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How To List Accomplishments On Resume

Kicks Two Cents: Awards And Achievements Piece Of Advice

  • Keep it short. Avoid writing long paragraphs and use bullet points instead.
  • Prioritize. If you decide to designate an entire section to your achievements, think about which accomplishments are the most significant. Would you be impressed by it if you were a hiring manager?
  • Avoid controversy. Some awards and achievements may be too personal or controversial. Avoid listing any political or religious accomplishments.
  • Dont exaggerate. Avoid making something up. You might be asked about your award and accomplishments in your job interview. Or they might contact your references. Lying or exaggerating can cost you a job.
  • Mention your biggest accomplishments in your resume summary. If youre a seasoned professional with many notable achievements, they deserve to be placed on the top of your resume. A resume summary is the first thing hiring managers read. Impress them from the get-go.

Sample Resume Accomplishments/achievements For Sales & Marketing:

  • Increased division revenue by 4% through achieving 212% of personal sales quota in 2020
  • Developed cross-selling promotional campaign to bundle 3 top-selling products, increasing department revenue by 12% in 2020
  • Orchestrated new social media marketing campaign resulting in a 309% increase in online leads generated in Q1 2020
  • Achieved third-highest sales total in 2019 among a team of 50+ sales associates
  • Increased sales by 9% through the successful rollout of a new subscription service spearheaded by myself and 3 team members

Sales jobs tend to be some of the easiest in terms of coming up with professional accomplishments on a resume, so I wont put too many here. Just remember, always look at the job description and demonstrate skills that are relevant for the jobs youre applying to now. And always think about how your duties and responsibilities can be quantified.

Add Your Achievements To The Work Experience Section

Your work experience section, where your previous jobs are listed and described, is the most important part of your job application. It is also the best place to show your achievements in your resume. Here is how you can make this section stand out:

  • Quantify your achievements where possible.
  • Make every sentence count.
  • Focus on the business outcome of your actions.
  • Use up to 6 bullets points for each job and focus only on what is relevant to the job you are applying for.
  • If possible, begin each bullet with an action verb. Action verbs include words like, “designed,””created,””engineered,” and “initiated”.

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Highlighting The Accomplishments On Resumes

The simplest way to highlight your accomplishments on resumes is by highlighting the key facts within a STAR point.

Further, to highlight your awards in resume:

  • quantify your contributions
  • bold the necessary factsFor example:

“Anchored automation Phase 2 in the project by converting L1 monitoring to SAP tool for achieving a reduction of 10 FTEs

Accomplishments Not To Include In Your Resume

Accomplishment Resume Template
  • Fake or stretched achievements. You should never lie on any section of your resume, including when youre talking about your accomplishments. Yes, make sure you communicate the full weight of what you did, but dont stretch the truth in an attempt to make yourself look better.

    Recruiters know how to quickly find out if someone is lying, and it wont go well for you if they do. Better to sound less impressive than to dig yourself into a hole that could damage your career.

  • Proprietary information. Never share industry secrets or any other sensitive company information on your resume.

    Even if you think it doesnt matter if this particular company knows the information, chances are your future employer will want you to keep some things quiet for them too, and they wont hire you if they see they cant trust you.

  • Offensive or polarizing accomplishments. If you have any inkling that achievement could come across as offensive to anyone, leave it out. It isnt worth driving a potential employer away for no good reason. Instead, keep your accomplishments professional and applicable.

  • Outdated achievements.Your resume should grow along with you, so if youre four jobs into your career and still have your high school awards listed, its time to let those go.

    The same goes for references to your years in college or your first few jobs once you have some more experience to put on your resume. Focus on your more recent achievements, as those will typically be most impressive to employers.

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    Measure Summarize And Give Examples Of Your Work

    Updated August 2015| 0

    Make your resume stand out by showing your accomplishments.

    If you’re not getting results from your resume, it could be more than a poor job market. You’ve had years of experience and a stellar job record. So why don’t employers look at your resume and want to hire you on the spot?

    The answer may lie in one word: accomplishments. The key to writing accomplishments is to focus on results. Your resume can be loaded with details about your previous jobs, but without compelling accomplishments, it will blend in with hundreds like it.

    What Is an Accomplishment?

    Accomplishments are different from abilities, duties, or strengths. Abilities are what you can do, duties are what you have done, and strengths are what you do well. Accomplishments show:

    • The specific actions you have taken in a particular situation
    • The skills and abilities you used to meet a challenge
    • The results or outcomes you achieved

    The following example is a job responsibility, not an accomplishment: “Wrote grant proposals to numerous funding sources to support program.”

    To turn this into an accomplishment, show the results and benefits: “Wrote three successful grant applications to private foundations, resulting in funding to serve an additional 100 clients.”

