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HomeMust ReadLicenses And Certifications On Resume

Licenses And Certifications On Resume

Is It Only To Stand Out

12 Online Certifications to Boost Your Resume & Career | Indeed Career Tips

Listing certifications on a resume that are irrelevant to the job application, only to make your resume stand outis not suggested.

Hiring mangers, who aren’t specifically asking to see job-specific certifications, would much prefer to see work history.

And replacing valuable work history real estate with certifications isn’t going to assist the manager. Or help applicant tracking systems who are looking to scan for useful details in your work section.

If The Certification Demonstrates Additional Skills

Your certifications might not be specific to your career field, but that doesnt mean you should exclude them from your resume. Including other certifications might help potential employers see additional skills beneficial to the position you are applying for.

If you work in sales, having supplemental marketing or computer software certifications might bump you ahead of other candidates that dont. Dont discount certificates that dont directly correlate with your career field. If they point to skills youll use in the job role, include them in your resume.

A Dedicated Section For Certifications

You can dedicate a section named licenses and certifications on your resume. If there are space limitations, using a one-word headline for the certification section on your resume will suffice.

Example of the certifications section:

  • Certified Clinical Research Coordinator | Association of Clinical Research Professionals2012/08
  • Licensed Practical Nurse | National Association of Practical Nurse Education and Service2010/05

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List The Prospective Earn Date

If you are working on a specific certification program in progress, you can still list it under your certification section. Be sure to include the date you expect to be certified and how far along in the process you are currently. This is common for more extended certification programs that may take several years to earn.

If The Certification Is Relevant To The Position You Are Applying For

Licenses &  Certifications on a Resume (Sample &  Easy Tips)

Depending on your career field, having specific professional certifications may be a requirement to work for a company. You might need a certificate to hold a particular position. Examples include:

  • Dental Assistant Certification

  • Teaching Certification

If you hold certification relevant to your job search, update your resume to include them.

With the rise in companies using applicant tracking systems to streamline the hiring process, adding your certifications could be the key to rank higher than other applicants. Hiring managers use ATS to set specific keywords and other criteria essential to an open position. Theres a good chance that a potential employer would use certifications as ATS keywords if they are relevant to the job.

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Massive Open Online Courses

If you want to find free job training, a MOOC from a well-respected university might fit your bill. The open online course system offers a range of subjects, from marketing to writing to history. There are many free certifications you can secure, such as Crisis Management: Proseminar in Public Relations. But if your goal is to earn a credential, some courses do require a nominal fee.

Now more than ever, skills that relate to your industry are a necessary component in your resume. Certifications help back up your skills for a true ATS-friendly resume.

Format To Use For Listing Certifications

There are certain conventions that you should keep in mind when listing certifications.

  • Chronology:List your certifications in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent certification or any that are underway.
  • Validity: Dont list certifications that have expired or lapsed. Be vigilant about your certification renewals so theyre always current.
  • Acronyms: Write the full forms of any certification acronyms at least once, so that even recruiters, unfamiliar with your area of expertise will not miss them.
  • Format: Here is an efficient format for presenting the details of any certification:
  • Name of Certification

Cisco Certified Network Professional Cisco Systems2008

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How To List A License Or Certification On Clinical Resumes

Correctly listing a license or certification on a clinical resume is an essential part of getting an interview for a healthcare position.

Clinical jobs usually require a license or certification to perform the duties of a job legally and a recruiter needs to see it right off the bat a talent acquisition specialist will only spend about 6-7 seconds on a first glance of your resume.

They are not going to give you an interview just to see if you might meet the requirement of the job.

The easier you make this on the recruiter or ATS , the easier it will be to get an interview!

There a few things to note when considering what to put on your resume and where.

Certifications In Contact Info On Your Resume

6- In-Demand & Easy Certifications you can add to your Resume

The contact info section on your resume is the best place to put required certifications. This section is also the best place to include official credentials. Itâs common practice for lawyers, doctors, dentists, accountants and others to include their credentials next to their name. See how thatâs done in this nurse resume example:

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When You Do Not Have Much Work Experience

Do you feel that you do not have enough experience for the job? If you are applying for your first job or if you are switching your careers, you may not have much professional experience. However, if you could follow some related courses and obtain certificates, you might be able to get your dream job without much effort.

Where To Put Certifications On Resume

Recruiters dont spend a lot of time perusing resumesonly a few seconds, in fact. So its crucial to find the right place for your certifications on your resume so they are easily noticed.

Depending on the importance of each qualification, and the job youve applied for, you can decide where on your resume youd like to list all relevant certifications.

#1) Contact Information Section

This is the ideal place for highlighting an essential certification. Including a required certification in the contact information section after ones name is a common practice for professionals such as nurses, doctors, lawyers, and accountants.

