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Where To Add Certifications On Resume

Recommended Certifications On A Resume

MicroNugget: How to Gain Certification and Improve Your Resume

Employers often use certifications as a resume filter to narrow the pool of applicants. Some certifications can give employers more confidence that a candidate has the right qualifications for the job. For example, the IT Profession has many certificates that prove proficiency in network engineering.

Employers sometimes even compile statistics and report on the number of employees with particular qualifications. Listing highly desired certificates is a very effective way to make your resume stand out. Especially if youâre an entry level candidate or student!

Recommended certificates can sometimes be found in the job description.

If The Certification Demonstrates Additional Skills

Your certifications might not be specific to your career field, but that doesnt mean you should exclude them from your resume. Including other certifications might help potential employers see additional skills beneficial to the position you are applying for.

If you work in sales, having supplemental marketing or computer software certifications might bump you ahead of other candidates that dont. Dont discount certificates that dont directly correlate with your career field. If they point to skills youll use in the job role, include them in your resume.

What Types Of Certifications Should Be Included On A Resume

The first and most important step is to thoroughly read the job description. If you haven’t looked at any job listings yet, search for jobs in your industry to find some. Letâs go over the various types of certifications you may find in the job description before figuring out where to put them on your resume.

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Add Coursera Professional Certificates To Your Resume

A relevant certification has the potential to improve your job prospects. As you are thinking about your next big career shift, you might consider obtaining a professional certificate through Coursera.

Offered by such world-class partners as Google, IBM, and Meta, Courseraâs flexible, online professional certificates can help you get job-ready for such in-demand careers as project manager or data analyst.

The Certification Is Credible

Licenses &  Certifications on a Resume (Sample &  Easy Tips)

Ideally, the certificate is obtained by a credible institution that the employer would recognize. The more credible the certificate issuer, the more valuable the earned certificate.

Example of Credible certifications for a software engineering candidate

Incorrect â Certification in Algorithms & Data Structures by Random YouTube Channel”

Correct â Certification in Algorithms & Data Structures by Harvard University”

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The Best Certifications + Examples

The right certification for you depends largely on your job title and career goals. Its worth researching trends in your field to see which certificates will put you ahead and help you learn new skills. There are, however, some certifications that are growing in popularity either for their ability to be applied to multiple fields or because they set the standard for knowledge of a particular industry.

Note that there are thousands of certifications for various industries, so a comprehensive list would take up the space of a small library. But here are some examples of the best certifications to have in 2021:

  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional
  • Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer
  • Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate
  • Cisco Certified Professional Network Professional
  • Microsoft Certified Azure Solutions Architect
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate
  • Oracle Certified MySQL Database Administrator

Hospitality and catering:

Guide To Including Certifications On A Resume

There are numerous factors that can make a resume stand out, but one of the most effective additions is a section for certifications. Especially important in specialized competitive positions, your certifications can make all the difference for an employer comparing the resumes of their top candidates. Learn how you can list your certifications in a manner thats compelling and effective with this guide to including certifications on a resume.

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How To List Certificates Courses Awards And Additional Education On A Resume

The information in the resume about certificates, courses and training events serves two important purposes:

firstly, each certificate that corresponds to the position increases salary potential secondly, it confirms your interest in professional growth and desire for self-development.

87% of people who are enrolled in continuing education report career benefits such as promotions, salary increases or new roles.

Coursera Student Performance Survey

Expand Your Knowledge And Skills

12 Online Certifications to Boost Your Resume & Career | Indeed Career Tips

Obtaining a certification can help you update or sharpen your skills in your field. It’ll also allow you to learn new techniques that will help you expand your knowledge in your industry. The more knowledge you gain, the more efficiently you’ll be able to perform your job and the greater your chances will be of landing a new opportunity.

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An Employer Requires Specific Certifications

If a company requires certifications for a particular job, you have little to no chance of being hired unless you have those certifications and list them clearly on your resume.

Onetonline is a good place to look if you arent sure, and you can also explore other job postings in your target industry.

If The Certification Will Show Your Knowledge Of The Industry

Not only do certifications show that youve met requirements or passed an aptitude assessment. They also display a more in-depth knowledge of an industry. By listing your credentials, youre telling a potential employer that you already know how to perform the job at hand.

Image courtesy of EasyResume

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Types Of Certifications To Include On The Resume

There are different types of certifications that should be included on a resume depending on the type of jobseeker and the industry and position that the resume is for.