    Write Down Your Accomplishments

    To jog your memory about your accomplishments, ask yourself these questions:

    Have I:

    Summarize Your Accomplishments

    How to Measure Your Accomplishments

    Add A List Of Achievements To Your Work Experience Section

    The achievements listed in the work experience section of your resume may be most important because they tell employers what kind of employee you are. Your professional achievements highlight your strengths and strong work ethic. Include a short bullet-point list of achievements for every position listed on your resume. Write the subheading ‘Achievements’ underneath your key responsibilities before listing two or three bullet points. Make every bullet point specific and comprehensive.

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    Know The Difference Between A Duty And An Achievement

    Whitfield says the most common mistake she sees people making on their resume is listing the duties they had in previous jobs, rather than describing their achievements in those roles. They write about what they did, not what they achieved, she says.

    Youll know youve done this if you use phrases like responsible for or duties included. Duties dont tell the full story of your impact in your job, and thats exactly what you need to do if youre going to spark the interest of employers and hiring managers.

    Your resume must tell a story, Whitfield says. How did what youve done lead you to the right combination of skills, experience and education for the job you want? What can you do for the company that no one else does?

    Where Do I List My Achievements

    Resume Achievements – How To Write Achievements In Resume

    You should list your achievements in the following sections on your resume:

    • Work experience

    Now, lets cover each section one by one.

    Listing accomplishments in the work experience section is the most common way to go:

    You should also include achievements in your resume summary.

    A resume summary is a short summary of your career that goes on top of your resume:

    This section acts as an introduction to the rest of your resume, covering the main points and highlights.

    Heres what your average resume summary looks like:

    Experienced project manager with 5+ years of work experience seeking a position at Company X. Previous experience includes working at Company Y, developing software for clients such as Client A and Client B.

    This summary example is OK at best. All it says is that youve worked as a project manager for 5+ years in 2 companies.

    Newsflash: so have all the other candidates.

    Now, heres what happens if we add an achievement or two…

    Experienced project manager with 5+ years of work experience seeking a position at Company X. Managed cross-department teams of 15+ people. Successfully managed the development of several software projects, including Project A and Project B.

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    Put Accomplishments In The Right Place

    Put the achievements in the resume strategically so that the hiring manager notices them. You can list professional achievements along with the job duties, putting them at the top of the list for better visibility. If you have plenty of truly impressive accomplishments, consider creating a separate section for achievements. Name this section as Selected accomplishments or Professional achievements and place it above the work experience. Finally, you might want to add 1-2 most important achievements to the summary section, making them a part of your personal brand.

    How To List Accomplishments On Resume

    Turn your statements of responsibility into statements of impact.

    The awards in resume may exist as different functions you contributed to within your work experiences – significant to the work experience, or to the career highlights section.

    It may also exist immediately as an “Achievements” section after the work experience section.

    Structure your achievement for resume

    The STAR Resume format.

    Following the STAR resume point structure, a resume achievements section comprises 3 principle components:

    • skills and achievements on resume
    • carrying out any activity
    • Value your were you able to add

    Therefore, instead of merely stating that you were:

    • Responsible for a team of 10 people

    you can write that you:

    Led a team of 10 to generate sales of USD 3M on a yearly basis

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    Why Employers Care About Accomplishments On A Resume

    The reason resume accomplishments are so powerful is that they provide proof of your past successes and abilities, and also paint a detailed picture for the employer in terms of what you could do for them.

    For example, if an employer sees that you helped your last company grow a key metric or succeed and grow, theyll be thinking, Wow, imagine what this person could do for us now!

    Its always more convincing and memorable to provide specific proof of what youve achieved rather than only listing duties and responsibilities on a resume.

    Examples Of Quantitative Accomplishment Statements:

    Accomplishment Resume Sample
    • Reconciled end-of-day receipts with cash and credit transactions to account for daily sales averaging $1,500.
    • Researched and wrote feature articles for UMass Global Speaks, a biweekly student newspaper with a readership of over 11,000.
    • Handled late accounts effectively, securing $5,000 in past-due accounts.
    • Gained a reputation for working well on a team, receiving a Team Player award.
    • Raised more than $10,000 at annual fundraiser, increasing attendance and media coverage from previous years.
    • Maintained internet site as it grew to 2,000-plus stages and images that generated 200 hits daily.
    • Awarded Sales Associate of the Month in September 2018.

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    Keeping Track Of Your Accomplishments Can Be Done With These Tools:

    Notetaking apps.

    Oh yes, I would be amiss if I didnt talk about the best note-taking apps on the market today.

    For example, theres Evernote, Google Keep, and OneNote.

    Post-it notes.

    I know what youre thinking.

    Post-it notes, really?

