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Why Is A Resume So Important

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Resume Writing Service 2019| Why are resumes important?| What sets us apart?

A basic resume has your name and contact information, experience, education, and skills. To help you create your resume, you can find the ultimate guide here. If you dont think you have the time to write and format a resume, AgHires makes it easy for you. Use our resume builder to help you build and print or save your document to share with employers and any family or friends that know someone with an opening. You can even use it to apply for jobs on Just create a Jobseeker account to begin filling out your information. Check out our Resume Builder How to Video below to help you to build your resume.

Get more Resume Tips here or follow us on and .

Why Is A High Quality Resume So Very Important To Your Career Well Give You Some Tips Right Here On Why You Should Have The Best Resume Writing Service You Can Afford In Your Back Pocket

A resume is needed in order to get an interview. Its part of the application process. And, if you are chosen, that actual resume may be used in the interview itself. You want to have the best possible chance at the starting gate.

A high quality resume is absolutely essential to help the hiring manager decide if you are a good match for the position. A resume is either eyeballed by the hiring manager or scanned for specific keywords as applicable to the position.

If eyeballed, the hiring manager can tell in 15 seconds if you are a prospective match. Thats it. You have 15 seconds. If scanned, the keywords used in your resume will need to be a good match to the pre-chosen keywords in the scan.

If not, its just a big NO. On the other hand, if a match is found, its a nice happy YES.

Your resume tells the prospective employer about you, your work history, your skill set, and what you bring to the table in terms of being a good fit for the position. This is mission critical.

Bottom line your first impression is your most important one. And that first impression is your resume.

Maureen McCullough LLC has been preparing resumes and cover letters for over 15 years. Weve taken on some tough clients, most notably those who did something they loved 30 years ago, and now want to go back to that chosen line of work. Weve also taken clients with scattered work histories and worked them up to be cohesive and impressive to land them the job.

How To Build A Bond With Your Work Buddy

When it comes to building a relationship with your colleagues, it shouldn’t always be about work.

Check in with your work buddy from time to time about how things are going in their lives. Grab lunch, attend happy hour, or plan some other fun activity once a month.

Trust goes beyond the workplace, so it’s important to work on the relationship like any other friendship.

Strengthening the friendship is also beneficial if you ever reach a point where you are no longer co-workers. You may want to keep this person as a personal friend or use them as a professional reference in the future. At the very least, you’ll both be valuable connections for each other in your professional networks.

This is were those bonds formed at the workplace really come in handy.

Don’t Miss: Careerbuilder Resume Database

The Importance Of Your Resume

It’s the first meeting between you and a prospective employer…

You have heard the expression “First impressions are lasting ones.” Well, your resume is the first meeting between you and a prospective employer more often now than ever. So, how do you want to be remembered? Wrinkled and unorganized. Neat and structured. Long and boring. Precise and interesting. Companies do not have the time to interview every applicant that is interested in the job. If they did, there would not be a company to work for. They use an eliminating process. That’s right – resumes.

They tell the employer a great deal about you…

Resumes tell an employer a great deal about you. Where you have been, where you are and where you are headed. However, the story must be told quickly and clearly. You only have a few moments to convince the employer that your resume deserves further attention before it’s trashed. Your resume needs to shout – professionally, “I am the one you want on your team.” So much so, that even if you are not appropriate for the advertised position, he or she would be inclined to start one for you.

They tell you a great deal about yourself…

Its purpose is to get the interview…

First Lets Understand The Meaning Of A Career Objective For A Resume


It is a short statement stating your career direction as well as your place as a potential strongcandidate for a job position. Moreover, a career objective for a resume for a fresher or an experienced person is should never be the same for two jobs you are applying to. It should be customized according to the job description and requirements.

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Begin By Defining Our Terms

Since hard or technical skills are easiest to define, let us begin there. In general, hard skills deal with your technical knowledge and ability. Bookkeeping, data analysis, programming in a specific language, and hands-on familiarity with employment law are all examples of hard skills. Effective use of hard skills is consistent between companies. In other words, the working knowledge of accounting pronouncements and IRS rules is the same no matter which CPA firm you choose to work for.

Soft skills deal with your emotional intelligence, personal attributes and temperament traits. Conflict de-escalation, communication skills, building relationships and working with cross-functional teams are examples of soft skills. The specifics of applying soft skills for maximum impact vary from company to company because of the broad diversity in cultures, acceptable practices, and personal fit.

