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What To Put On A Resume Profile

Personal Or Academic Projects Relevant To The Job

How to Write the Perfect Resume Career Profile

You can also list personal or academic projects relevant to the job you are applying for, such as a group project at school or a neighborhood summer bake sale. You just need to relate your projects with how you are a good fit for a companys position. Before writing a project down, think about how you will explain its relevance during an interview.

The Best Things To List On Your Resume If You Have No Experience

No professional experience on your resume? No problem as long as you read this guide on how to write a resume when you have no work experience.

There are plenty of reasons why you may not have any previous work experience to list on your resume. There are many other things you can add to your resume to show employers that you are the perfect candidate for their open job post.

When you dont have work experience, its important to highlight past activities, skills and other experiences youve had to show you have unique skills, professionalism and competency. When managers are hiring entry-level employees, the top two characteristics they are looking for in your resume are attitude and aptitude.

That is:

  • Attitude a positive, hardworking, and likable personality
  • Ability aptitude to get up to speed quickly on the job
  • Keep these two traits in mind while writing your resume and add any relevant experiences that show that you have the attitude and aptitude for the job.

    Cv Personal Profile: How To Write Yours

    When writing your CV, there is often some confusion surrounding the CV personal profile, also called an executive summary or personal statement, and whether or not to include one. While they are not a mandatory must-have on a CV, they provide a quick overview of your abilities and suitability for a position, ideal for the busy recruiter or employer sorting through hundreds of applications.

    However, writing the short personal profile at the top of a CV can prove to be quite difficult. The CV personal statement, or profile, is the first thing that will be read by potential employers and recruiters alike, so its important to take the time to create a concise yet well-written introduction to your qualifications, skills and experience.

    The statement must be a brief snapshot of you as a professional. While it should only be a few lines long to summarise your CV and what you can offer the employer, it must also be unique to your skill set and tailored specifically to the role you are applying for.

    Having spent over four decades working with individuals to create stand out CVs and reading through countless personal statements, we have developed top tips to help you write the perfect personal profile.

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    What Are Your Greatest Career Achievements

    Your content is looking solid at this point, and now its time for the slam dunk: throw down your most excellent example of succeeding in a past position. Hiring managers love this tangible evidence. In their mind, these successes show your competence, creativity, and ability to adapt to a new working environment all important attributes for a new hire. If necessary, this part can be expanded into two sentences or two bullets, but be wary of wordiness!

    • Led a team that successfully used social media, phone banking, and event organizing to boost newspaper readership by 60% over three years

    Education Resume Summary Examples

    Resume Profile Examples &  Writing Guide

    Tutor Resume Summary

    College graduate with a B.A. in English from University X, where I worked as an English tutor for 2 years. Strong understanding of grammar well as good essay writing skills. Helped freshmen proofread and write their essays. Taught English to international students online.

    Teacher Resume Summary

    Attentive and passionate secondary school social studies teacher focused on creating a positive environment in which students can learn and grow. Incorporates interdisciplinary knowledge in the classroom to engage students, strong knowledge of different teaching methodologies and developing lesson plans.

    Click here for the full teacher resume example.

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    Whats Your Area Of Expertise

    People thrive in different work situations and different roles. The second part of your profile should highlight what youre best at which part of your past job did you most excel? Answering this question serves two functions. It 1) helps establish you as an expert in that particular area, and 2) shows the value you add to the company. An example of this could be something like,

    • Public relations expert fluent in social media platforms with a deep functional knowledge of WordPress CMS

    Be sure your skills section reflects your resume profile show why youre an expert in your profile, but be specific in your skills section.

    Benefits Of Using A Profile

    A few decades ago, before online job applications became the norm, resume objectives were the standard way to begin snail mail resumes.

    However, the internet made it possible for employers to exponentially increase their candidate pool. While this was good for employers, it has intensified the competition between job seekers in many industries.

    A resume profile offers applicants a way to stand out among the hundreds of resumes that companies receive. Most employers spend only seconds looking at a resume, and much of this time is spent looking at its top half. Therefore, even if employers only read your profile , they will still have a clear idea of your unique qualifications.

    In addition, your profile should include resume keywords that will help your application get picked up by the applicant tracking system that many companies use to screen applications for job openings.

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    Should I Use A Resume Summary Or Resume Objective

    Generally speaking a resume objective is a good choice for someone who is just entering the work force, perhaps lacks experience in their field, or is in the middle of a massive career change.A resume summary statement is a great choice for job seekers who have experience in the field theyre interviewing in and are not making a career change.

    Professional Summary Example For Data Analyst

    Resume Template – How to Write a Resume Summary or Profile

    A graduate in Information Systems with two years of hands-on data analytics experience. Passionate about working with large amounts of data and to turn this data into information, information into insight and insight into business decisions. I also have a keen interest in the field of data visualization and am fascinated by the power to compress complex datasets into approachable and appealing graphics.

