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HomeHow To Put Projects On Resume

How To Put Projects On Resume

Freelance Web Designer Resume Sample

How to write Projects for Resume in Free Resume Maker App #8

Web Designer, April Bennett Designs, New York, NY | June 2016 – Present

Worked with a variety of clients in the health and fitness industry to bring their business online in a beautiful way, transforming their vision into a powerful online presence through web design.

  • Coordinated and communicated with clients to better understand their brand, their business goals and their visual vision.
  • Launched web presence for 15 new businesses and gave new life to outdated websites for 30+ clients.
  • Designed and implemented company websites, including drawing wireframes, establishing navigation, writing HTML and JavaScript, and optimizing web graphics.

Include Specific Details Of The Project

It is important to focus on the unique details of each project that showcases your skills and experience. Mention data related to the project, including details like the dollar value, length, scope, number of team members you managed, and the amount of revenue generated at the end of the project. Highlighting facts and figures about past projects helps employers to better visualize how you can use your skills to achieve results for their company.

When Is A Verbal Agreement Legally Binding

For any contract to be binding, there are four major elements which need to be in place. The crucial elements of a contract are as follows:

  • Offer and acceptance: An offer is made and accepted by another party involved in the agreement
  • Consideration: The involved parties must exchange something of value , this is known as consideration
  • Intention and certainty: All parties must fully understand the terms of the contract and intend to make a legally binding agreement freely and
  • Capacity: The parties must have the capacity to legally enter into the contract they’re above age and of a stable mindset.
  • Therefore, an oral agreement has legal validity if all of these elements are present. However, verbal contracts can be difficult to enforce in a court of law. In the next section, we take a look at how oral agreements hold up in court.

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    Why You Should List Projects On A Resume

    Like everything else on your resume, projects can help highlight experiences that qualify you for your next job. You may have used skillshard or softin a certain project that are key for the role you want. And including a successful project is a great way to tie those skills directly to results, which employers want to see on every resume.

    Decide Where And How To List Them On Your Resume

    9 Great Programming Projects for a Resume (Examples)

    Next, think of where you want to include your projects on your resume. There are three common locations for your projects on a resume. They are:

    • Under each job description. You can highlight them under each job description, add them to a projects section on your resume or add them as part of your education section. If you choose to include them in your job descriptions, you’ll be able to showcase what you accomplished in each of your previous employments.
    • Under a projects section. If you have a number of projects to list, you might choose to create a projects section on your resume.
    • Under your education section. If you have education-related projects to listsuch as senior projects or projects from training coursesyou should consider adding them to your education section, listing them below your degree and university information.

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    Personal Programming Projects You Can Start This Weekend

    Okay! With that out of the way, here are ten projects you can keep small and probably do over a weekend. But each can then be a platform for adding to later, if needed. Ive also included the skills that each project demonstrates and some possibilities for expansion. Keep in mind that you have a choice for the platform these run on. For instance, your weather app could be a mobile app or a web app.

    What Are Project Management Skills

    Project management skills are those that are necessary to successfully plan, manage and execute projects. These skills include a combination of hard and soft skills to analyze project performance, manage resources, lead project teams and report progress and results. These skills are important for project managers to successfully plan, manage and execute large organizational projects within prescribed timelines and budgets. Project management skills on your resume demonstrate your ability to analyze, schedule, prioritize and complete tasks.

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    Should You Include Github On A Resume

    Should you put GitHub on resume?

    Hiration’s resume experts would go with a YES!

    As a technical professional, you need to communicate your background to ensure that the hiring managers identify you as a suitable applicant for the targeted job profile.

    Adding your GitHub link can allow the recruiters to get a clear understanding of your active participation and contributions to open-source projects.

    Having said that, you need to ensure that your profile highlights your real-life involvement in projects that validate the technical skills that you mention on a resume.

    Since most software engineering companies use GitHub, listing GitHub on resume is an ideal means of showcasing your technical exposures.

    Read on to know all the dos and don’ts of listing GitHub on a resume in this blog.

    How Many Projects Should I Include In A Resume

    5 Data Engineering Projects Ideas To Put On Your Resume

    You should consider including a link to your online portfolio, website or blog if you have any.

    This would encourage the hiring manager to review your projects in greater detail, and allow them to see the skill set you have acquired while working on the projects.

    You should also focus on the projects that present your skill set in the best light,

    What you need to do is list only a few important projects on your resume. If you have more to show the potential employer, you should definitely include a professional portfolio.