There is a common misconception that hard skills are learned from books and soft skills are learned on the job. I disagree with that. In my experience, both hard and soft skills can be learned and refined in a formal setting and through hands-on practice on the job. I believe that professionals can be naturally talented at both hard and soft skills and that they can improve both by seeking development opportunities and feedback.

The Importance Of A Well Written Professional Resume

Aftercare Support Service Manager at Roo Resumes

The importance of a well written Professional Resume cannot be stressed upon enough. A Resume is a medium for advertising yourself, its the first means in which you use to present yourself as a job applicant and try to claim that you are the best choice candidate to a prospective employer.

Remember though that a Professional Resume is always an evolving document, which improves over the period of time, during your career, so keep modifying and improving on it after its first draft and keep its different versions with you as you move forward in your chosen career.

We live in a society these days where everyone is put in a box to be an Expert at such a skill or such a domain so why would you not consider the benefits of hiring an expert in Human Resources and the Recruitment Industry that really understands what happens behind the scenes when screening applicants for suitable roles?

In my professional career I have screened thousands upon thousands of job applications and I know that Resumes are screened and scored accordingly so why not hire a Resume Writing Professional to therefore increase your chances of getting them to speak to you as a person on the telephone or face-to-face in an interview? A well-written Resume will produce results.

Our website can be viewed at

  • Professional Resumes
  • Cover Letters for Job Applications
  • Interview Tips and Advice

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Grabs The Attention Of Employers

The part of the resume known as “above the fold”âusually the top quarter of the resumeâis considered the most attention-grabbing. Make sure to include important summarized information above the fold in addition to your name and contact information. Another way you can get an employer’s attention is to use a layout that allows for appropriate color or images.

Some people will use a headshot portrait or personal logo to brand themselves to employers. If you have to print your resume, always make sure to use a resume paper stock that sticks out. There are a lot of options to choose from, so pay attention to industry standards when deciding on paper.

Want To Learn How To Build Your Executive Presence

Why a Professional Resume is so important?

If you’re an executive looking to advance in your career, you need to make your executive presence a priority. This includes your online executive presence. Failing to consistently contribute online in a meaningful way will put you on the fast track to being irrelevant and forgotten.

Join J.T. O’Donnell, LinkedIn Influencer and founder and CEO of Work It Daily, for this 3-hour live class designed to help you overcome these hurdles and stand out in the new normal of 2021 and beyond.

During this class, you will learn how to:

  • Assess your executive presence to determine what you should convey online
  • Make your resume, LinkedIn profile, and other professional branding tools say more by intentionally sharing less
  • Create a “content tree” to ensure you always have plenty to share online
  • Select the right types of content to share to maximize your ROI

Also Check: Do You Put Gpa On Resume

How Important Is A Cover Letter

When you apply for an open position at an organization, employers require you to fill out a resume and submit it as part of the application process. Some companies also require you to send a cover letter with your resume to explain why youre qualified for the position. While a cover letter may be optional for some positions, its usually a good idea to include one in any application you submit. In this article, we discuss what a cover letter is, why its important for you to send one with your resume and other tips you should consider before submission.

Creating A Cover Letter

A Cover Letter allows a potential employer to be introduced to you and your resume. It is the first document an employer sees, therefore serving as your first impression and also allows the employer to get a more comprehensive look at who you are and why you are qualified for the job. This being your first impression, you want to take advantage of the opportunity and prepare the reader for your application. State why you are you writing, why you are a good match for their organization/company, and when you intend to contact them.

During job search process writing a Cover letter can be very challenging. You are challenged to create a document about yourself that is not selfish and self-centered. But DON’T WORRY, we have all the tools necessary to aid you in this process. Follow these simple guidelines and you’ll be on your way to creating an excellent Cover Letter.

  • Explain your experiences in a story-like format that works with the information you’ve provided in your resume.
  • Go in-depth about important experiences/skills and relate them to job experiences.
  • Show the employer that you are tailoring the job application and making it your own.
  • Display your written communication skills.

  • There are also hardcopy Cover Letter templates available upon request at the Counseling and Testing Center.

    • Leave space between heading and name of specific person
    • Use 1 inch margins all around the document
    • Single space your letter

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    Can I Support Key Hard And Soft Skills With Stories And Examples

    This question goes beyond the resume, although adding some qualifiers to the resume skills section is a good step. If you have wooed four national accounts to join the customer list in the last year, trained 25 interns on the use of the company-specific methodology or presented 10 sales pitches with a 100 percent close rate, numbers and details can add color to an otherwise dry list.

