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HomeHow To Send Resume Using Email

How To Send Resume Using Email

Keep It Short And Simple

How to Attach and Email a Resume

Remember that brevity is important when writing your subject line. Most of the text in the subject line gets cut off so ensure the first few words capture attention.

Hubspot recommends keeping the subject line under 50 characters. That way, while scanning the inbox, your receiver pretty much knows what the email is about. Itâs fine to go over this a bit, but ensure you get the important details in the first few words.

You shouldnât put anything in the subject line that sounds like youâre trying to sell something. Avoid soft skill phrases like âdedicatedâ or âpassionate.â This is a major turnoff for hiring managersâ¦and will likely earn your email a one way trip to the trash folder.

You should also be direct. Never leave the hiring manager to wonder what the email is about. If youâre following up on an interview or job application, state it directly.

Subject line examples:

  • âFollowing up on the accounting position â John Doeâ

  • âFollowing up on the interview â Tom Nashâ

Make Sure Your Email Subject Line Is Perfect

As we detailed in our related post, Email Subject Lines When Sending Resumes, one-third of people decide whether or not to open an email based on the subject line. Why?

After your email address, the subject line is the first thing the hiring manager will see. Hiring managers receive hundreds of emails a day. To manage that volume, they often sort the emails using a search function. If they search âsoftware engineerâ when looking for applications for that open position and your resume doesnât show up, youâve pretty much lost your chance.

Some employers will give you specific instructions for constructing your email subject line. Look for these instructions in the job description. If there is no specific information, include the following:

  • Job Title

  • The format will look something like this:

    Software Engineer, Job ID# 3399 – John Smith

    Thatâs it! Itâs really that simple and straightforward–but it can make a big impact.

    Use A Professional Email Address

    The email address you use for job applications and to send out your resume can make a bad impression. If you’re like many of us, you may have created an email years ago when you were in school. Unfortunately, some of those student usernames may give a potential employer the wrong impression.

    The best email addresses use a well-known email service and a variation of your first and last name. Alternately, if you’ve got a personal professional website, it’s acceptable to use that email. Again, use your first and last name as the user name.

    Here’s are examples of professional and unprofessional email addresses.

    Unprofessional Email Address

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    How Do I Find A Hiring Manager’s Email Address

    Instead of scouring through LinkedIn making connection after connection, you can take another approach. There are a variety of techniques and online applications that can give you solid guesses at an individualâs email address.

    As long as you have the name of the hiring manager and the name of the company, youâll be able to make an educated guess.

    How To Email A Resume To An Employer

    How to Email a Resume to Recruiter : Sample &  Writing Tips

    Every job listing today does come with instructions and the employers expect you to follow all the instructions to the letter.

    In fact, some hold the belief that the recruiters start judging your personality and resume based on your ability to keep to all the instructions included in the job listing.

    Therefore, no matter how excited you are to be sending out your resume, patiently watch out for the instructions and follow them to the letter. You should also be very mindful of what to say while emailing your resume.

    A lot of people practically accompany their resume submission with totally wrong information and as a consequence, their resume does not get opened at all and gets dumped in the trash.

    Like every other random email you send daily, you should have an email resume subject as itll increase your chances of being read by over fifty percent according to a recent study.

    Your email subject should be appropriate for the occasion and should look something like this: Proficient Content Writer seeks a Content Executive position.

    A title such as this: Content Writing resume for application on the other hand looks like something cooked up by an unserious fellow, sounds generic and therefore the recruiter will most definitely not open the email not to talk of looking at it twice.

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    Sample Example Of Sending A Resume To A Friend:

    Hey !

    It was great seeing you at . I hope work is treating you well today.

    You mentioned something about hiring a and Id love to apply! Im sending you my resume for your consideration. Find attached the appropriate files.

    During my time at as a I carried various communications projects, formed strategies, managed drafts, and editorial materials, established the company presence, amended legislation, a list of accomplishments, etc. My most significant contribution to the company is that we achieved an increase of 55% within a year, thanks to my strategic and operational decision-making.

    The opportunity you mentioned closely matches my field, which is why I am grateful for you. Thanks for forwarding my resume.

    Kind Regards,

    Hey ,

    How are you doing? Great seeing you at Merediths party last week! In our brief talk, you mentioned an open position in company X, and would love to apply. I am forwarding my resume for your consideration. Find attached the appropriate file types.

    In my previous experience, in my time as ABC for XYZ Company, I carried various communications projects, formed strategies, managed drafts, and editorial materials, established the company presence, amended legislation, a list of accomplishments, etc. My most significant contribution to the company is that we achieved an increase of 55% within a year, thanks to my strategic and operational decision-making.

