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How To Put Stay At Home Mom On Resume

Entry Level Stay At Home Mom Resume


If you want to embark on a career after baby is off to big school, dont let your entry level Stay at Home Mom resume stop you. However before anything else, here are a few things you should consider:

  • Education How far did you go? If you did not finish high school, make sure you have a GED score.
  • Skills Make an accounting of your skills and see which one you can best apply for your new career choice.
  • Certification courses Review the jobs available and take note of the common requirements. If you dont have these skills, invest in certification courses.
  • Work experience If you have zero work experience, you have no choice but to include activities that could be considered practical application of required skills. This includes volunteer work and freelance services.

In an entry level resume for Stay at Home Mom, you have to use the Functional format to highlight your strengths and qualifications. The sections of your resume should be arranged as follows:

  • Contact Information
  • Personal Information

Do: Consider A Chronological Resume With A Robust Summary

The best resume style for re-entering professionals is more of a hybrid between showcases my skills and core proficiencies and chronological. The most common resume style is exactly this.

You highlight the stuff youre most proud of, best known for, and can completely kill it at in your next job in an Executive Summary section at the top. Then, you create a Core Proficiencies section that outlines the things you know how to do . Finally, you get into your career chronology, listing the most recent positions first and working backward.

For more tips on writing that summary, check out these three examples, and for more information on resume formats, read about the chronological resume and combination resume.

Connect With Your Network

One of the best stay at home mom resume tips for reentering the workplace is to reconnect with your professional network. Send your resume around to a few of the most trusted to provide you with feedback. Use the opportunity to ask about any job openings they may know of. Not only with you gain valuable tips on your resume, you will refamiliarize your network with your experience and announce you are back.

Your professional network can be key to thriving following an employment gap. Before becoming a stay at home mom, develop strategies to stay in touch with a group of prioritized contacts. Drop them an email, give them a call, follow them on social media and engage with their posts. It doesnt have to be a lot, but enough to keep your name familiar.

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Mom Problem Solving Worksheet

Being at home with small kids is;dang hard work.

And Im way more capable than I;previously thought.

So, stay at home mom, if and when you decide to go into the work force dont feel insecure you took a few years out. Ive created a resume for you that you may feel free to copy, paste, and personalize.

Go forth into the marketplace and see how this season of life at home has actually helped you become a better version of you. Because, after all, children are not in the way.

How To Write A Stay

How to Write a Stay at Home Mom Resume

Most resumes dont get more attention than 15 seconds: did you know that? Crafting a strong stay-at-home-mum resume is not only important, it is mandatory!Lets start from answering the biggest question for someone like you: Should I be honest with my career gaps or should I just hide them?.

Its quite simple: honesty goes a long way. Why would you like about something that will eventually come up? Why would you lie about those years you spent being, pretty much, the CEO of your family?

Thats why we strongly suggest the reverse-chronological resume format, with some honesty as its dressing on the side. You want to get your top achievements at the top, to make sure that the recruiter keeps on scrolling down.

Use a friendly yet professional tone, it is way better than a simple fact-to-fact style! We would definitely avoid a funny undertone: professionalism goes a long way!

Clear, powerful fonts are a must and they can be more impressive than some that are impossible to understand for the recruiter.

Dont use many colors, rainbows are for your kids only!

You also want to make the recruiters day as easy as it gets: big headings, clean white spaces and no typos are a must!

Last but not least: save your stay-at-home-mom resume as a .pdf to keep the layout intact

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What Filled The Gap Between Jobs On Your Resume

Stay at home mothers find ways to be involved, from leading a Daisy group, to serving on a PTO, to volunteering at a local food shelter. These activities help to fill gaps on your resume, keeping your experience recent and relevant.

These experiences can be included on your resume as Relevant Experience. During your time out with your children, you can also consider creating a consulting company, and list all the volunteer, pro bono, and consulting projects.

If you have little or no work experience, you might consider leading off with your education, especially if it is relevant to the position you are applying to.

Remember, the resume is not a static document! Sections can, and should be moved easily. With this approach, you may consider using the old-fashioned career objective as long as it is focused on the position you are applying to, and is not vague with canned language.

For more details How to Handle Employment Gaps on Your Resume.

Stay At Home Mom Resume Tips To Help You Translate Your Skills

Learn how to attract employers and find the perfect mix of parenting and professionalism with these stay at home mom resume tips.

Stay at home moms face significant barriers when returning to the workforce. Perhaps the most glaring is the 30% pay decrease that moms face after just two or three years away from the job. While men are given bumps in pay for having children, womens wages are reduced because they are viewed as less committed, competent, and productive.

