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How To Make A Portfolio For Resume

Pick From A Variety Of Online Platforms


When looking to start creating your online professional profile, there are many online platforms available to speed up the process and provide structure. While some provide free access to their program, others may require fees or account payments to utilize their services and select features.

Some options available online for these professional portfolio programs include :

  • Wix
  • Adobe Portfolio

Online platforms and programs are helpful when it comes to creating your online professional portfolio for many reasons:

1. They help utilize and display your personal design aspect.

2. They give you options of pre-made templates or options for creative freedom .

3. They allow you to showcase your technical abilities and organizational skills when creating your portfolio on your own.

4. They may offer website domain name changes that allow you to create a portfolio with a domain option for better recognition online.

Select A Resume Template


This simple layout features a traditional font and the clever use of section borders to help each section of your resume stand out.


This distinctive two-column resume template identifies your name and professional experience in a bold color and clean presentation.


A clever design that breaks each of your professional accomplishments into distinct sections while following a format that will pass applicant tracking systems.


The elegant initials, simple header and strategic use of bullet points in this template help keep your professional accomplishments well-organized.


The bold use of a colorblocked heading paired with an elegant resume layout helps your name and contact information stand out.


This structured design combines a two-column approach with bullet points to highlight your key accomplishments and professional history.


A traditional template uses a crisp combination of dark text and thin borders to radiate professionalism. Your name sits prominently above your professional history.


This templates design features plenty of whitespace neatly divided by gray bars to make the information on your resume easy to read for employers.


This two-column resume conveys a very clear breakdown of its sections that allows a hiring manager to quickly scan your resume.

BoldEmphasizedCenteredPacificArtistic RefinedStandoutOriginalAcclaimedAccentuateInsightfulBold

Figure Out What Youre Showing Off

Before you can figure out how to best create your online portfolio, you need to understand what you want others to see.

Even though youve got a lot more real estate online than you do on your resume, you should be equally selective about what you include. People have limited attention spans, and you only want to upload the samples that best demonstrate your talent and experienceand showcase the type of work you want to be hired to do.

If you dont already have a master list or collection of your work, start by making one. Then rank the projects in terms of how impressive they areand choose the top 10-20. Or look for several projects that each show off a different service or skill.

You should also factor in what youre trying to accomplish. Are you using your portfolio to enhance your resume? Then the work should support the qualifications youve listed there. Are you using it to draw in new clients? Focus on the projects related to the sorts of clients you want to work with. Are you using it to establish yourself as a leader in your field? Show off your highest-brow work or the stuff thats gotten you the most attention.

Those are the basics everyone should consider. Now lets look at a few special cases:

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What Is A Portfolio Manager Resume

A portfolio manager resume is a professional summary of the work experience and skills of an individual who works as a portfolio manager. A portfolio manager is responsible for investing the assets of another individual or a company. This job involves implementing an investment strategy and managing the day-to-day tasks associated with trading a portfolio of assets. Many portfolio managers take an active role in investing. Other terms for this position include fund managers and venture capital fund managers.

The resume of a portfolio manager or an aspiring portfolio manager includes the skills and work experience that make them a good fit for a fast-paced investment job like portfolio management. A strong resume includes relevant work experience, a list of skills and any other details that would indicate why an individual should be considered over another to fill an open position. When applying for jobs, applicants often include a resume with their personal details to show why they should be hired for a particular position.

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What Is A Portfolio

Putting Together A Resume Portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of your most impressive work. When you’re applying for a job, you’ll often be asked to provide your portfolio along with your CV or at the interview stage. It helps employers to decide whether you have the right skills for the role and whether your style matches that of the organisation.

Portfolios can come in many shapes and sizes, whether that’s a video, a website, a music playlist, a physical folder containing your best work, or even a mix of different formats – it all depends on the type of job you’re looking for. While it’s good to be creative with the format, always remember that the portfolio is there to draw attention to the quality of the work included, not to distract from it by being over-complicated.

Whichever way you choose to present it, your portfolio should ‘lead the viewer through your creative journey by exhibiting pieces that showcase a variety of skills, processes and influences,’ says Sarah.

However, institutions are fully aware that 2020/21 has been a really challenging year for students. At the University for the Creative Arts, Sarah stresses that they’re keen for you to include any unfinished work as well as completed pieces.

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How To Select The Best Work Samples

Ask yourself the following questions about each sample: What will this work demonstrate-skills, competencies or achievement of goals? Also, ask yourself. . .

