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HomeWhat To Do When Emailing A Resume

What To Do When Emailing A Resume

What To Write In An Email When Sending A Resume

How To Email a Resume for a Work-At-Home Job

Kerri Twigg what you should write in the body of the email

  • Its likely read by a human, so you dont have to worry about using an ATS-friendly format
  • In general, companies that encourage email applications expect fewer applications
  • If youre sending a resume through email, it might be because someone asked for it thats a great position to be in
  • You can be a bit more casual if you know the person or have a common connection

Subject Line For Resume Email

The second step to submitting a resume online is to have a powerful resume email subject line.

The recruiter has a lot of applications that they have to go through on a daily basis. To make your resume email stand out, you must include a subject line that catches their attention.

Your subject line for resume email should make the recruiter want to read the rest of the email.

The subject should contain the job role you are applying for. It is very impressive if you can include your highest achievement in the subject line, but don’t try to force it.

If you are not applying for any post but only dropping your mail for future prospects, you can mention the field instead of the job profile.

Quick Tip: If you have been recommended by anyone, it is best if you mention it in your subject line. It is possible that the recruiter notices it and you get preference over other candidates!

A perfect example of a powerful resume email subject line could be:

Senior Management Professional Seeking AVP Role at ABC Ltd.

You can make the subject line of your resume email more powerful by including power verbs. Have a look at some of the best power verbs for resumes.

Draft Your Talking Points

At this point, youve updated your resume, but people will find it much easier and quicker to look at a short, bulleted list of where youve been and where you want to go . This should take no more than 10 minutes to pull together, but it will reap serious rewards.

In it, you should include:

  • A list of your last three position titles, companies youve worked for, and responsibilities. Think your resume, but condensed into three bullets.

  • Your ideal job title and function, as well as other job titles and functions youd consider.

  • A list of 4-5 companies youd love to work for, plus their locations.

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    Why Should I Email My Resume To Someone I Don’t Know

    As we mention in our post 9 Tips to Find A Job In Less Than 30 Days, as many as 85% of jobs are filled through networking. If someone in your network can get you in touch with the hiring manager, you have a huge advantage.

    In addition, a recent study estimates that nearly 40% of hires come from employee referrals while only 7% of applications come from those referrals. That’s a HUGE increase in your chances of landing the job!

    Email Body For Sending A Resume

    Emailing a Resume: Sample, Examples &  2021 Complete Guide

    Were going to be very practical with this, as Im definitely going to show you a sample email for a job application with resume. But before that, lets take a look at the perfect email body for sending a resume.

    The perfect email body for sending resume is a well-structured sneak peek of your entire job application.

    While reading through it, the recruiter should be impressed and left hungry for more thereby leading to the ultimate reaction of wanting to read through the rest of the package with immediate effect.

    Lots of people make the mistake of simply pasting their cover letter as the body of their email, but this is actually very wrong because in most cases, recruiters do not go through the entire cover letter, so imagine that same cover letter in the body of your email, would you read through it if you were your own recruiter?

    Most definitely not I think. Your email resume body is a lot better if left short and interesting.

    Here is the order an email for a job application with resume should follow:

    1. Proficient Content Writer seeks a Content Executive position with ABC Airways.

    2. Dear ,

    3. Please find attached to this email, a copy of my resume and cover letter for the Content Executive Position at ABC Airways.

    5. I look forward to a face to face meeting in order to be able to share my thoughts and ideas on the recently completed German Marketing Campaign and how a higher success rate can be achieved.

    6. Sincerely, .

    7. Attachments.

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    Add Your Signature To An Email Message

    It is important to add an email signature featuring your contact details so the recruiter knows how to get in touch with you at a glance. In your signature, include your full name, email address and phone number.

    If you have any business-related social media profiles, , include it in your signature as well.

    Each email server has different steps you must take to set up your email signature. Usually, you can click ‘Settings’ on your email account and find the tab that tells you how and where to add a signature.

    To add your signature to your email message, click on ‘File’, ‘Insert’, ‘Signature’, and type your desired information at the bottom of your message. Once you add a signature, it should automatically be copied to all of your outgoing messages.

    Dont State The Obvious

    Obviously, youre interested in the Virtual Assistantposition, and obviously, because of that fact, you are attaching your resume,and obviously, we will review it Obviously, it was sent by you with five periods, your first name, last name and an emoticon, you know, just for good measure.

    Try this: Why are you interested in the position? Whatinteresting information can a hiring manager learn about your resume Sign off from youremail professionally. Include your first name and last name. Emoticons are for texting, not for trying to get a job.

    Recommended Reading: How To Write An Email With A Resume

    What To Write In Email When Sending A Resume To A Friend

    What do you do when a friend or someone you just met asks you to send in your resume because they heard of a position that may interest you? Or they want to keep you in mind in case there is an available position? When you ask family, friends or acquaintances to help with your search for a job, youre likely to find fresh opportunities as people who met you will gladly lend you a hand.