COVID has not improved the situation. Inroads were being made to lure stay at home moms back into the workforce before the pandemic. However, the advances made when the job market was tight have now been clawed back. Research shows that more women than men were laid off. In addition, many women are now putting off returning to work or are being forced out of the workforce due to increased caregiving demands.

However, if you are a stay at home mom dedicated to returning to the workforce, below are 13 tips to optimize your stay at home mom resume and secure the stay at home job or hybrid office job of your dreams.

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How To Write A Good Stay At Home Mom Resume

Unemployment gaps are normal in a resume. Recruiters understand the challenges of finding a job and keeping one. That is to say, it is to be expected that everyone goes through periods of unemployment in his career.

However, what is of greater concern for HR people is the length of the unemployment gap. Generally, 4 months is acceptable. In excess of 4 months might hinder your job search.

Stay-at-home moms remain unemployed for more than 4 months. For many, this is by choice. They want to make sure the children can take care of themselves before deciding to go back to the workforce.

Then, there is an unfair perception of stay-at-home moms.

According to a study published by the Harvard Business Review, ;stay-at-home moms are half-as-likely to receive a callback for a job interview as unemployed mothers.

HR officers are of the opinion that time away from work may have eroded their skills. They also believe that stay-at-home moms may be conflicted about working in the office and staying home with the kids.

Faced with these challenges, writing a good stay-at-home mom resume becomes more important. Keep in mind that the resume is your first point-of-contact with the recruiter. ;It must make a great impression on the person reading it.

Here are a few tips on how to write a stay-at-home mom resume that would get you the job interview:

1. Use the Combination Format

2. Include Volunteer Work

3. Mention Freelance Jobs

4. Did You Learn New Skills? Add Them

Stay At Home Mom Resume Objective

Writing A Stay At Home Mom (or Dad) Resume

Self-motivated remote bookkeeper. Seeking to save money for Atkins Building Supply. As receptionist at Ervin Medical Clinic, facilitated QuickBooks accounting and facilitated payroll processing. Worked with customers on past-due accounts to save $20,000 yearly.

Hard-working stay-at-home mom seeks position as bookkeeper, working remotely. Im a good listener, quick to understand the job and a very self-motivated individual. Ive never yet worked as a bookkeeper but Im looking for a company that will take a chance on me.

The first of those stay at home mom resume examples works the details.

That also works for a stay at home mom returning to work.

Finally, write your summary last. Youll nip writers block in the bud.

Expert Hint: Its easier to get hired with a SAHM resume than even 5 years ago. Google work from home jobs + . Then click the blue jobs bar for lots of openings.

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Stay At Home Mom Resume: Personal Information

The personal information section in your homemaker resume should consist of the following details:

  • Contact number
  • Current location

Your Contact number

Provide only the active number that you use for a recruiter to get in touch with you. They would not bother calling you repeatedly till they get you on the line.

Remember, it is you who is looking for a job because in a sea of resumes the recruiter can always pick other eligible applicants if they cannot get to you.

Give your countryâs ISD code as a prefix before your phone number and a plus sign before the ISD code.

Example: 82374 29371

Email ID

As your email ID is the official means of communication between you and the recruiter, it should be professionally composed and should not include fancy email names.

Take a look at the examples below:

Example 2:

On observing both examples, you will find that example 2 looks more professional.

Example 2 uses the real full name as their email ID. This is the correct way of composing emails.

Current Location

Always give your current location in your resume. If you are looking for a job in your own country, simply mention the city and state you are living in.

In case you are looking for a job in another country, simply mention the name of the city and country you are residing in.

Our Guide to writing personal information can help you have a better understanding of this section.

Your personal information should look as given below:

Example #: Resume For Mom Or Dad With A Little Experience

Even if your work experience is a little lacking, the above resume style is OK for you as well, but you have another option too. The next style of resume is even better if your education is relevant to the position for which you are applying.

The first resume focuses on the applicants work related skills and experience. If yours is limited, you can instead start with your education.

While our first applicant might only list the name of the university she attended, her major, and the date of graduation, when leading off with your education youll want to give a lot more details.

This applicant, Valerie Perkins, doesnt have enough professional experience to focus on her skills and work history. She decided to use a carefully crafted resume objective to show why she would be a great candidate for the open Assistant Manager position followed by her education.

Target your Career Objective to each specific job youre applying for. It can be as simple as changing the position.

Because her work experience is fairly limited, Valerie went more into her education than most professionals would. She listed her GPA because it was over 3.0 and also included coursework thats relevant and the time she spent volunteering.

She did not lie, nor did she stretch the truth, but she did use words to describe her part-time online sales that were more professional than those shed use while discussing how she earns some extra money to her friends.