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    When To Use A Resume Summary Section

    Resume summaries are ideal for job seekers who have many years of work experience in the same field , as they help organize and focus years of relevant job experience.

    On the other hand, resume summary statements are not always ideal for job seekers with little experience or notable gaps in their resume.

    If you have been working in the same field for less than 10 years, it might serve your resume best to forego the summary statement and use the extra space to expand your work experience. Since a resume summary section takes up space that could be used in the body of your resume, its not recommended for everyone.

    Resume Summary Or Objective

    Below your contact info comes your heading statement.

    That prominent placement means the HR managers eyes see it first.

    Heres what should be included in a resume profile area:

    Resume Summary Statementa short statement providing a summary of your work experience and relevant qualifications

    Resume Objective Statementa concise paragraph, tailored to the position, stating your career goals and how you want to achieve them at this employer. Also called a resume career objective.

    Pick one or the other, as you dont use both resume headings.

    Good resume heading introductions should be around 2-4 sentences in lengtha neat, 3- or 4-line paragraph.

    Use an objective statement when you either have a little or no experience resume related to the job youre applying for, or when youre targeting a very specific position. Otherwise, choose the resume professional summary.

    Expert Hint: How long should a resume be? Job resumes should be one page for most candidates. Two pages is okay, but just make sure everything on your resume is adding value. Dont go back more than 10 years in your work history, except when applying for senior positions.

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    What Are The Best Skills To Put On A Resume

    Its no secret that many hiring managers spend only a short amount of time looking at a resume before deciding whether to pass on a job candidate or add them to the shortlist. What you may not know is, employers today are looking for both hard and soft skills on your resume. Read any job posting, for example, and you might see the following requests:

    • Computer skills
    • Collaboration talent
    • Problem-solving abilities

    These skills and attributes, and others we discuss in this post, are essential for todays workplace. Hard skills are the technical skills required to accomplish the tasks and responsibilities associated with the job. Theyre acquired through practice, education and training. Theyre measurable and easy to advertise: You either have the desired technical skills and experience, or you dont. Your work history and certifications will speak to them.

    Soft skills, or interpersonal skills, reflect ones personality and personal attributes. They can relate to an ability to fit into a companys work culture, handle stress, communicate clearly or play well with others, for example. They may be soft, but theyre important skills for a resume: When job candidates possess comparable experience levels and technical skills, soft skills can tip the balance.

    See later sections for tips on how to showcase soft and hard skills on your resume. But lets talk first about which skills employers are looking for.

    Professional Summary Example For Receptionist

    19 Professional Resume Profile Examples &  Section Template

    Customer-oriented and performance-driven Front Desk Assistant skilled at performing various administrative tasks, improving all office processes and procedures, and providing support to Office Managers. Great communicator with a Business Administration degree from a well-known university and an exceptional ability to remain calm in stressful situations. Possess well-developed communication skills and excellent time management abilities.

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    Oilfield Keywords To Use In Your Resume

    Why are keywords important?

    Many companies have embraced the use of technology for job candidate selections. The oilfield is no exception. With hundreds of applications coming in regularly, it is hard for companies to keep up with the screening process and manually go through each resume. As such, numerous organizations have adopted and implemented applicant tracking systems . The applicant tracking system scans for keywords a hiring manager has selected.

    If you do not include the correct keywords, your resume may not get read by a human being. Even if a company hasnt employed an ATS, human resources personnel will visually scan the document for select words or phrases.

    Where do you incorporate keywords?

    Oil and gas keywords should be present throughout your resume, as well as your cover letter. They should be integrated tactfully and meld well with your job duties and achievements. Keywords can also be incorporated in your profile summary/introduction or a separate section, Areas of Expertise.

    How do you select keywords?

    The best method for picking out precise words or phrases is by analyzing the job posting. The hiring manager will clearly state what he/she is looking for in a potential candidate. Look for details concerning specific education, years of experience, and required skills, knowledge, and training. The mission statement on the companys website is a great place to pick out qualities they look for in their employees.

    Examples of oilfield keywords

    Who Should Use A Resume Profile

    Resume profiles can be advantageous for all job seekers, Smith says. However, People who are changing either their role or industry should definitely have one. If youre a career changer, a strong, explicit resume profile will give you space to tell the reader right up front that, no, you didnt apply to this job by mistakethis is the next step in your career and heres why. As a career changer, a resume profile lets you own your narrative as a professional, Owens says, rather than allowing recruiters and hiring managers to speculate.

