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How Do You Write Mba On A Resume

Your Mba Resume And Work Experience

How to Write a Stellar MBA Resume and Essays

As we said earlier, the work experience section of your resume is going to be the longest. Even so, you should treat it as more of a highlights reel. A lot of detailed description about your daily tasks can go in the application form, and its better for your MBA resume to focus on results, such as:

  • Times you won clients for your company
  • Times you increased revenue
  • Times you saved time and/or money through optimization

You should also explain how you generated the results. If you simply state that Generated $X revenues for the company without any backup details, the reader may wonder about your exact personal involvement in this achievement.

Lead With Your Strengths

A resume isnt simply a laundry list of accomplishments.

Its your marketing document.

While you must be absolutely truthful, you can and should arrange information to show off your best differentiators first.

This means leading with your strengths.

When you explain each position you have held, start off with your most impressive achievement or duty in that position.

In the two examples below, which example is more compelling example of the MBA applicants job?

Common Mistakes Mbas Make On Their Resumes

  • Typos: In order to avoid typos, proofread your resume and have someone else look it over. Spelling or grammar errors are a quick way for hiring managers to weed out undesirable applicants.
  • Including Personal Information: While you want to include contact information, avoid overly personal information such as your home address. These details may distract the hiring manager from your qualifications.
  • Including Salary Information: Your resume is not the proper place to include salary requirements or past pay. Focus on your qualifications and job skills, and save money talk for the interview.
  • Using Nicknames: If you ultimately land the job, feel free to share your nickname with coworkers. During recruitment, however, using your legal name can streamline the process and maintain a level of professionalism.
  • Using an Unprofessional Email Address: A resume should be the ultimate professional summary of an individual. List an email address that includes your name, rather than the email you created in middle school.
  • First Person Pronouns: Although resumes are all about you, avoid the pronoun âI.â When listing job duties, instead of âI managed bookkeeping,â simply write, âManaged bookkeeping.â
  • Unprofessional Voicemail: Be prepared for the HR department to contact you. Rather than a casual voicemail greeting or a non-personalized automatic greeting, set up a greeting which states your full name and leaves a professional impression.

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Your Mba Resume And Education

Information about your educational background should be short and to the point. There is no need to include things like GPA, which is going to be listed elsewhere in the application. Instead, this space should focus on what we discussed above: what you did in college apart from earning your degree. Extracurricular activities are going to be useful, but you shouldnt try to inflate your accomplishments just to pad your resume.

In this case, padding means hyperboleand this means less time and space spent on your actual accomplishments. If you just got started volunteering, for example, it shouldnt take up half of your education section.

How To Put Mba In Your Linkedin Profile

MBA Resume Sample

Just like your resume, referencing an MBA in your LinkedIn profile is ideal as well.

An MBA can be listed under education. No surprise there.

But, why do people put MBA after their names in the top section too?

Similar to what we see in a resume?

Heres an example of that in action:

So, how would you go about adding something similar to your LinkedIn profile?

First, log into your LinkedIn profile and select update your profile.

That link is listed under your picture on the left side of the page.

Second, click on the edit pencil.

A popup will then show that looks similar to this:

Third, simply add MBA after your last name.

Easy enough, right?

But, is going this extra step necessary?


The LinkedIn recruitment platform is feature-rich.

And, recruiters and hiring managers can filter job candidates by education level.

So, listing MBA after your name is really more of a visual element that may or may not attract interest from those performing manual database searches.

In fact, professionals with advanced degrees oftentimes put this designation within their email signatures, business cards, and cover letters.

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Thing : Dont Share Confidential Information

Its a good idea to include as much specific detail as possible on your resume, including financial figures. However, dont do this if the information is confidential. You dont want to get in trouble at work because youve shared details about your business that isnt available to the public.

If you cant share the amount of a specific portfolio, for example, say that youve worked on million-dollar portfolios. If you cant name a consulting client due to an NDA, say that youve worked with a Fortune 500 company. Be specific without breaking confidentiality.

Importance Of Your Mba Resume

According to a survey conducted by the GMAC, your resume is given 15% weightage as an admission criterion in the decision-making process for full-time MBA programs. The weightage and importance of the resume increase to 24% for executive MBA programs. Thus, it suffices to say that your resume is an essential part of your MBA application.

The importance of your MBA resume is not only limited to the application process but is also beneficial during research & outreach. E.g. to reach out to admission officials and alumni of your target MBA programs. Having a strong, crisp and easy to read resume is very beneficial for this purpose as well.

