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Do Moocs Look Good On Resume

It Displays Relevant Standout Skill Sets

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Applicants often struggle to convey what they can actually do for a company. Speaking confidently about a skillset that youve developed can help guide interviewers in the right direction. Online courses on your CV provides a clear-cut example of what you know and what you can get done.

Online courses are also a great way to showcase unique skills that set you apart from other qualified candidates, which is becoming increasingly important as more and more companies look for candidates with a diverse mix of experience .

For example, if youre a marketing professional, it can be beneficial to highlight additional data analysis skills. These skills may even help you negotiate a higher salary. According to Burning Glass Technologies, often, the introduction of a single hybrid skill can increase salaries by up to 40%.

Looking to add unique skill sets to your resume? Try an introductory program in data science or computer science, or strengthen soft skills with a certificate in agile project management.

Udemy Vs Coursera: Instructors

With Udemy, anyone can host a course on the site. That means it may be tough to tell if the instructor is legitimately a subject matter expert, and quality may vary widely from one class to the next. However, while there are no educational or professional requirements to meet, instructors do have to verify their identity and confirm they have the legal right to publish the content.

On the other hand, only universities, businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies can currently partner with Coursera to create educational content. Since the platform only features classes from well-regarded entities, it may be easier to trust the quality and accuracy of the information you receive.

Online Courses In Depth

Massive open online courses are a great resource for anybody wanting to learn something new and its easy to sign up to one, but it can be hard to make the most of them, as its you who…

Eluceo helps students of all ages attain their full potential through education and one way they can achieve this is through the use of Massive Open Online Courses . Join me in assessing the world of MOOCs…

Online courses are a great way to show that youve extra talents on your CV and in interviews, and if youve done some in your lifetime, let employers know about it. It’s often difficult for employers to gauge you…

What do you expect life after college? Perhaps, you want to explore the world, begin a summer job, or even want to volunteer in your local community.

Completed an online course and want to tell future employers about it? One great way to show off your skills is to put it on your CV, but whats the best way to do this?

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How Employers View Mooc Certificates In 2018

Editorial & Community Lead at EdTechX | Founder & CEO at MoocLab – Connecting people to online learning

According to a report published by MoocLab in December 2017, the total global number of MOOC participants is estimated to be in excess of 100 million learners worldwide. While some learners take MOOCs out of personal interest, for others, enhancing their job prospects is the primary goal by gaining course certificates. This raises the question of how these courses and certificates are viewed by potential employers, especially in comparison to more traditional credentials.

The fundamental point of concern is the credibility of MOOCs and certificates, and whether or not these are taken seriously by employers. The MOOC providers answer to this has been ID verification methods such as webcams, keystroke analysis, valid photo identification and in-person test centres in order to verify the identity of participants and confirm that they have completed the work submitted in their name. In addition, employers are able to verify the authenticity of an ID verified certificate using a unique verification URL printed on the certificate itself.

“Being able to prove that a certificate is genuine doesnt help with verifying the actual course content and the level of education acquired through taking a MOOC.”

“There is already evidence of a growing number of corporates using MOOCs for workforce development.”

Why Should I List Online Courses On A Resume

What Does A Good Resume Look Like

Listing online courses on your resume can have numerous benefits when applying to jobs. These reasons include:

  • Demonstrates your development: Participating in online courses aimed at your professional development shows employers your interest in continuing to grow your skills and knowledge. Some certifications can demonstrate to employers that you can perform the tasks of the role effectively.
  • Differentiates you from other candidates: When compared against other candidates, your online training could help you stand out as a more knowledgeable or advanced candidate. You may be able to demonstrate you have qualifications that others do not.
  • Fills in career gaps: If you have an employment gap on your resume, listing online courses taken during that time shows that you remained active. It shows employers that you were working on advancing your skills while searching for a new job to stay competitive as a candidate.
  • Helps tailor your resume: A tailored resume incorporates keywords from the job description. Some employers list certification or training requirements, so having a dedicated section for online training can make it easier for you to include those keywords and pass applicant tracking systems.

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Put Them In Their Proper Place

Across the board, the hiring managers and recruiters I spoke with agreed that MOOCs and other online courses can help make the case that you can do the job. However, they also think these classes shouldnt be the star of the show. As Anne Lewis, the Director of Sales and Recruitment for Betts Recruiting, a firm specializing in recruitment for technology companies, told me, In general, MOOCs can help to make candidate profiles stronger, especially junior candidates that dont have as much experience.

