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Functional Resume Template Free

Jobscans Management Resume Template 2

How to Build a Functional Resume

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This ATS resume template highlights industry knowledge, interpersonal skills, the ability to delegate, and leadership qualities. The summary and skills at the top let you put the most important pieces of a longer work history front and centerfor when its time for a human to look at your resume.

Why Recruiters Dislike The Functional Resume

Recruiters dislike functional resumes for two reasons. First, some job applicants use the functional resume to conceal information. For example, it may be used to cover up large gaps in employment or a lack of experience in general, since the main focus is on skills rather than career history. Second, it is difficult to read since the meat of the resume, the experience and education sections, is not featured at the very top.

Our recruiter contact told us a story from his own job search history, back when he tried using a functional resume to make the jump from sales to the HR industry:

I actually paid someone to do for me. Whenever I would hand it to someone who was screening at a job fair, I would watch their eyes, and they would skip right past everything at the top of the resume and go straight to my work history and look at the job titles. I would repeatedly watch them do this. Then I finally got myself into the HR industry where I was screening resumes and I do the exact same thing.

Why do recruiters hate this format?

Youre taking information out of context, said the recruiter. Its easier to BS your way through to make things sound glamorous. Within the context of where took place, it gives me a better idea of whats going on.

When To Use A Functional Resume

Its better to use a functional resume in the following situations:

  • Youre a recent graduate with no work experience. As the functional resume focuses on skills rather than experience, it can be very helpful to students.
  • Youre switching careers. If you have some work experience, but the said experience isnt relevant for the position youre applying for, you can use a functional resume to highlight how your skills make you the right candidate.
  • You have a long history of unemployment . Since the functional resume format focuses on skills, you can use it to downplay your work experience gaps.
  • That being said, in around 90% of cases, we dont recommend using a functional resume.

    While it does have its perks , it also comes with significant downsides.

    First off, its nowhere near as popular as the traditional resume format, and in certain parts of the world, recruiters might not even know that the functional format is a thing.

    In addition, some recruiters might find the lack of work experience in a resume suspicious because it can hint the candidate isnt being truthful .

    These 2 disadvantages combined make a compelling case against the functional resume format.

    So, if you do decide to create a functional resume, weigh the pros and cons and proceed at your own risk!

    Want to also learn how to create a traditional resume? Check out our guide!

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    What Is A Functional Resume

    A functional resume is a type of resume format that allows you to emphasize your specific job skills by categorizing your work history by the abilities you are best at.

    To think of it another way, a functional resume is a different way to organize the content of your resume.

    The purpose of the functional resume is to overwhelm the recruiter with positive information in the top half of the resume. That way, by the time they get to any weaker spots, they may have already convinced themselves how great of a fit you are.

    Functional Resume Example And Writing Tips

    Functional Resume Template

    Depending on your work history, you may want to consider using a functional resume. A functional resume focuses on the skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate for a position.

    Unlike a traditional resume, the functional resume does not highlight your chronological work history. Instead, it focuses on the skills you have developed that fit the requirements of the job for which you are applying.

    Functional resumes are ideal for people who have gaps in their employment histories or are new to a particular industry.

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    Choosing The Right Resume Format And Template

    Chronological resumes are most commonly used, and they are a good option for professionals with 2+ years of relevant work experience. Functional resumes are less common but good for people with little to no work experience or who operate in the gig/freelance economy. Finally, the combination resume is an option for professionals who have extensive work experience or less relevant work experience.

    Learn more and read our article: Best resume formats

    In general: if you are applying for a job within the U.S. or for a U.S.-based organization, use a resume template. When applying for a job within Europe or for a European organization, use a CV template.

    Learn more about the differences: Resume vs. CV

    Resumeways Free Template 1100010

    This template keeps things short, elegant, and easy to read. The colored graphic at the top adds a nice design element to stand out, especially against a straightforward layout that places your most recent job experience at the top and education and skills below. Just be sure to delete the icons next to the contact information and move it to the body of the resume.

    Also Check: How To List Technical Skills On Resume

    Top Free Functional Skills

    Here’s the deal:

    The bold monogram resume has a red and white color scheme that can easily be changed to a different color. Plus, this template uses color blocking to highlight important sections in your resume template.

    The Functional Resume: An Introduction

    Functional Resume Sample | Use This Resume To Quickly Change Careers

    The functional resume format is applicable for individuals with a great deal of education and training and/or a strong set of job-related skills. This includes new graduates or experienced workers transferring to a new industry where their skills and education will apply. It is also good for people who have worked for a limited number of organizations and whose skills are more important than the employers they have worked for.

