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Teacher Career Change Resume

Keep Your Cover Letter Honest & Short

The #1 Resume Hack for Career Changing Teachers

Cover letters can be intimidating whether youre transitioning into a new career or not. Instead of feeling overwhemled, use the following standard cover letter guidelines to help you write a short and simple cover letter:

  • Paragraph 1: Who are you?
  • Paragraph 2: What have you done?
  • Paragraph 3: Where do you want to go with your career?

Make sure that your contact information appears in the form of a signature line that includes your name, phone number, and email address, and get ready to be called back for an interview!

How To Write A Resume For A Career Change

Learning how to write a great resume as someone changing professions with little related experience can seem difficult.

Fortunately, it doesnt have to be. Anyone can write a strong resume to change careers by emphasizing these two things in their application: 1.) relevant experience, and 2.) transferable skills.

To make sure you cover all the information hiring managers want to see on a career change resume, follow these five steps:

  • List relevant certifications
  • How To Write A Resume When Changing Careers From Teaching

    Related: How To Set Goals When Switching Careers

    Jenn, a career coach, explains how to set goals when switching careers and gives strategies for learning necessary skills for your new career.

    Becoming a teacher is a big career choice, but it doesn’t have to be a lifelong career. You may want to pursue new opportunities and interests, or perhaps practical needs have you searching for other options. Learning how to use your resume effectively to make the most of your teaching experience is an essential step in your career transition from teaching. In this article, we discuss why a teacher may want to change careers, how to create a resume when changing careers and offer an example resume and tips to get the best results from your job search.

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    Point Out Talents And Skills To Perform A Teaching Job As A Second Career

    Do you have a unique skill that would benefit the school? Be sure to mention other ways you could be an asset, such as coaching sports groups, teaching a literacy club, playing the piano, or facilitating a drama club.

    Many schools are interested in hiring someone who can perform double duty, or help out will extra-curricular activities. Remember schools are increasingly budget constrained. If you can help a principal run a more productive and cost-effective school, you will have her attention. In job and recruitment counseling interviews ask what skills are valued for the teaching job you are pursuing. Consider updating your teaching skills through part-time courses. Returning to college or university as a stay-at-home mom can prepare you to land the teaching job you desire as soon as your children are out the door themselves to school.

    Career Change Resume Examples Designed For 2022

    Teacher Career Change Resume Example Unique Great Career Change Resume ...

    Career changes are exciting, stressful, and daunting. Perhaps you’ve spent decades crafting your skills in a specific field only to feel drawn toward a new challenge. Maybe you’ve only spent a few years at a job you thought you wanted, but it’s just not everything you’d hoped.

    Whatever the case, career changes mean starting over. You’re likely experiencing some varied emotions as you pursue a new endeavor. You’ve got enough on your mind as it is, so don’t let your resume be a source of anxiety.

    We’ve compiled 5 career change resume examples and a guide to ensure you include the right content and details in your resume. Don’t see your current or future career in any of these resumes? Don’t let that deter you. The careers in our sample resumes aren’t nearly as important as the how and why of the details included, so keep reading because we’re sure there’s something here for you!

    Resume Examples

    Why this resume works

    • One of the most valuable things you should include on your career change resume is an objective statement. Career objectives serve many useful purposes for various resume types, but they’re especially useful for when you’re seeking a brand new venture.
    • Use your objective, or summary statement, to merge your background with the opportunities you’re seeking. In other words, demonstrate that your experience has provided you noteworthy preparation for your new field.

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    Do Your Research For Your Teacher Career Change Resume

    Last but not least, do your research and include job and industry-specific language and keywords in your resume. These terms should be peppered throughout your elevator pitch summary and throughout your highlighted experiences throughout your resume. Not only will using the language make your experience and skills more relatable to the position you are applying for, but it will show the hiring manager that you have done the work and are fully committed to stepping into the role, rather than a teacher looking for any new job they can get.

    Insider tip? You can utilize job descriptions as a tool, looking for the keywords and experiences highlighted throughout. Find a way to incorporate the industry-specific language as you translate your skills and experiences. Just make sure you know enough to expand upon the ideas if asked in an interview.

    If you dont feel like you have experience in any of the major keywords that pop up, look them up before you write them off. You likely have more experience than you are giving yourself credit for. More often than not, teachers have the skills. Theyre just used to calling it something else.

    Get Started On You Cover Letter

    First, start with an introduction paragraph. This will likely stay the same on every cover letter as you introduce yourself. Next, add five to six bullet points about why you are qualified for this specific position and reflect on your qualifying achievements. For example, I am constantly focused on collaborative relationships and strategic partnerships that advance the mission, vision, and goals of the organization. Last, add a closing statement about the position to which youre applying, why it excites you, and how you will be able to effectively fulfill the role and responsibilities.

