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How To Start A Resume

Resume Summary Statement Examples

How to Make an Easy Resume in Microsoft Word (2020)
  • Experienced and driven Advertising Manager with international experience in Digital Display, Programmatic, VOD, and Social Media Planning. From 2012-2017, my direct efforts expanded the companys active customer base by more than 15%.
  • Industry recognized executive in General Management with over 20 years of experience working for leading technology companies in core networking, security and wireless infrastructure space.
  • Senior Account Executive with experience helping companies clean and enrich their data with sales intelligence tools in Marketo, Salesforce, Pardot, and Eloqua. Managing big data effectively, I have helped over 200 clients reduce IT infrastructure overhead by up to 40%.
  • Graphic designer, problem solver, and adventurer with over 11 years of experience creating and crafting digital experiences, services, and utilities for more than 100 brands. Im skilled in both design and production and I thrive in startup environments where I can take control of what needs to be done.

A version of this article was first published on April 12, 2017. It was rewritten with updated information and republished on June 4, 2018.

How To Write A Resume Summary As An Experienced Professional

If you have 5 to 10 years of professional experience under your belt, youve probably developed a long list of job-related accomplishments. Your qualifications summary is the ideal place to showcase the most impressive of them.

Are you an experienced sales and customer service professional? Sell it. Mention how you developed strategies that resulted in an over 15 % increase in new customers. Or how your rewards program reached a customer success rate of over 45 %.

See? Numbers are much more persuasive than words. Also, remember to use action words and relevant keywords.

Here a professional summary example for an experienced professional:;

HubSpot Director of Business Development Resume Example

  • Passionate Business Amplifier.
  • Thrives in complex market segment entry and sales and marketing launch plans for technical products and services. Founder of the highly-impactful “HubSpot for Veterans” initiative.;
  • Proven Growth Consultant and Entrepreneurial Coach for over 200 organizations. Advocate of lean startup and data-backed strategy.;
  • Leadership spans career with direct application towards startups, Techstar accelerators, corporate business development, and government. ROI-focused relationship builder.
  • Lifelong teacher and learner: Startup Institute, Techstarts, HubSpot Partner programs.

Christy’s word of advice

Qualifications Summary: What To Include

Consisting of five or six bullet points, a qualifications summary should focus on a candidates key accomplishments, highlighting the applicants key competencies.

Focusing on transferable skills such as leadership, creativity, communication, efficiency, and management skills makes this format ideal for those looking for a career change. order the bullet points from top to bottom in terms of importance.

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Start A Resume Writing Business By Following These 10 Steps:

You have found the perfect business idea, and now you are ready to take the next step. There is more to starting a business than just registering it with the state. We have put together this simple guide to starting your resume writing business. These steps will ensure that your new business is well planned out, registered properly and legally compliant.

Check out our How to Start a Business page.

Professional Summary Example For Student

Flow Chart: How To Start A Resume

Self-driven and knowledgeable computer science student with demonstrated experience in developing user-friendly software applications, coding and testing features, and providing engineering support. Oracle Certified Professional with extensive knowledge of multiple programming languages and software development tools, excellent problem-solving skills, and ability to perform well in a team.

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Why Do You Need A Professional Summary

Recruiters are busy people, they go through dozens, sometimes hundreds of resumes before they can find a few qualified candidates.;

Because of their time constraint, they dont have the luxury to go over every resume in depth.

In fact, on average recruiters only give each resume 6 seconds of their time.;

You know what this means? Shortcuts. Instead of reading a resume thoroughly, recruiters will be cutting corners by skimming resumes in search of specific keywords and phrases that align with what the company is searching for.;;

Thats why you want to include the best resume summary you can come up with, because a good summary section consists of nothing but these juicy bite-size phrases and keywords that a recruiter can spot at a glance.;

In short, a professional summary allows you to turn a recruiter’s time limitation into an advantage.;

What Is A Resume Objective

First of all, it’s not the same thing as a resume summary. They share several common features but each serves a different purpose.

Like a resume summary, a resume objective also sits at the top of your resume. Though, its a bit shorter usually about one to two sentences long. The biggest difference is that instead of your past accomplishments, it details your future goals.

Although a resume objective might not help hiring managers decide whether youre qualified enough to solve their companys problems, it may help you shift their attention away from your lack of experience.

With that said, resume objectives are a bit antiquated and should only be written as a last resort if at all.;

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Next Steps After Your Resume

Now that weve covered everything you need to know about how to create a resume, lets talk cover letters & interviews.;

After all, your resume is only the first step in your job search. To really land that job you deserve, you also need to craft a killer cover letter, and ace that upcoming interview.;

Choose The Most Suitable Format

How to Make a Resume in Google Docs (latest)

Before you start writing anything, the first step is to decide on the right format for your resume. There are three basic resume formats used by job seekers today: reverse-chronological, functional, and combination. Each format has advantages and disadvantages based on how the resume sections are arranged:

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How To Choose The Best Resume Introduction For You

You have four resume introductions to choose from: the resume summary, professional profile, career objective, and summary of qualifications.