    A functional resume highlights your skills and talents and how they relate to the job youre applying for. Often, the skills you have are the same ones described in the job posting. This type of resume is best for people working in technical or skill base professions, or who are transitioning into a new career.

    My career path hasn’t been smooth. Should I hide it with a functional resume? Being open and honest about your career is the only choice. If you attempt to hide job hopping and career gaps with a functional resume, you guarantee an awkward barrage of probing questions in an interview . Career gaps happen, mistakes happen and people get fired for no reason. Interviewers understand this – a bumpy career history doesn’t mean that you won’t do a fantastic job.

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    An Alternative To The Functional Resume

    I definitely want to see everything laid out in context, said the recruiter. Ive seen plenty of people that try to use a functional resume thats not in that context, and I tell them, Youre just shooting yourself in the foot.’

    That said, recruiters understand that people change careers and cant always count on their work history speaking for itself.

    If youre trying to make that transition, yes, youre going to want to try and list your transferrable skills, said the recruiter. But again, I wouldnt do it so much where youre listing everything at the top . Instead, the recruiter suggested taking a more blended approach.

    List Your Contact Information

    Include the following information at the top of your resume:

    • Your first and last names
    • Current job title
    • Phone number
    • Email address

    Your name should be the largest text on the page, and typed out in a professional resume font.

    If you have a LinkedIn profile or personal website related to the job youre applying for, add it in this section.

    Note that you dont need to include your address on your resume, because recruiters can contact you over the phone or by email. However, you might want to list your address if you already live near the company to show employers you wont need to relocate if hired.

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    Whats The Difference Between Functional And Chronological Resumes

    There is one main difference between a functional resume and a chronological resume: the first showcases your professional skills, the latter your professional work history. Both the functional and chronological resume summarize your technical abilities and break down your experience, qualifications and achievements, but they follow unique formats to do so.

    • Functional resume: Uses multiple skills sections to define and elaborate on your soft, hard and technical skills, adding detail to each of your past successes.
    • Chronological resume: Uses work history to highlight past jobs, and links skills, responsibilities and professional accomplishments to each of your formal roles.

    Prep Your Resume Materials

    Functional Resume Template Free

    Brainstorm the skills and accomplishments you bring to the table. At this stage, it doesnt matter if some of them arent relevant to the job description. Do include educational background, training provided by former employers, technical skills, awards and professional affiliations.

    To help you recall these items, ask yourself the following questions:

    1.Did I train my subordinates or teammates on new skills?

    2.Have I changed a procedure and made it more efficient?

    3.Did I help the company save money?

    4.Did I receive awards or prizes for my productivity?

    5.Have I brought in new clients or projects for my firm?

    6.Have I been promoted, or have my responsibilities increased?

    7.Did I detect a problem and prevent it from escalating?

    Now, list every skill you possess thats mentioned in the job ad. Delete the elements in your brainstorm list that have nothing to do with the job position. Your relevant aptitude and achievements are what will remain.

    Once youre done, refine this list by incorporating the exact keywords that are in the job description. For example, if you wrote communication with clients, but the job ad says customer service, use the latter. You dont know whether your resume is going to be screened by an applicant tracking system at first. Using the same keywords that are in the job ad will help prevent your resume from getting rejected at this initial stage.

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    Who Should Use A Functional Resume

    It is often said that functional resumes are good for people with large gaps in employment.

    The truth is that you will have to disclose your work history at some point and not disclosing that information on your resume makes you look bad. Regardless of the type of resume you use, you should always be listing your employment history with the corresponding dates. Never omit your employment history dates.

    What can be helpful regarding a functional resume is leaving your actual dates of employment at the bottom instead of completely omitting them. This provides the employer with the correct information while hopefully enticing them to overcome any objections based on the earlier sections of your resume.

    With a functional resume, youve turned this potential downside into an upside by showing the number of different skills you have learned and how youve used them to show that you are a good fit for the job. Be up-front, but explain the benefits to any potential downsides they bring up.

    This is also a good resume for people with stable work history who have worked for the same company for many years but have worked across different departments and responsibility levels. The categorized job duties sections let you go into lots of details about the different roles youve held.

    Do I Need A Specific Resume Template For My Job

    You dont need a specific resume template for your job. For the most part, almost all industries can use similar resume templates, unless youre a graphic designer then it can help to create a more creative resume.