    What you need to do is send your contact a semi-formal letter with your zero-mistakes resume attached. Sounds easy, right?

    We know that emails dont always play out the way we want it. Here are some questions that may occur when you format your pitch prior to email:

    • Do you send a formal cover letter, even though your friend/contact didnt ask for one?
    • Should you keep copywriting netiquette, casual, personal or strictly professional?
    • If its someone you briefly met, will he/she recalls asking for your resume?

    In this guide, we gather a few of the tips to help when you email your resume to a friend or acquaintance.

    When contacting thanks to a recommendation from a relative, remember with nepotism you keep the reputation of the person you know on the line.

    How To Email A Resume To Get A Job

    How to Email a Resume

    Heres the deal

    Emailing a resume to the hiring manager rather than applying through online forms on job boards can put you in front of most of your competition.

    There are two reasons for this:

    • An email with a resume feels personal. Hiring managers are tired of reviewing those hundreds of identical online applications.
    • It lets you escape the Applicant Tracking Software trapinstead of getting scanned by robots beforehand, your resume is delivered directly to a human being.

    Follow these resume emailing steps:

    Don’t Miss: How To Write Gpa On Resume

    Create Your Subject Line

    Write or update the subject line to explain that you’re updating the email with a missing attachment. This expresses a sense of urgency and explains to the hiring manager that the email contains important information about your application. Here are a few examples of email subjects to consider:

    • Resume attachment for Nicole Gonzales
    • Re-sending application materials
    • Following up with my resume

    Good Subject Lines For Job Applications

    All of the following are good examples of subject lines for sending a resume or submitting any type of email job application:

    • Resume attached for Senior Sales Associate position
    • Applying for Senior Sales Associate role
    • Application: Customer Support Supervisor
    • Re: Social Media Manager position
    • Resume attached
    • Application for HR Coordinator position

    These subject line examples will stand out in the readers inbox and get opened quickly, which is the goal.

    You can choose any of the formats in the examples above, so pick whichever feels most comfortable to you or fits your industry and situation, and youll have a good subject line when submitting your resume.

    You can also include a job ID if thats provided. For example:

    • Applying for Sales Associate
    • Job ID 297121: application

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    Template For An Email To The Hiring Manager:

    Email subject line:

    Email body:

    Dear ,

    My name is and Im applying for your that I heard about from . I have an excellent record of and know that my skills and knowledge would benefit your company.

    Attached, please find my resume and . Should you require anything else, do let me know.

    I look forward to discussing further details about .


    Write An Email Message To Send With Your Cv

    best formats for sending job search emails job cover

    If the employer has asked you to attach your CV and cover letter, the body of the email shouldn’t duplicate your CV. In this case, only write what’s relevant and keep your email brief, reiterating who you are, the job you’re applying for and why, what value you’d add to the company, and, importantly, that your CV and cover letter are attached for review.

    If the prospective employer has only requested a CV as an attachment, then treat the body of the email as your cover letter . If you have already written a cover letter, paste it into the email.

    Finish with a call to action. For example, end the email by saying you’re eager to meet in person to discuss how you can contribute to your prospective employer’s success, suggesting your availability for a screening call or interview.

    Take the time to carefully proofread the message before you send it.

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    How To Include Gpa On Resume With Tips On Formatting

    There’s more than one way to include GPA on your resume, but it’s important to keep formatting consistent. Here are a few things to consider when you decide to put GPA on your resume:

    • Include it in the education section. This section includes the school you’re attending, along with the name of the program and relevant academic achievements. This section may also include continuing education, certifications, or applicable credits.
    • Choose the right GPA. Include your major GPA if it’s higher than your overall GPA. You can include both if you wish, but it’s more strategic to include the higher one if the difference is significant.
    • Format consistently. Write the GPA initialism followed by a colon followed by the number. Keeping this format consistent makes your resume look organized and easy to navigate.
    • Highlight achievements. Place it in parentheses next to your honours title. This is one effective way to format GPA on your resume when you have another academic achievement you wish to highlight.
    • Be honest. Ensure the GPA you provide is accurate and up-to-date. This can reflect well on you as a trustworthy employee if a prospective employer verifies the information on your resume.
    • Some achievements are more notable than your GPA, and it’s best to prioritize awards or other academic achievements if they’re more relevant to the role.

    How To Attach A Resume To Email

    Now that you’ve created a professional resume, you’re readyto submit it to a company. If you’re responding to a job posting, follow theinstructions carefully. If you’re sending the resume to an individual, you’lllikely be using email.

    Be careful about the time you choose to send your resumeemail. An email sent on a Friday, or late in the day isless likely to be read.