If youve taken courses that have taught you something that will help you on the job, by all means, include them on your resume, she says. Just keep the list of courses short, and confine them to a single, small area, such as a Professional Training section under your work history.

How Do You List Coursera Courses On Your Cv

You can list your Coursera course certificates on your CV, and you should place these certificates in the Education section of your CV.

Some people also recommend creating an additional section in your CV under Education called Continuing Education where you can list the course you completed on Coursera. Others suggest you should put your course certifications under Achievements. Its totally up to you.

You can add as many courses as you like here, but if you have completed many, then it might make sense to make a selection. Choose only the courses that are relevant for the job posting youre applying for.

Here are a few additional tips you should know in this regard.

  • Dont place individual courses on your CV. Instead, add specializations or even full degrees if you have them. Only place individual courses if you dont have specializations.
  • Do NOT put the courses assignments under your achievements. This would just make the employer assume you dont have any other achievements to your name.
  • Only list the courses that are relevant to the job posting youre applying to.

Hope this helps.

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What Should I Find Out About A Course Before Signing Up

Whether the course youâre interested in is going to take two days or ten weeks, itâs a good idea to double check:

  • who is running the course
  • what content and modules will be covered
  • whether there are any entry requirements or you’ll be expected to have prior knowledge
  • if there is a deadline to apply for a place or enrol on the course
  • if the course is beginner, intermediate or advanced
  • how long the course is and how much time you will need to commit
  • if you can complete it at any time or if there is a set start and end date
  • if thereâs any cost attached â such as an upfront course cost, a fee for a certificate at the end or required learning materials
  • what form the course takes eg videos, reading, quizzes, weekly assignments
  • whether learning will be completely independent or if thereâs any support/collaboration
  • if thereâs an assessment of some sort at the end or throughout the course
  • if youâll get a certificate or other form of recognition on completion.

How To Showcase Your Mooc Knowledge

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Use your experience with MOOCs to get a great job or internship.

Many education experts agree that MOOCs are rapidly changing the education world and students access to information. Anyone can sign up for the free online classes offered by many of the countrys elite universities, including Princeton University, UC Berkeley, and MIT through companies like Coursera, Udacity, and EdX. One of the major benefits of MOOCs is that you can gain knowledge and skills that will help you land your dream job or internship if you present your experience to employers well.

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Dont Stop At The Education Section

Because getting your MBA equivalent using MOOCs is still pretty innovative, its a good idea to present your MBA in another way instead of just writing it on your resume and letting your potential employer figure out what it means and if its important or not. Remember: its your job to tell them why its important. For those of you who are applying for jobs that require an MBA, this is going to be especially important. And, even if an MBA is not a requirement, youll want to take control of how the conversation goes. The best way to do that is to start the conversation yourself.

Youve got two options here: 1) key qualifications section of your resume or 2) cover letter. Notice I said or. I wouldnt mention your MBA in both spots because it would be overkill. Choose the option that works for you.

Are Udemy Or Coursera Course Certificates Valuable

Udemy and Coursera course certificates can be valuable. While Udemy is not an accredited institution, some employers might like to see position- or industry-relevant classes listed on your resume.

Some Coursera courses are part of industry certification or college degree programs, and some offer continuing education credits. Because of this, a certificate from Coursera will likely carry more weight with educational institutions and employers.

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What Are Online Courses

Online courses refer to training that you can take virtually to build specific skills or knowledge. They are sometimes referred to as MOOCs or massive open online courses. These programs often offer a more affordable and convenient learning experience for users. You can find free options to boost your general abilities, though these may not provide a degree or professional certification. If you need a specific certification, you often need to seek out paid options from providers with authority or accreditation.

Moocs And Your Resume

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Should you put your MOOC experience on your resume? Yes! Aline Lerner, a recruiter for technology companies, believes that having MOOCs on your resume tells potential employers positive things about your character. Going out of your way to learn new things on your own time while juggling the rest of your life is, in some ways, much more impressive than just doing homework for four years at ye olde college, she says on her website.

You can put your MOOC experience in the education section of your resume or the skills section . If you choose to add it to the education section, include the name of the college and any third party company you used to access the course. For instance, if you took a Columbia University MOOC through Coursera, indicate that on your resume.