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Address Your Employment Gap

Of course, every employer will wonder why your career history does look that fresh. Instead of leaving them to wonder, you can proactively address the employment gap in several ways:

  • List your SAHM experience as a job entry. Give your position a title , include dates and outline the activities and skills you have gained during that time.
  • Alternatively, you can describe your situation in a cover letter. State that you have been raising kids for some time, and did this and that in the meantime. Dont go into explaining what an awesome mom you were. Instead, focus on the skills youve gained, plus highlight volunteering/community experience .

Event Management And Planning Skills

Resume of a Stay at Home Mum

Your event management skills are showcased whenever you plan those children parties. Most of the time, you will have to find the perfect location, create and manage a list of visitors, plan the entertainment, get the right food, and so forth.

All this can only be pulled off if you have excellent pre-planning skills. But apart from that, your actual event management abilities are tested by how well you manage the occasion itself.

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Do You Mention Stay At Home Mom On Resume

No – you do not include “Stay at home mom” on a resume. You can briefly mention it on the cover letter .

Remember that you can list volunteer work or self employment on your resume to make up for these gaps.

Did you do any freelance work? Run a business or do any remote work/consulting? If so, this can be listed as a position on your resume just like your other work experience.

If you don’t have anything to list – it’s not the end of the world. Keep networking and apply to as many positions as you’re qualified for. Hiring managers understand that people become parents and need some time off.

Is Stay Home Mom An Occupation

Many women returning to the workforce after having children say they face a challenging welcome back. Professional networking site LinkedIn recently added a new feature, allowing parents to use stay-at-home mom or stay-at-home dad as a job title. Bolen logged on to LinkedIn to begin her search.

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How To Put Stay

After you have crafted your resume summary statement, you will want to include your time as a stay-at-home mom in your work experience section.

This section is where you have to be very conscientious about what you write. Writing a good work summary and work experience section for a stay-at-home mom is all about framing.

Some employers may think that staying at home to parent is a lapse in job experience, but if framed correctly, they will see what you see: staying at home to parent is a valuable, full-time job experience.

When thinking about what to write in your stay-at-home section, be honest, but highlight what you have done versus focus on a gap in employment.

So to prevent recruiters and potential employers from picturing you sweeping up cookie crumbs, try and avoid using domestic words unless you are applying for a childcare, teaching, or cleaning position.

The next thing you have to keep in mind is that these days, most resumes are first sorted through a computer program that is looking for specific keywords.

You want to emphasize the skills you use as a stay-at-home parent. Some skills include: management, delegating, financial planning skills, organization, time management, and multitasking.

Utilize these keywords when describing your experience as a stay-at-home parent and it will help your resume be picked up by resume software.

Choose The Optimal Resume Format

How to enter the workforce after being a stay at home mom

There are three main resume formats out there:

  • Chronological resumes listing your work experience in reverse chronological order. Its a standard among recruiters. Opt for this option if you plan to list your SAHM experience.
  • Functional resumes place the emphasis on your skills and abilities over specific job history. This is a more creative resume format, thus it may not be suitable for every position.
  • Combination resumes a happy combo of the above types. It organizes the information in skill themes as the functional one does, but these themes are backed by more detailed work history. This is a good choice for a stay at home mom resume too, but again, it may not resonate with every employer.

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What Does A Mom Do All Day

A stay-at-home mom works many jobs throughout the day. In fact, many stay-at-home moms arent home much at all because theyre running kids all over town to school, soccer practice, dance lessons, and doctors appointments, plus attending school meetings, grocery shopping, and running other errands.

What Is A Stay At Home Mom Resume & Why Do You Need It

Your homemaker resume acts as the first point of communication between you and the recruiter. It is your ticket to landing a job to help you restart or kickstart your career.

Your stay at home mom resume is the first step towards your dream job. It is a virtual representation of your skills which is required for the job that you are seeking.

The recruiters get an insight into your professional experience and your capabilities through your resume. Your goal here is to make sure that your resume is flawless and impressive to get an interview call for your target job.

But the one thing that you need to tackle here is the ATS system. Most recruiters rely on the ATS for their hiring needs.

If your resume gets parsed by the ATS system, it has a higher chance of ranking in the ATS system, which means your resume will have a higher chance of getting shortlisted.

You need to curate a resume which is ATS-targeted. A resume that is not ATS-targeted might fall short and may end up never getting shortlisted.

While writing an ATS targeted resume is not easy, it is something that you can accomplish with this guide.

This guide will help you write a job-winning stay at home resume from scratch.

To learn the tricks and trade of writing a resume, read Hiration’s Guide on How to Write a Resume.

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