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How To Add Interests On Resume

Why Should You Include Hobbies & Interests In Your Resume

How to write interest for resume in Free Resume Maker app #6

Employers spend approximately 3 minutes and 14 seconds looking at your resume, with 1 out of every 5 recruiters making up their mind about you in 60 seconds.

Your resume should, therefore, give the employer a concrete description of who you are and express your capabilities in under 3 ½ minutes.

A two year longitudinal study of 120 hiring managers conducted by North Western Universitys Kellogg School of Management Studies, showed that approximately 51.2% of employers selected suitable candidates based on their hobbies and interests.

An article by The Guardian could not describe it better that personal interests and hobbies are used to demonstrate how fit you are for the advertised position.

For these and many other reasons well see below, it is essential to carefully analyze the hobbies you need to include in your resume.

Of course this depends on the job opportunity you are applying for.

Each hobby you add is a window into your character, and you should be sure that it directs light towards desired attributes.

In this article well discuss how you how you can craft your resume to stand out among hundreds, probably thousands of resumes sent for each job vacancy.

Whats The Difference Between Hobbies And Interests

Hobbies and interests are related but are not the same.

Interest is something that you have a liking for and you may or may not do it. If yes, you enjoy doing it just from time to time.

A hobby is something you practice or do regularly. You usually do it during your free time for enjoyment. So, your interest can become a hobby if you do it everyday and make it the part of your life.

You paint from time to time but dont have sufficient time to practice it regularly. Thats an interest. Do you meditate and do yoga daily? Good! That means you have a hobby.

Finally, and this is important, nobody cares about your interests. Being interested in something is no achievement. But taking time to practice something regularly, that’s impressive!

Because of that, your resume should only include your hobbies.

How To List Interests On Your Resume

The following are steps you should take when including your interests on your professional resume:

  • Research the organization. The first step in including interests and hobbies on your resume is to spend time getting to know the company your applying to. Begin by looking at the job description and seeing what traits theyre seeking in candidates. Next, visit the companys website and take a look at any mention of the organizations work culture. You can also check out the companys social media to get a better feel for the company culture.
  • Choose interests and hobbies that align with the desired personality traits. Once you have a good idea of what the company is looking for in terms of personality traits and skills, choose a few of your interests that best match up with this. For example, if the job listing asks for candidates who are good team players, including your interest in a sport demonstrates that youre able to and enjoy participating in team activities.
  • Include interests that accentuate your skills. You can also use an interest section on your resume to highlight relevant skills. If you lack work experience but have an interest or hobby thats equipped you with a relevant skill for the job, including this interest allows hiring managers to see you as still being qualified for the position. For example, if youre applying for a copywriting position but have little work experience, you could include that you freelance write for a blog or magazine in your spare time.
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    Should You Include Your Hobbies On A Resume

    So you know what you should and shouldnt put in a personal interest section but is it really a good idea to include hobbies on a resume?

    Lots of human resource and resume experts may maintain that including a section on your resume detailing your hobbies is perhaps unprofessional or they see personal interests as irrelevant for a job application, however with the worlds business culture evolving so rapidly, it could end up being the positive edge you need to convince a hiring manager to contact you.

    Your resume is your first chance at showing a potential employer what you can offer their company and that doesnt just involve your professional experience and skills but also your expertise on a range of subjects, your passions and what makes you a good candidate for the role they advertise.

    If you know you have what it takes to get the job but your experience is limited, you can use your personal hobbies in a way that demonstrate your abilities that make you the appropriate candidate.

    The main purpose of including your personal interests in your resume is to stand out from other candidates in the application process, make yourself memorable to the hiring manager and show them a part of your personality that speaks to them as a human being.

    This helps the company or hiring manager get to know you better as a person and not just another resume with the skills and qualifications the position requires.

    Adding Interests To Your Resume: All You Need To Know

    Hobbies And Interests To Put On Your Resume

    Should you add interests to your resume? Will it have an effect on your job applications? These are common questions people ask and in this guide, we’ll talk about the main pros and cons of listing interests in your one-page CV.

    Also, we’ll tell you which interests you should add to the resume and which ones you should leave out. Last but not least, we’ll explain to you where and how to add interests to your CV.

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    Be Honest And Don’t Overstate Things

    As with every section of your resume, be honest. Dont exaggerate your interests or involvement in a particular hobby. You don’t want an employer to uncover the truth during an interview or even worse, after you are hired and perceive you as a deceptive or untrustworthy person. Always be honest, always be realistic and if you don’t have any noteworthy hobbies or interests, just leave this part out.