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How To Add Mba In Progress To Your Resume

If youre still in the process of completing your MBA, you might be wondering if you should include it in your resume.

And the short answer is absolutely! If its relevant, of course.

All the same rules apply if you havent finished your studies yet. The only difference is that you should put down the anticipated completion date instead of an actual completion date.

Lets go back to the example from earlier the Director of Finance resume.

If you know when youre expected to get your qualification, then you should put that date down.

More importantly, if youre applying for a job in March 2021 and your MBA ends in May 2021, always include the month, too. If you just put the year down, it can look like youve already received your MBA. Again, this can be considered misleading by employers. So, be specific.

And, if you want to leave even less room for confusion, you can add expected to the completion date, too.

This Mba Resume Guide Will Teach You

How To Ace The MBA Resume | MBA CV Tips | Resume Advice
  • What are the most important sections to have in an MBA resume
  • MBA resume examples and structure to grab the admission officers attention
  • How to feature your educational background in an appealing manner
  • Why experience and skills could be the missing piece in most MBA resumes today
  • What additional sections could bring more value to your application

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What Is An Example Of A Mba Resume

MBA Resume Example 1 Successfully redesigned the strategy of communicating with the customers to increase the revenue of the organization by 20% within a year by assisting the Head Accountant. Reduced the requests for refunds of customers by 20% and labor costs by $1 million by implementing a customer service process.

Formatting Your Mba Resume

Even though it will be the first thing the admission committee reads, your MBA application resume will in most cases be glanced over fairly quickly. One material consequence of this is that you cannot afford to be creative with this document. Use a conventional format avoid colors and non-standard fonts and in general, avoid any bells or whistles. Your name should be at the top. Names of companies should go down the left-hand side, with corresponding dates on the right. Make use of bullet points, and keep the resume sections clearly organized.

While it may seem like a creative, non-standard MBA resume will help you stand out and show your personality, what it will mostly do is keep the AdCom from being able to quickly jump in and out as they go through the rest of your application. They will spend time searching for information that will end up making them more frustrated. You will stand outbut not in a good way.

The same goes for business school resume tricks or hacks. If you fiddle with the margins or use 8.5 font, you can fit more content on the page but that doesnt mean that the admissions officer will actually take the time to read it! What you leave out is just as important as what you put in.

As a corollary to this, remember that every new thing you add will take time and attention away from something else. Dont allow your B+ results to dilute your A+ results. In most cases,the best MBA resumes will be around 600 words in length. Dont overstuff it.

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Examples Of Resume Education Sections With Mbas

The following examples of MBA Education sections are excerpts from eleven resumes in our collection of sample resumes. I have posted the sections here as images so the formatting would stay in place.

Because each of the following examples is taken from a different resume sample, the fonts, size, margins, and overall look and feel vary, one from the other.

Mba Student Resume At Resume Examples

Top MBA Resume Samples &  Examples for Professionals ...

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Mba Student Resume. Excellent in communication in wriiten and verbal both. Improve grammar, word choice, and sentence structure in your resume writing.

Ad create a perfect resume with our online curriculum vitae maker in just a few steps. Improve grammar, word choice, and sentence structure in your resume writing. Sample mba student resume fidel michaels 60 w.

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Other Resume Sections You Can Include

Now, the other candidates will all have similar job experiences.

To stand out, you need to ensure that youve got something no other candidate has.

After all, if your resume looks exactly the same as everyone elses, youre not putting the odds in your favour.

Utilizing the following sections is the easiest way to give your resume that first-class treatment.

How To Add A Portfolio To Your Resume

Create a Portfolio header, and then link to your website , and list your relevant portfolio pieces. It should look like this:

  • E-Commerce Created an online shop as part of a university competition
  • Business Plan Created a business plan for a local company that wanted to expand operations
  • Web Design Managed a Kickstarter campaign for an innovative cooking brand successfully raised $400,982

Dont want a dedicated portfolio section? Just link to your online portfolio in your contact information section.

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Takeaways: Listing Mba On Your Resume

And there you have it! Now that you know how to list an MBA on your resume, youre well on your way to making a spectacular first impression!

To summarize quickly:

  • Adding an MBA to your resume is a great way to impress recruiters and pique their interest.
  • Generally, you should list an MBA in your resumes Education section.
  • All general education rules apply for your MBA, too.
  • MBAs work great with the reverse chronological resume format.
  • If you are yet to complete your studies, you can still include an MBA in your resume just make sure to specify the expected completion date.

I hope you found this blog post helpful. If you have any comments or additional questions, dont hesitate to share them in the comments below!

