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What Is An Executive Summary On A Resume

Other Resume Summary Examples

4 Main Components of an Effective Executive Resume Summary

Architect Resume Summary

Professional and creative architect with 10 years experience in developing construction drawings, 3D models and doing design rendering. Served as project architect at company X and won honorable mention as staff architect at XYZ Construction Awards 2016

Click here for the full architect resume example.

Warehouse Worker Resume Summary

Seasonal warehouse worker with experience working for Supermarket X and Supermarket Y. Diligent, organized and very hard working. Previous experience working in the service industry for 2+ years.

Why You Need A Great Resume Summary Statement

At first glance, writing a resume summary statement looks easy. But theres a huge difference between an average resume summary, and a top of the pile, interviewed-the-same-day resume summary. In this tutorial, I break down the process and give you examples so you can follow-along.

Before we dive deeper into the step-by-step details of this tutorial, have a look at Mono, one of our professional resume template from Envato Market, which you can readily add your resume summary statement to, and stand out from other applicants.

List Your Core Skills Near The Top In An Easy

Noticing a theme here? Even for C-level positions, such as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Commercial Officer, hiring managers will typically do a quick scan of your resume before getting into the details. For your executive resume to stand out immediately, make sure your core skills also referred to as core competencies or areas of expertise are listed in an easy-to-read format.

Moreover, make sure you’re choosing skills that directly correlate with the position you’re applying for. Take a look at the job description, if you have it, and customize your resume accordingly. If done right, this should complement your executive summary, or career summary, which Jake includes near the top of this example resume, as well.

Need help with writing your executive summary? Our resume experts can help with that, too!

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How To Write A Compelling Career Summary On Your Resume

When you introduce yourself to someone at a conference or a networking event, you want to pique their interest without overwhelming them with information. The right balance can lead to more career opportunities in the futurebut an approach thats too aggressive or vague will be unproductive. The career summary at the top of your resume Continued

Refine your resume so that it matches your professional caliber. Look for spelling and grammatical errors and make sure the tone is appropriate for the role youre applying to. Ideally, your finished product will be about 5 or 6 lines long. You might need to go through several drafts to perfect your message and reach the right length. Ask for feedback to get an objective outside perspective.

  • 1. Identify common themes within your work history.
  • 2. Think about the big picture.
  • 3. Be forward-thinking.

Video advice: How to Write an Executive Summary |

Professional Summary Example For Warehouse Worker

Executive Summary Examples Free Amp Premium Templates ...

Hard-working and dedicated Warehouse Worker with 2+ years of extensive experience in inspecting incoming shipments, preparing and processing orders, and performing various administrative duties. The Employee of the Month Award winner with a strong attention to detail and accuracy and determination to achieve exceptional results. Offers excellent time management skills and important ability to work independently or in a team.

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Understanding Personal Branding And Value Proposition

Branding is not an optional habit. It links your passions, your personal attributes, and your strengths with your value proposition.

It produces a crystal clear message that differentiates you from your competition and resonates with your target audience.

The things that differentiate your unique promise of value from your job-seeking competitors are what will sell you.

Companies look for vitality and personal chemistry in executive candidates. Branding generates chemistry and makes your profile come alive on the paper.

To learn how to bring it all together, you may go through Hiration’s free resume examples.

Create your brand positioning statement to lead your executive resume along with the executive resume title.

Objective Or Summary: Which Resume Intro Is Best For Senior Roles

If youve gone far enough in your career to be targeting a senior role, chances are youre up against some tough competition. That means you need to think carefully about how to write a resume that makes you stand outand youll need one that proves you can be trusted to think strategically and lead a business to success.

As hiring managers typically spend minimal time reading resumes, its vital that you make a positive impression right off the bat. So you need to perfect the very first part of this all-important document: the section occupied by either your resume summary or your resume objective. But which, if either, should you include? Which will do a better job of emphasizing your executive chops? Below, weve put together some guidance on the topic.

The objective vs. summary debate

As someone whos been in the workforce for a while, youre probably accustomed to opening your resume with an objective statement that outlines your professional aims. This was standard practice for many years, but times have since changed. Today, most experts agree that the objective is now outmoded and should be replaced with a strong summary statement that offers a quick overview, in a few short lines or bullets, of your most pertinent strengths and accomplishments, capturing why youre the best candidate for the job.

That said, there are certain instances when management professionals would do well to use a traditional resume objective.

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Highlight The Qualities That Make You A Great Fit For The Role

Think about the qualities you have that make you stand out from other candidates, and consider highlighting these strengths in your summary. Try to use your executive summary to sell yourself and describe why these qualities make you stand out, add value to the role and pose you as the best fit for the position. Consider using action verbs when listing any tasks complete or contributions made to the role.