    Bad Interests And Hobbies For A Resume

    In contrast, here are some examples of interests and hobbies that should never be mentioned on a professional resume:

    • Napping

    • Eating ice cream

    • Scrolling through Instagram

    You get the idea. Whereas each of the first five examples demonstrates an applicants willingness to improve and learn new things, the latter five examples convey the exact opposite impression.

    As some additional general rules, you should avoid mentioning any interests or hobbies that:

    • Involve no interaction or cooperation with other people

    • Could be interpreted as unnecessarily dangerous

    • Are in any way illegal

    • Youre compensated for

    • Communicate sensitive personal information, such as your political affiliations, religious beliefs, or medical history

    Then again, theres one more thing you can do.

    Make a new resume and get more interviews.

    Plus, a great resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our resume builder here. Heres what it may look like:

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    Who Shouldn’t Add Hobbies To Their Resume

    • Those with common interests. Interests like going out to eat, spending time with friends, or going to the cinema won’t really knock the recruiter’s socks off, so there isn’t any point in putting them into your CV.
    • Experienced candidates. Not that they shouldn’t, but they don’t need to add interests to their resume. If youâve been working for seven years in your field and you’re applying for jobs that match your experience, it’s unlikely that your interests will make much of an impact. If you have some work-related or spectacular interests you could add them, but they won’t make a big difference.

    What To Include Under Hobbies

    UVA Darden Admissions: Resume Advice, Interests & Hobbies

    It is important to be strategic and selective when including your hobbies on a resume or CV. Take this opportunity to share information about yourself that will indicate you have in-demand skills and qualities. The information provided on a resume or CV can be interpreted differently depending on perspective, so you should be specific in your explanations and purposeful when sharing how you choose to spend your spare time away from work.

    Choose hobbies to put on your resume that you preform regularly and that may be either related to your job duties or show your personal strengths. By reviewing the job description, you will be able to decide which of your hobbies will be appropriate to include on your resume. If you take part in these hobbies, you may consider listing:

    • Artistic activities such as painting or drawing

    • Cooking and baking

    • Societal issues

    • Volunteerism

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    Good Hobbies And Interests For A Resume

    The best hobbies and interests for a resume have some form of relevance to the job you are interested in and show the hiring manager you are a good fit for the job. Examples of good hobbies and interests for a resume include:

    Although you might have a variety of interests you can include on your resume, you should consider only including those that are relevant to the job. Try to limit your selection to a maximum of four or five hobbies and interests.

    Read more: Listing Hobbies and Interests on Your Resume

    What To Do If You Dont Have Any Hobbies And Interests On Resume

    Are we entering into the field of jobs? New to writing a personal resume?

    Freaked out about having no cool hobbies on resume?

    We have got some solutions to fill out your list of resume interests!

    Volunteer Work: You can start with some volunteer work. It is an excellent way to enhance your resume. It is easy to discover and helps in your participation with the community.

    You can mention your volunteer work if your resume deals in subjects like medicine, philosophy, psychiatry, etc.

    Various volunteer works may include working at an animal shelter home, helping at a vet, a nursing home, an orphanage, a plant drive, a blood donation bank, a blind school, or simply helping the students in your community with their studies.

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    How To Include Hobbies And Interests On Your Resume

    Hobbies and interests can add weight to your resume and make it more interesting for potential employers. However, you should ensure that your summary/objective, professional history, education and skills are prioritized on your resume.

    Hobbies and interests should occupy the final section of your resume and be listed with a small descriptive sentence for each item. It is ideal to keep your resume to one page, so include only a few strong examples of hobbies and interests that complement the rest of your resume.

    John Lowe

    Blogging Writing And Reading

    Adding Hobbies To Resume

    If you’re an avid blogger, writer or reader, you can use your talent to spark the interest of the hiring manager. This is especially true if you’re trying to get a job as a journalist, copywriter, advertising manager or communication specialist.

    Writing and reading skills are important to any employer because they can help improve communication both internally and externally. When they’re used for marketing purposes, these skills can play an important role in conveying a company’s brand message and generating leads and sales. People who blog, write and read regularly tend to have great attention to detail, which is another desirable trait.

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    Blogging / Video Production

    If you maintain a personal blog, podcast, or YouTube channel, mentioning it on your resume is a great way to show-off your creativity, organizational skills, and technical skills. Blogging and vlogging are especially relevant to jobs in marketing or advertising. However, only mention these interests if your media is work appropriate.

    How To List Interests And Hobbies On Your Resume

    When youre mentioning your personal interests and hobbies in your resume, the first rule is to keep things concise. The hiring manager whos reviewing your resume does not need a comprehensive explanation of how you originally took up a hobby or how your skills have progressed over time.

    Its sufficient to mention the skill or hobby and then follow it up with a brief sentence that summarizes your experience and skill level .