  • Which skills is the organization looking for in this position?
  • What is your best work?
  • Which samples show the most skills and competencies?
  • Practice speaking about your sample.

Works in Progress: List career-related projects or activities you are currently working on that would add to your list of skills and qualifications for that career field.

Certifications, Diplomas, Degrees or Awards: Include copies of these documents and any documentation listing the skills attained for certification.

Community Services: Briefly explain the project or include a brochure explaining the organization or project. Include any work samples, photographs of the experience and letters of recognition which prove your participation and/or involvement.

Professional Memberships and Certifications: Include any documentation of proof. Also, include information on any conferences or meetings you have attended that have provided you with educational resources in your field of interest.

Academic Plan of Study: You can include a copy of your transcript which includes the classes you have taken and grades you have earned in those classes, as well as a listing of those classes you plan to take upon graduation.

+ Portfolio Resume Templates

If you want to apply for a job, then the best thing that you can come up with is a resume that contains all of the information that you wish to share to an employer. However, there might come a time where youll want to show off some of the work youve done to have an even better chance of acquiring the job. You can also read resume templates.

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What To Include In A Portfolio Resume 3 Tips To Build A Professional Portfolio For Interview


For talents in engineering and design-related fields, “portfolios” are usually requested during job application process. There have already been plenty of relevant online resources like tutorials and templates.

However, more companies now require job applicants to provide “portfolios” for interviewers as references, and the importance of portfolios is no longer limited to the fields mentioned above. Nowadays, for positions like content writing, marketing & planning, and project coordinator, portfolio is commonly listed in job description as application requirement or a plus.

How Do I Create An Online Portfolio

HOW TO GET AN INTERNSHIP! Portfolio, Resume, and More!

Creating an online portfolio is easy and, for the most part, free. Here is a quick guide!

1. Collate the strongest work samples

First, decide on the samples that effectively illustrate your capabilities. Recruiters want to see your best and not have to scroll a lengthy portfolio to find something that piques their interest. Think about the following:

  • What are your core skills necessary for your career?
  • This will help you organise your portfolio into easy-to-digest sections.
  • How old are these samples?
  • A general rule of thumb is to choose samples that are no more than five years old.
  • Do you have permission to publish these online?
  • Check in with your past employers if there are non-disclosure agreements on the work you have done.
  • Read More: 5 Tough Interview Questions and How to Tackle Them Effectively

    2. Choose a free website builder

    The easiest way to set up an online portfolio is through a free website builder. They offer a selection of features enough to establish a solid online portfolio. Some include:

  • WordPress
  • Wix
  • 3. Design your website

    Pick a design that offers the best user experience and represents your professional self. There are plenty of templates available on these website builders, so making your pick is easy.

    When planning your design, you should consider the following elements:

  • A landing page with a summary of your professional story.
  • Subpages organised according to your skills and other relevant experience
  • 4. Organise your samples

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    What Is A Professional Portfolio

    A professional portfolio is a collection of your work that showcases your talents. This is particularly important for roles that require creativity, as examples of your work are the best way to show an employer how your skills could help them. Although portfolios are traditionally physical folders containing pieces of work, a digital portfolio is an option that can be included with an online or emailed application. Many applicants have both so that they can take a hardcopy to their interview to show the interview panel after applying online.

    Describe Your Work Experience

    The next section of a portfolio manager resume is the section in which you describe your work experience, including the responsibilities you held in each of your previous positions. When writing a work history, including the name of the company and its location, the starting and ending month and year of your employment and your title. Beneath this information, you can include a few bullet points of responsibilities and notable achievements while in the role.

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    Include Detailed Caption Information

    A well-written and compelling description of each sample adds vital context about your contribution to the work and your creative process. Your caption information should include:

    • The client or agency you did the work for
    • A few sentences outlining the main goal of the project
    • Your role in the project
    • When the work was completed

    Also highlight any positive outcomes related to the sample. Metrics matter. For example, did it help lift sales or boost online traffic? Or did the piece win any awards or receive coverage in the media? Advertise how well it was received and how effective it was.

    What Next After Designing A Digital Portfolio

    Make professional cv, resume and portfolio design for $10 ...

    There are three steps to ensure the longevity of a portfolio:

    Keep updating it.

    You will improve with every project, and an outdated portfolio will not represent your current form in your field. For example, I am a blog writer at my current workplace, but my role has expanded to include video scripts, which I ought to add to my portfolio so that the new skills are also a part of my work history. Further, translate your work into the current format. Are you a marketing consultant? Make sure the statistics are front and centre. Are you an events coordinator? Make sure that media coverage and crowd testimonials are in the fore.

