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How Long Should Your Resume Be 2020

College Graduation Date On Resume

How Long Should My Resume Be in 2020: Winning Resume Tips

There is no need to include your college graduation date unless you’re a recent college graduate. Here’s an example of college listed on a resume without dates:

Bachelor of Arts in EnglishUniversity of New York

Here’s an example of a college graduation date listed on a resume:

Bachelor of Arts in English, 2020University of New York

Many people choose to drop their graduation date from their resume when the degree was earned 10 years prior. If you are worried about age discrimination, leaving off this information is a good way to shield your age.

Combine Multiple Related Bullet Points Into One Bullet Point

If you have multiple lines on the same subject within your job experience, you can often combine the statements into one.

Example: Optimize your space by combining functions

  • Ensured our marketing had a positive ROI.

  • Utilized marketing tools to ensure maximum ROI.

  • Managed the marketing team to ensure smooth and efficient projects were deployed.

  • Implemented and managed a marketing campaign with extensive A/B testing to achieve a 190% ROI.

The three bullets can easily be grouped together to form a statement thatâs sure to impress an employer. If you have paragraphs, you should turn those into bullet points as well.

A 1 Page Is Only Necessary When Networking In Person Or Bringing A Summary Resume To An Interview

In fact, it never yielded any interview outcomes at all compared to 2-7 page applications. Research shows that one page in the modern era may even hurt your application success using electronic or ATS methods of application.

1 sheet is a bio to be handed out as a matter of convenience at career fairs, networking events , and does not hold up despite that its the most often cited length by many recruiters !

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How Long Should Your Resume Be In 2021

There is no perfect answer.

Depending on the job description and your work experience, your resume should be one or two pages long. If you have over 10 years of relevant experience, a multi-page resume works better than a one-page.

However, there are a few things you should keep in mind if your resume does go over several pages long. So, be sure to keep reading on!

Highlight Skills You Learned As An Undergraduate

How Long Should My Resume Be in 2020?

You dont need formal work experience to show admissions committees you have a strong set of skills. Use your resume skills section to highlight the hard and soft skills you acquired as an undergrad that seem applicable to graduate school.

Through your coursework, part-time work, and extracurricular activities, youve likely acquired a variety of transferable skills, such as:

Hard Skills

  • Proficiency in one or more foreign language

Most Recent Title or Project Name

Employer or School Name / Location / Start Date End Date

  • Include a bulleted list of your accomplishments
  • Make sure you quantify these bullet points

Most Recent Title or Project Name

Employer or School Name / Location / Start Date End Date

  • List key accomplishments from an earlier position, internship, or project
  • Assuming you no longer actively perform this job or project, make sure you use past tense verbs to describe your experience

5. Skills

Highlight your relevant professional skills. If you dont know what the hiring manager is looking for, try reading through the job requirements and pairing your own abilities with ones in the description.

6. Additional Resume Section

Heres where you can add any other information relevant to your background.

This section could highlight publications, languages, volunteer experience, community service, professional associations you belong to, or any training or certifications.

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The Ideal Resume Length Depends On You

Are you a student or new graduate with qualifications that dont quite fit on one page? Go to two. Are you a CEO with a penchant for getting to the point? Try a one-page resume. The rule is there is no rule.

Dagliano recommends removing resume length from the equation. Ask yourself:

  • Is the content relevant?
  • Is the theme consistent and clear?
  • Is the information current?
  • Does it distinguish you from the competition?
  • Is it well written and grammatically correct?

Resume Length: How Long Should A Resume Be In 2021

Resume length is one of the great mysteries of the job application process. Because of it, you might be wondering, how long should a resume be?

Should it always be one page?

What if you have a lot of relevant experience and need more space to describe it?

If you have a work history that goes way back because youve been working for 25+ years, is three pages okay?

Well, it doesnt help that you can find arguments for just about any length online if you look hard enough.

Fortunately, weve analyzed the resumes of real users hired at competitive companies such as Spotify,, Verizon Digital Media Services, Amazon, Intercom, and more. Instead of throwing opinions around, all your questions about resume length are answered in this guide.


  • Why are there so many opinions about resume length?
  • How long should your resume be in 2021?
  • How far back should a resume go?
  • Should a resume be one page?
  • Whats the ideal resume length for the hiring manager?
  • How to shorten my resume?
  • Summary & Key Takeaways

Alternatively, you can skip this whole section and find a PROVEN resume example for your specific job position. From there, building your resume and seeing what works is simple and easy. Best of all, its free to use!

