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When To Spell Out Numbers In A Resume

Why To Avoid Abbreviating Million

Using Numbers in Academic Writing: When to Write Them Out

Lets face it, recruiters and hiring managers love seeing numbers on a resume.

Numbers, particularly large ones, indicate a level of proficiency and understanding.

In addition, adding numbers to your resume indicates that you were tasked with high levels of responsibility and are able to handle large campaigns and accounts.

Ideally, you will want to write out the word million on your resume.

You should look to avoid utilizing any abbreviations for the word million as it can be confusing.

Take a look at the above different variations of the abbreviation million, a recruiter or hiring manager may not be well versed in these abbreviations, potentially causing confusion and uncertainty.

As a potential applicant, it is ideal to be as straightforward and clear as possible on your resume.

The onus is on you to ensure that your resume is as clear-cut and exact as possible.

With that understanding, it is best to simply avoid using abbreviations for the word million.

Dont Abbreviate The Word Million

Ultimately, as there are many different ways to abbreviate the word million, you should stick to writing out the full word.

Not only will this help you to avoid any confusion and uncertainty, but it will appear more compelling and stand out on your resume.

If you are worried about exceeding the one-page rule on your resume, it is better to reduce the words used in other sections and areas of your resume.

The reason?

The word million, while it can be abbreviated, can cause confusion if not understood correctly.

Rather than take a chance at confusing a recruiter or hiring manager, it is far better to simply write out the full word.

Should You Include Months On Your Resume

Resume writer, ghostwriter for novels and more, and bestselling author. Nonfiction books on grammar, careers, publishing, and writing. Novels on mysteries and fantasy.

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Were going to talk about the dates on your resume. Many of the problems I see with resumes stems from people not knowing what to do and how to list them. Near the end well get to the big questionshould you include months on a resume?

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Quantifying Your Accomplishments Tends To Catch People’s Eyes Including Recruiters’ Learn How To Use Numbers Effectively On Your Resume

How to Use Numbers to Highlight Accomplishments on Your Resume

Suppose you’re a hiring manager looking at resumes. Which of the following statements would impress you more?

  • Wrote news releases.
  • Wrote 25 news releases in a three-week period under daily deadlines.

Clearly, the second statement carries more weight. Why? Because it uses numbers to quantify the writer’s accomplishment, giving it a context that helps the interviewer understand the degree of difficulty involved in the task.

Numbers are powerful resume tools that will help your accomplishments get the attention they deserve from prospective employers. With just a little thought, you can find effective ways to quantify your successes on your resume. Here are a few suggestions:

Take The Guesswork Out Of Writing Numbers In Your Business Communications

Resume writing out numbers

Numbers are an integral part of many business communications, but knowing when to spell them out versus when to use figures can be confusing. In general, when writing short items that will probably be read on smartphones or tablets, use numbers because space is at a premium and easy reading is a priority. For longer communications, its best to revert to a more formal business style. You can take the guesswork out of writing numbers by following one general guideline and remembering the major exceptions to it. The starting point is to spell out numbers under 10 in text. The company has five offices in Asia. For numbers 10 and above, use figures. The company operates in more than 150 markets. This guideline also applies to ordinal numbers, so spell out first through ninth and use figures starting with 10th.Thats easy enough to remember. Now, here are some exceptions to this rule you will frequently encounter in business.

Also use figures, no matter the denomination, for:

  • Money
  • Slides, charts, graphs
  • Figures that include decimals
  • Ages
  • Measurements
  • Data-driven references
  • Time of day
  • Days of the month
  • Degrees of temperature
  • Numbered expressions
  • Points, scores, ratings.

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Show Your Commitment To Your Job

You may include numerical indicators of commitment to your work if you are willing to perpetuate that pattern with a new employer. For example, you could say:

  • Worked 17 consecutive days to complete project on time and under budget.
  • Worked an average of 55 hours a week to complete the audit before the end of the year.

Tips For Editing And Proofreading Your Resume

Before you send or upload a resume to apply for a job, it’s important to proofread it so it’s perfect. Your resume and its accompanying cover letter both represent the professionalism that you would bring to the position youre applying for. Thus, even simple mistakes like a typo or grammatical error can cost you a job interview.

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Spelling Out Numbers In Technical Scientific And Complex Writing

Scientific and technical journals, and even news reports, often adhere to the rule that only numbers less than ten should be written out in full, except when fractions or decimals are involved. This can be a sensible approach to ensuring the readability of texts that refer to numbers and figures frequently.

Fractional quantities of larger numbers, such as those in the millions and billions, are most easily read when abbreviated as decimals in combination with the word million or billion where possible. Whole millions and billions can be expressed as a whole number plus the word million, billion, etc.

When using abbreviations for units of measurement in your writing, always express numbers as numerals. Similarly, when writing about money, use numerals in connection with the dollar sign or other currency symbols. Infrequent references to money read best when written out as spelled-out numbers plus the word for the currency involved.