How To Create A Strong Mba Resume

How to write an impressive resume for MBA admissions?

Selectively self-promote! If you earned a faster-than-average promotion or are being sponsored for your MBA, say so. If you received an exclusive academic scholarship, were accepted by a prestigious organization or were appointed to a leadership position over many other qualified candidates, write it down.

The same goes for very high GPAs and test scores. Be succinct, but definitely include such achievements, honors and awards in your MBA applicant resume.

Finally, leave them wanting more. You cant cover your entire life story in this document, but you can give the adcom just enough to get them excited about reading your essays and wanting to meet you in-person.Make sure you have your MBA resume polished up and strong !

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How Is The Mba Resume Different From Other Resumes

Every MBA program requires its applicants to submit a resume. The good news is: youre a business person. You almost certainly have an up-to-date and compelling resume or you wouldnt have advanced as far as you have in your career to date.

The bad news, however, is that an MBA resume is an entirely different beast from your typical job application resume. The resume that gets you hired at an investment bank wont be the same resume that gets you into a top MBA program, and this makes nailing the MBA resume a critical step toward acing your application.

So, what are the differences between the resume you used to land your current job and the one youll use to apply to MBA programs? In short, the answer is leadership.

Consider the goal for each type of resume.

For the job resume, your goal is to prove to your future boss that you have what it takes to do a particular job function. If youre applying for an engineering job at Uber, your resume must demonstrate your prowess for coding. If youre applying for a portfolio management job at Credit Suisse, your resume shows your experience in markets, investment strategies and your overall business acumen.

Stated simply, an MBA is a degree in business leadership. Therefore, the resume needs to focus not on job skills, but rather on demonstrated business leadership.

Include A Professional Profile Or Resume Objective

At the top of your resume, add a short paragraph summarizing your best achievements. Use a professional program, if you are experienced. Give an outline of your career and summarize what you accomplished. If you have little experience, include a resume objective that discusses what youve learned so far and how this knowledge contributes to your place in the business world.

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How Do I Sell My Emba On My Resume

June 13, 2016 by

During a job search, or while updating your resume, you need to know the right way to promote your eMBA on your resume. The international designation society for degrees and designations currently only gives you the right to put an MBA at the top of a resume. They dont yet recognize the eMBA as a separate degree. So you are categorized as having an MBA, not an eMBA even though there is a significant difference between the two. So how do you sell your eMBA on Your Resume?

Additional Information And Achievements

MBA Resume Example and Writing Guide

This section is where you highlight your most significant extracurricular achievements. It should include a robust variety of activities that highlight the unique experiences you wish to convey to the admissions committee. Dont just add any and all extracurriculars focus on adding high-stake accomplishments that show your focus, ability to apply yourself, strong work ethic, leadership potential, and collaboration skills. Every point added here should be impressive and unique. These entries should also be verifiable and back up the contents of your personal statement, essays, and other components of your application.

These are some of the key significant achievements and experiences you can highlight in this section: business relevant certifications, high performing projects, associations/clubs with leadership roles, media pieces where you were positively featured, publications, awards, conferences where you presented, industry blogs/vlogs with a significant readership, languages and sports/hobby achievements or recognitions.

Here are a few examples for this section:

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Strategies For Writing Your Mba Application Resume

Before you begin writing your MBA application resume, read through several sample MBA resumes to develop an understanding of the appropriate tone, writing style and approach. As you write each section of your resume, you should think about how you can connect your life experiences to the attributes of an ideal business school candidate.

Several methods can help you set up and refine your MBA resume to highlight your aptitude for business. The following strategies can contribute to creating a well-rounded MBA resume application that will help you stand out as a top applicant.

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What Should You Include On Your Mba Resume

Crystal Grant, director of admissions at Imperial Business School, offers MBA resume writing advice for Applicant Question

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In this Applicant Question, Crystal Grant , director of admissions at Imperial Business School in London, explains what you need to include to create a stand-out MBA resume.

Of the many components that make up an MBA application, there is one constant requirement for absolutely all of them: a great resume.

Admissions officers review thousands of resumes every year and a lot of them will be very similar, which means theres a real opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

If youre applying to an MBA, you probably have a reasonably up-to-date resume but rather than just giving it a cursory update and then submitting it, take a step back and approach it as if you were applying for your dream job.

Reflect on what your target school is looking for from candidates. For instance perhaps they value leadership or challenging the status quo, or are particularly strong in innovation or analytics, creativity or community engagement, and so on.

Thats why its important that you tailor your resume for each school to align with their values and culture.

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