Related:139 Action Verbs To Make Your Resume Stand Out

How To Write An Executive Summary

IT program manager resume executive summary

Executive summaries vary depending on the document theyre attached to. You can write an executive summary for a business plan, project proposal, research document, business case, among other documents and reports.

However, when writing an executive summary there are guidelines to make sure you hit all the bases. If you need help following the guidelines, be sure to download our free executive summary template for Word.

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Describing Your Experience On An Executive Resume

Your executive resume should signify the skills that you bring to the table. For instance, if youre a sales manager with years of experience in upselling, that should be evident in every section of your executive resume.

  • Write about your experience in optimizing production/upscaling a former methodology in your work history.
  • List leadership skills needed in optimizing processes, improving relationships, and managing workflow.
  • Include the savings in workforce and production costs achieved.

While you should include qualitative results to help the recruiter understand what kind of person you are, you must also deliver impact through your points.

Only being a responsible person would probably not land you an executive role. You will be hired to make money, drive growth, reduce costs, streamline operations, optimize staff performance, etc.

The best way to make it instantly clear that you know how to do this? Show the results. Show the numbers.

One of the simplest ways to accomplish this is by creating a sub-section within each job youve held called Key Accomplishments or Key Highlights.

Bold the most impressive quantitative stuff so that its beyond easy for people to find this information quickly.

Move Your Education To The End Of The Resume

As a recent college graduate, your degree is often one of your biggest selling points. A few years into your career, it may have been your relevant work experience. But now that you’ve worked your way up the ranks, it’s time to shift the focus of your resume. Move your education details to the end of the resume, with the exception of any advanced degrees .

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Human Resources Generalist Resume Summary Example:

Human Resources Generalist with progressive experience managing employee benefits & compliance, employee hiring & onboarding, performance management processes, licensure tracking and HR records. Dependable and organized team player with the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently. Skilled at building relationships with employees across all levels of an organization. Proficient with HRIS, applicant tracking and benefits management.

Why this is a good resume summary:

The applicant highlights their experience across a wide range of HR functions from the very first sentence, and continues this pattern throughout the rest of the summary. They then use easily digestible langue to showcase their hard skills and soft skills . They also integrate a variety of keywords to get past automated job application systems, without sounding spammy or without over-doing it.

By: Kyle Elliott, MPA/CHES, Career Coach and Consultant

Professional Summary Example For Receptionist

Executive Summary For Resume

Customer-oriented and performance-driven Front Desk Assistant skilled at performing various administrative tasks, improving all office processes and procedures, and providing support to Office Managers. Great communicator with a Business Administration degree from a well-known university and an exceptional ability to remain calm in stressful situations. Possess well-developed communication skills and excellent time management abilities.

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Should You Add An Executive Summary To Your Resume And If So What Should It Say

Long gone are the days of the Objective Statement where job applicants would list a one- or two-page description at the top of their resumes detailing the type of employer or position they were seeking. And, it makes sense, doesnt it? Employers already have a fairly good idea of the position you want if youre applying to their open role. Instead, they want to know what you bring to the table. This is where an executive summary comes in.

In short, an executive summary is a short paragraph that appears at the top of your resume that summarizes the most important elements of your qualifications or experience. Its a kind of snapshot of your candidacy that gives hiring managers a quick way to reference who you are and what you can offer by calling out the most important aspects of your resume.

But, not every resume needs an executive summary. How do you know if you should add this to your document before applying to your next job?

Job candidates who are embarking on any kind of a career or industry change would also benefit from including an executive summary at the top of their document as this gives the potential new employer a clear understanding of the value you bring, despite the fact that you may have taken a non-traditional career path to get there.

If youve determined your resume would benefit from an executive summary, keep these best practices in mind:

Professional Summary Example For Student

Self-driven and knowledgeable computer science student with demonstrated experience in developing user-friendly software applications, coding and testing features, and providing engineering support. Oracle Certified Professional with extensive knowledge of multiple programming languages and software development tools, excellent problem-solving skills, and ability to perform well in a team.

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Executive Resume Examples And Tips For 2021

7 executive resume examples and advice from Zipjobs executive resume writers.

Chief Information Officer resume An executive-level resume has several important distinctions from other resumes. In just seconds, your resume needs to convey that you are a compelling, competent, and capable candidate for C-Level positions like CFO, CEO, COO, or CMO. Your resume needs to show that you have the basic qualifications to lead a department or a company. The best executive resumes also showcase your personal traits like a strong work ethic, resilience, ability to find solutions, and how you motivate people to reach goals. Be sure to back your claims up with solid examples that you can elaborate upon in your executive cover letter or in an interview. 3 things every executive resume needsTo come across as the most qualified candidate for a job, you need to pay attention to these factors on your leadership resume:Qualifications: do you have the required training, experience, and education for the job?Relevancy: does every skill, job, and bullet point on your resume directly relate to the job?Efficiency: have you presented yourself so that a reader can quickly identify that you are worth an interview?