    Heres a step-by-step guide to including interests and hobbies on your resume:

  • Research the company. Before you can know what hobbies will be valuable to the hiring manager or recruiter, you have to know what the organization values. Check out the companys About Uspage, their LinkedIn profile, and any other public communications the company puts out.

    When you understand the culture youd be stepping into, its easier to come up with hobbies and interests that reflect a great cultural fit.

  • Understand the role. Next, turn to the job description. Pay special attention to the soft skills and personality traits that are listed as essential or preferred within the job requirements section. Then, think of how your hobbies relate to those desired qualities.

  • Title a separate section, at the end of your resume. Call this section Hobbies and Interests and place it as the last section of your resume. It is the least important information, and its placement should reflect that. Typically this will come after either your education or skills section.

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    Can Make You Stand Out

    Along with helping you make a connection with the hiring manager, including your hobbies and interests can also help make your resume stand out. Hiring managers will likely see plenty of resumes that list reading as an interest. However, seeing a resume that includes baking and winning a cupcake decorating contest in your hobby section might be unique and help your resume be noticed.

    What Are Hobbies And Interests You Can List On A Resume

    CV/Résumé Hobbies & Interests: Everything You Need to Know to Stand Out

    Hobbies and interests on a resume are things you do in your free time that help complete your resume. Usually, you can create a Hobbies and interests section towards the end of your resume to show employers what you like to do when youre not working. Listing hobbies and interests can help hiring managers understand more about you and how you could fit into their company culture.

    It can be helpful to list hobbies and interests that relate to the role youre applying for to show youre a dedicated professional in your field. For example, if youre applying for a job as a mechanic, you can list interests like rebuilding classic cars or reading automotive magazines.

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    Use Hobbies To Fill Gaps In Your Skills

    Few candidates realize that a well-crafted hobbies section can help fill a gap in their skill sets.

    Knowing how to put skills on a resume is key to tailoring a resume to a job post. But if you dont have all the skills you need, hobbies can occasionally help you compensate.

    If you have little experience in a particular area, pick personal interests that clearly show that you’ve got the skills for the job.

    Lets say youre applying for a position in an office, but youve never worked behind a desk. One of your tasks is to answer phones. Youll need to have good communication skills for that.

    Does one of your hobbies reflect your stellar communication skills? Can you match it to the office culture?

    For example, youve noticed that the company also promotes employees who run marathons for charities on their website.

    So, perhaps youd do best picking a team sport that requires good communication skills like Basketball or Volleyball.

    But How Do I List Hobbies & Interests In The Resume

    Do not simply state Archery or Quilling as your interest. You could, but they would not add any value or valor.

    Therefore, you should always back your key phrases up with information around what you have achieved in that domain.

    Hiration Pro-tip: Performance figures will always help. Instead of saying “Good in debates,â mention “Won the Inter-University Debate Championship encompassing 20+ colleges and 500+ participants.”

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    + Hobbies & Interests To Put On A Resume

    Should you include hobbies in your resume?

    Many people are firmly against that, claiming that your job resume and hobbies are two separate things, never to be mentioned in the same breath. After all, one is for job hunting, and the other – to unwind.

    But thats not always the case.

    Why would the HR manager care about your love for 18th-century Russian literature, you might ask.

    Well, your resume hobbies and interests section can really set you apart from a sea of job seekers and shine some personality onto your resume.

    Though, only if its done right.

    Traveling and watching Netflix?

    Everyone likes that, sure, but it doesnt really set you apart from others, does it?

    The key is to include attractive hobbies that are valuable to the company. Something that demonstrates clear qualities about your personality, and ideally, is relevant to the job as well.

    Because, no matter what your list of interests looks like, youre still saying something specific to the hiring manager with them.

    You coach the local high school basketball team? Then you might excel at teamwork and leadership.

    Youre into technology and computing? You might make a great coder, but might not necessarily excel at a social job.

    Of course, this is a brief generalization.

    But if the company youre applying to has some form of a work-life culture, chances are, they will be interested to see if youd be the right fit with their team.

    And how will they check this?

    So, read on to find out:

    Create Smart Descriptions For Your Hobbies

    Hobbies and Interests on Resume: Full List, Guide &  20+ Examples

    Now that you know where to place your personal interests on your resume, it’s time to consider how to format the section.

    When you talk about your hobbies you probably list them like this: reading, hiking, traveling.

    But its going to sound better on your resume if you add more detail like this:

    I enjoy backpacking and remote camping.

    Sounds more interesting, doesn’t it?

    Brief, specific descriptions make your hobbies more genuine for recruiters who want to get a full sense of your personality.

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