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How Long Should A Resume Be 2020

Sample One Page Resume

How Long Should My Resume Be in 2020: Winning Resume Tips

This is an example of a one page resume. or see below for more examples.

Career Summary

Seasoned and meticulous Financial Analyst offering 10 years expertise providing decision support to executives of global manufacturing companies. Highly skilled in clear-cut and concise storytelling through financials. Core Competencies:

  • Financial Analysis and Reporting
  • Quantitative Methods and Forecast Modeling
  • Revenue and Expense Variance Analysis
  • Data Mining and Visualization

ABC MANUFACTURING CORPORATION, Oklahoma City, OKFinancial Analyst, 02/2013-PresentPartner across all functional business units to deliver quantitative analyses and forecasts of expenditures, sales revenues, and capital improvements.

  • Implemented and trained executives in use of new management reporting system that increased timeliness and accuracy of financial reporting
  • Pinpointed and reconciled discrepancies in business unit financial reports, averting risk exposure by creating stringent new due diligence processes.

XYZ GROUP, Norman, OK, 06/2008-02/2013

Skillfully researched and prepared business cases, performed cost benefit analyses, and structured quarterly forecasts to optimize business planning processes.

  • Played instrumental role in creating a business case and performing due diligence key to a $4.5M merger and acquisition.
  • Formulated recommendations for long-term planning that ultimately produced a 17% increase in business growth.

Education and Credentials

Case Study: Gals One Page Resume

With over a decade of experience, Gal was searching for a new job in business development.

From starting his own company to leading software solutions all the way to speaking three languages, you could say he was spoiled for choice.

Most people would say that 10+ years of experience = two pages.

But, Gal took a different approach.

On one page, he successfully told the recruiter who he was, why he was motivated for this job, the experience hed bring, and how he would make an impact.

Amidst the fog like Gal, you will hear different opinions about how long your resume should be. For someone with over 10 years of experience, most professionals and job seekers around will expect to have a two-page resume.

That doesnt necessarily mean you should.

Since Gals resume was one page, it was completely different to the rest of the other applicants. In other words, it was a gateway to standing out from the crowd and getting his voice heard among the chaos.

Be like Gal and get hired for the competitive job posting at your dream company by using Enhancvs free resume builder. Use the same one-page formula now below!

It only takes a few minutes!

The Miniskirt Rule For Ideal Cover Letter Length

Beyond these ground rules, we follow something known as the Miniskirt Rule to determine how long a cover letter a should be:

Make it long enough to cover everything important, but short enough to keep it interesting.

Your cover letter has to be short, but it shouldnt be so bare that it doesnt add value. Its an important resume supplement that shows why youre a good fit, with further detail on your biggest accomplishments and professional philosophy.

However, just like your resume, it cant be so long that it bores a hiring manager. Nothing should be repeated within your letter or simply restated from your resume.

The truth is that recruiters and hiring managers only skim cover letters, no matter how long they are.

Theyre not reading every word you write, just scanning for the information they want to see. As such, you have to include vital info without burying it in long paragraphs.

Also Check: Business Owners Resume

Combine Multiple Related Bullet Points Into One Bullet Point

If you have multiple lines on the same subject within your job experience, you can often combine the statements into one.

Example: Optimize your space by combining functions

  • Ensured our marketing had a positive ROI.

  • Utilized marketing tools to ensure maximum ROI.

  • Managed the marketing team to ensure smooth and efficient projects were deployed.

  • Implemented and managed a marketing campaign with extensive A/B testing to achieve a 190% ROI.

The three bullets can easily be grouped together to form a statement thatâs sure to impress an employer. If you have paragraphs, you should turn those into bullet points as well.

Do Not Use A Bitmoji Or Other Alternative To A Photo

How Long Should My Resume Be in 2020?

âIâm stumped by this trend,â says Caitlin, Zipjobâs Marketing Manager. âI love seeing creative displays of personality on a resume, but Bitmoji are cartoons. Stand out from the applicant pool in other ways that will earn you more respect.â

From a technical standpoint, as with other graphics, Bitmoji turn into jumbled nonsense to an ATS. Unlike logos or artistic headersâwhich can be appropriate for graphic designer resumes in print formâBitmoji never have a place on a resume.

Keep your cartoon self firmly in the realm of social media and informal communication: your professional resume document is neither.

Recommended Reading: How To Put Ged On Resume

Trim Your Work Experience And Highlight Your Skills

Cut down your work experience to make room for additional elements on your CV. Exclude work experience if it’s more than 10 years old. Include the names of your previous employers, your job title for each position and the dates you worked on one line to save more space on your CV.

You can replace some of your work experience with a skills section if they relate to the position you’re applying for. If you choose to focus more on your skills, write a brief paragraph on how you earned them.

For instance, if you’re applying for an entry-level graphic design internship, underline the graphic design skills you’ve learned and give evidence on how you improved them. So, let’s say you worked on a project that earned praise from a professor or a client. The explanation of your skills and how you developed them can indicate your potential for future success to your prospective employer.