At any point in time, I would recommend Enhancv as a platform to prepare ones CV. It offers a lot of sample templates as well. Kudos to the entire team and thanks again for getting my dream job! Imran Khan

Recommended Reading: Microsoft Excel Resume Examples

Write A Resume Objective For Graduate School

A strong resume introduction will help you capture the interest of admissions committees and convince them that youre the right candidate for their program. While there are several different types of introductions, a resume objective is the ideal choice for grad school applicants because you can use it to directly target a universitys hiring committee.

Resume objectives inform committee members about your achievements and goals without focusing heavily on your work history or specific skills .

A graduate school resume objective is usually two or three sentences long, and should highlight your:

  • undergraduate degree and grades
  • name of the program and university where youre seeking admission

Heres an example of a well-written graduate school resume objective:

Undergraduate Economics student with proven leadership and research skills. Six months of international internship experience with the UNHCR. Seeking admission into New York Universitys Masters program in Economics with a specialization in Development Economics.

Dont Restrict Work Experience To Work


Recently out of college with little work experience? Consider including major projects and papers you worked on as a student. Group projects and large research papers can involve the types of skills that many employers are after: communication, writing skills, time management, focus, project management, teamwork and research just to name a few, Reynolds said.

It can be tricky to decide where to place this kind of experience on your resume, but if the work youve done has largely occurred in an academic setting, the experts recommend listing it separately under a Relevant Experience section. Use titles like research partner, strategy lead, or project manager, and make clear any time restrictions you were bound by to emphasize that you are comfortable working on a deadline.

Prospective employers will be impressed by your ability to connect the dots from the classroom to the real world and communicate value beyond an assignments scope.

Pro tip: Only highlight projects that are relevant to a potential role.

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Rule 3 Add Keywords Relevant To Your Work Industry And Experience

When potential employers search the web for qualified candidates, they do so by typing in key skills the position requires.

If you add too many of these key terms, your resume looks cluttered, but if you leave something out, they might miss you altogether.

Find a happy keyword balance with good flow!

Note: I tend to focus on keeping experiences and skills directly relating to the role included within the resume.

Do a quick search on your favorite job search engine around the job you are targeting, and find the Must Haves or Required skills, making sure they are well established within your resume.

Describe Your Education And Experience

In a paragraph, explain your education and experience. It’s best to give one or two accomplishments that summarize your career to keep your cover letter short. Look for keywords in the job description that you can relate to in order to keep the hiring manager’s interest. Try to relate some of your experiences to responsibilities in the posting.

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Tips You Need To Write A Killer Resume In 2020

Youve got to write a resume thats going to be noticed by a machine and by a human. Follow these tips, and youre on your way to getting that job you want.

You might think that means including more information, but youd be wrong. The key to success is to be succinct and on point.

Why Do You Need A Cover Letter

How Long Should a Cover Letter Be in 2020?

A cover letter is a chance to detail your qualifications and why you’re a good fit for the job. While it is important to rely on your resume to tell a hiring manager about your experience, a cover letter introduces you and your career achievements. Use a cover letter to explain what you have accomplished and what you hope to achieve in your new job.

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Get Guidance On When You Should Send A One

The right resume length depends entirely on your background.

Resume length is among the biggest quandaries for job seekers. The presiding belief is that if its too long, you risk a hiring manager not reading the whole thing if its too short, you might look like you dont have enough experience. For all the times youve wondered, How long should a resume be? you probably figured the universe has decided on an answer by now. Alas. Theres no magic resume length that works for everyone.

The trick is figuring out the best number of pages for your situation. Follow these tips.

Experiment To See What Works

You dont have a crystal ball to tell you what the idealresume length is for a particular recruiter or employer. There’s no way to know for sure how long your resume be. So, the next best thingyou can do is experiment to see what works.

Create a one-page resume summarizing all your relevantexperience and accomplishment, a synopsis of your professional history if youwill.

Send the regular, two-page resume first. Then if you dont get a responseafter a few weeks, try sending a one-page resume to see if they prefer acondensed application. Doing this simple split test will help you find out how long should a resume be for a professional in you field.

Editorial Note: This post was originally published in 2017 It’s been revised to make it current, accurate, and up to date by our staffwith special assistance from Charley Mendoza and Laura Spencer.

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How Long Should Your Cv Be

Keep your CV concise and to the point. It should be no more than 2 pages of A4 unless you are applying for an academic / research post. Focus on your recent and most relevant experience and achievements. The employer wants to read a tailored CV focused on transferable experience, skills and achievements.

Focus On Your Most Recent Experience

How Long Should My Resume Be?