    Resume profiles are also especially useful for entry-level candidates who may need to tie their education and other experiences together more explicitly for those reading their resumes. So if a candidate is writing an entry-level resume, Owens suggests that they use the profile section to explain what theyre looking for in their next role in terms of challenges and learning, and the skills they possess that could potentially add value. Smith adds that you should highlight any of your experiences that showcase leadership skills, such as being captain of a sports team or holding a position within a club.

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    Listing Github On The Project Section

    You can also mention the link to your GitHub on the project section of your resume.

    Once you list the details of your projects simply add a link to your GitHub profile.

    However, providing the URL of your profile alone may not be enough so you can add your project details along with the GitHub URL of your project.

    GitHub on Resume Example 2:

    Project Name: GitHub on Resume ProjectThe project code can be accessed from this link: …

    The current job market is filled with the best of the best professionals and one needs to try and stay on top of the ladder to be recognized as the most suitable applicant.

    Build a good rapport with hiring managers by letting them know that you have what it takes to deserve the job profile that you are targeting.

    And the best way to do so is by making them see your involvement in relevant projects or work related to your targeted profile.

    Check out the given snapshot to see where you can add project URL in resume:

    Key Skills Youve Learned In School And Other Experiences

    Write a DESCRIPTIVE Resume Profile Summary

    After your professional summary, list your skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for. To get a good idea of the skills required for a job, simply browse job descriptions for that specific job title. Typically, within the requirements or qualifications section, there will be many skills listed that you can copy.

    Dont be afraid to list skills that you havent used in a professional setting. If you have learned about them in school or if you have practiced these skills during an extracurricular activity, list them! Just make sure you are honest during an interview about your level of competency.

    Example of how to list less than 10 key skills in a resume:

    • Time Management

    Example of how to list more than 10 key skills in a resume:

    • Leadership: Team Management, Resource Planning, Budgeting
    • Math: Data Entry, Data Analytics, Statistics
    • Professionalism: Active Listening, Office Etiquette, Professional Communication, Time Management
    • Languages: English , Spanish

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    Elaborate Formats And Designs

    When it comes to selecting a design for your resume, less is more. Not only do elaborate designs and unconventional formats confuse most applicant tracking systems, but they also annoy recruiters who are accustomed to quickly scanning a resume for specific information they expect to find in particular spots within the document. Don’t make recruiters hunt for the information they care about. Play it safe and stick to a clean resume design with a clear hierarchy. Not sure what works? Check out TopResume’s library of free resume samples.

    What Are Non Personal Qualities

    Before writing about good traits to put on a resume, lets find out all the subtleties.

    According to Wikipedia, NON personal qualities are:

    Unusual, surprising this is a subjective perception.Dexterity, beauty the physical qualities of a person.Reliable a social assessment of personality.Experienced, wise a temporary, unstable state of a person.

    Personal qualities are formed by

    • specific genetic predisposition
    • a set of innate traits that determine life attitudes
    • education

    So, the personal qualities of a person are the properties of human nature, for example patience, friendliness, and honesty.

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    Use Action Verbs In Your Resume Summary

    Another impactful tactic for a resume summary is to describe your statements as actions.

    Employers want to know about what you actually did in your career. Not necessarily what your current company did. Save those points for your work experience section or for the actual interview.

    Use strong action verbs to help emphasize your points. Especially verbs mentioned in the job description! Take a look at our list of 350+ action verbs to get a head start.

    Tip: Use action verbs on your resume. Try to stay away from phrases like “Responsible for” and “Worked on”

    Let’s apply our learnings. A bad example of a resume summary might look like this:

    Bad example of a Healthcare Sales Resume Summary

    I am an experienced Healthcare Sales Rep responsible for selling software to large hospitals. I closed many deals and generated a lot of revenue for the hospital. I want to continue selling healthcare software but to larger hospital chains.

    This candidate is definitely not going to pass the 6-second glance. Let’s turn that into a better resume resume based on our guidelines:

    Good example of a Healthcare Sales Resume Summary

    Healthcare sales executive with 5+ years of experience generating over $2M in revenue selling to large hospitals. Skilled in winning deals in a competitive space with slow adoption. Hired and currently manage a team of 15 sales professionals who have collectively sold $5M of software. Looking to apply skills and experience in selling EMR systems to large hospital chains.

    What To Include In A Resume Profile

    How to Write a Resume Profile

    Your resume profile should be a few sentences, either in bulleted form or a short paragraph. This part will summarize your goals and ambitions for the next job you hope to land. This is your selling point and should include all of your relevant qualifications, skills, and experience in your field of expertise. Heres what to include in your resume profile:

    Your resume profile should sound something like this:

    Driven social media marketer with 10+ years of experience crafting effective digital campaigns and strategies. Skilled at both written and oral communication and effectively managing large and diverse teams. Advanced knowledge of Marketo and Pardot. Certified Salesforce Advanced Administrator.

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