Putting It All Together

Whew! Did you get all that?!?

We promised you a much deeper look into resume formats and I think weve managed to deliver just that!

Making sure you have the right resume for the right job means more than just filling in your qualifications, it means selecting the right format and ensuring that youre organizing it properlyand now, thanks to this article, you shouldnt have any problems!

And as alwaysgood luck!

Also Check: How To Write Email To Send Resume

Computer Science Student Resume: 2021 Guide With 10+ Resume Examples

What do employers look for in a computer science student resume?

A computer science student resume is generally written by CS Graduates and CS Students who are still pursuing the course.

As such, employers are inclined to look for your academic details, relevant projects, and internship experience in a computer science student resume.

But most importantly, employers look for signs of exceptionalism in your computer science skills and your technical skills.

For which you should present a list of the programming languages you know, databases you are familiar with, and software you can work with.

We will help you learn how to put this information effectively in your computer science resume.

But before we begin, here’s a summary of our Computer Science Student Resume Blog:

  • Write achievement-based internship sections and mention relevant certifications.
  • Add the details of the project that you have been a part of or led successfully.
  • Use one-liner points to communicate the details of your professional experience and past internships.
  • Provide URL links to your personal websites or profiles like Kaggle, GitHub, etc.
  • Write an impeccable computer science student resume objective for computer science student jobs & internships.
  • Organize your resume using the right resume format for computer science students.

. . . all so you can get the entry-level CS job or internship of your dreams!

Handling Gaps Sired Fired Retired

RESUME HACKS – 5 Ways To Modernize Your Resume for 2020 | How to Write a Stand Out Resume

Handling gaps in employment history is distressing for any professional. Im being a bit flippant in describing this as sired, fired, or retired, but those are the most common gap causes.

Sired: You or your spouse gave birth and you decided to stay at home for some number of years. That time period is up and youre looking to get back into the workplace.

Fired: You picked the wrong job, wrong boss, or wrong industry, and you ended up being shown the door. Landing the next role has not happened as quickly as you wouldve liked and you have a gap longer than 12 months to explain.

Retired: You decided to downshift and seek out the finer things in life, you took a gap year, or simply traveled for a year or two because circumstances afforded you the opportunity. But now its time to get back to having a work family, or a paycheck, or a career.

In each of these cases, its always better if youve had a plausible institutional connection during the gap period. Non-profit work is the obvious best and easiest one. Consulting roles, even at your own firm, count. Paid work done on a project basis for friends or former colleagues can also fit the bill. Any of these is better than a final date on your most recent employment that is twelve or more months in the past.

Ideally, you summarize it in one optimistic, forward-looking, positive line of text:

  • Stay-at-home parent, for a family of four, energized to return to work. 2011- 2020

Or to cover a time of travel:

Read Also: How To Put Gpa In Resume

Present Your Computer Science Internship Details Effectively

As a CS Graduate or Student, you probably don’t have the actual professional experience to boast about in your computer science resume.

This leaves you with your internship.

If you don’t have internship experience, get one.

If you have done an internship in the past, talk about it effectively in your resume for computer science student fresher jobs.

Perfecting this section can dramatically elevate your shortlist chances. Meaning: you need to perfect it at all costs.

Here are three ways to do it:

  • Frame one-liner points

Use one-line points. Not paragraphs.

They make your resume of computer science student more reader-friendly and comprehensive.

Don’t believe us?

Here are two computer science student resume examples to prove this argument.

We want you to observe them closely.


Computer Science Student Resume Example 1


Computer Science Student Resume Example 2

Framing One-Liner Points: Analysis

You can make the following observations from the two computer science student resume examples we have outlined above:

Is difficult to read and grasp the main points Easy to read and understand
Contains unnecessary words and phrases Contains only important points

As compared to a lengthy paragraph, the one-liner point makes more sense and the recruiters will easily understand your roles and responsibilities right away.


You can achieve this by implementing the STAR format at each point

Instead of saying something as basic as this:

How Long Should A College Resume Be

A resume for college should be one page. Do you have so many mind-altering achievements you cant fit them in a 1-page resume? Then write a two-page resume.

Expert Hint: If youre in a field where lots of experience makes you more attractive, write a 2 or 3-page resume. Just keep it relevant and focus on accomplishments.

Recommended Reading: What To Put On A College Student Resume

The Myth Of The One Page Resume

The hard rule youre most likely to encounter is that your resume should be exactly one page long, no exceptions. Many still stand by this advice.

One page made a lot more sense when it was more common to mail, fax, or physically hand your resume to a stranger, but technology has mitigated many of the associated concerns. For example, the second page of an email attachment wont get lost in the shuffle, or a page break wont make much of a different within an applicant tracking system .

Here are some of the other reasons this advice persists beyond the fear of lost pages and pokey staples.

Resume guidelines must progress with your career

Most of us first learned how to write a resume when we were in high school or college. At that time in our lives, many of us were taught to never ever exceed a single page.