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    Career Change Resume For 2022

    It might feel a lot like taking a leap of faith.

    Youre stepping into the unknown – that alone takes a lot of courage and determination.

    You might even feel like a recent graduate all over again.

    You have 0 experience, entering an entirely new field, competing with people whove been doing it forever!

    That sounds pretty scary.

    But heres the thing:

    As long as youre armed with the right resume, the transition can be a piece of cake.

    And luckily, were here to help and guide you through the process.

    So, if youre thinking of breaking into a new career industry, be sure to read on.

    • How to pick the best resume format for a career change
    • How to create a skill summary and wow the recruiter
    • How to show off transferable work experience
    • 3+ other ways to impress the recruiter

    Tips For Translating Your Teacher Experience On A Resume For Roles Outside Of Education

    Resume for Teachers Wanting to Change Careers – Bullets You Can Use! #teaching #resume

    Daphne: Youve probably worked with hundreds of teachers from the Teacher Career Coach course on directly translating their resumes for positions within education companies, which is amazing. Youve learned so much about the terminology and pedagogy of education.

    Where you really shine is helping people translate their resumes into roles outside of education. I feel like thats where teachers experience a lot of self-doubts and believe they arent capable of finding success within those other roles.

    Can you talk about just a couple of tips for someone whos looking for a role completely outside of education?

    Allison: To use myself as an example here, it took me researching, digging in, and actually taking a true teacher resume and picking it apart and studying those words before I really understood the magnitude of the translations. I really had to connect the dots between, for example, cognitive rigor measure and Blooms to understand how to best write resumes in a way that translates those skills.

    I think a lot of people who go into their search blindly are met with overwhelm and career search fatigue. Theyre trying to do too many things.

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    Mention Your Educational Background

    Finally, list your education on your resume. While your major may be unrelated to the new career, you can include the name of the school you attended and the degree you earned to show you received formal education. Consider including bullet points of activities you completed while in school or achievements that apply to the new field.

    Read more:

    Percent Of Professionals Land Their Next Job In 90 Days

    Resumeble presented a survey noting that more than two-thirds of applicants worked with a professional resume writer got hired within 90 days of sending out their resume. Needless to say, if your self-written resume isnt getting the right responses, its time to look into having it done by an expert.

    Also Check: How To Develop A Great Resume

    Resume Tips For Teachers Moving From The Classroom To Corporate

    Teachers in crisis.


    If youre an educator who has been pondering to leave the field in some way, this article can help you learn how to begin to transition. Whether you want to continue to work in education, or if you want to change your career path completely, the tips below can help you get started on a new journey.

    According to a Labor Department report obtained by the Wall Street Journal, teachers quit the profession in 2018 at the highest rate of any year on record. Roughly one million public education workers walked away from the classroom in 2018, and many career experts claim that number will continue to rise.

    Also, over the past 40 years, most people who became teachers were female. The share of female college students majoring in education has shrunk from 32% to 11%, according to .

    As I’ve seen throughout my career as a teacher, and a college academic advisor, the number of students choosing to go into teaching has also dropped nationwide.

    In the UK, according to The Guardian, around one in five teachers expect to leave the classroom in less than two years. Also, two-fifths of teachers, school leaders, and support staff want to quit in the next five yearsblaming out of control workload pressures and excessive accountability.

    Use The Language Used In Your New Career

    Teacher Career Change Resume Example New Career Change Resume Sample in ...

    The job seeker featured in this career change resume sample has experience teaching music to children. Her new career may involve a similar task facilitating workshops for adult clients.

    On her resume, she describes her teaching skills in terms that help employers imagine her leading workshops for adults, not teaching music to children.

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    Your Teacher Resume Is Not Actually About You

    When preparing your teacher resume for new job opportunities, you have to understand that the document is not just a list of all your skills and experience. This is where you are going to match your experience to the specific role you are going for.

    For example, do they use the word client or customer? Do they use the word instructional designer or curriculum designer? Even though they often mean the same thing, make sure every word matches the job description exactly.

    To make their jobs easier, hiring managers run all applications through Applicant Tracking Software . Any resumes that have zero matches to specific keywords are trashed in this process. Make sure your resume is landing in the hands of a human by taking a closer look at the details provided in the job description!

    Changing Your Career To Teaching

    Have you been sitting back recently, contemplating your future and where you are headed? Are you thinking about changing your career to teaching, but not exactly sure where to start?

    Well, I’m here to tell you that you are certainly not alone. As a Certified Career Coach and Resume Writer, I often work with individuals who are looking for a rewarding career change, guiding them on their path to a successful life change.