Alison Farmer is the Vice President of Learning and Development at Aquent, a staffing firm that uses MOOCs to help participants find great jobs. She emphasizes the importance of context on resumes. “It’s important to specify that completed , were certified, oreven betterto bullet out the skills gained during the course that can now be applied on the job,” she says. For a course on web design, you might list the software or programming languages you learned how to use. When working on your resume, be sure to think about how the skills you learned in a MOOC are relevant to the job you want.

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Within The Cover Letter

One of the best ways to show off your achievements in online learning is through your cover letter. This is especially useful if you can discuss how your professional learning has been used in your more recent jobs and how they can help in the position you are applying to. If youre submitting your resume electronically, you can even link to the course profiles.

How Do You Showcase Your Mooc Coursework On Your Resume

Ive been asked this question many times in comments on the blog, in emails from readers, and in interviews with the media. Its also a topic I cover in my new book Dont Pay For Your MBA.Fortunately, there is no single right way to put MOOCs on your resume.

My high school English teacher used to say, All writing is creative. While your resume should be based in fact, not fiction, you can absolutely use some creativity when highlighting your MOOC-based business education. Below are four places MOOCs might show up on your resume. Be sure to download the free resume template that accompanies this post for more advice on how to showcase MOOCs on your CV.

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One Important Thing To Remember About That Mooc On Your Resume

You might have read through these factors and thought man, I really wanted to mention that class! Or, maybe youre still on the fence about how to list an online class on your resume.

Whatever the case, remember one thing: your MOOCs can always be listed on your LinkedIn profile. If youre sad about killing a Coursera course or edX course on your resume, it can be given a new life on LinkedIn.

Supplemental information like non-crucial MOOCs . Since you have more space to include them and your LinkedIn profile is not tied to just one job, they can give a complete picture of you as a professional.

You now have the information to decide whether or not you should include each of your MOOCs on your resume. Great!

Now, check out this blog for information on where and how to list these classes on your resume.

Ready for more job search help?

Start landing more interviews with our free eBook you’ll learn our professional resume writers’ 3-step process for writing better resume bullet points, plus 70 ideas for numbers you can use in your resume!

What Are The Disadvantages Of Online Teaching

How to Write The BEST Resume in 2021 – NEW Template and Examples INCLUDED

5 Disadvantages to Consider about Online EducationLack of accreditation and low quality. Before you enroll in any online course, check that the program is accredited and verify this information with the accrediting agency. Little or no face-to-face interaction. More work. Intense requirement for self-discipline. Even more intense requirement for self-direction.

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Can Coursera Get You A Job

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

Coursera is one of the most popular online learning platforms where you can develop a new skillset or brush up on your existing skills. One of the most common questions people ask is: Can Coursera get you a job?

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Udemy Vs Coursera: Available Courses

Both e-learning platforms let you search by subject matter to find the right course of study for you. On Udemy, you can learn both professional and personal skills. Some of the top categories include design, marketing, IT/software, business, music, and personal development.

With Coursera, classes are primarily geared toward furthering your career. Topics include data science, business, computer science, health, engineering, social science, math, and more.

If youre interested in personal development or want to take lifestyle courses about subjects like gaming, home improvement, and travel, Udemy has a lot to offer. But if your learning needs are more academic or professional, you should check Coursera first.

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Can Moocs Get Me A Job

Written by Pat|

Currently, different employers have different opinions about the value of MOOCs. Some dismiss them as equal to a paid online course where everyone who pays the course fee will end up passing and getting a certificate, no matter how well or how badly they perform in the course. Others recognize the knowledge gained.

Rather than simply displaying a bunch of MOOC certificates on their resume, many learners emphasize the knowledge and skills gained in MOOCs. As well as expertise in the topic, MOOC learners demonstrate self-motivation, time management skills, and the ability to set and meet goals.

MOOCs can also help you improve your job application and interpersonal skills. See 150+ Online Courses To Help Your Career.

As things stand now, you cannot earn official credit or an online degree for free. You will need to enroll and pay through a university. If you already have a relevant degree, you can use MOOCs to develop your expertise in a particular field of interest.

Also see our FAQ: Will I receive any academic course credit for completing a class?

Class Central’s Help Center represents our best effort to answer the most common questions new learners face. It may not be completely accurate in every circumstance.


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