Follow our How To Choose a Resume Introduction flowchart below to discover which resume intro maximizes your chances of getting hired:

Now that youve picked your resume introduction, lets look at how you can adapt it to effectively promote your experience and skills.

Below we describe each resume introduction and show you how to write each one. Youll also find several resume introduction examples at the bottom. Click the resume introduction our flowchart recommends to get started:

Ways To Start Your Resume With A Bang

By Louise Fletcher

Everyone tells you that its important to start your resume with a powerful introduction that makes a strong first impression you only have 20 seconds goes the standard advice.

And its true. Employers are busy and they get hundreds of resumes for most positions which means standing out is vital.

But how do you actually do that?

The good news is that its not as hard as you might think.

Ive written before about the importance of starting your resume with a strong resume headline. But here are 5 additional ways to start your resume with the kind of bang that makes it impossible for employers to ignore you.

1. Be Yourself

If youre like most people, when it comes time to write a resume, you spend time browsing the web looking for ideas. . But its a really bad idea and heres why. You are not like any of those other people. On our samples page, youll find over 50 sample resumes, each one carefully crafted to communicate the strengths, personality traits, experiences and unique value proposition of one individual an individual who is not you.

So if youre spending time looking around the web for resume examples, stop it. Seriously. Stop it!

You are amazing. You have talents, skills and life experiences that no one else on earth has at least not in that unique combination. So instead of looking for things other people have said about themselves, start your resume by telling people exactly what makes you uniquely valuable.

2. Focus on Value

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Header / Contact Data

It probably goes without saying, but you need to have a header before you put anything on your resume. This is a must-have section that introduces you and gives the recruiters your contact information.

When creating a resume header, there are a few things you need to remember to add:

  • Your name;
  • Your contact details ;
  • Any relevant and valuable links.

It will help if you make your name the largest text in your header. After all, the recruiter needs to be able to find it quickly dont make their job difficult.

To make your header even more impactful, you can add a headline or job title. Not many people do, which is a shame if you ask me. Youve only got 6 seconds to make an impression; why not use them to the max?

Your headline should describe your work while still matching the position youre applying for. Perfecting a resume headline is a fine art, but it pays off.

When it comes to your phone number, use one that you can answer whenever. They need to be able to reach you, after all. You can include your country code if youre applying to positions in different areas to make things easier for the recruiters.

And, for goodness sake, dont use your work number!

Make sure you use a proper email thats simple, not offensive or obnoxious, and definitely not your work email.

While, for the most part, you dont need to include your full address anymore, adding your general location is a plus.

Proofread Your Resume And Finish Strong

Flow Chart: How To Start A Resume

Once youve written your resume and cover letter, youre in pretty good shape to send out that first application. However, youre not quite done yet.

The most important step before sending out any resume is to read it over and make sure that there are no issues that could get your application discarded.

To help make that process easier, heres a checklist you can go through to make sure your resume is looking spotless:

The Resume Genius Resume Checklist

Is your contact information accurate?

Does your resume NOT include details like headshots or sensitive personal information?

Does your resume fit on one page ?

Is your information easy to read ?

Is the design of your resume appropriate for the position youre applying for?

Did you include all relevant sections on your resume?

Did you include quantified achievements in your work experience section?

Does your resume address the requirements stated in the job ad?

Is your resume free of typos and grammatical errors?

Is all of your information clearly formatted and professional?

Feel free to use our on-page checklist, or and begin reviewing your resume.

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Resume Summary Or Objective

Its not a secret for anyone that first impressions matter, whether theyre in your personal life, or your career.

If you leave a bad first impression, chances are, its there to stay. After all, its very hard to change someones opinion of you.

The same applies to your job search – the HR manager spends around 6 seconds scanning each resume. Yep, your carefully-worded, hand-crafted resume only gets 6 seconds of attention. Unless, of course, you manage to leave an amazing first impression.

The way you accomplish this is through either a good resume summary or objective. Both are placed at the top of your resume, right around the contact information section:

So, heres what you need to know about the two:

Open The Original Job Description

Both your job description and your experience decide how to start a resume. It determines which resume starter keywords will be important and whether you should write an objective section or a summary section.

In fact, the job description gives you a fair idea of what your recruiter is looking for. It describes how your experiences count and whether your education section will make a difference or it won’t.