    Most email services make it easy to attach a document.Here’s how to attach a resume to email using two common email serviceproviders:

    Recommended Reading: How To Put Honours In Resume

    Who Should I Email My Resume To

    Generally, you want to target the hiring manager, since that is who makes decisions about who to hire. If you are connected to the hiring manager, perfect! For the rest of us, try to find a way to make the connection.

    Start reaching out to friends, colleagues, fellow alumni, etc. You never know who will know someone that can connect you. Thereâs a great chance that youâll eventually find a connection who can get you the information you need.

    A great resource for finding mutual connections is LinkedIn. Search for your target company on LinkedIn and browse the employee list. More likely than not, youâll see at least a few 2nd-degree connections. That’s an awesome start!

    Send a personalized message to those connections and start the dialogue there.

    We have a different post devoting to asking for a job referral with several templates you can adapt to ask for an introduction. For example:

    Hi Anne,

    Hope all is well with you.

    I am wondering whether you have any contacts with your companyâs hiring personnel, and if you would feel comfortable making an introduction. If you feel that youâre familiar enough with my work history and skills to put me in contact with [hiring manager name}, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Keep it short, simple, and to the point.

    Continue your networking efforts until youâre able to secure a referral or a hiring managerâs email address.

    Follow The Employer’s Instructions

    How to email your resume in a professional way

    When you apply for jobs via email, the employer may require you to send your resume and cover letter as an attachment to an email message. It’s important to send your attachments correctly, to include all the information you need so your email message is opened and read, and to let the receiver know how they can contact you to schedule an interview.

    What’s most important is to follow the employer’s instructions and send exactly what they have asked for in the format it’s requested. If you don’t, your message may end up in a spam or trash folder.

    Recommended Reading: Should You Put Your Picture On A Resume

    Mention Youve Attached Your Application Materials

    Actually writing out please find attached my resume or something similar in your email body reminds the hiring manager not to overlook your resume.

    If you use Gmail, typing attached or attachment into the body of your email causes a pop-up to appear if you forget to attach a file.

    Sending your email without attaching your application documents is embarrassing and makes you appear disorganized.

    With most hiring managers seeking employees who have great organizational skills, coming off as disorganized doesnt bode well for your chances of getting hired.

    How To Send Your Resume Via Email To Potential Employer

    Whensending your resume to any future employer, you will need to remember to keep it simple yet professional. Avoid using overly complicated language. Though you might think this is a good idea, it might backfireusing this type of language can sound incoherent and unprofessional.

    Begin by greeting the hiring manager. If possible, try to avoid using the phrase To Whom It May Concern this is an outdated way to begin an email.

    The hiring manager can also interpret it as a sign of laziness. Before writing, search for the recipients name. This will go a long way to show that you are willing to put in the work. If you could not find their name anywhere, try addressing them by their title, as shown below:

    Dear Hiring Manager,

    Dear Recruiter,

    Next is your opening paragraph. Your first paragraph should be used to express your interest to your prospective employer about the current job opening. Remember to include the name of the position. It should also state where you found the job posting.

    I am very interested in applying for the Junior Web Content Creator position listed on

    The following paragraph should include a brief example of experiences that will highlight your abilities and make you more appealing to the hiring managers. However, you can also keep this paragraph brief and simply notify the Recruiter that they may find your resume and cover letter in the attachments.

    Best regards,

    Example # 2Example # 4

    Also Check: Leadership Experience On Resume

    How Do You Impress The Hiring Manager

    You can impress the hiring manager by crafting a great resume and adhering to all the job posting’s requirements. Be polite and courteous in all your correspondence with the hiring manager, and go the extra mile when you complete your job application. Passion, insight, and an excellent work ethic usually makes a good impression.

    Write Something Useful For The Body Of The Email

    What To Write in an Email When Sending a Resume? (+Samples)

    Youâve taken care of all the technicalities, now itâs time to write the body of the email.

    Itâs easy to shrug off this part of the process. After all, you already attached a cover letter. What more do you have to write?

    Well, you want to stand out. Your email will NOT stand out even if the rest of your email is formatted perfectly and the body says something like:

    Do not write this:

    My resume and cover letter are attached for your review. Looking forward to your reply.


    John Smith

    The above email body is way too generic. It will not make your email pop or help the hiring manager remember you. More likely, it will put you in the same pile as the rest of the candidates with bland emails.

    Remember, communication skills are highly valued across all industries. You want to demonstrate your adeptness at communication at every given chance.You can keep it short and simple, just donât forgo formal language.

    Here is a great example of a formal resume email body from Monster:

    Instead, try this:

    Dear Employer,

    I am very interested in applying for the Graphic Designer position. My qualifications and experience match your specifications almost exactly.

    Please take a moment to review my attached Application Documents:

    â Up-To-Date Resume

    â Customized Cover Letter

    It would be a sincere pleasure to hear back from you soon to discuss this exciting opportunity.


    John Smith212-555-5567

    CsuiteAssistants provided a very good example:

    Also Check: Bld Zety Resume


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