    Kind Regards,

    Writing A Cover Letter

    Depending on the position you might need to write a cover letter to provide additional information on your experience, expertise, why you are applying for the job, and why you are a good fit for the position.

    Sometimes employers give specific instructions on what you should write about in your cover letter, make sure you follow these. The resume cover letter should demonstrate why you are a strong candidate for a position.

    The cover letter should be as well written as your resume and any other documentation you send an employer. Use formal English.

    There are two email formats which you can use to include your cover letter. You can either copy and paste it into the main body of the email, or include it as a PDF or Word document.

    If you send the resume cover email as an attachment, you still need to write an email for attaching the resume. Write a formal email stating why you are applying for the position and that your resume and cover letter are attached.

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    Proofread And Send A Test Email

    Check your resume, cover letter and email message for any spelling, grammar or formatting errors. Sending yourself a test email can help you understand exactly what your email will look like to the recipient, and check to ensure everything is working properly. Download the attachment from your test email and check that its the correct file before sending your final resume email to the hiring manager.

    Following any instructions given in the description will give your resume the best chance of reaching the right recipient. If the description doesnt provide instructions, keep your message clear, concise and informative from the subject line to the body text and file name.

    Create A Video Resume

    How to Email a Resume

    For email or LinkedIn: create an original video CV, upload it to your YouTube channel and share the link with the desired contact person. This video curriculum can also be an additional piece for your online candidacy.

    If you dont want the whole world to see your video resume, you can configure your privacy settings. This way the person to whom you send the link will be the only one viewing your message.

    Thanks to this medium, recruiters will know more about you and understand your motivation for desiring to occupy a particular vacancy. Another idea is to make one video cv per company specifying the reason that working with them would be a good fit for you. But only you can decide how far to go with it.

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    Add A Linkedin Url Personal Website Or Portfolio Link

    Add a link to showcase your skills and work. Knowing what to say when emailing a resume is important, but if you have a presentable and eye-catching portfolio, recruiters will surely review your application.

    Key Takeaways:

    • When sending your resume via an email, the email is like a preface of your application, so knowing what to say in every part of the email and how to format it are important to get your application reviewed.
    • Format your email properly when sending a resume. The best practice is to follow any mail format recruiters ask for when you submit your resume. If there are no specifications on formatting, follow rules for general business letters when you send your resume via email.
    • The email sent to the HR for your job application should highlight your strengths and qualifications like a cover letter but shouldn’t be as lengthy as one and include a properly formatted resume as an attachment.
    • Format your email as professionally as possible, from the email address, the subject line to your signature, when you send out your resume.

    — Originally written by Jose J. Rosales —

    How To Send A Resume Via Email An Extensive Guide

    Through an email, you can address a hiring manager by name.

    If you are unaware of the recruiters name, do your best to research and find it. LinkedIn is a great place to start!

    You also get the opportunity to give a brief introduction about yourself or write a cover letter in the body of the email, if asked.

    Another major plus point of sending your resume via email is that you might get lucky and avoid an Applicant Tracking System altogether as you are sending it directly to a human being.

    Sending this email with your resume may be confusing and it certainly does not help that a potential job is at stake depending on how well you write it.

    This is what this extensive guide is for!

    It will cover all aspects of how to send a resume via email including the format, attachments, subject lines, the closing formula, and many other useful tips.

    Lets begin with the first few details to keep in mind.

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    Sending As Email Attachments

    • Make the resume and cover letter separate attachments. Save your resume and cover letter into Word or a PDF document. A PDF will retain your formatting, and is most common.
    • Use your own name in the title you give your document, so the employer will be able to identify it when looking through documents for your resume or cover letter. Give them names the employer will associate with you once they are downloaded, for example: NancyAustinCoverLetter.pdf, not CoverLetter.pdf!
    • Send your documents electronically to yourself and to a friend to make sure they’re easy to open, the formatting is good, and they’re virus-free.
    • In the Subject line, use your own name, and put the name of the position for which you are applying. In your email message, briefly say why you are writing.
    • Be sure to include your contact information as part of your email signature.

    For example:

    For More Detail This Example Is Perfect:

    Emailing Resume

    Dear Employer,

    My name is John Smith and Iâm writing in response to your ad seeking an Executive Assistant.

    I have over 3 years of diversified business experience in office procedures involving liaison with executive staff, preparation of results and correspondence, and project and event management. I am currently seeking work as an administrative or executive assistant. For further review of my qualifications and experience, please see my attached resume.

    As I welcome the opportunity to meet in-person to detail my experiences and discuss my ability to meet your employment needs, I hope to hear from you.