The instructions provided in the job description are always necessary to start writing your resume and cover letter.

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What Happens During A Typical Day At A Resume Writing Business

As a resume business owner, your day to day activities will revolve around:

  • Writing resumes from scratch Conduct interviews with job candidates over the phone or in-person
  • Editing resumes and interview correspondence
  • Researching new recruiting trends
  • Content marketing to acquire new clients
  • Analyzing competition and improving accordingly
  • Overseeing general production aspects with aid of your team
  • Guest posting on other websites as a way to market your brand and land new clients
  • Writing case studies and success stories
  • Collecting and beautifully displaying relevant testimonials

Choose A Resume Introduction

How To Create A Resume In Microsoft Word-Tutorial

The introduction is one of the most important parts of your resume. It needs to grab the recruiters attention so they take time to review the rest of your resume. With the volume of applications a recruiter reviews, a memorable introduction can stand out and help you get an interview. The format of your introduction can vary depending on your industry, qualifications, experience and whether you are seeking a job in your current industry or a new field. Three common resume introductions are:

Career objective

This;type of introduction;is a short paragraph, ideally three sentences, discussing the career path you are seeking and what you hope to gain from employment.

After stating your desired role, use this paragraph to quickly highlight your relevant strengths and experience. When writing your career objective, review the job description to ensure this section reflects what the company is seeking in a candidate.

Qualifications summary

This introduction style should include relevant experience, qualifications, certifications and critical skills. After stating your desired role, use this paragraph to quickly highlight your relevant strengths and experience. When writing your career objective, review the job description to ensure this section reflects what the company is seeking in a candidate.

Professional profile

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Choose The Perfect Font

You should make a resume that stands out from other resumes for the right reasons. To use it as a marketing tool for the recruiter, it should represent your professionalism.

Professionalism does not include the tricks for artistic expression.

First, say goodbye to cartoon fonts. Do not use Comic Sans. It is almost ridiculous. Nobody takes that font seriously.

On average, the recruiter spends 6 seconds over a resume. So you have to make it count. That is not going to happen with sloppy or unprofessional fonts.

Anyone with basic style or design skills can know that there are many fonts from which one can choose from. Choosing the right one can, therefore, be difficult.

There are two types of font:

Serif fonts are those with decorative markings and style. They are traditional, authoritative, and reliable.

Some serif fonts include Times New Roman, Bookman Old Style, Bodoni MT, Bell MT, Calibri, Goudy Old Style, Cambria, Georgia, and Garamond.

San-serif fonts are simpler fonts with no-frills. They are characterized as objective, universal, clean, and stable.

San-serif fonts include Century Gothic, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Lucida Sans, Gill Sans MT, Tahoma, Helvetica, and Arial.

The things you must consider while selecting fonts are:

First, it doesn’t matter which font you use, you must consider legibility. The typeface you choose must be easy to read and show up well in print and on-screen.

What Is A Resume Profile

A resume profile is a concise overview of your qualification for the job. It can include your goals, education, experience or skills, but also information like marital status, places lived and even childrens names and ages.

The intent of a profile is to provide a snapshot of the persons life, not to persuade a recruiter to call for a job interview.

The main difference between a professional summary and a profile is their purpose. A professional summary is constructed with a recruiter in mind and is designed to attract their;attention. On the other hand, a profile briefly lists titles or positions held, which can serve as an introduction to prestigious roles the person occupied.

While the professional profile only mentions a single achievement, a resume summary highlights multiple quantifiable achievements. A profile contains fewer details about actual work experiences and more personal information which could be helpful.

Since its not necessarily targeting a specific position, a profile is great when uploading your resume to job search sites and networking resumes.

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Run Workshops Teaching People How To Write Winning Resumes

You run a resume writing firm. Youâve got some great insights that can position you as an expert in your field. By speaking in relevant workshops and empowering job seekers, you get seen, you get heard and you get noticed. Find relevant events happening around you and contact organizers to volunteer as a speaker or workshop facilitator.

Consider Adding Optional Sections

Sells Yourself through Great Salesperson Resume

If you have significant white space on your resume, consider adding an achievements or interests section. This can help supplement a shorter resume, especially for those with limited work and educational experience. Makes sure that the achievements and interests you list support your career goals and are relevant to potential employers.

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When To Use A Resume Summary Section

Resume summaries are ideal for job seekers who have many years of work experience in the same field , as they help organize and focus years of relevant job experience.

On the other hand, resume summary statements are not always ideal for job seekers with little experience or notable gaps in their resume.

If you have been working in the same field for less than 10 years, it might serve your resume best to forego the summary statement and use the extra space to expand your work experience. Since a resume summary section takes up space that could be used in the body of your resume, its not recommended for everyone.


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