This made sense at the time. Most of us didnt have the experience to warrant two pages. The problem is that as weve developed our careers, weve carried that advice with us. The guidelines need to change once youve accomplished a few things as a professional.

The six second resume challenge

Perhaps the most cited piece of information in support of the one page resume is a 2012 study by the Ladders in which recruiters were found to spend an average of six seconds reviewing each resume before deciding how to proceed.

The Ladders: Heat map showing that recruiters had no trouble reaching the end of long resume.

Constraints lead to a better resume

How Long Should A Resume Be In 2020

How Long Should A Resume Be in 2020? (Recruiter Advice ...

A typical resume should be one or two pages long.

  • One page resumes are ideal for recent grads, entry-level resumes, or in-person networking
  • Two page resumes are great for most job seekers, particularly those with five-plus years experience in their current field
  • Three page resumes might benefit accomplished senior-level workers or technical professionals with large bodies of work

Recommended Reading: Do You Need To Include References On A Resume

Never Put Irrelevant Or Unnecessary Info On Your Resume To Make It Longer

Dont try to fill your resume with fluff or try to make it longer. No hiring manager is going to decide to interview you because you had a longer resume than someone else.

The only exception to the rule above is if your resume content is not even reaching the bottom of page one. In that case, try to make your resume fill a full page, because that just looks better.

But otherwise, you should be writing relevant skills, experience, and other qualifications that you feel demonstrate youll be a good fit for the role youve applied for.

But once youve put all the relevant info you can, stop. Adding irrelevant information just for the sake of making your resume longer is NOT going to impress any hiring managers or recruiters.

Your resume has one main purpose: To show the employer that you have the skills and experience to step into their role and be successful.

So if something isnt helping you do that, then its hurting you !

For example, if you held an irrelevant job 15 years ago and have built an entirely different career since then, take it off!

Or if youre listing 25 skills but only 10 are relevant to your current career, take those other 15 off!

By leaving them on there, youre just making it HARDER for the hiring manager or recruiter to find the relevant info that will make them want to interview you. So by leaving irrelevant info on your resume, youre costing yourself interviews.

How Many Pages Should Your Resume Be In 2021

As a recruiter, one of the most common questions job seekers ask me is, how many pages should my resume be?

Theres a lot of conflicting advice about when one-page resumes are best, when two-page resumes are better, and the main purpose of your resume to begin with! So Im going to clear this up

This article will explain how long a resume should be for professionals, college students, and more. After reading this page, youre going to know how many pages to make your resume.

Im also going to share some of my BEST tips for how tweak your resume to get more interviews when applying for jobs, so make sure to read until the end.

Lets get started

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Company Or Role Description

Increasingly popular in recent years is the trend towards describing the company and or the responsibilities of the role in a line underneath the company name. This succinct summary of important background information is quite an effective way to convey the facts about your role or the company. Staff size, budget and hiring circumstances can be shared on this line.

For example, you might write any of the following as a description of the employer:

  • A global water transport company
  • A national fast-food chain
  • A leading professional services firm
  • A Fortune 50 diversified industrial company

You may also choose to address your staffing or responsibility:

  • Responsible for Western Region Sales at regional machine tools manufacturer
  • Managed $30 mm ad budget for national hotel chain
  • Held P& L responsibility for $310 mm engine division

Or the circumstances that led you to the role:

  • Recruited by CEO to take over all HR operations in Atlanta
  • Promoted multiple times over decade at this leading software integration firm
  • Selected to lead post-merger leading CPG firm by combined Board

This line can briefly and brilliantly communicate the size, shape, or circumstances of your role or employer. Its not required, but it can greatly help you increase the amount of information you get across without taking up more valuable bullet points.

Only Include Degrees Under The Education Section

How To Make Your Resume Stand Out In 2020

List only the degrees you earned during your academic career to keep your CV concise. You might need to delete information about your dissertation, committees you served on and training you received while getting your education. Add this information to your educational background if it directly applies to the employer.

The exception to this would be if you’re applying to an academic position. In these cases, you’ll want to list your dissertation if directly applies to the future research or teaching you intend to do.

Recommended Reading: How Many References Should You Include In Your Resume

Three Pages Or Longer

While three pages may seem like youre entering novella territory, this resume length can work for professionals who need the extra space.

Before going to multiple pages, take inventory of why you need the longer format. Ask yourself if your resume is built on quality versus quantity. Have you let go of early career experiences that don’t market you for your current goal?

A resume should not be an obituary of ones career, says Dagliano. To keep it concise, write with the employers needs and wants in mind. Hint: Review the job description to which youre applying and note what skills and qualifications the employer lists at the top.

Consider a three-page resume if:

  • You’re a senior-level manager or executive with an impressive track record of leadership accomplishments.
  • Youre in an academic or scientific field with a list of publications, speaking engagements, courses, licenses, or patents.
  • Youre applying for a federal job that requires more information than a civilian application.
  • You have a lengthy technical or project management background and need to provide case studies, project highlights, or lists of technical skills.


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