    Thank you for your time and review of my credentials.


    John Smith312-888-6553

    The above example can be used to replace a cover letter or even to supplement it by reiterating its key points.

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    Sending Your Resume Via Email: The Subject Line

    The subject line should be brief and precise enough for the recruiter to understand immediately what the email contains.

    Make sure to include the job title or job ID of the position that you are applying for and your name.

    You can also add your biggest award or achievement to make it more compelling.

    Stevie Award Winning Entrepreneur Applying for Project Manager Position

    EIT Applying for Civil Engineer Position, Job ID #14757

    And now the toughest part the format.

    About The Authormatt Glodz

    Matt Glodz is the Founder and Managing Partner of CV Pilots and a Certified Professional Resume Writer.

    Based in London, he currently works with applicants ranging from CEOs to recent graduates and has been writing CVs for over eight years.

    At CV Pilots, Matt combines his solid business and writing background to craft CVs that give his clients the best chance of landing interviews. He has lived in the UK, US and Italy.

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    Test Attachments Before You Send

    Make sure that files download and run smoothly before you hit send. As you see, it is critical to review your email twice, thrice or four times BEFORE YOU HIT SEND!

    Your email might look superb, but only until you let it go. Thats when systems could glitch and ruin time and effort put.

    Test, test, test!

    How To Format An Email Cover Letter

    How to send Resume in Gmail | Using android phone

    Wondering how to format your email cover letter? Youre not alone. Once youve written your incredible cover letter providing more information on your expertise and how it relates to the job youre applying for, its vital to format it correctly before sending it to any recruiters. If it isnt formatted correctly, you could be missing out on the job opportunity.

    Regardless of the cover letter template youve chosen, make sure to include these key components when formatting your email cover letter:

    • Write a subject line that includes the position youre applying for
    • Address the company contacts name in the salutation
    • Clearly state what youre hoping to accomplish in the first few sentences
    • Summarize your strengths, skills and experience by connecting them to the job opportunity
    • Use a font thats easy to read
    • Avoid typos in your message by proofreading
    • Include a signature with your contact information
    • Always send a .pdf file rather than a word doc or other format

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    Email Job Application Introduction

    Dear Mx. Webber,

    I saw your job ad for a restaurant manager and would love to be considered for the position.

    I am a head server who has won Employee of the Month three times in a row and spearheaded a wine sales campaign that resulted in a 10% increase in alcohol revenue. My goal is to use my 10 years of serving experience to increase sales at your establishment and the number of regular customers.

    Please find attached my resume and cover letter. I look forward to meeting you in person to discuss the opportunity.


    Pablo Lopez

    What To Include In An Invitation Interview Email:

    • The role the interview is for: Job seekers occasionally apply to multiple open positions at a company. Let the candidate know which role the interview is for.
    • Why youre interested in them: Let the candidate know youre excited about them and interested in learning more.
    • The interview format: Mention whether it will be a phone, video or in-person interview.
    • Who the interviewer is: Tell the candidate who they will be speaking with and their role in the interviewing process and/or at the company.
    • The interview timeframe: State approximately how long the interview will take. This will help them plan their schedule accordingly.
    • When the interview will take place: State the date and time, with time zone details of interview, or offer a range of dates the candidate can select from.

    Template: Interview Invitation Email

    Copy and paste the following recruiting email template into a blank email. Customize the copy within the given fields and anywhere else you see fit.

    Email Subject Line: Interview Availability

    Hi ,

    Thank you for applying to the position at .

    After reviewing your application, we are excited to move forward with the interview process.

    We would like to schedule a with , at . The interview will last approximately .

    Are you available on at ?

    Please reply directly to this email and let me know if you are available at that time.


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    Include A Brief Email Message

    Write a simple message in the body of the email to let the hiring manager know youve attached your cover letter. Never leave the email message blank, since it can confuse whoever opens it. Your short email message might look like:

    Dear Ms. Garcia,

    Please see my attached resume and cover letter for the position.

    Let me know if you would like any more information.

    Thank you for your consideration!

    Jacob Kurtz

    Sample Email To Send Resume With Reference For Experienced

    What To Write in an Email When Sending a Resume? (+Samples)

    Sub: Job application for the post of ____________, referral from ______

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    My name is _________ having 2 years of experience as ___________.

    I have been informed by my friend / my relative Mr./Mrs. ____________ that there is a vacancy in your organization for the post of _________.

    Hence I have been already working in the same position, I am looking for some better opportunities. I hope this is the right one for me.

    So kindly consider my application for the vacant job position and find the attached resume with this email.

    Thanking you.

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