An appropriate resume certification could be vocational, technical or academic such as Master degrees or extra courses. Certifications to list on a resume also include any professional licenses, courses and certificates authorized by prestigious organizations, universities, societies etc. which provide evidence to show that the candidate has the relevant training and expertise to take on the responsibilities required of the successful applicant.

Certifications that shouldnt be included as key elements of a resume but could be added in a cover letter or in a different section to provide evidence of other knowledge and to demonstrate enthusiasm and initiative for learning are certificates that you have been awarded for participating in free online courses such as Udemy or Lynda etc. as they are accessible by everyone and do not always provide a professional source.

Certifications in nursing, teaching, IT, driving, accounting, language, project management, hospitality, etc. are considered official and vital for a job seeker whose resume looks to capture the attention of hiring managers in that particular industry.

Some examples of appropriate certifications to list on a resume are the following:

For Certifications That Are Essential For Your Job

How to Correctly List Certifications on a Resume in 2021 ...

If you are, say, a nurse, accountant, social worker, or other professional who cant actually practice your field without your certification, youll want to make it very obvious, usually mentioning it more than once. It should go in both your header next to your name and in an education, skills, or training section. For example, if youre a licensed social worker, you would list Your Name, LSW.

If the certification is required but doesnt have a title or degree associated with it, then put it near the top in your resume objective.

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How To List Certifications On A Resume

The easiest and most common way to include your certifications is to just add a new section dedicated to them.

First, create a heading on your CV named Certifications, and create entries underneath.

Then, under your designated subheading, list each certification in reverse-chronological order. Meaning, you start with the most recent certificate and make your way from there.

For each resume certification entry, include the following information:

  • Name of Certification
  • Name of Certifying Agency or Body
  • Dates of Obtainment
  • Location
  • Expiration date
  • In Progress

Or, to give you real examples:

Correct Examples:

  • Google Doubleclick for Publishers Certificate, Google Publisher University, 2018
  • Board Certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery , 2017

Incorrect Examples:

Where To Put Certifications On Resume

Recruiters dont spend a lot of time perusing resumesonly a few seconds, in fact. So its crucial to find the right place for your certifications on your resume so they are easily noticed.

Depending on the importance of each qualification, and the job youve applied for, you can decide where on your resume youd like to list all relevant certifications.

#1) Contact Information Section

This is the ideal place for highlighting an essential certification. Including a required certification in the contact information section after ones name is a common practice for professionals such as nurses, doctors, lawyers, and accountants.

In the example below, Certified Public Accountant Jane Does certification is listed by their name.

#2) Resume Summary Section

The resume summary or objective section is a good place to highlight an essential or desired certification. It is uncommon to find more than one certification listed in the resume summary or objective.

In the example below, Certified Public Accountant Jane Does certification is listed in the Resume Summary section.

#3) Education Section

The education section is the place to include your optional certifications. They must still be relevant to the job you have applied to, but they may not be critical to it.

In the example below, the CCNP certification is not an essential requirement for the position this candidate intends to apply for, and so it is listed under education section, in reverse chronological order.

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Can Put Certifications On Your Resume

Yes. Certifications show that you actually made an effort and youve earned them.

And sometimes you may not be able to do the job without the certification.

In that case, certifications can go before your education and after your experience. The thing not to do is adding your certifications as an afterthought at the end of your resume. Put prestigious, relevant certifications on a resume front and center.

Certifications On Resume Examples

6- In-Demand & Easy Certifications you can add to your Resume

The certification section on a resume varies as different jobs require different types of certifications. Furthermore, it is important to tailor your resume certification section according to the job description, so list certifications that are relevant to the job.

Here are some examples for the resume certifications section:

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In Your Professional Summary

You should also list your certifications your professional summary. This should be one of the first parts of your resume seen, so the professional summary should be located just below your name. A professional summary is a brief overview of your skills and achievements, so including any relevant certifications here would make sense.

Specify Certified Qualifications Only

Incorrect â “Online Course on Javascript 101″

Correct â “Coding Boot Camp, Columbia Engineering 2019″

Actual examples of projects youâve worked on are far more attractive to employers than just having a certificate in something. So maybe you can turn your learnings from an online javascript course into an actual javascript project that you can talk about with employers. Experience creating tangible results is always preferred over just certifications. Especially if you can work on these projects on the side in your own time.

In summary, you should include online courses on your resume that:

  • Not only teaches you about the subject, but also guides you in producing real results that can be shown to employers
  • Relevant to the position youâre applying to
  • Certified by a credible institution or well known thought leader

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Where To Put Certifications On A Resume

Certifications are valuable additions to a resume that demonstrate competence in a specific area. If you have valuable certifications, it can be helpful to highlight them to impress potential employers. Understanding where to list certifications on your resume can help you create more impressive applications and improve your chances of success in your job search. In this article, we discuss where to put certifications on your resume, explore how to create a certification section, and provide an example you can use as a reference.