    Um, kind of. Im recommending the sticky notes on your computer.

    Yet, in a pinch, a paper post-it note works too.

    Be sure to collect your paper notes and put them in a safe place, like a dedicated drawer or file folder.

    Your Resume.

    Of course you didnt think I was going to miss this one. Did you?

    I am a resume writer so, the best place to house your career achievements is by adding them to your resume.

    In the resume writing industry, we know that resumes should be live documents.

    Your resume is taking in and expelling data, much like breathing is taking in and expelling air.

    You might feel that your resume needs to remain road ready?

    This is not true.

    Drop new data into your resume whenever you see fit.

    You can finetune those added achievements now.

    Or, mess with them later.

    Go with whatever works best for you.

    What Is An Academic Achievement

    An academic achievement is any accomplishment youve made during your time in school, whether thats in high school, college, university, post-secondary certification, or beyond.

    This could include anything from your test scores to awards to scholarships to being asked to lead a research study. It could literally be any experience or accomplishment that youre proud of thats associated with school or your education.

    However, your resume shouldnt just be a list of everything youve ever achieved during your time at school.

    When youre narrowing down what types of achievements to put on a resume, remember that they should be relevant to your professional life.

    That is, the academic achievements you choose to list on your resume should work towards convincing the hiring manager that youre worth hiring.

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    How To List Accomplishments On A Resume

    Listing accomplishments on your resume can get you more job interviews, but theres a right and wrong way to do it.;

    And many job seekers waste a big opportunity by not knowing:

    • What type of accomplishments to include
    • The two best places to put these achievements on your resume to get noticed by employers
    • How to start gathering ideas if you cant think of any accomplishments to begin with

    Im going to cover everything above and show you how to come up with good accomplishments for a resume in any industry

    Ill also share 35+ resume accomplishment examples to help you start writing your own resume.

    Lets get started

    Previous Work Experience Examples

    Resumes 101: Accomplishment Statements

    Now that you know the basics of how to write the work history section of your resume, lets look at some good employment history samples from real resumes.

    I invited a couple of experts to share their resume work history examples for this section.

    Ill share two resume work experience examples from them, and then Ill include a very simple/plain example that Ive used in the past with a lot of success.

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    Which Jobs To Include On A Job Application

    There are strategic reasons to include or exclude certain past jobs. As a general guideline, you should craft your work history to best support the specific position you are applying to.;

    If you have an extensive and diverse work history, it will be more difficult to represent your experience in an easily digestible form. At the same time, youll have more options as to which positions you choose to include. Candidates with limited experience will not have as much leeway since theyll need to present at least some evidence of past employment.;

    The exact number of jobs to include on your applications will depend on your personal situation, but here are some suggestions to help you decide how to best represent your unique work history on a job application.

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    Write About Your Accomplishments Not Your Tasks

    Someone once told me that you cant expect to get a pay raise doing the tasks your manager already expects you to do. This applies to the job search as well.

    Almost everyone vying for the job you applied for will have the same skills. Some applicants might be even more qualified and experienced, so take the time to include a list of accomplishments in your resume. It’ll set you apart better than a laundry list of job responsibilities.

    Use a template while following along with the resume tutorials listed here to quickly create a beautiful and well-written results-oriented resume for your job search.;

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    A Simple Trick To List Accomplishments On A Resume

    There is actually a methodology for constructing achievements for resume, a certain formula. For a truly substantial and impressive list of professional achievements for resume, you need to present accomplishments in a formidable and digestible way for HR managers. On top of that, the list of accomplishments for resume should be presentable but not too wordy. In order to achieve the best results, we have the PAR formula:

    P = problem/situation/issue

    R = result

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    Accomplishments You Should Include In Your Resume

  • Honors and awards. The most obvious accomplishments you should include in your resume are the awards and honors youve received. If youre a recent graduate, this might be graduating summa cum laude or receiving your departments outstanding student award.

    In the professional world, this could be a promotion, an achievement award, or even recognition from your CEO at your last company meeting.

  • Reached or exceeded goals. If you met a personal goal to do something like increasing sales or speeding up a processs completion time, include that on your resume.

    Or, if you exceeded a standardized target, mention that as well. For example, if your departments standard quota is 50 sales per person per month and you made 100, thats a resume-worthy accomplishment.

  • Certifications. If you earned a certification from a class or training, you could include that on your resume as well. Just make sure youre only mentioning the ones that actually have something to do with your work:

    For example, employers usually dont care if youre an accountant and you got a welding certificate.

  • Problems you solved. If you came up with a creative solution for a problem, especially if you went above and beyond and did it without being asked, hiring managers want to know about it.

    Just make sure you focus on what you did and the results of your efforts and not on the person who caused the problem in the first place.

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