In the example below, Certified Public Accountant Jane Does certification is listed by their name.

#2) Resume Summary Section

The resume summary or objective section is a good place to highlight an essential or desired certification. It is uncommon to find more than one certification listed in the resume summary or objective.

In the example below, Certified Public Accountant Jane Does certification is listed in the Resume Summary section.

#3) Education Section

The education section is the place to include your optional certifications. They must still be relevant to the job you have applied to, but they may not be critical to it.

In the example below, the CCNP certification is not an essential requirement for the position this candidate intends to apply for, and so it is listed under education section, in reverse chronological order.

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Easy Certifications To Add To Your Resume

Certification of completion means you passed a course and obtained documentation because you met the requirements from an instructor. They are not the same as a professional certification.

Below are some examples of real training companies or organizations. These examples provide different formatting suggestions. Use the type of divider consistently throughout your resume.

Adding certifications to resume looks like:

If you do not have time to undergo a more in-depth certification, consider some online free certifications for resume. Some choices include:

  • Twitter Flight School courses modules take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. While first available to agency markets, in 2016, Twitter opened up this academy to all marketers.
  • Google courses Google offers some free classes too. Two popular choices include Google AdWords and Google Analytics. These are good options to understand what drives search engine optimization .

When you translate the guidelines, your easy certifications for a resume look like this:

  • Google AdWords Certified, March 2018 there is no need to include the company because it already exists in the certification.
  • Coursework completed toward Twitter Flight School Certification.

Code Camp Free Certifications

How to List Certifications on a Resume (With Examples)

Free Code Camp can teach you the basics of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, GitHub, and more. Today, coding is a valuable, in-demand technical skill. In fact, one of these free certifications makes almost any employee more valuable to a company. Weve seen it first-hand!

Earn quick certifications you can add to your resume. And when youre ready, gain free experience by working on open source projects used by nonprofits. Geared toward beginners, this free certification walks you through each challenge in a step-by-step manner.

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Bls Certification On Resume

The Americal Red Cross offers a Basic Life Support or BLS certification to the candidates. This certification teaches candidates the technics of basic life-saving measures.

This certification addresses that you are a responsible citizen and willing to help people.

Here is a BLS certification on resume example:


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If The Employer Specifically Requires Certification

This is perhaps the most important reason you might choose to include your certification on your resume. If an employer lists a certain certification under the requirements for employees, you may not be considered for employment unless the employer knows you are sufficiently qualified. Before applying for a job, be sure to consult the company website and the job listing to find out if any certifications are necessary.

Related: 11 Easy Certifications for your Resume

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Recommended Certifications On A Resume

Employers often use certifications as a resume filter to narrow the pool of applicants. Some certifications can give employers more confidence that a candidate has the right qualifications for the job. For example, the IT Profession has many certificates that prove proficiency in network engineering.

Employers sometimes even compile statistics and report on the number of employees with particular qualifications. Listing highly desired certificates is a very effective way to make your resume stand out. Especially if youâre an entry level candidate or student!

Recommended certificates can sometimes be found in the job description.

When You’re Trying To Fill Your Resume

HVAC Licenses and Certifications: Which Ones Do You Need?

If your resume seems “light,” in terms of work experience. And you want to make your resume shine, this isn’t the right time to list certifications.

Spend more time on your career objective or resume objective rather than trying to list irrelevant certifications that the HR representative could find useless.

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Certifications On Resume Examples

The certification section on a resume varies as different jobs require different types of certifications. Furthermore, it is important to tailor your resume certification section according to the job description, so list certifications that are relevant to the job.

Here are some examples for the resume certifications section:

Required Certifications On A Resume

Many professions require its employees to hold certain licenses or certifications. According to the BLS, over 65% of people employed in legal occupations hold licenses and certificates. 76% of Healthcare practitioners hold licenses and certifications.

Some professions may require more than one certificate. For examples, lawyers that have passed the bar need to indicate membership of a stateâs bar. The job description will usually make required certifications clear. These certifications need to be listed on your resume.

Do you work in Nursing, Accounting, or Finance? These industries typically require licenses and certifications.

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If The Job Description Specifically Requests Certification

On some occasions the employer specifically requires that all the candidates should possess a specific certificate to succeed in their job. In these situations if you are unable to mention that you have the required certification, you will drop out from the job competition.

Most of the time, the required certifications are listed in job descriptions. However, if you have the possibility, do some research to see if there are any other certificates that are more valuable to your profession or industry. If you take those certificates and include them in your resume, you will have a better chance of landing a job quickly.

Where To Put Professional Licenses Or Certificates

Certifications On A Resume Certification On Resume Example 0a11e7fb8 ...