As A Separate Section

Microsoft Certifications On Resume

If you decide to write them in a separate section you can include additional information, such as year taken and institution, if prestigious.

In this example, there is not a year written, however, there is the serial number of the certificate.

This way hes showing the Recruiter that his Certificate is issued by a competent organization, which he has mentioned below.

In this resume, the writer didnt include the serial number, but she made her certifications section easy to be spotted and there is no extra information to distract.

When wondering which certifications to choose, use the ones which actually taught you something. If you write the year you have taken them use reverse-chronological order.

That way the Recruiter will easily see which certificate is your latest achievement.

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Certifications In A Minor Section On Your Resume

Do you need more space on your resume, like people with a lot of work experience? Another resume format that works great is a a small dedicated certificates section. This smart resume space-saving tactic is especially effective when the section is placed in the smaller column of a 2-column resume template.

Putting certifications in a side section is highly recommended for certificates that youâve classified as optional. Or if you can fill major space on your resume with relevant experiences.

This data analyst resume example shows how strategic placement of a small dedicated Certifications section creates more room for the experience section.

In Your Education Section

You may have a certification that you obtained while in school and isn’t directly related to the role. If the certification confers a useful or transferrable skill, you may include it in the education section. You can do this by creating a bulleted list after the name of your institution and including the name of the certification. Remember to include the name of the issuing authority and the date you received it.


  • SkillUP Training Insitute, Toronto, Ontario

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How To Write Certifications On Your Resume

How you write a certification on your resume is key to making sure the hiring manager can find the most important pieces of information in the first few seconds of scanning your resume.

In general, each certification should include:

  • The name of the certification, along with the most common abbreviation
  • The issuing body or location where the training was completed
  • The date issued
  • The expiration and/or renewal date

Each of these pieces of information helps a hiring manager learn more about your career story and interest in the profession. It also gives them practical information about how far back you might have learned the relevant skills. By adding the date completed, you allow the hiring manager to verify your certification with the governing body.

Can I list a certification in progress on my resume?

Not only can you, you probably should! Certifications in progress show employers that youve invested your time into the field because youre passionate about the possibilities. If the certification is part of a larger education program, then you may want to include it underneath your degree in progress. If not, it can go in a separate certification section with all the usual identifying information plus your anticipated completion date.

Optional Certifications On A Resume

Certificates and Certifications on Your Resume

This category of certificates are usually not part of the employerâs resume filter criteria. However, including credible certificates can greatly improve your chances of winning an interview. Especially in those few seconds that employers look at your resume before deciding to either continue reading or toss the resume out.

Optional certificates might be very effective for college students as well as those changing careers. These certifications may also be a way to stand out if you’re applying in industries such as Architecture and Engineering, where only 24% of those employed hold certifications.

If presented correctly, including optional certifications, such as those acquired from online courses or universities, can be a strategic way to get noticed and land an interview. As long as itâs relevant to the job, some optional certifications may appear as highly desirable.

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How To Find Relevant Resume Certifications For Your Candidacy

This absolute guide would be a bookmark-worth article as this contains relevant certifications for many professions.

Before starting working on any certification course, create a list of at least 5 prestigious certifications and professional licenses that would amaze the hiring managers it would depend on your career objectives and the jobs youre planning to apply for.

In addition, you can check with your local professional bodies for relevant certifications and licenses for your profession along with the procedure to acquire them. They would provide you with information about the online certification programs, new certification courses, and Continuing Professional Development Certifications for the earlier acquired certifications.

Another great source would be what the recruiter is looking for they would mention the mandatory licenses and certifications required for you to perform the job and the certifications that would put you at an advantage. The same information would be available in the relevant job description.

Make a list of them and try to acquire a couple of important certifications before applying for jobs. You can put it in your resume as soon as you do the official registration. If the certification program is not completed, mention it as In progress.

Project Management Professional Course

Cybrary provides tons of free and paid courses on different topics. The Project Management Professional course teaches you how to initiate, plan and manage any project and takes just over five hours to complete. It is a globally recognized, free certification that will help you get your foot in the door whether you work in Project Management or not.

Project Management is a great skill for anyone to have because it shows hiring managers that you can take charge and solve problems. But its especially useful for engineers, healthcare professionals, financial professionals, and more.

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