    Be honest.

    If you have produced a piece of work as a team, then make sure to mention what your individual contribution was right from the get-go. Say, if you are a graphic designer who has created branding for a platform, do not simply include media which has the branding, but is not made by you. Instead, explain your process, and put your contributions up front.

    Know your work.

    You should be able to talk at length about any project you have added to your online portfolio. Do not go into an interview without refreshing your memory of older projects, as it will imply forgetfulness, and more importantly, that you do not care about past work. That is not the impression you want to give to a potential employer.

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    Current Trends Online Cv/resume/portfolio

    There is also the other way also payable cost between $35 45 that gives you a lot of obvious advantages:

    • You can easily set it yourself
    • You can choose the design
    • Its available for editing/adding from any place on Earth with the Internet connection
    • It looks very professional
    • Fully personalized Its absolutely customizable means you can set it just for your needs, using your images, graphics, color schemes, etc.
    • It has already build in different useful features that help you to align information in needed order and in clear, understandable manner.

    Remember most important meetings are happening fortuitous, they are all of a sudden! You can just share a link one second and you deliver information on a silver platter.

    Overview of trending CV/Portfolio/Resume web templates

    Find the one that fit your profession choose it or create it:

    The Format Of A Portfolio

    How it should be the format of a portfolio ? Obviously everything depends on the sector, but in the case of architects the best format is certainly an A3 sheet to show your projects in the best way. The portfolio, however, does not have to be in A3 format at all costs, it can also be very well in a standard A4 format.

    Also, structure is very important. After an impactful cover, made to make your skills clear right away, you can insert a blank sheet and then an introduction to your profession and your presentation, also professional.

    The graphics should follow your style but should try to be simple, sober and elegant at the same time. You can also insert a quote, as long as it is not trivial and is inspirational in your sector.

    After the introduction, you can also insert your CV, if you deem it appropriate, or you can continue directly with your portfolio content.

    The projects section is the most important in the portfolio, so this is where you need to focus all your energies. This is the most important point: insert your projects in chronological order but also sorted by theme, depending on how you think is more appropriate. Finally, insert a closing page, and if you want, insert an original detail for conclude, such as a quote or your digital signature.

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    Fourth Consider The Layout

    After gathering your materials, choose how you will format your portfolio. It should be easy to navigate, so group similar projects together and label them clearly. Make it clear when a piece had a specific result, and include eye-catching images that create a flow from one piece to the next. Include mockups where appropriate, notes about how you have addressed clients concerns and details of how you resolved any issues that arose during the project.

    Specifics For Various Portfolio Types

    How to Create a Personal Resume/Portfolio Website
  • 1Create a career portfolio. While there are many different types of careers and specific portfolio elements that go along with each field, in general, a career portfolio should be based around a showcase of work within your field of choice.
  • 2Make an art portfolio. When building a portfolio as an artist, you need to determine which pieces of artwork best show your range of skills.XResearch source
  • Build a graphic design portfolio. When creating a portfolio with graphic design in mind, only include samples of graphic design work.
  • Construct a photography portfolio. Search through your collection of photographs to build a portfolio of photographs illustrating meaningful content and ideal aesthetics.
  • Gear your portfolio toward art school. If you decide to put together an art portfolio for the purpose of getting into art school, you will need to put together a range of work that demonstrates the skills the art school will want to see.
  • 3Build a culinary portfolio. In your culinary portfolio, include pictures of yourself at work, photos of your food, copies of menus you designed, and copies of recipes you created.
  • 4Put together a modeling portfolio. A modeling portfolio should contain various headshots of you looking your best.
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    Decide What Examples Of Your Work To Include

    This isnât the place to include the lifeguard certificate you earned in high school if youâre applying to work in finance. Consider the story you want to tell – about yourself, the skills youâve developed, and examples of your work. Ask yourself, is it relevant to my industry? Does it support the skills and experience highlighted in my resume? If you have a robust collection of work youâve already produced, showcase your best examples and lead with the most impressive to make an impact.

    But My Work Doesnt Have Any Visuals

    Even if your interests dont fall under the umbrella of creative work, having a portfolio is still possible and definitely advantageous.

    Maybe youre studying chemistry, nursing, HR, or another subject that doesnt require as many bells and whistles as other majors. Even so, employers still want to see what youve accomplished with your time, and a portfolio can put that on display. Not to mention, youll be a step ahead of others who only have cookie-cutter resumes. Here are a few portfolio ideas for work thats not so visually oriented:

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