Fine-tuning an Executive Summary For Your Resume | Sample Resume A good executive summary will pitch your resume for the job you are applying to. We cover the best tips in writing one!

with in the . Core competencies include . A with , recognised for to .

Turn I And Me Into You

How Long Should My Executive Resume Be?

None of the examples in this piece have an I or me to avoid the first person, self-centered tone sometimes found in resumes. Since a resume summary statement is read by a recruiter, it should be written for their benefit.

Changing a sentences structure so its focused on you reinforces the message of the value you bring to the table.

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We Recommend Deleting Your Professional Summary For The Following Four Reasons:

1) Your resume is already a short document: you dont need a summary to summarize it

At most, your resume is two to three pages long. At best, its only a page.

If youre effectively incorporating skim value into your document, a recruiter should be able to skim it in under 30 seconds and still pick up the key information theyre looking for such as:

  • skills
  • education

2) Professional summaries tend to be generic and full of empty buzzwords

The typical professional summary boasts numerous cliches regarding how the candidate has ten years of proven sales and digital marketing experience, is a strong team leader, and has effective verbal and written communication skills, for example.

If you do, thats great!

However, always aim to show recruiters examples of these characteristics instead of simply telling them.

3) Your work experience section allows you to convey your skills in a more believable manner

Professional summaries that incorporate generic buzzwords dont sound believable without any concrete evidence to back up the statements.

These types of statements also make you sound like similar candidates who are applying for the same position.

Aim to differentiate yourself from your competition.

Youll be able to do so in a much more compelling manner by providing real-world examples in the context of your work experience.

4) Its best to simply stick to the facts and let your experience speak for itself

Projectmanager Turns An Executive Summary Into A Project

Your executive summary got the project approved. Now the real work begins. ProjectManager is an award-winning project management software that helps you organize tasks, projects and teams. We have everything you need to manage each phase of your project, so you can complete your work on time and under budget.

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Capture Attention Through Your Opener

Opening your summary in an engaging and compelling way is pretty much guaranteed to win your readers attention and get them interested in what you have to say. Rather than droning on about your company, focus on talking about the value you provide.

Help potential clients see that pitching their tent with you would be a unique opportunity for them that promises impressive returns on investment. Remember that the introductory part of your summary is your chance to hook the reader and reel them in.

If you fail to get them excited, theyll probably not read the rest of your summary or bother checking out the main proposal.

Example Resume Summary Statements

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Below are some examples of job listing descriptions along with a tailored executive summary for each.

Job Position:Corporate Social Responsibility Specialist

Job Listing Description:

The Corporate Social Responsibility Specialist plays a significant role in supporting the companys charitable donations programs, as well as corporate sustainability reporting. This individual manages day-to-day operations of our corporate contributions including grant program workflow and budgetary and regulatory reporting.


Required Education: Bachelors Degree or equivalent combination of education and experience Business, Finance, Marketing or Communications or related field

Required Experience: 2-4 years Business, Finance, Marketing or Communications or related field

Preferred Experience: 4-7 years Business, Finance, Marketing or Communications or related field

Special Skill Requirements:

  • Other: Global Mindset

CSR Specialist Executive Summary Example:

For 7 years I have been influencing European Union policy on food, agriculture and trade from Paris, Brussels, and Amsterdam, giving me a thorough understanding of EU functions and allowing me to master techniques to shape societys evolution. My greatest assets are my abilities to think strategically, show leadership, manage complex action plans and communicate effectively to a variety of stakeholders.

Job Position:E-Commerce Project Manager

Job Listing Description:


Job Position:Sales and Marketing Manager

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Components Of The Summary

Despite the fact that the components of the executive summary may vary depending on the specifics of the main document, some major parts are still presented in the majority of the summaries. The key components typically include:

  • Overview of a company/businessCorporate StructureCorporate structure refers to the organization of different departments or business units within a company. Depending on a companys goals and the industry
  • Identification of a main problem or proposition
  • Analysis of a problem or proposition, with supporting facts, data, and figures
  • Possible solutions and their justifications
  • Clearly defined conclusions

What Is A Resume Summary

A resume summary, also known as a professional summary or summary statement, is a short description at the top of your resume that describes your experience, qualities and skills. Including a resume summary allows you to showcase your strongest assets right away.

Image description

  • Skills

  • Optional

  • It can be helpful to think about a resume summary as an answer to the question, How would you describe your work experience in one sentence? For example, if you have 10 years of experience working as a registered nurse, youve likely developed a long list of accomplishments for your resume. Creating a summary that showcases the most relevant, key points for a specific position and employer offers a solid picture of your qualifications immediately.

    Here are a few other ways including a resume summary can be helpful.

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