Your potential employer wants to see your most recent skills and experience. You donât need to include an internship from 15 years ago! If you havenât used those skills since then, they are not going to help you land this job.

This applies to the work experience descriptions on your resume, as well. If you had the same responsibilities under multiple entries, consider including it only under the position you held most recently.

Put the focus on your most recent professional experience. In general, you shouldnât include any jobs from over 15 years ago. This will help you keep the focus on what youâre capable of now, as well as minimize age bias.

Exception: education. Your hard-earned degrees are almost always relevant, no matter how long ago you earned them.

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Can I Use A One

With all this talk about longer is better, youre probably wondering what to do if you dont have a lot of work history, since you may not have enough to create a full one-page resume, let alone a two-page resume.

Most employers know that newer job seekers wont have a lot of experience, so they understand your resume may be shorter. However, there are certain sections you can add to your resume to help fill things out and tell a fuller story of you as a job candidate, without adding unnecessary fluff.

For example, if you volunteer, that can count as a type of work experience. While its not a paid experience, it is experience and demonstrates that youre a responsible individual that people count on. If you were active in any clubs or extracurricular activities at school, add those, too. Even if they werent competitive teams or you didnt hold a leadership position, you were still a part of a team, and teamwork is a much valued and sought after soft skill.

While it may be tempting to help plump up your resume with a larger font size or even wide margins, be careful with these tricks. Recruiters are used to seeing them and may eye yours with a little suspicion if they see that the entire resume is in 18-point font. As a rule, one-inch margins are fine but dont go beyond that. And, dont use anything larger than a 12-point font, the exception being your name or contact information, which can go as high as 14- or 16-point font.

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The 20th Century Advice That A Resume Should Only Be One Or Two Pages Is No Longer Valid

Its great if you can get all your valuable information across in one page or two pages, but that would cheat you the job seeker if you compiled a tiny fonts and tiny margins document to cram 10-15 years of experience into two pages, when you can make it much easier to read in three pages with larger margins and white space.

Heres the deal, since the Fed government has mandated that all applicants for all jobs applied for must be documented, companies have moved to Automatic Tracking Systems and thus forces job applicants to upload resumes, enter data, and track any EEO data offered by the job seeker as part of the reporting and AAP statistics.

Also, recruiters have moved to query for the applicant pool for specific keywords and phrases that will match the open job description. Thus, they dont care if the resume is 4, 5, or 6 pages long if the keywords are in it, and they can see enough information on the first page to incite continued reading.

If they find what they are looking for in the first few pages, great give the applicant a call or push the resume to a hiring manager for interviews.

Recruiters who toss a resume because its over two pages are also cheating themselves and their employer that unique job skills or training on the third page of an applicant resume may be exactly what they are needing.

Frank Grossman

Founder, Resumes That Shine

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How Many Pages Should A Resume Be

Ideally, a resume should be one pageespecially for students, new graduates and professionals with one to 10 years of experience. The reason for this standard is that employers and hiring managers typically only have a few seconds to review your resume, so you should provide the most relevant and impressive information as succinctly as possible.

If you do have many years of relevant experience that results in a multi-page resume, is it acceptable to employers? The straightforward answer to this question is yes. However, there are a couple of things you should keep in mind if your resume spills onto two or even three pages:

To upload the template into Google Docs, go to File > Open > and select the correct downloaded file.

Some Guides Will Advise One Single Page But Its Better To Focus On Keeping Content Relevant More Than It Is To Focus On A Certain Length

How Long Should A Resume Be in 2020? (Recruiter Advice ...

Relevant content should focus on the high-level basics like who, when, how, and why for each significant career milestone. Resumes are not meant to convey the whole picture, but enough to entice the reader into asking for an interview or a follow-up call.

The more the reader is bogged down in unnecessary details, the higher the chance they will be inattentive to the key info you want to draw attention to.

If you are struggling to determine what is relevant, consider asking why an employer should care about that detail?

If a good answer doesnt immediately come to mind, then it doesnt belong on your resume. For starters, avoid biographical details, unnecessary background information, and to rigorously vet each bullet point to make sure it will matter to a potential employer.

Consider the equally important questions of who will be reading your resume, and what are they expecting to see?

Understanding your audience is key to gauging an appropriate resume length. If you are applying directly to a web posting or through a corporate website, your resume will likely go to someone in HR first who isnt as well versed in the specifics of the role and will be hiring across business units and complex skill sets.

Again there is no right length for a resume because like the people they represent, each is a unique mix of variables.

Charlene Walters, MBA, Ph.D.

Writer | Speaker | Business & Branding Mentor | Author of, Own Your Other

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