    When you have discovered that your once-rewarding and satisfying job no longer provides you with the same excitement and enthusiasm, it may be the time to consider a career change. Complete commitment to this pursuit will open you up to endless career possibilities.

    During the course of my career I have worked with many individuals who wanted to change careers and embark on a new challenge, teaching children. I have heard many reasons why mid-career changers are drawn to a career in education, and have ventured to list a few examples.

  • Giving Back to Society: Many successful professionals have often embraced a career in teaching in order to “give back” to society. They often want to teach the real-world experiences they have learned through hands-on participation in a particular field.
  • Mentoring & Guiding: Often career changers choose teaching as a means to coach and lead today’s youth and foster in them a passion for learning.
  • Focus on the skills you enjoy using the most, and build a career based soundly on your passions and your dreams.

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    Take Advantage Of Your Cover Letter

    When transitioning to a new industry, your competition may be professionals with experience in the field. This makes it especially important to distinguish your special qualifications. Use your cover letter to turn your shortage of direct experience into a focus on the advantages of your cross-industry insight and experience. The longer format of a cover letter allows you to elaborate on ways you are an ideal fit for the position. You don’t need to relate the reason you are changing fields unless you feel it is relevant. Just be sure to keep your cover letter to one page.

    Substitute Teacher Of The Deafresume Examples & Samples

    • BA or MA degree focused on Deaf Education
    • Washington State teaching certification
    • Fluency in both American Sign Language and written English
    • Knowledge of Deaf Culture and community
    • Experience working with students who are deaf and hard of hearing
    • Ability to communicate effectively with students who are deaf and hard of hearing, school staff, parents, and school district personnel using ASL and English
    • Knowledge of current best practices in deaf education
    • Ability to work as a team member with school staff, educators and parents
    • Special education policies and procedures
    • Manage classroom behavior effectively

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    Writing A Cover Letter For Your Resume

    Every teacher career change resume needs a cover letter! Your cover letter introduces who you are and what you can offer in position X at company Y. A common mistake I see teachers make is creating a generic cover letter to send with all of their applications.

    Some hiring managers may approach your application with the assumption youre willing to take any job outside of the classroom. Even if thats the truth, you dont want the hiring manager to know that. Use the cover letter and an opportunity to showcase why their job is a great fit for you and what you can bring to the table for their company. Hiring managers want someone qualified, excited about the position, and a good fit for the company culture.

    Make sure every cover letter is unique to the job and company you are sending it to. Add in specifics regarding what excites you about the role and how your experience will translate into the new responsibilities. Do research about the company and address how you are equally passionate about their core values and company culture. You will learn so much from a companys website, including its mission statement and core values.

    Second Career Alternative Choices

    While there are an assortment of places where you can find education opportunities listed from numerous school districts, there are still districts that only post on their website. Be sure to learn how the school district you are interested in announces job openings. It could be a teacher job fair, teacher newsgroups, or bulletin boards.

    To learn how to access hidden district jobs, read gain an edge finding and applying for teaching job posts. While it can be time-consuming looking at websites for multiple school districts while job searching, doing so will decrease the likelihood that you will miss a posting that may be a perfect match for your teaching skills. Add the sites to your Internet favourites and visit them often to make sure you don’t miss an opportunity.

    Your social media network can fill up quickly with teacher job posts if you are plugged into the right networks on LinkedIn, Twitter, and other popular social media. To narrow your social universe, join networks open only to high school teachers, elementary school teachers, and so on.

    Employ these social media networking tips to propel your job search forward

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    Make Your Education Section Shine

    Your education section is going to be an important requirement for just about any position above entry-level.

    Listing education on your resume is pretty straightforward.

    All you have to do is list your latest educational entry , and then include all the important stuff below it.

    For example, you can include things like:

    • Name of degree : e.g. B.A. International Business Administration.
    • Name of educational institution: e.g. University of Groningen.
    • Years attended: e.g. 2015 – 2019.
    • Location of the program : e.g. Groningen, Netherlands.
    • GPA : 3.84 .
    • Courses that are relevant to the job : e.g. Advanced Business Finances.
    • Exchange programs : e.g. exchange program in Florida, U.S.

    Heres what the full listing for this educational entry might look like:

    You might be wondering, what if I dont have the right education for the job? Maybe, you have an M.A. in Philosophy, but youre applying for a job in marketing. Do you still list it?

    The answer is a definite yes.

    Even if the degree is not relevant at all, it still shows that youre passionate about learning and education.

    In some cases, you might even be able to show off some transferable skills with your degree.

    Lets say, for example, you have a B.A. in English Literature, and youre applying for a job in

    You could stress on how your degree gave you amazing writing skills , like so:

    • Excelled in creative writing courses
    • Part-time as a reporter for the university website

    Done with your education section? Awesome!


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