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    Where Should They Go

    When you want to add a side project to your resume, you should include it in your work history under a separate header like External Projects, Consulting, or something similar. You can also include side project details in other areas of your resume. For example, you can highlight an achievement related to a side project in your professional summary area.

    What Is A Project

    A project-based resume is a professional resume that focuses on accomplishments rather than chronological job titles and previous work responsibilities.

    Where a traditional resume lists work experience and academic degrees in date order, a project-based resume instead does one of two things.

    It either lists a job seekers relevant academic, work, and personal projects in order of most to least compelling or includes specific projects beneath the education or work experience sections of a resume.

    Project-based resumes effectively provide hiring managers and prospective employers with verifiable proof of a job applicants industry expertise, achievements, and experience.

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    Freelance Web Developer Resume Sample

    Web Developer , Miami, FL | October 2018 – Present

    Worked within teams of creative freelancers to build the backbone of professionally designed websites from the ground up, including coding websites , designing UX wireframes, and fixing sites bugs.

    • Collaborating with 3+ agencies, developed websites for clients in the e-commerce, portfolio and blogging industries.
    • Validated completed sites, including testing and debugging of code.
    • Responsible for quality assurance of finished websites, including validating web forms and links.

    What Are Research Skills

    Experienced IT Project Manager Resume Sample

    Research skills refer to the ability to gather, organize, analyze and interpret information on a particular topic. Research skills involve search and investigation skills and critical analysis. For many careers, research is an important skill that employees need to be able to resolve problems and answer questions.

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    How To Tell If Coding Projects Will Help Your Resume

    Put yourself in your interviewers shoes. Chance are, you are one of hundreds of applicants for this job. The interviewer is tired. They have limited time and energy to spend on each applicant. They probably wont read your resume before the interview.

    What are they worried about? Themselves. Their status. How they look to others.

    Specifically, they are worried about hiring an unqualified person and looking like a fool.

    Your #1 job in the interview is to appear highly qualified for that job. And to do so quickly and clearly, because the interviewer does not have time to check if you really are qualified. Im not saying you should lie. What you should do is make the truth clear. Your resume needs to highlight interesting facts from your life that make it obvious you would do well in this job.

    So that brings us to the question: should you include programming projects in your resume?

    Yes, if they clearly and quickly contribute to the picture that you are qualified for the position.

    How To Write A Strong Project Manager Resume Summary

    Thats the basics covered lets talk about your resume summary now.

    This is a key piece of your resume, so take some time to brainstorm exactly what to say.

    Jennifer does this really well, with a snappy one-line summary that quickly covers her strengths as a PM. She highlights both her attention to detail and her strong motivation.

    Project managers have to be across a lot of different deliverables and project team members, who might not even report to them.

    So these are two great traits to include.

    Lets quickly look at two more examples:

    Good Resume Summary Example for Project Manager

    Dedicated Construction Project Manager with a history in business administration and on-site carpentry and welding. Educated yet down-to-earth and unafraid to get hands-on.

    Wrong Summary Example

    Construction Project Manager seeking employment with the Bianchi Brothers Building Company. Very good at the construction of all types. Please see my resume for more information.

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    Why Should You Be Listing Projects On A Resume

    It’s important to list your most relevant projects on your resume to communicate your experience and skills, but also to highlight hands-on examples of how you applied your capabilities to find a solution.

    Depending on your role for a particular project, letting recruiters know what work you’ve done in the past could also show them your leadership skills.

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    List Projects Under A Separate Section If You Have Extensive Experience

    How to Create a Resume For Project Managers (2021) | Microsoft Word

    If you have several projects relevant to the job you are applying for, create a separate section for the projects to make them more attention grabbing. If you have only a few projects, you can highlight each of them under a job description for previous employments. If you are adding academic projects, include them under your education section after listing your academic qualifications.

    If you have a lengthy project list, which could be the case for positions as a freelancer or independent contractor, consider presenting your projects separately. Highlighting projects on a separate page from your resume can help keep the document tidy and increase the chances of recruiters seeing them.

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    How To Put Research On Your Resume

    Companies in a wide variety of industries value research skills, as they show that an employee can gather and interpret information to solve problems. These skills are important for helping organizations improve their processes in order to be better at what they do and exceed customer expectations. Learning how to put research on your resume can help you position yourself as a strong candidate for openings.

    In this article, we discuss what research skills are, why they’re important, examples of research skills and how to put research on a resume.

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    Why Project Highlights Are Important:

    • It establishes you as a successful professional in your field.
    • It shows a proven track record of success.
    • It allows potential employers to mentally insert you into a position that requires a similar skill set.
    • It showcases your leadership skills and initiative.