Master How To Write Numbers In English

How To Write A Resume That Stands Out – 5 BEST Resume Writing Tips

Now that you are familiar with when to spell out numbers, take the time to discover some more rules for writing numbers. For example, explore the rules for using commas in numbers. Then, you may want to take an even deeper dive into numbers and explore those that can be expressed as a quotient by reviewing these rational number examples.

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Whole Numbers Vs Decimals

Another important factor to consider is whether you are working with a whole number or a decimal. Decimals are always written as numerals for clarity and accuracy.

To revisit our library example, perhaps circulation statistics improved in 2015. If a number falls in the range of one to ten and is not a whole number, it should be written as a numeral.

Incorrect: The circulation of library materials increased by four point five percent in 2015.

Correct: The circulation of library materials increased by 4.5% in 2015.

Tips For Including Numbers In Your Resume

To use numbers in a resume, determine how you most affected the company during your time with them and how your impact is quantifiable in exact numbers, ranges or percentages. You can put these numbers where most applicable for your resume, but four major sections to put them in are:

  • Your summary: A resume summary is a brief description at the top of your resume that highlights your experience and skills.

  • Your work experience: The work experience section shows employers your qualifications and skills.

  • Your accomplishments: Your list of accomplishments showcases your professional and personal achievements.

  • Your career highlights: A career highlights section briefly describes many accomplishments throughout your long career in different jobs.

Here are some tips on how to include numbers in your resume:

  • Include numbers as a bulleted list of items of your job descriptions.

  • Use a range or estimate if exact numbers aren’t available.

  • Use specific numbers for dollar amounts and lengths of time.

  • Use percentages to show average increases and growth.

  • Use numerals to streamline phrasing and help the number stand out.

  • Use numbers wherever you can quantify something.

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Should You Include Months On A Resume

You should always list the months you workednot just years. Many resumes list years only, not months. I know a lot of that comes from bad advice, and I hope thats the primary reason. But in case youre still thinking about it, read the statement below. Then read it again.

If you dont put months on your dates of employment, you are guilty until proven innocent.

Every gatekeeper and every headhunter I know gets suspicious when they see only years listed on a resume. If your resume shows 19972001, and then 2001 to present, the first thing I think is, Did they leave in January 2001 and start the other job the following December? It might be wrong to think like that, but its a fact of life that gatekeepers do. If you dont put the months down, youre assumed guilty. Period. End of discussion. Resume trashed.

Rules For Writing Numbers And Numerals

When to spell out numbers via Grammarly. https://www ...

How do you express numbers in your writing? When do you use figures and when do you write out the number in words ? That is, when do you write 9 and when do you write nine?

1. Number versus numeral. First things first, what is the difference between a number and a numeral? A number is an abstract concept while a numeral is a symbol used to express that number. Three,3 and III are all symbols used to express the same number . One could say that the difference between a number and its numerals is like the difference between a person and her name.

2. Spell small numbers out. The small numbers, such as whole numbers smaller than ten, should be spelled out. Thats one rule you can count on. If you dont spell numbers out it will look like youre sending an instant message, and you want to be more formal than that in your writing.

3. No other standard rule: Experts dont always agree on other rules. Some experts say that any one-word number should be written out. Two-word numbers should be expressed in figures. That is, they say you should write out twelve or twenty. But not 24.

5. Dont start a sentence with a numeral. Make it Fourscore and seven years ago, not 4 score and 7 years ago. That means you might have to rewrite some sentences: Fans bought 400,000 copies the first dayinstead of 400,000 copies were sold the first day.

6. Centuries and decades should be spelled out. Use the Eighties or nineteenth century.

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Rules For Numbers That Are Spelled Out

Are you wondering when to write out numbers? There are several situations in which number words should be spelled out. Of course, as is often the case in English, there are some exceptions to the rules outlined below. As with other grammar rules, rules for writing numbers change according to certain style guides . Discover several general rules for spelling out numbers.

Use Numbers For Mixed Fractions

While fractions are ordinarily spelled out, there is an exception to this rule for mixed fractions. A mixed fraction combines a whole number and a fraction. These require numerals unless positioned at the beginning of a sentence.

  • The recipe calls for 2½ cups of nuts.
  • Our class art project calls for 1¼ cups of glitter.

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Do You Spell Out Numbers On A Resume

Answer itresumesresumespell outnumbernumberIwespell out numberswrite

Do you write out the word percent in APA?


How do you write numbers in a business letter?