There are several sections in your resume where you can put your licenses and certifications. Lets assume youre looking for a lifeguard position and the certification you possess is mentioned in the job description. Use it as your main benefit and specify it in the Summery section.

Good example:

A dedicated professional with 4+ years of experience in ensuring safety during entertainment events. Able to handle stress and remain calm in extraordinary situations, highly skilled in the application of rescue techniques. CPR Certified.

Bad example:

A certified lifeguard is looking for a prospective position. Familiar with safety regulations and guidelines, able to react quickly in extraordinary situations and follow both written and oral instructions.

Another way to list your certifications is to add them to the resume certification section right after your education list your certifications and licenses the reverse-chronological order.

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How To Add Certification In Resume Sample

Many professional certifications may go after your name. However, if not a professional one or does not require a license, ask yourself if that belongs there.The below uses an IT professional obtaining a Scrum certification to demonstrate how to put certifications on a resume:

  • After your name , CSM
  • Summary as an example, Certified ScrumMaster with over five years of experience working in an Agile environment. You have worked in your certification, years of experience, and stressed the needed IT framework. Then, proceed with the rest of your summary.
  • Resume certification section Certified ScrumMaster |Scrum Alliance|Issued: April 2019|Expires April 2021|Badge ID:|Denver, Colorado

Resumesbot Advice:

Hubspot Inbound Marketing Certification Course

The HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification Course teaches you the basics of SEO, blogging, conversion analysis, and reporting, among other concepts. A course in inbound marketing can make you appealing to startups and entrepreneurs interested in hiring someone who can help them grow their businesses.

This is an especially valuable online certification since HubSpot is one of the most popular platforms in digital marketing. The course takes five hours to complete and includes 10 lessons:

  • Inbound Marketing Fundamentals
  • Planning a Long-Term Content Strategy
  • Creating a Blog Post
  • Creating Topic Clusters and Pillar Pages
  • Understanding Social Media Promotion
  • Developing a Conversational Growth Strategy
  • Understanding Conversion Strategy
  • Aligning Your Marketing With Sales
  • Applying a Customer Marketing Approach
  • Once you finish these lessons, youll take a one-hour exam. Thenvoilayouve completed one of the most valuable free certification courses!

    Bonus: Marketers looking for more cheap certifications can also check out for digital certification in search engines and social media, as well as to get Adword certified.

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    When To Highlight Certifications On Your Resume

    There are many good reasons to include a certification on your resume. But, depending on the job, not all certifications should be put on the resume you send a potential employer.

    Some of the most common reasons to include a certification on you resume are:

    1. The job requires it

    If the job to which you are applying requires a specific certification, then you should make sure to include it on your resume. To find out if an employer only wants applicants with a specific certification, carefully read the job description for any requirements.

    2. Itâs relevant to the job

    If you possess a certification that isnât required by the job but is nonetheless relevant to it, then you should make sure to include it on your resume. That said, make sure to only include those certifications and licenses that actually relate to the job. Including irrelevant qualifications could obscure those that actually prepare you for the position and unnecessarily clutter your resume.

    3. You lack relevant work experience

    If you are applying for a job or industry in which you have no prior experience, then a relevant certification can help emphasize your preparedness for the role. This strategy is especially helpful for career switchers and those just entering the job market.

    Read more: How to Get a Job with No Experience: A Job Seekerâs Guide

    4. Itâs an achievement

    Read more: What Are Certificate Programs?

    How To Find Relevant Resume Certifications For Your Candidacy

    Whats a free certification you can get online that looks great on a resume?

    This absolute guide would be a bookmark-worth article as this contains relevant certifications for many professions.

    Before starting working on any certification course, create a list of at least 5 prestigious certifications and professional licenses that would amaze the hiring managers it would depend on your career objectives and the jobs youre planning to apply for.

    In addition, you can check with your local professional bodies for relevant certifications and licenses for your profession along with the procedure to acquire them. They would provide you with information about the online certification programs, new certification courses, and Continuing Professional Development Certifications for the earlier acquired certifications.

    Another great source would be what the recruiter is looking for they would mention the mandatory licenses and certifications required for you to perform the job and the certifications that would put you at an advantage. The same information would be available in the relevant job description.

    Make a list of them and try to acquire a couple of important certifications before applying for jobs. You can put it in your resume as soon as you do the official registration. If the certification program is not completed, mention it as In progress.

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    Include The Certification Title

    List the full name of the certification, not just its common name or abbreviation.

    Example: If you are a Certified Professional through the Association of Clinical Research Professionals:

    • Incorrect: ACRP Certified Professional or ACRP-CP

    • Correct: Association of Clinical Research Professionals Certified Professional


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