    As you prepare for your interviews, make sure you can support every critical hard and soft skill with an example or a story that demonstrates your proficiency and effectiveness.

    Which skills do you need examples for? That is a great question. The specific list will vary by industry, but you will have a good starting point if you can highlight the top five skills that trend across several similar position descriptions. Be sure that you have covered both hard and soft skills for a well-rounded presentation.

    Why Is Tailoring Your Resume So Important


    Take a guess: how long does a hiring manager review a resume? 6 or 7 seconds. Thats right only a few seconds to catch the hiring managers attention. Scary, I know! Thats why its super important to customize your resume to fit each job description.

    To help ensure your resume gets the attention it deserves, here are a few tips:

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    Consider What To Include In A Cover Letter

    Yes, the cover letter is your opportunity to show your personality. To an appropriate degree, that is. Hiring managers looking for candidates for high-level executive positions must cull through hundreds or even thousands of resumes and cover letters. A short, succinct cover letter can be refreshing. One that is too long, too detailed or too informal is a waste of time.

    Crafting a winning cover letter that allows your personality to shine through, without being too wordy or including unhelpful details, can be challenging. Unless you are a writer by profession , consider hiring a reputable cover letter writing service to help you. At the very least, a cover letter writing service can help you craft a good base letter you can customize for each job you apply for. If you are in the hunt for a high-salary executive position, youve probably already hired an executive resume service to perfect your resume. Your cover letter needs at least the same degree of professional attention.

    Why A Career Objective For Resume Is So Important

    Its time to think about, why a career objective for resume is so important?

    For any professional, a resume is a vital document in which one can find all the relevant information and facts related to the professional aspect of a person. You might sense the importance of having a good resume. Also, individuals know that how much negative effect a bad resume can have on your potential candidature. Even when you go for career counseling, they might emphasize having a good resume.

    Every person with a resume knows that plenty of other individuals are there with a well-crafted resume that carefully targets the positions as well as managers. Besides, for a single job, if notthousands, hundreds of qualified people apply. This creates a high chance of a lot of resumes getting lost in the pile. Therefore, your resume as well as your career objective needs to stand out.

    Technology has made it even more difficult. Every job description has target keywords that arerequired in the potential candidate. Also, the resumes are analyzed and interpreted by software.Therefore, if your resume is not up to the mark, you might not make it to the next level.

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    What Is The Role Of Communicator

    In business, an effective communicator seeks to unify the audience by using ideas and language that are appropriate for all the messages readers or listeners. People are influenced by emotions as well as logic. The ethical communicator will be passionate and enthusiastic without being disrespectful.

    Why Are Resumes So Important

    Why PR? The Importance of Your Resume

    A resume is an important tool for your job search because it offers a page or two where you can display your top skills and qualities. Resumes help employers make hiring decisions and help you get your first interview. Thats why it matters how you structure your resume and what information you decide to include

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    Matches You To The Position

    A good resume matches your skills to the position’s needs. One way to do this is by making sure your resume contains the same keywords found in the job description.

    For example, if the job description asks for “knowledge of JSON” make sure to include “JSON” on your resume. By doing this, employers will be able to filter what makes you good for the position. If submitting your resume electronically, some companies auto-sort by keywords. To ensure your resume is seen, you should pay attention to them.

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    Why Is A Resume Important

    A resume is an important tool for your job search because it offers a page or two where you can display your top skills and qualities. However, a resume is much more than that. Resumes help employers make hiring decisions and help you get your first interview. That’s why it matters how you structure your resume and what information you decide to include. In this article, you’ll learn why a resume is important and get actionable resume tips that may help you achieve your next career move.

    Read more: Resume Format Guide

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    How Important Is A Good Resume Career Objective

    Presently, arguments have been there regarding the usefulness of career objectives. For some experts, it is outdated while some consider it useful. However, it can be very important and useful in many cases. Therefore, lets dig into the importance they hold.

    • Career objective provides a clear explanation for your qualification and career goals
    • Helpful in cases where you are considering a career change
    • Provides information about your ambitions and skills for a particular job
    • Helps the employers in understanding your vision and knowledge of the industry
    • Makes you stand out while narrating your specialty to the hiring managers
    • Helps the hiring managers in knowing your value to the organization at a glance.


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