    Lets have a look at how to write a project description in resume for freshers.

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    Listing Github On The Personal Information Section

    The ideal place to place your GitHub link on resume is the personal information section wherein you add all your contact information.

    GitHub on Resume Example 1:

    Contact Number:

    In the above example of GitHub on resume you can see that it is listed along with your other contact details which is an easy way to ensure that the recruiters notice it right away.

    Hiration Pro Tip: Adding your GitHub on resume can be more effective if listed along with other contact details so that the recruiters can easily have access to it.

    The given sanpshot is taken from a resume sample from Hiration wherein you can easily add your GitHub on resume along with your contact details.

    Excellent Programming Projects To Put On Your Resume

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    Weve listed seven technical projects from beginner level to advanced so you can choose appropriate projects for your experience and skill set.

    Also, remember that even a simple project will look impressive to hiring managers if you decide to build on it and add interactive or visual features to make your work unique.

    Heres our list of computer science projects to add to your resume:

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    Keep Project Descriptions Brief

    Keep your project descriptions concise but substantial. Provide just enough details to demonstrate your skills, experience, and successes relevant to the employers requirements for the role you want. That way, you can sell yourself and keep the resume length short while also providing hiring managers an in-depth access to your experience and knowledge.

    Listing Github On The Project Section

    You can also mention the link to your GitHub on the project section of your resume.

    Once you list the details of your projects simply add a link to your GitHub profile.

    However, providing the URL of your profile alone may not be enough so you can add your project details along with the GitHub URL of your project.

    GitHub on Resume Example 2:

    Project Name: GitHub on Resume ProjectThe project code can be accessed from this link: …

    The current job market is filled with the best of the best professionals and one needs to try and stay on top of the ladder to be recognized as the most suitable applicant.

    Build a good rapport with hiring managers by letting them know that you have what it takes to deserve the job profile that you are targeting.

    And the best way to do so is by making them see your involvement in relevant projects or work related to your targeted profile.

    Check out the given snapshot to see where you can add project URL in resume:

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    Choosing The Right Words

    The descriptions you use to describe your key career projects must be powerful and demonstrative. Consider the following keywords and phrases:

    • Instrumental in
    • Was a key player in
    • Took on the challenge of
    • Volunteered to lead

    When choosing quantifiable descriptors, select terms that demonstrate achievement.


    The more powerful the words, the more powerful your examples.

    Make It Look As Professional As Possible

    Should Copied Projects Be On Your Resume?

    Just like when youâre creating a freelance proposal, you want your resume to be as professional as possible in order to deliver the best first impression. And speaking of that, did you know that you could send your resume to a client by using Bonsai’s proposal system?

    First, just go to your dashboard and click on “send a proposal”.

    Now you can create or choose the client and project for which you’re sending the resume and a proposal.

    When you’re done, just click on “create proposal” and you’ll be taken to the proposal editor. On the top side you’ll be able to set up client and your own details, and also add personal touches such a custom background and an image . Once done, just scroll down.

    This is where the magic happens! You can easily include your resume as part of the proposal, and then just tweak it to your needs by removing, editing, or adding new sections.

    When everything looks good, just scroll back to the top and click on “send proposal”. Fingers crossed! It wasn’t that hard, was it? If you like the workflow or would like to explore Bonsai more, just .

    The word freelancer unfortunately still has some negative connotations associated with it, and some employers may not take you as seriously if you list your job title as âfreelancerâ.

    You may also want to consider naming your company, depending on the nature of your work – however, this wonât work for everyone.

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    Summary & Key Takeaways: How To List Projects On Your Resume

    So, all in all, in most cases it is a good idea to include projects on your resume.

    No matter if your projects come from former work, high school, college, or if they are personal, they can only work in your favour.

    The key points you need to take out at the end of the day are:

    • If you are a freelancer, you might want to consider building a project-based resume, instead of using a reverse-chronological format
    • If you have some additional projects to your work experience, you should include them in your Work Experience or Education sections. If you have more projects, consider creating a separate section for your projects only.
    • If you have too many projects you want to mention on your resume, consider mentioning the most important ones and include a link to a professional portfolio
    • If you have worked on a confidential project, better leave it out of your resume

    So, there you go, you are ready to get your resume to the next step.

    Include the projects you have worked on and get the interview for your dream job.

    ***What are your thoughts? Did you list your projects on your resume? Give us a shout out in the comments below. Wed love to hear from you!


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