Know how to express a number in your business writing with these rules from Daily Writing Tips:

  • If the number is between one and nine, spell it out.
  • You may spell out one-word numbers.
  • Always use a comma.
  • Never start a sentence with a number.
  • Use digits to express percentages, such as a 20% increase.
  • Standard Grammar Rules For Writing Numbers

    Resume Tips: How to Write a Resume that Stands Out

    According to both the AP Stylebook and The Business Style Handbook, the following rules apply when writing out numbers:

    • Numbers under 10: Spell out
    • Numbers 10 and above: Use figures

    There are a few exceptions to this general rule where you should always use figures, including the following:

    • Ages
    • Money
    • Time of day
    • Figures in a series

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    Guidelines For Writing Time

    When writing the time along with a.m. to designate morning or p.m. to designate evening, use the numeral to designate time. For the precise time, add the minutes after a colon When referring to an even hour, just list the hour rather than including that there are zero minutes . Don’t use words for the time when using a.m. or p.m. .

    • correct: The accident happened at 8:22 p.m. last night.
    • correct: They did not leave the party until 2 a.m.
    • incorrect: They did not leave the party until two a.m.

    Beginning A Sentence With A Number

    Here is a rule that you can truly rely on: always spell out numbers when they begin a sentence, no matter how large or small they may be.

    Incorrect: 15 new fiction novels were on display.

    Correct: Fifteen new fiction novels were on display.

    If the number is large and you want to avoid writing it all out, rearrange the sentence so that the number no longer comes first.

    Revised: There were 15 new fiction novels on display.

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    Rules For Writing Numbers And Money

    When it comes to money, numbers follow their own set of rules. Money is usually written as numerals, but can be written out when the amount is vague or rounded up â “it cost two or three dollars.”

    The most important guidelines to keep in mind are:

    • Currency symbols should be placed before the number, with no spaces.Example: She earned $2,750 for that project.
    • Thousands should be separated by commas.Example: Marcy inherited $35,000 from her late uncle.
    • Decimals should be separated by periods.Example: Seamus only spent $149.99 on that new smart TV.
    • When you reach large numbers in the millions and billions, write out the full word .Example: That new company earned $10 million in 2018.
    • Do not write out the currency if you’ve already indicated an amount with a currency symbol.Example: I have $895 left in my checking account.

    How Do You Quantify Skills On A Resume

    How to spell out or convert numbers to English words in Excel?

    Top 5 Ways To Quantify Results On Your ResumeShow Them The Money. Applicants whove made or saved money are golden. Pile Up The Percentages. Money aint the only way to draw eyeballs. Dont Be Vague With Volumes. Recruiters also feast on specific numbers. Rouse Them With Rankings. Big numbers dont lie? Make Em Reel With Ratings.

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    How Do You Write Your Address On A Resume

    How to Write Your Address On A Resume

  • Use a full address. If you want to go the conventional route, you can use your full address.
  • Dont use an address at all. On the other extreme, you could also leave no address.
  • Include only the city and state.
  • List your region or area.
  • Note that youre relocating to
  • Months Spelled Out Or Numbers

    The place where dates are used most are in the Work History section, and the biggest problems I see are that some people use numbers to represent months and some spell the months out. Either way is all right, as long as you are consistent.

    So, August 1999May 2003 is perfectly fine, but so is 08/199905/2003, or even 8/995/03. The problems come up when someone starts out with one style and switches to anotherusually to save space or to make it fit on one line.

    I strongly suggest picking one style and sticking with it. My personal preference is using numbers combined with the full year, like this: 08/199905/2003.

    On a side note, the punctuation separating the dates should be an en dash, not a hyphen or an em dash, and it should be used with no spaces surrounding it.


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    The Rules For Writing Numbers In English

    You may have noticed a theme when it comes to the English language: most rules are not standardized. This fact is especially true when it comes to spelling out numbers. Should you write them out in words or leave them as numerals? To write numbers properly, you will also need to identify potential differences between major style guides because these guides often outline different rules for using numbers in writing.

    To make it easier, let’s use an example. Say you’re working on a paper evaluating the importance of the local public library in your community. The document will make use of small numbers, large numbers, decades, and statistics. Each type of number may follow a different rule.

    Thankfully, when using numbers in writing, you can count on a few conventions that apply to most situations just be sure to consult your specific style guide if one has been assigned. If you don’t have time to review each number yourself, a professional editor or proofreader can ensure that your numbers are written correctly.

    Reasons Why You Should Add Numbers To Your Resume

    How to Write a Resume Summary – Plus 5 Strong Examples | Indeed Career Tips

    For most industries numbers are the most important part of your resume. Now this may be obvious for a sales resume or a management resume, but really numbers apply to everyone. They quantify each of your accountabilities and achievements, and therefore add credibility to your experience.

    Numbers do not only apply to revenue increases, as many people assume. You can include numbers for a full multitude of points on a resume:

    • # of clients acquired in a given period of time
    • # of locations opened/closed
    • % of client referrals

    Do you get the point?

    Numbers and percentages can refer to money, clients, team members, files, products, locations, and many more options. Now if youre not inclined to include numbers in your resume just because we say so, well here are our Top 3 Reasons to convince you.

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