to hire you. They should also follow a consistent format to make your information well-organized and accessible to employers. A great cover letter uses a logical progression of ideas to advertise your skills.

    There are seven sections that every cover letter should include to fit employer expectations and highlight your best qualities:

  • Header
  • Signature
  • How To Format A Cover Letter

    Writing Effective Cover Letters

    Your cover letter should be well-presented, concise, and to-the-point.

    So use an easy-to-read font, and dont get carried away with embellishments. No pictures, no Comic Sans, and definitely no word art necessary.

    Aside from ensuring its written using clear paragraphs it also should be the right length. Too long, and youll risk rambling ; but too short, and youre unlikely to have covered everything.

    Aim for half a side of A4 , and youll be on the right track.

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    Samples Of The Best Cover Letters

    When applying for a job, it’s always a good idea to;include a cover letter, unless the employer specifies;that;they only want an application or a resume. Even if a job listing does not specifically request a cover letter, including one can be a terrific way to summarize your skills and experiences and explain why you are an ideal candidate for the job.

    What’s most important is writing;a;cover letter that shows the hiring manager what makes you one of the best candidates for the position.

    Think of your cover letter as your introductory sales pitch, your golden opportunity to make a positive first impression on a company.;

    Reviewing cover letter samples is a great place to start before writing your own letter.;You can then download a template to get started creating your own letter.

    Include A Professional Summary

    After your header, include a professional summary that inspires prospective employers to continue reading. A professional summary briefly describes who you are to help employers decide if you’re a good fit for the role. Include your level of experience, skills, strengths and what you’re looking for in the role. As this is just a summary, limit yourself to two to three sentences or bullet points and expand on them later in your resume.


    Review this example of a professional summary for a software developer:

    Experienced software developer with over eight years of experience in mobile application development. Looking to join the team at Evergreen Games to use my technical skills and experience to create innovative applications. Excellent communication, interpersonal, and leadership skills after two years in a managerial role.

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    Writing A Cover Letter

    Many hiring managers view cover letters as the key to gauging an applicant’s potential. Writing an effective cover letter can convey your attributes in an attractive way. In this article, we will discuss how to create a cover letter and provide you with tips and samples that you can use when writing your own.

    How Long Should My Resume Be

    How to Write a Great Resume and Cover Letter

    Your resume should be approximately two pages long. If it is substantially longer, eliminate information that isnt relevant to the role or industry. For instance, look back at the key skills and attributes required for the job in question and then review your resume are you using valuable space to describe skills, attributes and responsibilities from roles that dont match up to the job in question? If so, remove this content or, at the least, simplify your language. On your resume, you must get to the point, so dont use ten words to say something you could say in five. ;

    On the other hand, one page may suffice in certain circumstances. The main thing to keep in mind when youre writing your resume is that you must be able to demonstrate and articulate your skills, experience, and future potential to the reader. If you can do that well in one page, thats great. However, the average length of a resume is usually around two pages.;

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    Include Your Contact Information In The Header

    Even if your contact information is already on your resumé, you should still put it in the header of your cover letter. Here are the important things to include:

    • Name
    • Phone number
    • Email address
    • Any helpful follow-up information: a link to your portfolio, website or LinkedIn account

    This header can go at the top of the page underneath your name or in the top right corner. If you want to get really formal, you could also include the name of the person youre addressing, the name and address of the company youre applying to, and the date of application. This info can go on the left side of the page below the header.

    How Executives Can Write A Great Cover Letter

    Now that youve seen examples of effective executive cover letters and weve gone through what makes an executive cover letter successful, lets go through some tips for cover letter success. First, lets go over some common mistakes and how you can avoid them.

    ;Dont use a generic address or greeting line. Yes, the cover letter examples in the previous section dobut those are examples. In a real cover letter you should never have a generic address. Its the 21st century. If the job description doesnt tell you who to address your cover letter and resume to, hop on Google, LinkedIn, the company website, etc. to find the name of the hiring manager, head of the department youre applying to, or the head of human resources and use their name and title.

    ;Dont start with one of those blah lines like Please consider this letter and resume They know what theyre reading, and youre wasting valuable space by telling them why you sent it in. Instead, start off your cover letter strong. A question makes a strong startsomething like Would Company ABC benefit from having a proven sales leader in their C-suite? Another strong way to start a cover letter is by immediately jumping into your strongest and most relevant skills or qualificationssomething along the lines of, As a senior vice president with XYZ Bank, I improved performance by XYZ% and would now like to put my knowledge and experience to use to do the same for Company ABC. Get their attention immediately.

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    Think Not What The Company Can Do For You

    Another common cover letter mistake? Talking about how great the position would be for you and your resume. Frankly, hiring managers are aware of thatwhat they really want to know is what youre going to bring to the position and company. Try to identify the companys pain pointsthe problem or problems that they need the person they hire to solve. Then emphasize the skills and experience you have that make you the right person to solve them.

    On that note

    How To Write A Great Resume And Cover Letter

    5 best examples of writing a good cover letter templates ...

    Linda Spencer offers helpful tips and resources to help you write your resumé and cover letter.

    What makes a great résumé and cover letter? Linda Spencer, associate director and coordinator of career advising at Harvard Extension School, shares examples of a few strong résumés and explains what makes them stand out.

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