    We do have resume examples by job title and industry, and its a great idea to consult one of our samples while customizing your own.

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    Other Types Of Resumes

    Functional and traditional resumes are not the only resume types to choose from. For example, if you want to both highlight your skills and include your chronological work history, consider a combination resume.

    If you are in a creative field , consider using a nontraditional resume. This kind of resume allows you to include visuals, such as graphs and infographics. This way, you can show off your design skills within the resume.

    How Long Should My Resume Be

    Functional Resume Samples | Quick Study

    If you donât have a lot of experience, it is recommended that your resume is a one-pager. Keep it relevant. Listing paperboy routes just for the sake of adding experience to your resume is not recommended. It’s about sending the right message and you only have a very short amount of time to impress the receiver of the document. Make it all count.

    If you are an experienced professional, a two to three pages resume will suffice, but never go beyond three pages.

    The objective for your first page is to match yourself to the job description as much as you can. Always be concise and try to ask yourself: is this experience or skill relevant for the job that I am applying for?

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    What Is A Functional Resume Template

    A functional resume template is a fantastic option for anyone whoâs starting their career or switching to a different field. The focus is on your professional skills rather than your work history.

    Functional resume templates are a format that groups your experience under skill categories instead of job titles to emphasize transferable skills by listing examples of your abilities from both work and personal experiences.

    Functional resumes are perfect for highlighting your experience and are easy to write with our already made template structure.

    Format Of A Functional Resume

    The format of a functional resume is very specific. It is structured to enable recruiters to quickly determine your qualifications for the job and to encourage them to read the complete resume to learn more about you. An easy way to create your resume is to select a functional resume template which you can find online and simply insert your details into the appropriate sections, following the prompts provided by the functional resume template. However, you still need to know what the structure of a functional resume looks like.

    The basic structure for a functional resume is:

    • Name and contact information
    • Title This should match the job title you are applying for
    • Summary of applicable skills and any experience relevant to those listed in the job posting.
    • Hard Skills The emphasis is here. These are the skills directly related to the job
    • Additional Skills Soft skills which complement the job
    • Education Formal, vocational and subsequent training in specific skills
    • Experience Brief listing of employers, dates, and title
    • Industry related certifications

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    Production Management Functional Resume Example

    In this example, we look at a functional resume for a production manager. This example does not include dates in the experience section but does note them in the education section.

    SummaryQuality-driven and industrious production manager with over three years of experience streamlining operations to create competitive production volume, schedules and standards. Identifies waste and inefficiencies to implement targeted improvement strategies.

    Skills and AbilitiesCreating EfficiencyCreated fast-paced operations schedules to encourage high-volume production and reliable shipment times. Implemented quality assurance procedures to reduce waste and material damage, successfully reducing material costs by 10%

    ManagementManaged 30+ warehouse employees including machine operators, logisticians and transportation workers. Conducted monthly safety meetings to ensure the work environment operates efficiently and without hazards.

    Quality AssuranceOversaw production, performing random quality checks and ensuring best practices were followed. Created fast-paced operations schedules to encourage high-volume production and reliable shipment times.

    ExperienceOversaw all safety and quality assurance processes for reliable shipment times and increased customer satisfaction.

    River Tech, Production SupervisorManaged warehouse employees and production performance to ensure efficient logistics from end to end.

    How Do I Format My Resume

    Free Functional Resume Template

    The ideal format for your resume depends on your educational background and work history.

    The majority of job-seekers will use one of these three standard resume formats:

  • Combines aspects of the chronological format and the functional format. Ideal for showcasing both your relevant work experience and technical skills.
  • Don’t Miss: What Information Is Ordinarily Included On A Resume

    Free Blank Resume Templates For Microsoft Word

    Blank resume templates for Word are a great choice when youre in a hurry and dont want to spend too much time formatting the document.

    Each guide on the list above will show you, step-by-step, how to turn a blank document into a job-winning resume.

    With this basic resume template for Microsoft Word, you can quickly draft a chronological resume. .

    This classic free Word resume template can be quickly filled in with the relevant information. The sections are clearly separated from one another with horizontal lines. .

    Modest but stylish. This free resume template for Word has everything a good resume needs. Use it to draft your resume quickly and hassle-free. .

    Expert Hint: A good resume may not be good enough if youre up against 250+ other applicants. Learn how to write a perfect resume.


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